633 research outputs found

    Quadrotor team modeling and control for DLO transportation

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    94 p.Esta Tesis realiza una propuesta de un modelado dinámico para el transporte de sólidos lineales deformables (SLD) mediante un equipo de cuadricópteros. En este modelo intervienen tres factores: - Modelado dinámico del sólido lineal a transportar. - Modelo dinámico del cuadricóptero para que tenga en cuenta la dinámica pasiva y los efectos del SLD. - Estrategia de control para un transporte e ciente y robusto. Diferenciamos dos tareas principales: (a) lograr una con guración cuasiestacionaria de una distribución de carga equivalente a transportar entre todos los robots. (b) Ejecutar el transporte en un plano horizontal de todo el sistema. El transporte se realiza mediante una con guración de seguir al líder en columna, pero los cuadricópteros individualmente tienen que ser su cientemente robustos para afrontar todas las no-linealidades provocadas por la dinámica del SLD y perturbaciones externas, como el viento. Los controladores del cuadricóptero se han diseñado para asegurar la estabilidad del sistema y una rápida convergencia del sistema. Se han comparado y testeado estrategias de control en tiempo real y no-real para comprobar la bondad y capacidad de ajuste a las condiciones dinámicas cambiantes del sistema. También se ha estudiado la escalabilidad del sistema

    Design of a six degree-of-freedom haptic hybrid platform manipultor

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Izmir, 2010Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 97-103)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishxv, 115 leavesThe word Haptic, based on an ancient Greek word called haptios, means related with touch. As an area of robotics, haptics technology provides the sense of touch for robotic applications that involve interaction with human operator and the environment. The sense of touch accompanied with the visual feedback is enough to gather most of the information about a certain environment. It increases the precision of teleoperation and sensation levels of the virtual reality (VR) applications by exerting physical properties of the environment such as forces, motions, textures. Currently, haptic devices find use in many VR and teleoperation applications. The objective of this thesis is to design a novel Six Degree-of-Freedom (DOF) haptic desktop device with a new structure that has the potential to increase the precision in the haptics technology. First, previously developed haptic devices and manipulator structures are reviewed. Following this, the conceptual designs are formed and a hybrid structured haptic device is designed manufactured and tested. Developed haptic device.s control algorithm and VR application is developed in Matlab© Simulink. Integration of the mechanism with mechanical, electromechanical and electronic components and the initial tests of the system are executed and the results are presented. According to the results, performance of the developed device is discussed and future works are addressed

    Ground Robotic Hand Applications for the Space Program study (GRASP)

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    This document reports on a NASA-STDP effort to address research interests of the NASA Kennedy Space Center (KSC) through a study entitled, Ground Robotic-Hand Applications for the Space Program (GRASP). The primary objective of the GRASP study was to identify beneficial applications of specialized end-effectors and robotic hand devices for automating any ground operations which are performed at the Kennedy Space Center. Thus, operations for expendable vehicles, the Space Shuttle and its components, and all payloads were included in the study. Typical benefits of automating operations, or augmenting human operators performing physical tasks, include: reduced costs; enhanced safety and reliability; and reduced processing turnaround time

    Compliant aerial manipulation.

