18 research outputs found

    Current knowledge on the Cuvette Centrale peatland complex and future research directions

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    CongoPeat Early Careers Researchers Group is a group of early career researchers who work directly or in partnership with the NERC funded CongoPeat project (NERC reference no.: NE/R016860/1; https://congopeat.net), which has provided the authors with full or partial financial and academic support.The Cuvette Centrale is the largest tropical peatland complex in the world, covering approximately 145,000 km2 across the Republic of Congo and the Democratic Republic of Congo. It stores ca. 30.6 Pg C, the equivalent of three years of global carbon dioxide emissions and is now the first trans-national Ramsar site. Despite its size and importance as a global carbon store, relatively little is known about key aspects of its ecology and history, including its formation, the scale of greenhouse gas flows, its biodiversity and its history of human activity. Here, we synthesise available knowledge on the Cuvette Centrale, identifying key areas for further research. Finally, we review the potential of mathematical models to assess future trajectories for the peatlands in terms of the potential impacts of resource extraction or climate change.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Quantification Des Stocks De Carbone De Trois Pools Clés De Carbone En Afrique Centrale : Cas De La Forêt Marécageuse De La Likouala (Nord Congo)

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    The data of carbon stock of central African swamps forests are very few. This study carried out an assessment of the carbon stock of living biomass and coarse woody debris of three biotopes (flooded forest, seasonal flooded forest, and terra firm forest) of Likouala swamp forest (North of Congo). The average of the carbon stock are 190.72±98.7 tC/ha, 39.69±21.24 tC/ha, and 9.45±6.6 tC/ha respectively for above ground, billow ground, and coarse woody debris. The carbon stock of our swamp forest tends to increase generally from the flooded forest to the terra firm forest. In addition, the average of the coarse woody debris carbon stock increases with the increasing of the above ground carbon stock

    Current knowledge on the Cuvette Centrale peatland complex and future research directions

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    The Cuvette Centrale is the largest tropical peatland complex in the world, covering approximately 145,000 km2 across the Republic of Congo and the Democratic Republic of Congo. It stores ca. 30.6 Pg C, the equivalent of three years of global carbon dioxide emissions and is now the first trans-national Ramsar site. Despite its size and importance as a global carbon store, relatively little is known about key aspects of its ecology and history, including its formation, the scale of greenhouse gas flows, its biodiversity and its history of human activity. Here, we synthesise available knowledge on the Cuvette Centrale, identifying key areas for further research. Finally, we review the potential of mathematical models to assess future trajectories for the peatlands in terms of the potential impacts of resource extraction or climate change

    Mapping the Dabus Wetlands, Ethiopia, using random forest classification of Landsat, PALSAR and topographic data

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    The Dabus Wetland complex in the highlands of Ethiopia is within the headwaters of the Nile Basin and is home to significant ecological communities and rare or endangered species. Its many interrelated wetland types undergo seasonal and longer-term changes due to weather and climate variations as well as anthropogenic land use such as grazing and burning. Mapping and monitoring of these wetlands has not been previously undertaken due primarily to their relative isolation and lack of resources. This study investigated the potential of remote sensing based classification for mapping the primary vegetation groups in the Dabus Wetlands using a combination of dry and wet season data, including optical (Landsat spectral bands and derived vegetation and wetness indices), radar (ALOS PALSAR L-band backscatter), and elevation (SRTM derived DEM and other terrain metrics) as inputs to the non-parametric Random Forest (RF) classifier. Eight wetland types and three terrestrial/upland classes were mapped using field samples of observed plant community composition and structure groupings as reference information. Various tests to compare results using different RF input parameters and data types were conducted. A combination of multispectral optic

    Spaceborne L-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar Data for Geoscientific Analyses in Coastal Land Applications: A Review

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    The coastal zone offers among the world’s most productive and valuable ecosystems and is experiencing increasing pressure from anthropogenic impacts: human settlements, agriculture, aquaculture, trade, industrial activities, oil and gas exploitation and tourism. Earth observation has great capability to deliver valuable data at the local, regional and global scales and can support the assessment and monitoring of land‐ and water‐related applications in coastal zones. Compared to optical satellites, cloud‐cover does not limit the timeliness of data acquisition with spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) sensors, which have all‐weather, day and night capabilities. Hence, active radar systems demonstrate great potential for continuous mapping and monitoring of coastal regions, particularly in cloud‐prone tropical and sub‐tropical climates. The canopy penetration capability with long radar wavelength enables L‐band SAR data to be used for coastal terrestrial environments and has been widely applied and investigated for the following geoscientific topics: mapping and monitoring of flooded vegetation and inundated areas; the retrieval of aboveground biomass; and the estimation of soil moisture. Human activities, global population growth, urban sprawl and climate change‐induced impacts are leading to increased pressure on coastal ecosystems causing land degradation, deforestation and land use change. This review presents a comprehensive overview of existing research articles that apply spaceborne L‐band SAR data for geoscientific analyses that are relevant for coastal land applications

