559,001 research outputs found

    Systems Practice: How to Act in a Climate-Change World

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    It is now accepted that humans are changing the climate of the Earth and this is the most compelling amongst a long litany of reasons as to why, collectively, we have to change our ways of thinking and acting. Most people now recognise that we have to be capable of adapting quickly as new and uncertain circumstances emerge: this capability will need to exist at personal, group, community, regional, national and international levels, all at the same time. Systems Practice is structured into four parts. Part I introduces the societal need to move towards a more systemic and adaptive governance against the backdrop of human-induced climate change. Part II unpacks what is involved in systems practice by means of a juggler metaphor; examining situations where systems thinking offers useful understanding and opportunities for change. Part III identifies the main factors that constrain the uptake of systems practice and makes the case for innovation in practice by means of systemic inquiry, systemic action research and systemic intervention. The book concludes with Part IV, which critically examines how systems practice is, or might be, utilised at different levels from the personal to the societal. The development of our capabilities to think and act systemically is an urgent priority and Systems Practice aims to show how to do systems thinking and translate that thinking into praxis (theory informed practical action) which will be welcomed by those managing in situations of complexity and uncertainty across all domains of professional and personal concern

    Approaches and methods for monitoring and evaluation

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    The aim of many agricultural innovation networks is to realize a system innovation. With system innovation, whole production and consumption systems change, including social relationships, division of roles, formal rules and values, and the technical artefacts and infrastructure. This type of innovation takes place when stakeholders learn from each other in a process of thinking and acting together. In order to get to grips with these learning processes, it is increasingly common to use monitoring and evaluation methods. What are the methods that can be used, what are the most significant differences between them and to what degree are the methods from the different approaches of use in evaluating and managing innovation projects

    Applying self-organised learning to develop critical thinkers for learning organisation: a conversational action research report.

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    The information explosion characteristic of a knowledge-based economy is fuelled by rapid technological changes. As technology continues to permeate our lives, there will be fresh demands upon the conduct of learning and teaching to ensure that learners are equipped with new economy skills and dispositions for creating significant and relevant meaning out of the large chunks of transmitted data. In the spirit of building learning organisations, this paper proposes that a two-pronged strategy of promoting self-organised learning (SoL) amongst educators and students be adopted. As an enabling framework based on social constructivism, the model of SoL, originally developed by Harri-Augstein & Thomas, is described and applied to an educational setting. For educators engaged in action research, SoL is suited as an approach for managing and reflecting upon change. The use of two such thinking tools, the Personal Learning Contract and the Purpose-Strategy-Outcome-Review (PSOR) reflective learning scaffolds are considered. For students who are now expected to learn independently in situations requiring problem-solving skills, much akin to real life contexts, this article also considers the application of Learning Plans as a conversational tool for personal project management. The authors conclude that SoL promotes skilful critical thinking through a systems thinking process of continuous reflective learning. It is proposed that these are essential qualities for citizens working in a technological age. Case study samples of the thinking tools used in this action research project are included as appendices and evaluated in this article

    The use of systems thinking to deal with managing change in the context of the new South Africa

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    The case study afforded an opportunity to demonstrate how divergent opinions of various stakeholders could be harnessed and synthesised to provide input to resolve perceived problematical situations. In the case study of the hard systems method, ISM, divergence of the stakeholder views was through the process intended to achieve convergence (consensus) in order to solve the problem situation. In the case of the soft systems method, SSM, divergence of views were synthesised to produce an all embracing solution Of the perceived situation. No attempt is made to produce consensus. Systems thinking, therefore, is able to deal with issues that have given known-to-be desirable ends (hard systems) and where known-to-be desirable ends (soft systems) cannot be taken as given. This research has attempted to address the issue of managing the complexity of development in the context of the recently democratised South Africa. It has basically suggested that, as a point of departure, developmental issues should be approached holistically and systematically. It is important to select an appropriate methodology in seeking to solve the problem of managing change. The quality of the outcome of the two case studies reviewed has been affected by the quality of the inputs, particularly with respect to availability of time, availability of stakeholder inputs and the status of the research (that is, as an academic exercise)

    Change management to overcome crises by implementing management systems in organizations

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    The modern environment is dynamic and unpredictable, constantly influenced by a series of processes that require adaptation to a changing environment. Changes in the environment can have a negative effect and create conditions for crisis in organizations. A reliable tool for managing change processes in organizations are management systems. The purpose of this paper is to explore and analyse the possibilities of implementing management system standards in organizations to provide more effective change management to overcome crises. Achieving management effectiveness will be determined by the organization's ability to manage information and interpret it correctly, maintain good relationships with stakeholders, create conditions for creativity, stimulate innovation and creative thinking

    Enforcement in Dynamic Spectrum Access Systems

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    The spectrum access rights granted by the Federal government to spectrum users come with the expectation of protection from harmful interference. As a consequence of the growth of wireless demand and services of all types, technical progress enabling smart agile radio networks, and on-going spectrum management reform, there is both a need and opportunity to use and share spectrum more intensively and dynamically. A key element of any framework for managing harmful interference is the mechanism for enforcement of those rights. Since the rights to use spectrum and to protection from harmful interference vary by band (licensed/unlicensed, legacy/newly reformed) and type of use/users (primary/secondary, overlay/underlay), it is reasonable to expect that the enforcement mechanisms may need to vary as well.\ud \ud In this paper, we present a taxonomy for evaluating alternative mechanisms for enforcing interference protection for spectrum usage rights, with special attention to the potential changes that may be expected from wider deployment of Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) systems. Our exploration of how the design of the enforcement regime interacts with and influences the incentives of radio operators under different rights regimes and market scenarios is intended to assist in refining thinking about appropriate access rights regimes and how best to incentivize investment and growth in more efficient and valuable uses of the radio frequency spectrum

    Interoperability: a conceptual framework to bridge the gap between multifunctional and multisystem urban flood management

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    Urban flood management is increasingly expected to be multifunctional to integrate with the existing functioning of cities. Locally, this led to the development of sustainable urban water drainage designs, while at larger scales, blue‐green or water‐sensitive cities are considered as examples for how cities should function. Upscaling local designs to city‐scale flood resilience is not straightforward, however, due to the complexity of physical infrastructure and socio‐economic interactions within urban systems and requires “system‐of‐systems” thinking. To this end, we introduce the concept “interoperability” to guide transition from local multifunctionality to city‐scale multisystem flood management, through actively managing connections between infrastructure systems to convey, divert, and store flood water. While flood management is already based on these connections, interoperability is about explicitly emphasising them to explore and create opportunities to facilitate the integration of systems for flood management. The main research need arising from this conceptualisation is to determine how spatial data on infrastructure, environment, and social characteristics in urban areas can serve as a basis to identify opportunities and barriers for interoperability. By introducing interoperability and the research needs arising from it, a framework is created to facilitate and encourage practical thinking and discussion about system integration in urban flood management