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    The aerial manipulation is a research field which proposes the integration of robotic manipulators in aerial platforms, typically multirotors – widely known as “drones” – or autonomous helicopters. The development of this technology is motivated by the convenience to reduce the time, cost and risk associated to the execution of certain operations or tasks in high altitude areas or difficult access workspaces. Some illustrative application examples are the detection and insulation of leaks in pipe structures in chemical plants, repairing the corrosion in the blades of wind turbines, the maintenance of power lines, or the installation and retrieval of sensor devices in polluted areas. Although nowadays it is possible to find a wide variety of commercial multirotor platforms with payloads from a few gramps up to several kilograms, and flight times around thirty minutes, the development of an aerial manipulator is still a technological challenge due to the strong requirements relative to the design of the manipulator in terms of very low weight, low inertia, dexterity, mechanical robustness and control. The main contribution of this thesis is the design, development and experimental validation of several prototypes of lightweight (<2 kg) and compliant manipulators to be integrated in multirotor platforms, including human-size dual arm systems, compliant joint arms equipped with human-like finger modules for grasping, and long reach aerial manipulators. Since it is expected that the aerial manipulator is capable to execute inspection and maintenance tasks in a similar way a human operator would do, this thesis proposes a bioinspired design approach, trying to replicate the human arm in terms of size, kinematics, mass distribution, and compliance. This last feature is actually one of the key concepts developed and exploited in this work. Introducing a flexible element such as springs or elastomers between the servos and the links extends the capabilities of the manipulator, allowing the estimation and control of the torque/force, the detection of impacts and overloads, or the localization of obstacles by contact. It also improves safety and efficiency of the manipulator, especially during the operation on flight or in grabbing situations, where the impacts and contact forces may damage the manipulator or destabilize the aerial platform. Unlike most industrial manipulators, where force-torque control is possible at control rates above 1 kHz, the servo actuators typically employed in the development of aerial manipulators present important technological limitations: no torque feedback nor control, only position (and in some models, speed) references, low update rates (<100 Hz), and communication delays. However, these devices are still the best solution due to their high torque to weight ratio, low cost, compact design, and easy assembly and integration. In order to cope with these limitations, the compliant joint arms presented here estimate and control the wrenches from the deflection of the spring-lever transmission mechanism introduced in the joints, measured at joint level with encoders or potentiometers, or in the Cartesian space employing vision sensors. Note that in the developed prototypes, the maximum joint deflection is around 25 degrees, which corresponds to a deviation in the position of the end effector around 20 cm for a human-size arm. The capabilities and functionalities of the manipulators have been evaluated in fixed base test-bench firstly, and then in outdoor flight tests, integrating the arms in different commercial hexarotor platforms. Frequency characterization, position/force/impedance control, bimanual grasping, arm teleoperation, payload mass estimation, or contact-based obstacle localization are some of the experiments presented in this thesis that validate the developed prototypes.La manipulación aérea es un campo de investigación que propone la integración de manipuladores robóticos in plataformas aéreas, típicamente multirotores – comúnmente conocidos como “drones” – o helicópteros autónomos. El desarrollo de esta tecnología está motivada por la conveniencia de reducir el tiempo, coste y riesgo asociado a la ejecución de ciertas operaciones o tareas en áreas de gran altura o espacios de trabajo de difícil acceso. Algunos ejemplos ilustrativos de aplicaciones son la detección y aislamiento de fugas en estructura de tuberías en plantas químicas, la reparación de la corrosión en las palas de aerogeneradores, el mantenimiento de líneas eléctricas, o la instalación y recuperación de sensores en zonas contaminadas. Aunque hoy en día es posible encontrar una amplia variedad de plataformas multirotor comerciales con cargas de pago desde unos pocos gramos hasta varios kilogramos, y tiempo de vuelo entorno a treinta minutos, el desarrollo de los manipuladores aéreos es todavía un desafío tecnológico debido a los exigentes requisitos relativos al diseño del manipulador en términos de muy bajo peso, baja inercia, destreza, robustez mecánica y control. La contribución principal de esta tesis es el diseño, desarrollo y validación experimental de varios prototipos de manipuladores de bajo peso (<2 kg) con capacidad de acomodación (“compliant”) para su integración en plataformas aéreas multirotor, incluyendo sistemas bi-brazo de tamaño humano, brazos robóticos de articulaciones flexibles con dedos antropomórficos para agarre, y manipuladores aéreos de largo alcance. Puesto que se prevé que el manipulador aéreo sea capaz de ejecutar tareas de inspección y mantenimiento de forma similar a como lo haría un operador humano, esta tesis propone un enfoque de diseño bio-inspirado, tratando de replicar el brazo humano en cuanto a tamaño, cinemática, distribución de masas y flexibilidad. Esta característica es de hecho uno de los conceptos clave desarrollados y utilizados en este trabajo. Al introducir un elemento elástico como los muelles o elastómeros entre el los actuadores y los enlaces se aumenta las capacidades del manipulador, permitiendo la estimación y control de las fuerzas y pares, la detección de impactos y sobrecargas, o la localización de obstáculos por contacto. Además mejora la seguridad y eficiencia del manipulador, especialmente durante las operaciones en vuelo, donde los impactos y fuerzas de contacto pueden dañar el manipulador o desestabilizar la plataforma aérea. A diferencia de la mayoría de manipuladores industriales, donde el control de fuerzas y pares es posible a tasas por encima de 1 kHz, los servo motores típicamente utilizados en el desarrollo de manipuladores aéreos presentan importantes limitaciones tecnológicas: no hay realimentación ni control de torque, sólo admiten referencias de posición (o bien de velocidad), y presentan retrasos de comunicación. Sin embargo, estos dispositivos son todavía la mejor solución debido al alto ratio de torque a peso, por su bajo peso, diseño compacto y facilidad de ensamblado e integración. Para suplir estas limitaciones, los brazos robóticos flexibles presentados aquí permiten estimar y controlar las fuerzas a partir de la deflexión del mecanismo de muelle-palanca introducido en las articulaciones, medida a nivel articular mediante potenciómetros o codificadores, o en espacio Cartesiano mediante sensores de visión. Tómese como referencia que en los prototipos desarrollados la máxima deflexión articular es de unos 25 grados, lo que corresponde a una desviación de posición en torno a 20 cm en el efector final para un brazo de tamaño humano. Las capacidades y funcionalidades de estos manipuladores se han evaluado en base fija primero, y luego en vuelos en exteriores, integrando los brazos en diferentes plataformas hexartor comerciales. Caracterización frecuencial, control de posición/fuerza/impedancia, agarre bimanual, teleoperación de brazos, estimación de carga, o la localización de obstáculos mediante contacto son algunos de los experimentos presentados en esta tesis para validar los prototipos desarrollados por el auto

