916,463 research outputs found

    The Development Model for Customer Relationship Management (CRM) to Improve the Quality of Services in Academic Information Systems Faculty of Computer Science Sriwijaya University

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    The development and utilization of information technology will make the competition among universities, as a result the universities should maintain their quality of services to get their potential customers and key customers, in particularly to get related information, in order to being first choice in the society. Professional management will be able to provide outstanding quality services and highly competitive, especially in academic services. The development of academic information system to improve the services can be done by apply the Customer Relationship Management or (CRM). Implementation of CRM in academic information system can create an emotional bond that is able to build a two-way communication between users and academic system providers. With good and reliable communication can improve the quality of academic services to the customers, which in turn will be able to improve the customer loyalty and increase the customer satisfaction in the Faculty of Computer Science


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    Fokus kajian penelitian ini adalah manajemen sistem informasi akademik berbasis teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam layanan akademik sekolah menengah atas, kemudian dirumuskan ke dalam pertanyaan penelitian sebagai berikut: 1) bagaimana dukungan kebijakan operasional sekolah pada implementasi sistem informasi akademik berbasis teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam layanan akademik sekolah menengah atas?; 2) bagaimana implementasi sistem informasi akademik berbasis teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam layanan akademik sekolah menengah atas?; 3) bagaimana dampak penerapan sistem informasi akademik berbasis teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam layanan akademik sekolah menengah atas?. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumen. Lokasi yang dijadikan obyek penelitian adalah SMA Negeri 4 Bandung. Penelitian ini memadukan konsep manajemen yang dikemukakan Gullick: POSDCORB dan Kesuksesan Sistem Informasi yang dikemukakan oleh DeLone & McLean: IS Success. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa manajemen sistem informasi akademik berbasis teknologi informasi dan komunikasi di sekolah memerlukan dukungan manajemen sekolah terhadap kebijakan operasional sekolah yang meliputi aspek: 1) perencanaan; 2) pengorganisasian; 3) penyiapan sumber daya manusia; 4) pengarahan; 5) pengkoordinasian; 6) pelaporan; 7) penganggaran; dan 8) penyiapan infrastruktur TIK; dalam implementasinya terkait dengan aspek 1) pelaksanaan dan 2) pengendalian sistem informasi akademik, kemudian penerapan sistem informasi akademik berbasis teknologi informasi dan komunikasi di sekolah memberikan dampak terhadap 1) kualitas informasi dengan indikator akurat, tepat waktu dan relevan; 2) kualitas layanan sistem informasi dengan indikator keberwujudan, keandalan, responsif, jaminan keamanan dan empati, sehingga pengguna mendapatkan kelancaran dalam memenuhi kebutuhan informasi. Untuk menggerakan aspek-aspek pada dukungan kebijakan operasional sekolah dan implementasi sistem informasi akademik berbasis teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam layanan akademik sekolah, manajemen sekolah perlu memperhatikan aspek yang paling mendasar yaitu kemauan (willingness) dan komitmen kepemimpinan sekolah dalam mengimplementasikan sistem informasi akademik dengan bantuan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi untuk mewujudkan layanan akademik sekolah yang efektif.; The focus of this research is the management of academic information systems using information and communication technology in the school's academic services , and then formulated into the following research questions: 1) how to support the operational policy of the school to the implementation of academic information systems using information and communication technology in the school academic services?; 2) how the implementation of academic information systems using information and communication technology in the school academic services?; 3) how the impact of academic information systems using information and communication technology in the school academic services?. The method used was a case study with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews and document study. The location of the object of research is SMA Negeri 4 Bandung. This research combines management concepts put forward Gulick: POSDCORB and The Information System Success model proposed by DeLone & McLean: IS Success. The results showed that the management of academic information systems using information and communication technology in schools need the support of the school management to the school operational policies covering aspects: 1) planning; 2) organizing; 3) preparation of human resources; 4) directing; 5) coordinating; 6) reporting; 7) budgeting; and 8) the preparation of ICT infrastructure; in implementation related to aspects 1) doing and 2) controlling of system of academic information, then the application of academic information systems using information and communication technology in schools has an impact on 1) the quality of information with indicators of accurate, timely and relevant; 2) service quality of information systems with indicators tangible, reliable, responsiveness, assurance of security and empathy, so that users get fluency in meeting information needs. To drive the aspects on to support the operational policies of the school and implementation of academic information systems using information and communication technology in the school academic services, school management needs to pay attention to the most fundamental aspects, namely willingness and the school leadership commitment in implementation of academic information system to achieving the effectiveness of the school academic services

    The Development Model for Customer Relationship Management (CRM) to Improve The Quality of Services in Academic Information Systems Faculty of Computer Science Sriwijaya University

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    The development and utilization of information technology will make the competition among universities,  as a result the universities should maintain their quality of services to get their potential customers and key customers, in particularly to get related information, in order to being first choice in the society. Professional management will be able to provide outstanding quality services and highly competitive, especially in academic services. The development of academic information system to improve the services can be done by apply the Customer Relationship Management or (CRM). Implementation of CRM in academic information system can create an emotional bond that is able to build a two-way communication between users and academic system providers. With good and reliable communication can improve the quality of academic services to the customers, which in turn will be able to improve the customer loyalty and increase the customer satisfaction in the Faculty of Computer Science

    Riset Kebutuhan Pengguna Terhadap Sistem Absesnsi dan Penjadwalan Mata Kuliah Kampus

