288 research outputs found

    Managing peer relationships online - Investigating the use of Facebook by juvenile delinquents and youths-at-risk

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    10.1016/j.chb.2012.04.025Computers in Human Behavior2918-15CHBE

    Ecological Ruptures and Strain: Girls, Juvenile Justice, and Phone Removal

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    Girls in the juvenile justice system routinely have their cell phones and internet access removed as a part of court orders. Building on feminist criminology and ecological systems theory, this paper will demonstrate that phone removal causes a rupture of girls’ digital ecology. This rupture exacerbates strains conducive to crime and victimization. Findings are generated from an ethnographic study that took place in a Northeastern United States city. Forty-two girls took part in focus groups and a series of interviews, and 22 practitioners took part in semi-structured interviews. This research shows that phones act as a positive and protective force supporting girls through feelings of safety, helping them cope with challenging events at home and on the street. Understanding the phone as a part of a broader ecology contextualizes why girls would subsequently commit crimes to restore their digital ecology

    Cyber violence: What do we know and where do we go from here?

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    This paper reviews the existing literature on the relationship between social media and violence, including prevalence rates, typologies, and the overlap between cyber and in-person violence. This review explores the individual-level correlates and risk factors associated with cyber violence, the group processes involved in cyber violence, and the macro-level context of online aggression. The paper concludes with a framework for reconciling conflicting levels of explanation and presents an agenda for future research that adopts a selection, facilitation, or enhancement framework for thinking about the causal or contingent role of social media in violent offending. Remaining empirical questions and new directions for future research are discussed

    Gangs in the Modern Age of Internet and Social Media

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    Exploring the dark side of online social networks: A taxonomy of negative effects on users

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    © 26th European Conference on Information Systems: Beyond Digitization - Facets of Socio-Technical Change, ECIS 2018. All Rights Reserved. The use of online social networks (OSNs) has grown substantially over the past few years and many studies have reported the benefits and positive effects of using these platforms. However, the negative effects of OSNs have received little attention. Given the lack of a comprehensive picture of the dark side of using OSNs, we conducted a systematic literature review of the top information systems journals to categorise negative effects and develop a taxonomy of the dark side of OSNs use. Our review of 20 papers identified 43 negative effects of OSNs use, which we grouped into six categories: cost of social exchange, annoying content, privacy concerns, security threats, cyber bullying and low performance that formed the holistic view of dark side of OSNs use. This paper discusses implications of the findings, identifies gaps in the literature and provides a roadmap for future research

    The Dark Side of Using Online Social Networks: A Review of Individuals' Negative Experiences

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    Research on online social networks (OSNs) has focused overwhelmingly on their benefits and potential, with their negative effects overlooked. This study builds on the limited existing work on the so-called ‘dark side’ of using OSNs. The authors conducted a systematic review of selected databases and identified 46 negative effects of using OSNs from the users’ perspective, which is a rich spectrum of users’ negative experiences. This article then proposed nomenclature and taxonomy for the dark side of using OSNs by grouping these negative effects into six themes: cost of social exchange, cyberbullying, low performance, annoying content, privacy concerns and security threats. This study then conducted structured interviews with experts to confirm the sense-making and validity of the proposed taxonomy. This study discusses the confirmed taxonomy and outlines directions for future research.</jats:p

    The Cyber Crime and Internet and Internet Sexual Exploitation of Children

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    The availability of the Internet has become increasingly easier to children due to technological advancements. An increasing number of children have access to smart phones and tablets, hence, allowing their susceptibility to become a cyber victim, as parental control is lacking. Concerns about the role of technological change in relation to sexual crimes against children, sexual exploitation and potential harm have been expressed in the USA for some considerable time. These have been reflected in a change in legislation with respect to abusive images of children (child pornography) and its attendant violent content. This study examined the impact of child cyber sexual exploitation. The study also explored the methods predators used to prey on children, the role child’s behavior played in their susceptibility to being seduced, and the role education system play to protect children. It was important to conduct this study as previous studies did not really address the fact that security measures are lacking as well as knowledge on the potential dangers of the Internet. The researcher used interview questions to carry out this study by getting the opinions of the Police Officers at the Bradley Police Department, Bradley, Illinois since these are the officers who work on the Cyber Crime against the children. The study identified the security measures that are lacking as well as knowledge of the potential dangers of the Internet. Also the education systems are not mandated to incorporate Internet safety courses into the curriculum as many educators themselves lack the necessary knowledge on the subject. The study also revealed that many parents lack knowledge on Internet safety and feel their children may be more tech-savvy, making Internet safety conversations more difficult. This allows a child the opportunity to utilize the Internet unsupervised, as many parental controls can be bypassed

    contributos do Projeto DiCi- Educa para a intervenção em Centros Educativos

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    UIDB/04647/2020 UIDP/04647/2020O presente artigo pretende apresentar o projeto DiCi‐Educa – Centros Educativos com competências digitais e cívicas, que foi implementado em três Centros Educativos entre abril de 2019 e abril de 2021, e que teve como objetivo melhorar as competências cívicas e mediáticas de jovens em cumprimento de medida tutelar educativa de internamento em centro educativo. Partindo da reflexão sobre a importante relação entre cidadania digital e “educação para o direito”, apresentam‐se os principais contributos deste projeto para a intervenção tutelar educativa.publishersversionpublishe