    Monitoring and quantifying forest degradation: remote sensing approaches for applied conservation in the Congo Basin

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    Wälder spielen global eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Regulierung des Weltklimas, da sie aktiv Kohlenstoff speichern und binden. Trotz der Bemühungen durch internationale Programme nehmen die Waldschäden weiter zu. Entwaldung und Walddegradierung sind zwei unterschiedliche Prozesse, die sich auf die globalen Wälder auswirken. Entwaldung ist eine klar definierte Umwandlung oder Abholzung der Waldflächen, während Degradierung subtiler, vorübergehend und variabel sein kann und daher schwer zu detektieren ist. Walddegradierung wird im Allgemeinen als eine funktionale Verringerung der Fähigkeit von Wäldern Ökosystemleistungen zu erbringen identifiziert. Sie wird nicht als Veränderung der Landbedeckung oder Entwaldung klassifiziert. Daraus folgt keine deutliche Verringerung der Waldfläche, sondern eher eine Abnahme der Qualität und des Zustands. Diese Veränderung kann, wie die Entwaldung dennoch mit einer signifikanten Verringerung der oberirdischen Biomasse und damit miterheblichen Treibhausgasemissionen verbunden sein. Die Schätzungen der Kohlenstoffemissionen aus Waldstörungen liegen zwischen 12 und 20 % aller weltweit emittierten Emissionen. Durch eine fehlende einheitliche Definition oder Methode zur Quantifizierung der Degradation, der Vielzahl an Einflussfaktoren und der Unsicherheit bei der Schätzung der Biomasse variieren die Werte stark. Die von der Walddegradierung betroffene Fläche könnte in der Tat viel größer sein als die der Entwaldung, die ohnehin jedes Jahr auf eine Fläche von etwa der Größe Islands geschätzt wird. Die REDD+-Mechanismen zur Finanzierung von Emissionsreduktionen zur Minderung des Klimawandels erfordern robuste, transparente und skalierbare Methoden zur Quantifizierung der Walddegradierung, zusammen mit der Erfassung der damit verbundenen Treibern. Da die Degradierung oft der Entwaldung vorausgeht, kann ein schnelles Monitoring mit einer Beurteilung der Waldschäden und ihren Treibern ein wichtiges Frühwarnsystem sein. Nur so können Maßnahmen frühzeitig ergriffen werden, die die Wälder schützen und sowohl der Natur und der Biodiversität als auch dem Lebensunterhalt, der Gesundheit und dem Wohlbefinden von Millionen von Menschen auf der ganzen Welt zugute kommen. In dieser Arbeit werden Methoden für konsistente, reproduzierbare, skalierbare und satellitengestützte Indikatoren zur Identifizierung und Quantifizierung verschiedener Arten von Walddegradation um zukünftige Risiko- und Politikszenarien zu unterstützen.Global forests play a crucial role in regulating global climate by actively storing and sequestering carbon. Despite efforts to mitigate climate through international efforts, human-caused forest disturbance and forest-related greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise. Deforestation and forest degradation are two different processes affecting global forests. Deforestation is a clearly defined conversion or removal of forest cover, while degradation can be more subtle, temporary, variable, and therefore difficult to detect. Forest degradation is generally identified as a functional reduction in the capacity of forests to provide ecosystem services, that does not qualify as a change in land cover or forest clearing. That means no clear reduction of the forest area, but rather a decrease in quality and condition. This change, like deforestation can still be associated with significant reductions in above-ground biomass and therefore considerable greenhouse gas emissions. Estimates of carbon emissions from forest degradation and disturbance range anywhere from 12-20% of all emissions emitted globally with values varying widely because of a lack of uniform definition or method for quantifying degradation, the broad number of influencing factors, and uncertainty in biomass estimates. The area affected by forest degradation could in fact be much larger than that of deforestation, which is already estimated to be an area about the size of Iceland every year. The REDD+ mechanisms of financing emissions reductions to mitigate climate change require robust, transparent and scalable methods for quantifying degradation, along with a quantification of associated direct drivers. Furthermore, as degradation often precedes deforestation, timely monitoring and assessment of forest degradation and changes in drivers can provide crucial early warning to engage interventions to keep forests intact, benefitting nature and biodiversity as well as the livelihoods, health and well-being of millions of people around the world. This research proposes methods for consistent, repeatable and scalable satellite-derived indicators for identifying and quantifying different types of forest degradation and its causes to inform future risk and policy scenarios

    Dynamique des forêts d'Afrique centrale : pour une amélioration de la durabilité des plans d'aménagement forestiers. Capitalisation des projets Dynaffor et P3FAC.