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    It is important for a university to pay attention to academic services for students. This is so that the teaching and learning process can run well in line with the rapid development of technology, all aspects of life have adopted the sophistication of information technology, including in the field of education. Many platforms are competing to innovate and create media that can accommodate the needs of many people, especially in education. The positive impacts that arise include the use of information technology to make the management of the assessment results data more efficient. In addition, by utilizing information technology, meeting the need for educational facilities runs quickly. The results of this research can be a source of reference to get information about user needs, thus encouraging the creation of a solution by utilizing the sophistication of information technology (IT) in the world of education. The adoption of information technology is expected to increase efficiency in campus academic services. The research was conducted by interviewing students to get a more specific and personalized view. From the results of the interview was taken measurements to find out how many students feel the same and consider the aspects that support the development of information technology in the form of applications that are able to answer academic service problems


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    The Implementation for application of information technology in higher education is one form of change in the process of academic administration services to students so that the student registration process is more effective and efficient. In relation to the use of information technology for the management of student administrative academic documents, IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro has made changes to the academic administration system from a manual document management system to an online-based student administration management system, namely management of information technology-based document administration through the internet. This study focuses on the problem of how the effectiveness of online academic administration services of IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro students and what factors influence the effectiveness of online academic administration services of IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro students with descriptive qualitative research methods, and theory used is e-government and information systems. The findings of this study obtained that the online academic administration services of IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro students are actually very good for meeting the academic needs of students. Students also understand the ways or steps to access the online academic administration portal

    Emerging library technology trends in academic environment - an updated review

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    Due to a growing significance and applicability of information technologies to an academic institution, it is necessary to acquaint librarians and other information professionals with the technology which can be applied to academic environment since the development of digital competence is an inherent part of every school´s curricula. Emerging library technologies such as Bibliographic Citation Management Software, Instructional System Design Software, Electronic Copyright Management System, Classroom Management Software, Library Automation Software, Electronic Resource Management Software and Integrated Search Software are very impactful as academic libraries move into the creation of digital contents. This paper reviewed the emerging library technology trend especially for academic libraries as well as the need to rethink and re-strategize on how increasing technological changes affect their services. Clear indications on libraries’ need of emerging technology tools to support academic librarians for efficient and effective performance were presented. Recommendations were offered on persistent self-renovation by library professionals in order to stay ahead of technology learning curve

    Las bibliotecas universitarias en su contexto actual

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    The academic libraries are complex institutions with a lot of roles; they have offered their services and products along the History and their main goal has been permanent: to offer access to the useful and real scientific information. But today, we are seeing that this role is not the same because of the digital technology. In this paper we try to show basics lines in order the academic libraries recover their prominent status in the digital era: selecting resources and management licences, working with metadata, offering reference virtual services, information literacy, digitizing documents, IR and learning spaces. These services come from the main mission of the academic library and they are in the line of the academic library future

    Pelatihan Manajemen Administrasi Pendidikan Dan Sistem Informasi Akademik Kepada Tenaga Kependidikan Di Direktorat Pendidikan Idrisiyyah Tasikmalaya

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    ABSTRAK Kemajuan Teknologi Informasi Komunikasi (TIK) telah menghasilkan inovasi dalam fungsi teknologi yang memudahkan kehidupan manusia, terutama dalam globalisasi pendidikan. Sistem informasi akademik dapat dipahami sebagai suatu sistem yang dirancang melalui perangkat lunak atau perangkat keras dalam kegiatan akademik, dikelola dengan baik untuk mengolah data akademik. Pengabdian Masyarakat ini dilaksanakan melalui kegiatan pelatihan Manajemen Administrasi Pendidikan dan Sistem Informasi Akademik Tenaga Kependidikan di Direktorat Pendidikan Idrisiyyah Tasikmalaya. Pelatihan ini dilaksanakan dengan latar belakang penggunaan sistem informasi di lingkungan tenaga kependidikan untuk menghadapi perkembangan teknologi informasi. Selain itu, dilakukan pelatihan bagi pengguna sistem informasi dalam rangka manajemen administrasi pendidikan untuk mempersiapkan masa depan yang selalu berubah. Hasil dari pelatihan ini bermanfaat dan mendukung pelaksanaan administrasi di lingkungan yang lebih baik. Keinginan untuk menerapkan Sistem Informasi Akademik berbasis teknologi informasi untuk segera diimplementasikan di lingkungan institusi pendidikan untuk memaksimalkan pelayanan kepada stakeholders. Para Tenaga Kependidikan di Direktorat Pendidikan Idrisiyyah antusias dan senang mengikuti pelatihan Manajemen Administrasi Pendidikan dan Sistem Informasi AkademikKata kunci: Manajemen Administrasi Pendidikan, Sistem Informasi Akademik, Tenaga Kependidikan ABSTRACT Advances in Information Communication Technology (ICT) have produced innovations in technology functions that facilitate human life, especially in the globalization of education. An academic information system can be understood as a system designed through software or hardware in academic activities, well managed to process academic data. This Community Service is carried out through training activities in Education Administration Management and Academic Information Systems for Education Personnel at the Directorate of Education, Idrisiyyah Tasikmalaya. This training was carried out with the background of using information systems in the education staff environment to deal with the development of information technology. In addition, training was conducted for users of information systems in the context of educational administration management to prepare for the ever-changing future. The results of this training are beneficial and support the implementation of administration in the environment better. The desire to apply Information Technology-based Academic Information Systems to be immediately implemented in the educational institution environment to maximize services to stakeholders'. The Education Personnel in the Directorate of Education Idrisiyyah is enthusiastic and happy to participate in Educational Administration Management and Academic Information Systems training.Keywords: : Education Administration Management, Academic Information Systems, Education Personne
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