4 research outputs found

    Wykorzystanie aplikacji mobilnych GIS w zarz膮dzaniu dziedzictwem kulturowym. Propozycja post臋powania badawczego

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    Location and state of preservation of cultural heritage sites are important aspects in the management of such resources, regardless of the spatial scale adopted. While existing tools had significant limitations, the authors of this paper proposed an exemplary research procedure to create a database for heritage site managers, using Geographic Information Systems. In this paper, a field survey methodology was developed to identify not only the location, but many features of the sites depending on user preferences. The authors used Esri鈥檚 commercial mobile application Survey123 for ArcGIS, but the application of the method is not limited to this product. The successive phases of the research procedure from the preparation of the input materials to the creation of the final database are presented and described. The benefits revealed are convincing that field applications are widely applicable to information gathering, and that analyses using GIS software will enable decision-makers to manage cultural heritage sites more effectively. Limitations of mobile app adaptations are also identified and potential directions for future research are highlighted.Cechy takie jak lokalizacja i stan zachowania obiekt贸w dziedzictwa kulturowego stanowi膮 wa偶ny aspekt w zarz膮dzaniu takim zasobem, niezale偶nie od przyj臋tej skali przestrzennej. Podczas gdy dotychczasowe narz臋dzia mia艂y istotne ograniczenia, autorzy niniejszej pracy zaproponowali przyk艂adowe post臋powanie badawcze pozwalaj膮ce na stworzenie bazy danych dla zarz膮dzaj膮cych obiektami dziedzictwa kulturowego, z wykorzystaniem Geograficznych System贸w Informacyjnych (GIS). Na potrzeby artyku艂u opracowano metodyk臋 badania terenowego, kt贸re pozwoli艂o na okre艣lenie nie tylko lokalizacji, ale wielu cech obiekt贸w zale偶nych od preferencji u偶ytkownika. Autorzy wykorzystali komercyjn膮 aplikacj臋 mobiln膮 Survey123 for ArcGIS firmy Esri, ale zastosowanie metody nie ogranicza si臋 tylko do tego produktu. Przedstawiono i opisano kolejne fazy realizacji post臋powania badawczego od etapu przygotowania materia艂贸w wej艣ciowych do stworzenia ko艅cowej bazy danych. Ujawnione korzy艣ci przekonuj膮, 偶e aplikacje terenowe maj膮 szerokie zastosowanie w gromadzeniu informacji, a analizy z wykorzystaniem GIS umo偶liwi膮 decydentom bardziej efektywne zarz膮dzanie obiektami dziedzictwa kulturowego. Zidentyfikowano tak偶e ograniczenia adaptacji mobilnych aplikacji oraz wskazano potencjalne kierunki przysz艂ych bada艅

    Mapping and sharing agro-biodiversity using Open Data Kit and Google Fusion Tables

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    The interest in using informatics tools for collecting information on agro-biodiversity is increasing, since they greatly facilitate the collection and sharing of data. Anyway, in some cases, the use of such tools is not of immediate comprehension for a common user because of several reasons (for example, the use of APIs), so an effort should be done to simplify these tools and allow greater participation for general public. In this optic, we tested two tools freely available, namely Open Data Kit and Google Fusion Tables, to verify if their integrated use would allow a participative collection (and sharing) of data related to agro-biodiversity. We use Open Data Kit to collect information regarding several vegetable crops at risk of genetic erosion (including multimedia and GPS data) that were stored into the Google App Engine platform. Such information were afterwards transferred into Google Fusion Tables for mapping them and share with a general public. Both tools were tested in real scenarios in the Italian region of Puglia and the results seems to be encouraging: Open Data Kit has provided a good platform for the collection of data and it is reliable for georeferencing the fields, while Google Fusion Tables allowed us to show the data and share them in an easy way

    Data-driven Approach to Support Bridge Asset Management

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    Economic growth and reduction of poverty lies in a well-planned, constructed, and maintained infrastructure that includes water and sanitation networks, airports, schools, health facilities, and highways systems. As bridges are an integral component of the nation鈥檚 highway system infrastructure, deficient bridges without timely maintenance may endanger the public and affect the economy on a broader scale. Currently, more than the 9.0% of the bridges in the U.S. are graded as structurally deficient, and the new estimate to address these bridges is $123 billion. Thus, in order to keep the level of safety and serviceability of these infrastructure assets, efforts in an accurate prediction of condition ratings, a better characterization of deficient bridges, and a focus on prioritization of deficient bridges can help. Currently, bridge stakeholders face budget constraints; thus, they need a systematic approach to better estimate maintenance budgets, make informed decisions in bridge design, and prioritize bridge maintenance. This dissertation research has two major objectives. The first objective is to provide a framework to predict and characterize superstructure deficiency. The second objective is to present a methodology to prioritize bridge maintenance. This dissertation used NBI databases as the main data source and utilized data mining techniques, multi-criteria decision analysis, and GIS to achieve the objectives of the study. Moreover, this dissertation follows a three-journal paper format. The first paper addresses the development of a framework to create predictive models of superstructure ratings for steel and prestressed concrete bridges. The second paper identifies a framework to characterize superstructure deficiency of steel bridges. The third paper presents a decision-making framework to prioritize bridge maintenance through using aggregate bridge ratings and average daily traffic (ADT). This dissertation contributes to the overall body of knowledge by establishing frameworks to develop reliable models to predict superstructure ratings, identify factors that accelerate superstructure deficiency, and prioritize bridge maintenance. The results of this dissertation can be used by any bridge stakeholder to complement their current bridge management programs.Civil Engineerin