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    Le projet DynAfFor s’est fixé deux grands objectifs. Le premier était de quantifier les effets de l’environnement, de l’exploitation du bois, et de leurs interactions, sur la dynamique forestière et sur les processus qui la pilotent : la croissance, le recrutement et la mortalité. Le projet devait pour cela constituer un réseau de dispositifs de suivi de la dynamique des populations et des peuplements forestiers et doter les parties prenantes de la gestion forestière d’outils d’aide à la décision. Le deuxième objectif était, à partir des résultats générés et des outils développés, d’améliorer la connaissance et la pratique des acteurs de la région : les exploitants forestiers, les administrations forestières et les organismes de recherche. Ces connaissances ont été intégrées dans des modèles de dynamique forestière mobilisables, grâce à un simulateur, par tous les acteurs intéressés par le devenir des forêts. Le projet a enfin soulevé les principaux problèmes auxquels seront confrontés les « forestiers du futur » actifs dans la région

    Remote Sensing of Surface Water Dynamics in the Context of Global Change - A Review

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    Inland surface water is often the most accessible freshwater source. As opposed to groundwater, surface water is replenished in a comparatively quick cycle, which makes this vital resource—if not overexploited—sustainable. From a global perspective, freshwater is plentiful. Still, depending on the region, surface water availability is severely limited. Additionally, climate change and human interventions act as large-scale drivers and cause dramatic changes in established surface water dynamics. Actions have to be taken to secure sustainable water availability and usage. This requires informed decision making based on reliable environmental data. Monitoring inland surface water dynamics is therefore more important than ever. Remote sensing is able to delineate surface water in a number of ways by using optical as well as active and passive microwave sensors. In this review, we look at the proceedings within this discipline by reviewing 233 scientific works. We provide an extensive overview of used sensors, the spatial and temporal resolution of studies, their thematic foci, and their spatial distribution. We observe that a wide array of available sensors and datasets, along with increasing computing capacities, have shaped the field over the last years. Multiple global analysis-ready products are available for investigating surface water area dynamics, but so far none offer high spatial and temporal resolution

    Human utilisation and environmental quality of wetlands: the case of Harare, Zimbabwe

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    Dissertation submitted to Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Science by research, 2017Most wetlands in urban environments, especially metropolitan cities in developing countries like Zimbabwe, are being threatened by human activities. This study investigates human understanding and perceptions on wetlands and assessing environmental effects of human utilisation of the wetlands as a means of evaluating their sustainability. A mixed methods approach which entails both quantitative and qualitative methods was used to collect data from human and physical environments of two wetlands in Harare, Zimbabwe. Convenience and snowball sampling were used to select participants for questionnaires, interviews and focus groups. The study used two sets of similar questionnaires to collect data from 40 Borrowdale and 39 Belvedere wetland users and residents. Interviews were also administered to 10 Borrowdale and 12 Belvedere wetland users. Two focus group discussions were administered for Borrowdale and one was administered for Belvedere. Wetland delineation and land use mapping were done using a hand-held GPS. Sediment samples were collected from the utilised and unutilised parts of the two wetlands and were tested for sediment grain size and organic carbon content. Results showed an increase in urban wetland utilisation driven by complex economic, social and political issues. The majority of respondents showed that they were aware of the economic and socials benefits of wetland and environmental effects of different land uses on wetlands. Some respondents were sceptical about some of the environmental benefits of wetlands. Respondents were also aware of negative changes of wetland properties (soil, water, vegetation, birds and animals) due to different land uses on wetlands. Low percentages of organic carbon content in sediments from utilised parts of both wetlands reflected deterioration in soil fertility. There is poor dissemination of knowledge about wetlands to the general public, and existing wetland legislation is not effectively implemented. The study recommends that the government of Zimbabwe should: change its wetland management strategies, review the Environmental Management Act, enact a national wetland policy which involve decisions from all stakeholders, investigate institutions that facilitate wetland laws implementation, and change strategies used and people involved in educating and disseminating information about wetlands. Keywords: vleis, human perceptions, land uses, wetland ecosystems, soil grain size, organic carbon content, wetland elements, wetland values and benefitsXL201