    Ultrasound Guided Robot for Human Liver Biopsy using High Intensity Focused Ultrasound for Hemostasis

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    Percutaneous liver biopsy is the gold standard among clinician\u27s tool to diagnose and guide subsequent therapy for liver disease. Ultrasound image guidance is being increasingly used to reduce associated procedural risks but post–biopsy complications still persist. The major and most common complication is hemorrhage, which is highly unpredictable and may sometimes lead to death. Though the risk of mortality is low, it is too high for a diagnostic procedure. Post-biopsy care and additional surgical intervention to arrest hemorrhage make liver biopsy a costly procedure for health care delivery systems. Non-invasive methods to stop bleeding exist like electro–cautery, microwave, lasers, radio frequency, argon–beam, and High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU). All the methods except HIFU require direct exposure of the needle puncture site for hemostasis. HIFU is an ultrasound modality and uses mechanical sound waves for focused energy delivery. Ultrasound waves are minimally affected by tissue attenuation and focus internal targets without direct exposure. Human error in focusing HIFU renders it unusable for a medical procedure especially when noninvasive. In this project we designed and developed an ultrasound guided prototype robot for accurate HIFU targeting to induce hemostasis. The robotic system performs percutaneous needle biopsy and a 7.5 cm focal length HIFU is fired at the puncture point when the needle tip retracts to the liver surface after sample collection. The robot has 4 degrees of freedom (DOF) for biopsy needle insertion, HIFU positioning, needle angle alignment and US probe image plane orientation. As the needle puncture point is always in the needle path, mechanically constraining the HIFU to focus on the needle reduced the required functionality significantly. Two mini c-arms are designed for needle angle alignment and US probe image plane orientation. This reduced the contact foot print of the robot over the patient providing a greater dexterity for positioning the robot. The robot is validated for HIFU hemostasis by a series of experiments on chicken breasts. HIFU initiated hemorrhage control with robotic biopsy ensures arrest of post-biopsy hemorrhage and decreases patient anxiety, hospital stay, morbidity, time of procedure, and cost. This can also be extended to other organs like kidneys, lungs etc. and has widespread implications such as control of hemorrhage in post-biopsies in patients with reduced ability for hemostasis. This research opens a greater scope for research for automation and design making it a physician friendly tool for eventual clinical use

    Visuohaptic Simulation of a Borescope for Aircraft Engine Inspection

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    Consisting of a long, fiber optic probe containing a small CCD camera controlled by hand-held articulation interface, a video borescope is used for remote visual inspection of hard to reach components in an aircraft. The knowledge and psychomotor skills, specifically the hand-eye coordination, required for effective inspection are hard to acquire through limited exposure to the borescope in aviation maintenance schools. Inexperienced aircraft maintenance technicians gain proficiency through repeated hands-on learning in the workplace along a steep learning curve while transitioning from the classroom to the workforce. Using an iterative process combined with focused user evaluations, this dissertation details the design, implementation and evaluation of a novel visuohaptic simulator for training novice aircraft maintenance technicians in the task of engine inspection using a borescope. First, we describe the development of the visual components of the simulator, along with the acquisition and modeling of a representative model of a {PT-6} aircraft engine. Subjective assessments with both expert and novice aircraft maintenance engineers evaluated the visual realism and the control interfaces of the simulator. In addition to visual feedback, probe contact feedback is provided through a specially designed custom haptic interface that simulates tip contact forces as the virtual probe intersects with the {3D} model surfaces of the engine. Compared to other haptic interfaces, the custom design is unique in that it is inexpensive and uses a real borescope probe to simulate camera insertion and withdrawal. User evaluation of this simulator with probe tip feedback suggested a trend of improved performance with haptic feedback. Next, we describe the development of a physically-based camera model for improved behavioral realism of the simulator. Unlike a point-based camera, the enhanced camera model simulates the interaction of the borescope probe, including multiple points of contact along the length of the probe. We present visual comparisons of a real probe\u27s motion with the simulated probe model and develop a simple algorithm for computing the resultant contact forces. User evaluation comparing our custom haptic device with two commonly available haptic devices, the Phantom Omni and the Novint Falcon, suggests that the improved camera model as well as probe contact feedback with the 3D engine model plays a significant role in the overall engine inspection process. Finally, we present results from a skill transfer study comparing classroom-only instruction with both simulator and hands-on training. Students trained using the simulator and the video borescope completed engine inspection using the real video borescope significantly faster than students who received classroom-only training. The speed improvements can be attributed to reduced borescope probe maneuvering time within the engine and improved psychomotor skills due to training. Given the usual constraints of limited time and resources, simulator training may provide beneficial skills needed by novice aircraft maintenance technicians to augment classroom instruction, resulting in a faster transition into the aviation maintenance workforce

