14 research outputs found

    Software defined networking challenges and future direction: A case study of implementing SDN features on OpenStack private cloud

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    Cloud computing provides services on demand instantly, such as access to network infrastructure consisting of computing hardware, operating systems, network storage, database and applications. Network usage and demands are growing at a very fast rate and to meet the current requirements, there is a need for automatic infrastructure scaling. Traditional networks are difficult to automate because of the distributed nature of their decision making process for switching or routing which are collocated on the same device. Managing complex environments using traditional networks is time-consuming and expensive, especially in the case of generating virtual machines, migration and network configuration. To mitigate the challenges, network operations require efficient, flexible, agile and scalable software defined networks (SDN). This paper discuss various issues in SDN and suggests how to mitigate the network management related issues. A private cloud prototype test bed was setup to implement the SDN on the OpenStack platform to test and evaluate the various network performances provided by the various configurations

    CERN Storage Systems for Large-Scale Wireless

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    The project aims at evaluating the use of CERN computing infrastructure for next generation sensor networks data analysis. The proposed system allows the simulation of a large-scale sensor array for traffic analysis, streaming data to CERN storage systems in an efficient way. The data are made available for offline and quasi-online analysis, enabling both long term planning and fast reaction on the environment

    MongoDB Performance In The Cloud

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    Web applications are growing at a staggering rate every day. As web applications keep getting more complex, their data storage requirements tend to grow exponentially. Databases play an important role in the way web applications store their information. Mongodb is a document store database that does not have strict schemas that RDBMs require and can grow horizontally without performance degradation. MongoDB brings possibilities for different storage scenarios and allow the programmers to use the database as a storage that fits their needs, not the other way around. Scaling MongoDB horizontally requires tens to hundreds of servers, making it very difficult to afford this kind of setup on dedicated hardware. By moving the database into the cloud, this opens up a possibility for low cost virtual machine instances at reasonable prices. There are many cloud services to choose from and without testing performance on each one, there is very little information out there. This paper provides benchmarks on the performance of MongoDB in the cloud

    Prosjekt Ymer : grafikkprosessering på sky

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    Skyteknologi er en teknologi som tilbyr et spekter av nye tjenester som er lite utprøvd på mange felt. Et av disse områdene er bruk av sky i forbindelse med grafikkprosessering. Vil det være mulig å få en renderfarm til å fungere på en sky, og vil det fungere bra nok til å kunne bli en reell løsning for små og mellomstore bedrifter, i forhold til kvalitet, ytelse og lønnsomhet? Ved Høgskolen i Oslo, avdeling for ingeniørutdanning, ble Prosjekt Ymer gjennomført våren 2010, som et studentprosjekt. Prosjektet bestod av implementering av prototype, samt testing av denne. Det ble også foretatt grundige kostnadsundersøkelser. Resultatene av arbeidet viser at det er mulig å kjøre en renderfarm på en sky, og det fungerer svært forutsigbart, men at det fortsatt er enkelte utfordringer. Fra et brukerperspektiv kan man konkludere med at det ville vært en svært utfordrende og kompleks oppgave å skape en løsning som Ymer for personer uten inngående IT-kunnskaper. De fleste komponentene som ble brukt i dette prosjektet eksisterer fra før, men det er svært mangelfull informasjon på hvordan disse settes sammen, og hvordan man løser problematikken som eksempelvis dynamisk DNS medfører. Ymer ligger nå veldokumentert på internett, tilgjengelig for alle, og det vil kreve langt mindre ferdigheter av brukeren å ta denne i bruk, sammenlignet med hva som ville vært påkrevd om brukeren hadde ønsket forsøke å lage noe eget. Prosjekt Ymer viser at det er både mulig og lønnsomt å benytte seg av alternative løsninger for å prosessere grafikk

    Open Source Solutions for Building IaaS Clouds

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    Cloud Computing is not only a pool of resources and services offered through the internet, but also a technology solution that allows optimization of resources use, costs minimization and energy consumption reduction. Enterprises moving towards cloud technologies have to choose between public cloud services, such as: Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Cloud and Google Cloud services, or private self built clouds. While the firsts are offered with affordable fees, the others provide more privacy and control. In this context, many open source softwares approach the buiding of private, public or hybrid clouds depending on the users need and on the available capabilities. To choose among the different open source solutions, an analysis is necessary in order to select the most suitable according with the enterprise’s goals and requirements. In this paper, we present a depth study and comparison of five open source frameworks that are gaining more attention recently and growing fast: CloudStack, OpenStack, Eucalyptus, OpenNebula and Nimbus. We present their architectures and discuss different properties, features, useful information and our own insights on these frameworks