    Administrator and Practitioner Perspectives on Trauma-Focused Interventions for Incarcerated Male Juvenile Offenders

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    AbstractThe juvenile justice system of the United States has about two million adolescents under the age of 18 years, of which 85% are male. Seventy to ninety percent of juvenile offenders were exposed to some type of trauma, causing the U.S. Department of Justice to a call for instituting trauma-informed procedures in the juvenile justice system. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore facility administrators’ and practitioners’ perceptions of their roles in administering and choosing to administer trauma-focused treatment interventions to incarcerated male juvenile offenders. Using the theory of social construction of policy, the research questions focused on practitioners’ and administrators’ perceptions of their decision-making related to trauma-focused treatment for juvenile offenders. Seven individuals participated in semi-structured interviews, and thematic analysis yielded results indicating that practitioners assessed trauma, tailored interventions, and built treatment readiness in offenders. Administrators reported tailoring interventions and monitoring progress, and both groups cited the inability to control environmental factors such as juveniles’ family and neighborhood conditions, developmental challenges, and a lack of transition support for juveniles after release. Despite constraints, professionals could respond to offenders’ trauma-related needs. More research is needed to examine actual clinical practice. The study’s findings may be used by administrators for positive social change by developing a systematic, collaborative approach to trauma-informed treatment for juvenile offenders leading to a decrease in recidivism, and healthier communities overall

    Psihološke posljedice nasilja preko interneta za žrtve, nasilnike i nasilnike/žrtve

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    Adolescents can take different roles in cyber-violence, and one of the most common classifications recognises victims, perpetrators, perpetrators/victims and uninvolved individuals. These groups experience some common outcomes, but there are also psychological outcomes that are specific to a particular role. In the relevant literature, depressive symptoms and low self-esteem are found as common outcomes for both victims and perpetrators, while distress is related only to being a victim. Since perpetrators/victims display both types of roles in cyber-violence, they are assumed to be the group with the most negative outcomes, the group that per se experiences lower academic achievement. In the present research, youths with different roles in cyber-violence were compared regarding various psychological outcomes (depressive symptoms, stress, anxiety and self-esteem), hours spent on the Internet and academic achievement. In total, 1,176 participants were divided into groups of victims, perpetrators, perpetrators/victims and uninvolved individuals. Perpetrators/victims differed in all variables from uninvolved individuals and had more negative results, supporting the claim that they constitute the group with the most negative outcomes, followed by victims. Perpetrators only showed a higher level of stress and had lower grades than the uninvolved group, suggesting lower costs of committing cyber-violence than experiencing it. The results provide insights into psychological outcomes, suggesting that perpetrators/victims comprise the group that should be included in selective or even indicated prevention programmes focused on reducing involvement in cyberviolence and its known outcomes, especially depression, anxiety and stress. Indicated prevention programmes for perpetrators should probably be tailored differently, for example, by problematising the lack of guilt and promoting empathy for victims while reducing the positive outcomes of cyber-violence (e.g., gaining social status via violence).Adolescenti mogu imati različite uloge u nasilju putem interneta, a najčešća podjela je na žrtve, nasilnike, nasilnike/ žrtve i pojedince neuključene u nasilje. Neke od posljedica za ove skupine su jednake, no postoje psihološke posljedice koje su specifične za pojedinu ulogu koju pojedinac ima u nasilju preko interneta. Relevantni nalazi pokazuju kako se depresivni simptomi i nisko samopoštovanje pojavljuju i kod žrtvi i kod nasilnika, dok se stres pojavljuje jedino kod žrtvi. Budući da skupina nasilnika/žrtvi iskazuje obje vrste uloga u nasilju preko interneta, pretpostavlja se kako je to skupina s najviše negativnih posljedica i najlošijim obrazovnim uspjehom. U ovom istraživanju, uspoređeni su adolescenti koji imaju različite uloge u nasilju preko interneta s obzirom na različite psihološke posljedice (depresivni simptomi, stres, anksioznost i samopoštovanje), sate provedene na internetu i obrazovni uspjeh. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 1,176 sudionika koji su podijeljeni u skupine žrtvi, nasilnika, nasilnika/ žrtvi i skupinu pojedinaca koji nisu uključeni u nasilje. Skupina nasilnika/žrtvi razlikuje se u svim mjerenim varijablama od skupine koja nije uključena u nasilje putem interneta i ima više negativnih posljedica, što je potvrda nalazima o tome kako ova skupina doživljava najviše negativnih posljedica, uz skupinu žrtvi. Nasilnici jedino pokazuju više razine stresa i imaju slabije ocjene nego skupina koja nije uključena u nasilje putem interneta, što upućuje na manje posljedice činjenja nego doživljavanja nasilja putem interneta. Dobiveni rezultati pružaju uvid u doživljene psihološke posljedice, ukazujući da su nasilnici/žrtve skupina koja bi trebala biti uključena u selektivne ili čak indicirane preventivne programe usmjerene na smanjivanje uključenosti u nasilje putem interneta, kao i posljedica, osobito depresivnosti, anksioznosti i stresa. Indicirani preventivni programi trebali bi biti prilagođeni ovoj skupini, na primjer raditi na nedostatku osjećaja krivnje i promicanju empatije za žrtve te smanjenju pozitivnih posljedica (npr. postizanje socijalnog statusa na temelju nasilja)