    International Workshop on MicroFactories (IWMF 2012): 17th-20th June 2012 Tampere Hall Tampere, Finland

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    This Workshop provides a forum for researchers and practitioners in industry working on the diverse issues of micro and desktop factories, as well as technologies and processes applicable for micro and desktop factories. Micro and desktop factories decrease the need of factory floor space, and reduce energy consumption and improve material and resource utilization thus strongly supporting the new sustainable manufacturing paradigm. They can be seen also as a proper solution to point-of-need manufacturing of customized and personalized products near the point of need

    Robotically assisted eye surgery : a haptic master console

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    Vitreo-retinal surgery encompasses the surgical procedures performed on the vitreous humor and the retina. A procedure typically consists of the removal of the vitreous humor, the peeling of a membrane and/or the repair of a retinal detachment. Operations are performed with needle shaped instruments which enter the eye through surgeon made scleral openings. An instrument is moved by hand in four degrees of freedom (three rotations and one translation) through this opening. Two rotations (? and ? ) are for a lateral instrument tip movement. The other two DoFs (z and ?) are the translation and rotation along the instrument axis. Actuation of for example a forceps can be considered as a fifth DoF. Characteristically, the manipulation of delicate, micrometer range thick intraocular tissue is required. Today, eye surgery is performed with a maximum of two instruments simultaneously. The surgeon relies on visual feedback only, since instrument forces are below the human detection limit. A microscope provides the visual feedback. It forces the surgeon to work in a static and non ergonomic body posture. Although the surgeon’s proficiency improves throughout his career, hand tremor may become a problem around his mid-fifties. Robotically assisted surgery with a master-slave system enhances dexterity. The slave with instrument manipulators is placed over the eye. The surgeon controls the instrument manipulators via haptic interfaces at the master. The master and slave are connected by electronic hardware and control software. Implementation of tremor filtering in the control software and downscaling of the hand motion allow prolongation of the surgeon’s career. Furthermore, it becomes possible to do tasks like intraocular cannulation which can not be done by manually performed surgery. This thesis focusses on the master console. Eye surgery procedures are observed in the operating room of different hospitals to gain insight in the requirements for the master. The master console as designed has an adjustable frame, a 3D display and two haptic interfaces with a coarse adjustment arm each. The console is mounted at the head of the operating table and is combined with the slave. It is compact, easy to place and allows the surgeon to have a direct view on and a physical contact with the patient. Furthermore, it fits in today’s manual surgery arrangement. Each haptic interface has the same five degrees of freedom as the instrument inside the eye. Through these interfaces, the surgeon can feel the augmented instrument forces. Downscaling of the hand motion results in a more accurate instrument movement compared to manually performed surgery. Together with the visual feedback, it is like the surgeon grasps the instrument near the tip inside the eye. The similarity between hand motion and motion of the instrument tip as seen on the display results in an intuitive manipulation. Pre-adjustment of the interface is done via the coarse adjustment arm. Mode switching enables to control three or more instruments manipulators with only two interfaces. Two one degree of freedom master-slave systems with force feedback are built to derive the requirements for the haptic interface. Hardware in the loop testing provides valuable insights and shows the possibility of force feedback without the use of force sensors. Two five DoF haptic interfaces are realized for bimanual operation. Each DoF has a position encoder and a force feedback motor. A correct representation of the upscaled instrument forces is only possible if the disturbance forces are low. Actuators are therefore mounted to the fixed world or in the neighborhood of the pivoting point for a low contribution to the inertia. The use of direct drive for ' and and low geared, backdriveable transmissions for the other three DoFs gives a minimum of friction. Disturbance forces are further minimized by a proper cable layout and actuator-amplifier combinations without torque ripple. The similarity in DoFs between vitreo-retinal eye surgery and minimally invasive surgery (MIS) enables the system to be used for MIS as well. Experiments in combination with a slave robot for laparoscopic and thoracoscopic surgery show that an instrument can be manipulated in a comfortable and intuitive way. User experience of surgeons and others is utilized to improve the haptic interface further. A parallel instead of a serial actuation concept for the ' and DoFs reduces the inertia, eliminates the flexible cable connection between frame and motor and allows that the heat of the motor is transferred directly to the frame. A newly designed z-?? module combines the actuation and suspension of the hand held part of the interface and has a three times larger z range than in the first design of the haptic interface