8 research outputs found


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    Within development of telecommunication, e-commerce is rapidly replacing traditional shopping as well as offering new ways to pay for goods. Payment is one of the main phases of buying decision process and it is crucial to e-commerce, because there is a big possibility that consumer will abandon the shopping cart if preferred payment method is not available. Not only flexible payment options can help company to attract and retain customers, but it also can ensure that company get paid more quickly. The aim of the research is to find out how much money Latvian customers invest when shopping online and which payment methods they use to pay for the purchase on internet in Latvia. Research methods used in the study are scientific publication studies, studies of statistics on internet shopping development, survey realised in Latvia at the end of 2017 and beginning of 2018 on internet shopping in co-operation with company iMarketing, University of Latvia and Chamber of Trade and Commerce of Latvia. For many aspects in evaluation of opinion of respondents it was used evaluation scale 1–10, where do not agree with the statement; 10 – fully agree with statement. For data analysis there were used indicators of descriptive statistics, cross – tabulations, statistical tests of hypotheses, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and correlation analysis. Main results and findings of the study reveals that the most commonly used payment methods for online purchases in Latvia are paying with debit or credit card at the moment of purchase and paying at the store, but the least used payment methods for online purchase is cryptocurrency and at the pick-up box place. Also, there is no statistical difference between female and male customers on use of credit or debit card usage for online payments.KEYWORDS: internet marketing, payment methods, shopping online, survey.JEL CODES: L86, M31, M37DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15181/rfds.v28i2.194

    Literature review of the impact of intermediate money transfer tax (IMTT) on performance of SMES

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    PURPOSE: This desktop study sought to investigate the impact of IMTT on performance of SMEs.METHODOLOGY: Documentary research approach, which consists of reviewing, analysing and examining information, recorded media and texts were adopted for the study. In terms of data collection, the authors sourced and reviewed literature on the topic. Among others, these sources included journal articles, books, magazines and newspapers.FINDINGS: The study revealed that IMTT has negative impact on frequency of transactions and that transactions increased where they were below minimum threshold. Furthermore, it emerged that IMTT has negative impact on suppliers’ payments and that suppliers’ payments were delayed and use of cash was urged due to IMTT. In the same vein, the study showed that IMTT has negative impact on firm performance meaning that profitability decreased due to the adoption of IMTT.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: Management should try to minimize frequency of transactions by weighing the benefits with the costs of paying taxes. In addition, financial performance should be enhanced by focusing on proper pricing and cost minimization. The suppliers’ payment should be done on timely fashion to maintain constant supply and good relations rather than practicing tax avoidance.peer-reviewe

    O e-commerce e o controlo dos meios de pagamento Online: caso de estudo Sonae

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    A evolução da economia, a concorrência, o estilo de vida dos consumidores e as novas tecnologias têm vindo a causar um grande impacto e a impor alterações no setor retalhista, para que se mantenha competitivo. Este trabalho de projeto tem como objetivo analisar a temática do e-Commerce de alguns negócios do universo Sonae, assim como os processos administrativos existentes de controlo dos meios de pagamento utilizados de forma a desenvolver uma solução que permita organizar mas sobretudo potenciar os processos existentes de controlo. Este trabalho de projeto subdivide-se em quatro grandes temas: o e-Commerce, o processo order-to-cash, os meios de pagamento e a elaboração de propostas de solução para o controlo dos meios de pagamento. Este trabalho de projeto iniciou-se com uma semana de formação no departamento Processos Administrativos de Venda, onde tive a oportunidade de passar por todas as equipas presentes. O passo seguinte passou por uma visita a cada negócio como o Continente Online, a Worten, a MO, a Zippy, a MakeNotes, entre outros, onde estive inserida em cada uma das equipas a observar o seu trabalho em contexto real. Como última tarefa, e não menos importante, fiz um levantamento de todas as informações relevantes para o projeto, onde comecei por analisar a temática do e- Commerce global, europeu e nacional, desenvolvi um benchmarking com todas as informações que consegui recolher de todas as empresas concorrentes e por fim, após análise de todos os temas, desenvolvi quatro soluções de melhoria

    Automatização dos processos de registo dos recebimentos : o caso da NORS

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    A elaboração do presente Relatório de Estágio tem como principal finalidade analisar o processo atual de registo dos recebimentos adotado pela equipa de Contas a Receber, as suas limitações e que impactos é que a automatização do mesmo teria na organização. O estudo foi realizado durante o período de estágio, no Grupo NORS. Para o efeito, foram analisados dados e informação referente ao processo de registo, de forma a perceber as fragilidades do processo e em que medida é que a automatização teria impacto no mesmo. Ainda foi possível observar diretamente o funcionamento do processo, em contexto corporativo, e perceber quais os problemas vivenciados pelos colaboradores do departamento. De toda a informação obtida e recolhida foi possível desenhar um fluxograma que detalha o processo de forma clara e ainda criar um dashboard que retrata os principais indicadores que são analisados pela área. Apesar de não ter sido implementada a automatização até ao final do período de estágio, pelo que não foi possível verificar se de facto os resultados foram os relatados por Lacity & Willcocks (2016), Syed te al. (2020) e Kokina & Blanchette (2019) como uma redução do número de erros, tarefas de maior valor para a organização, redução de custos, eficiência operacional, entre outros. Porém, foi possível concluir que a empresa deve melhorar a utilização das ferramentas atuais.The main purpose of this Internship Report is to analyse the current receivable process adopted by the Accounts Receivable team, its limitations, and what impact the automation would have on the organization. The study was carried out during the internship period, at NORS Group. For this purpose, data and information regarding the registration process were analysed, to understand the weaknesses of the process and to what extent automation would have an impact on it. It was also possible to directly observe the functioning of the process, in a corporate context, and to understand the main problems experienced by the employees of the department. From all the information obtained and collected, it was possible to draw a flowchart that clearly details the process and also create a dashboard that represents the main indicators that are analysed by the department. Although automation had not been implemented by the end of the internship period. So, it was not possible to verify whether, in fact, the results were those reported by Lacity & Willcocks (2016), Syed et al. (2020) and Kokina & Blanchette (2019) such as a reduction in the number of errors, tasks of greater value to the company, cost reduction, operational efficiency, among others. However, it was possible to conclude that the company should improve the use of the current tools

    Managing Payment Transaction Costs at Multinational Online Retailers

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    The Growth of Online Retailing in India

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    Industrial experts have agreed that India’s small-scale industries are intensely competitive due to globalization, domestic economic liberalization, and digitization. The purpose of this quantitative correlational study was to evaluate the relationship between transaction costs, customer satisfaction, and customer trust in online shopping with the growth of online retailing in India. The theoretical foundation for this research study was the theory of planned behavior, and the unified theory of acceptance and the use of technology. The research questions examined India’s online retailing growth due to transaction costs, customer satisfaction, and customer trust. The study used a quantitative correlational research design. The data collected by the survey research method were analyzed with the software package IBM SPSS. The results indicated that customer satisfaction and transaction cost are significant predictors and can explain 59% (adjusted R2 = .589) of the variance in online retailing growth in India. The previous research had not empirically verified the relationship between transaction costs, customer satisfaction, and customer trust in online shopping with the growth of online retailing in India. The recommendation was to include environmental factors and to increase sample size in future research. Closing the gap may contribute to a positive social change by preparing small business owners to compete against online retail growth by understanding which factors affect the growth of online retail in India. With some online shopping support, small business owners can implement measures to retain and attract customers of specific demographic groups