5 research outputs found

    Detecting Mutations by eBWT

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    In this paper we develop a theory describing how the extended Burrows-Wheeler Transform (EBWT) of a collection of DNA fragments tends to cluster together the copies of nucleotides sequenced from a genome G. Our theory accurately predicts how many copies of any nucleotide are expected inside each such cluster, and how an elegant and precise LCP array based procedure can locate these clusters in the EBWT. Our findings are very general and can be applied to a wide range of different problems. In this paper, we consider the case of alignment-free and reference-free SNPs discovery in multiple collections of reads. We note that, in accordance with our theoretical results, SNPs are clustered in the EBWT of the reads collection, and we develop a tool finding SNPs with a simple scan of the EBWT and LCP arrays. Preliminary results show that our method requires much less coverage than state-of-the-art tools while drastically improving precision and sensitivity

    Mapping-free and assembly-free discovery of inversion breakpoints from raw NGS reads

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    International audienceWe propose a formal model and an algorithm for detecting inversion breakpoints without a reference genome, directly from raw NGS data. This model is characterized by a fixed size topological pattern in the de Bruijn Graph. We describe precisely the possible sources of false pos- itives and false negatives and we additionally propose a sequence-based filter giving a good trade-off between precision and recall of the method. We implemented these ideas in a prototype called TakeABreak. Ap- plied on simulated inversions in genomes of various complexity (from E. coli to a human chromosome dataset), TakeABreak provided promising results with a low memory footprint and a small computational time

    Variable-order reference-free variant discovery with the Burrows-Wheeler Transform

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    International audienceBackground: In [Prezza et al., AMB 2019], a new reference-free and alignment-free framework for the detection of SNPs was suggested and tested. The framework, based on the Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT), significantly improves sensitivity and precision of previous de Bruijn graphs based tools by overcoming several of their limitations, namely: (i) the need to establish a fixed value, usually small, for the order k, (ii) the loss of important information such as k-mer coverage and adjacency of k-mers within the same read, and (iii) bad performance in repeated regions longer than k bases. The preliminary tool, however, was able to identify only SNPs and it was too slow and memory consuming due to the use of additional heavy data structures (namely, the Suffix and LCP arrays), besides the BWT. Results: In this paper, we introduce a new algorithm and the corresponding tool ebwt2InDel that (i) extend the framework of [Prezza et al., AMB 2019] to detect also INDELs, and (ii) implements recent algorithmic findings that allow to perform the whole analysis using just the BWT, thus reducing the working space by one order of magnitude and allowing the analysis of full genomes. Finally, we describe a simple strategy for effectively parallelizing our tool for SNP detection only. On a 24-cores machine, the parallel version of our tool is one order of magnitude faster than the sequential one. The tool ebwt2InDel is available at github.com/nicolaprezza/ebwt2InDel. Conclusions: Results on a synthetic dataset covered at 30x (Human chromosome 1) show that our tool is indeed able to find up to 83% of the SNPs and 72% of the existing INDELs. These percentages considerably improve the 71% of SNPs and 51% of INDELs found by the state-of-the art tool based on de Bruijn graphs. We furthermore repor