8,963 research outputs found

    Optimization by decomposition: A step from hierarchic to non-hierarchic systems

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    A new, non-hierarchic decomposition is formulated for system optimization that uses system analysis, system sensitivity analysis, temporary decoupled optimizations performed in the design subspaces corresponding to the disciplines and subsystems, and a coordination optimization concerned with the redistribution of responsibility for the constraint satisfaction and design trades among the disciplines and subsystems, and a coordination optimization concerned with the redistribution of responsibility for the constraint satisfaction and design trades among the disciplines and subsystems. The approach amounts to a variation of the well-known method of subspace optimization modified so that the analysis of the entire system is eliminated from the subspace optimization and the subspace optimizations may be performed concurrently

    Optimization by decomposition: A step from hierarchic to non-hierarchic systems

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    A new, non-hierarchic decomposition is formulated for system optimization that uses system analysis, system sensitivity analysis, temporary decoupled optimizations performed in the design subspaces corresponding to the disciplines and subsystems, and a coordination optimization concerned with the redistribution of responsibility for the constraint satisfaction and design trades among the disciplines and subsystems. The approach amounts to a variation of the well-known method of subspace optimization modified so that the analysis of the entire system is eliminated from the subspace optimization and the subspace optimizations may be performed concurrently

    A new technology for manufacturing scheduling derived from space system operations

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    A new technology for producing finite capacity schedules has been developed in response to complex requirements for operating space systems such as the Space Shuttle, the Space Station, and the Deep Space Network for telecommunications. This technology has proven its effectiveness in manufacturing environments where popular scheduling techniques associated with Materials Resources Planning (MRPII) and with factory simulation are not adequate for shop-floor work planning and control. The technology has three components. The first is a set of data structures that accommodate an extremely general description of a factory's resources, its manufacturing activities, and the constraints imposed by the environment. The second component is a language and set of software utilities that enable a rapid synthesis of functional capabilities. The third component is an algorithmic architecture called the Five Ruleset Model which accommodates the unique needs of each factory. Using the new technology, systems can model activities that generate, consume, and/or obligate resources. This allows work-in-process (WIP) to be generated and used; it permits constraints to be imposed or intermediate as well as finished goods inventories. It is also possible to match as closely as possible both the current factory state and future conditions such as promise dates. Schedule revisions can be accommodated without impacting the entire production schedule. Applications have been successful in both discrete and process manufacturing environments. The availability of a high-quality finite capacity production planning capability enhances the data management capabilities of MRP II systems. These schedules can be integrated with shop-floor data collection systems and accounting systems. Using the new technology, semi-custom systems can be developed at costs that are comparable to products that do not have equivalent functional capabilities and/or extensibility

    Strategy Selection for Product Service Systems Using Case-based Reasoning

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    A product service system integrates products and services in order to lower environmental impact. It can achieve good eco-efficiency and has received increase in the last decade. This study focuses on strategy selection for product service system design. Case-based reasoning is utilized to provide suggestions for finding an appropriate strategy. To build a case database, successful PSS cases from the literature and websites were collected and formulated. Twelve indices under three categories were analyzed and selected to describe cases. A lot of successful PSS cases and their information were collected. Forty seven cases were used in this study because of the completeness of information. The analytic hierarchic process is used to find the relative weights of the factors that relate to the selection of customers. These weights are used in calculating the similarity in the case-based reasoning process. The successful strategy of the most similar case is extracted and recommended for PSS strategy determination. More than 90% of tested cases obtained an appropriate strategy from the most similar case. Finally, two new products are introduced to find the best strategy for product service system design and development using the proposed case-based reasoning system

    Multidisciplinary optimization for engineering systems: Achievements and potential

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    The currently common sequential design process for engineering systems is likely to lead to suboptimal designs. Recently developed decomposition methods offer an alternative for coming closer to optimum by breaking the large task of system optimization into smaller, concurrently executed and, yet, coupled tasks, identified with engineering disciplines or subsystems. The hierarchic and non-hierarchic decompositions are discussed and illustrated by examples. An organization of a design process centered on the non-hierarchic decomposition is proposed


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    In the information system the development of processes is ensured by a component of the organizational structure in which specialists, scientific instruments, accounting technique and an information flow between information sources, system’s components and decision levels are involved. From the functional point of view, the information systems within an organization can be classified into: • Information system for production; • Information system for the commercial activity; • Financial accounting information system; • Information system for the human resources management. The financial accounting information system provides managers the financial accounting information on which policy formulation is based on, the development of business plans and the control of activities within the organization and has the purpose of answering legal external requirements and accounting standards. To satisfy the necessary conditions in order to benefit from a reliable financial accounting information system, the conditions that ensure the equity and viability of information must be observed (reality, versatility, concision, synthesis ability, opportunity, operability, precision and safety, efficiency, security, etc.) and eliminates the major deficiencies of the system in exploitation (distortion, filtering and redundancy of the information).decisional process, information system, financial accounting information system, informative system, managerial activity

    Infrastruktúra: helyzetek, nézetek, szemléletmódok = Infrastructure in Hungary: Situations, Views, Attitudes

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    Az infrastruktúra háttérbeszorítása kezdetben ideologikus volt, de mindmáig érdekeltségen alapul. A forráselosztás ágazatközi csatáiban az egyes ágazatok felhasználják a csőd kilátásával történő forrás-zsarolás érveit és fegyvereit. Ezek, és az ágazatokon belül működő hasonlóan pazarló és tendenciózus szisztémák megváltoztatása nélkül a piacra hivatkozó „korszerűsítés” is hamis vágányra fog futni. A szerző általános érvényű következtetéseket próbál levonni egy követhető szabályozás kiindulására és elvi kereteire vonatkozóan, az alábbi tézisek szerint. (1) ideologikusan is háttérbe szorult az infrastruktúra, (2) a bajok oka nem a kevés pénz, a megoldás kulcsa sem a „több pénzt az infrastruktúrára” (3) nem „jó” ágazati stratégia a forrás-zsarolás a csőd kilátásával, (4) infrastruktúrán belül is hibás jelszó a „prioritás a termelésnek” (5) az infrastruktúrára is jutott pénz, ha fontosnak tűnt, (6) elosztás helyett több piacot az infrastruktúrában, (7) húzóhatáshoz és motorszerephez is piaci környezet kell, (8) vannak piacosítható infrastruktúrák és vannak externáliák, (9) stabil peremfeltételekre és mozgékony visszajelzésre van szükség, (10) tüneteket kell mérni, és struktúrákat kell építeni. Infrastructure in Hungary: Situations, Views, Attitudes - Tamás Fleischer - In the Central- and Eastern European countries the neglecting of infrastructure first had an ideological basis, but the lack of interest has remained so far. While fighting for resources individual economic branches use the weapons and arguments of threatening with bankruptcy. If this state and the intra-sectoral systems of wastage cannot be changed, "modernisation" even with permanent reference to the market will lead to a wrong direction. The author tries to state the start line and the theoretic frames of a followable regulation along the theses below. (1) The infrastructure was suppressed by ideology, (2) The cause of sickness is not the insufficient amount of money, the solution is not "more money for the infrastructure", (3) Not a useful sector-level strategy is blackmailing for more money by threatening with breakdown (4) Even within the infrastructure "give priority to production" is a mistaken slogan, (5) The infrastructure also got money when it was especially important, (6) Instead of distribution "More market" is needed in the infrastructure, (7) Market environment is required for a real driving effect, for an effective engine role, (8) There are both marketable infrastructures and externalities as well, (9) What we need are stable boundary conditions and flexible feedbacks, (10) We have to measure symptoms and construct structure