    Security research and learning environment based on scalable network emulation

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    Sigurnosni napadi postaju svakodnevni dio Interneta, a učestalost njihovog izvođenja u stalnom je porastu. Zbog toga je potrebno razviti metodu za učinkovito istraživanje i analizu takvih napada. Proučavanje napada potrebno je izvoditi u sprezi s procjenom sigurnosti računalnih sustava na kojima se u tom trenutku izvršavaju napadi. Procjena sigurnosti i proces istraživanja moraju se moći obaviti u kratkom vremenu zbog što brže zaštite od dolazećeg napada. Trenutno je to kompleksan i vremenski zahtjevan zadatak koji uključuje širok raspon sustava i alata. Također, budući da se učestalost napada povećava, novi sigurnosni stručnjaci moraju se obučavati na način koji im je razumljiv i standardiziran. Predlažemo novi pristup procjeni sigurnosti i istraživanju koji koristi skalabilnu emulaciju mreže zasnovanu na virtualizaciji korištenoj u alatu IMUNES. Ovakav pristup pruža ujedinjenu okolinu za testiranje koja je efikasna i jednostavna za korištenje. Emulirana okolina također može služiti kao prenosiv i intuitivan alat za podučavanje i vježbu. Kroz niz implementiranih i analiziranih scenarija, pokazali smo određene koncepte koji se mogu koristiti za novi pristup u procjeni i istraživanju sigurnosti.Security attacks are becoming a standard part of the Internet and their frequency is constantly increasing. Therefore, an efficient way to research and investigate attacks is needed. Studying attacks needs to be coupled with security evaluation of currently deployed systems that are affected by them. The security evaluation and research process needs to be completed quickly to counter the incoming attacks, but this is currently a complex and time-consuming procedure which includes a variety of systems and tools. Furthermore, as the attack frequency is increasing, new security specialists need to be trained in a comprehensible and standardized way. We propose a new approach to security evaluation and research that uses scalable network emulation based on lightweight virtualization implemented in IMUNES. This approach provides a unified testing environment that is efficient and straightforward to use. The emulated environment also couples as a portable and intuitive training tool. Through a series of implemented and evaluated scenarios we demonstrate several concepts that can be used for a novel approach in security evaluation and research

    Testen von verteilten Systemen in heterogenen Netzwerken mit virtuellen Maschinen am Beispiel von MPI

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    Verteilte Systeme sind in zunehmendem Maße mit komplexen Netzwerkkonfigurationen konfrontiert, beispielsweise mit mehreren Netzwerkschnittstellen pro Knoten, NAT und gemischter IPv4/IPv6-Adressierung. Um Unterstützung dafür korrekt zu implementieren, ist regelmäßiges und gründliches Testen nerlässlich. Allerdings ist der Aufwand, derart vielfältige Teststellungen in Hardware vorzuhalten, so hoch, dass Testen nur sehr selten erfolgen kann und oftmals ganz unterbleibt. Gegenstand dieser Diplomarbeit ist die Entwicklung eines Virtual Test Environment (VTE), das (Multi-)Cluster-Umgebungen mit Hilfe von virtuellen Maschinen nachbildet und somit den erforderlichen Aufwand so weit senkt, dass kontinuierliches, entwicklungsbegleitendes Testen praktikabel wird

    Pedagogical Framework and Network Laboratory Management Tool for Practical Network Administration Education

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    Abstract System Administration is an emerging academic discipline, yet there remains no commonly-accepted approach to teaching the core skill of troubleshooting system problems. Troubleshooting is considered by many in the field to be the single most important skill for a working professional. The lack of common teaching methodology for this skill has resulted in an on-the-job-training approach to teaching that is not scalable or measurable. This research addresses this gap with an approach that may be developed into a reliable, repeatable, scalable, and, most importantly, measurable approach to teaching the critical system administration troubleshooting skill. The research produced two core results, a proposed Pedagogical Framework to guide the teaching process, and a Network Laboratory Management Tool that is a proof of concept and basis for a more general purpose, practical implementation of the Framework. In this thesis the Framework and Tool are presented in detail and future work is described

    Automation and abstraction for scalable z/VM Linux administration on the zSeries mainframe

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    This thesis considers the administration of virtual machines on IBM mainframes running z/VM.Asolution for administrating z/VM through a Linux VMrunning on a custom designed z/VM architecture is developed and implemented. The administration tool used is a slightly expanded version of MLN. The expansions added allows MLN to utilize plugins for technology specific code. Support for z/VM are then added through the creation and introduction of a plugin containing all z/VM specific code. Results from scenarios conducted shows that the administration process can be significantly automated and abstracted from a normal z/VM perspective. Also, increased security and safety is achieved through the protective limitations and control offered by the Programmable Operator running on z/VM.Master i nettverks- og systemadministrasjo