1,410 research outputs found

    Integrated production quality and condition-based maintenance optimisation for a stochastically deteriorating manufacturing system

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    This paper investigates the problem of optimally integrating production quality and condition-based maintenance in a stochastically deteriorating single- product, single-machine production system. Inspections are periodically performed on the system to assess its actual degradation status. The system is considered to be in ‘fail mode’ whenever its degradation level exceeds a predetermined threshold. The proportion of non-conforming items, those that are produced during the time interval where the degradation is beyond the specification threshold, are replaced either via overtime production or spot market purchases. To optimise preventive maintenance costs and at the same time reduce production of non-conforming items, the degradation of the system must be optimally monitored so that preventive maintenance is carried out at appropriate time intervals. In this paper, an integrated optimisation model is developed to determine the optimal inspection cycle and the degradation threshold level, beyond which preventive maintenance should be carried out, while minimising the sum of inspection and maintenance costs, in addition to the production of non-conforming items and inventory costs. An expression for the total expected cost rate over an infinite time horizon is developed and solution method for the resulting model is discussed. Numerical experiments are provided to illustrate the proposed approach

    The Clean Air Act Amendments and Firm Investment in Pollution Abatement Equipment

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    The command-and-control approach to environmental regulation requires that firms install prescribed technologies to meet specified goals. However, environmental regulations change frequently; in addition, the enforcement agency cannot perfectly monitor firm compliance. We examine the impact of uncertainties surrounding the enactment and the enforcement of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 on firm investment in air pollution abatement equipment. We find that our measures of the likelihood of CAAA passage clearly affect a firm's investment in pollution equipment. Enforcement actions also affect a firm's investment, but these effects are weaker and are statistically significant only after enactment

    Optimal maintenance of multi-component systems: a review

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    In this article we give an overview of the literature on multi-component maintenance optimization. We focus on work appearing since the 1991 survey "A survey of maintenance models for multi-unit systems" by Cho and Parlar. This paper builds forth on the review article by Dekker et al. (1996), which focusses on economic dependence, and the survey of maintenance policies by Wang (2002), in which some group maintenance and some opportunistic maintenance policies are considered. Our classification scheme is primarily based on the dependence between components (stochastic, structural or economic). Next, we also classify the papers on the basis of the planning aspect (short-term vs long-term), the grouping of maintenance activities (either grouping preventive or corrective maintenance, or opportunistic grouping) and the optimization approach used (heuristic, policy classes or exact algorithms). Finally, we pay attention to the applications of the models.literature review;economic dependence;failure interaction;maintenance policies;grouping maintenance;multi-component systems;opportunistic maintenance;maintencance optimization;structural dependence

    Integration of production, maintenance and quality : Modelling and solution approaches

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    Dans cette thèse, nous analysons le problème de l'intégration de la planification de production et de la maintenance préventive, ainsi que l'élaboration du système de contrôle de la qualité. Premièrement, on considère un système de production composé d'une machine et de plusieurs produits dans un contexte incertain, dont les prix et le coût changent d'une période à l'autre. La machine se détériore avec le temps et sa probabilité de défaillance, ainsi que le risque de passage à un état hors contrôle augmentent. Le taux de défaillance dans un état dégradé est plus élevé et donc, des coûts liés à la qualité s’imposent. Lorsque la machine tombe en panne, une maintenance corrective ou une réparation minimale seront initiées pour la remettre en marche sans influer ses conditions ou le processus de détérioration. L'augmentation du nombre de défaillances de la machine se traduit par un temps d'arrêt supérieur et un taux de disponibilité inférieur. D'autre part, la réalisation des plans de production est fortement influencée par la disponibilité et la fiabilité de la machine. Les interactions entre la planification de la maintenance et celle de la production sont incorporées dans notre modèle mathématique. Dans la première étape, l'effet de maintenance sur la qualité est pris en compte. La maintenance préventive est considérée comme imparfaite. La condition de la machine est définie par l’âge actuel, et la machine dispose de plusieurs niveaux de maintenance avec des caractéristiques différentes (coûts, délais d'exécution et impacts sur les conditions du système). La détermination des niveaux de maintenance préventive optimaux conduit à un problème d’optimisation difficile. Un modèle de maximisation du profit est développé, dans lequel la vente des produits conformes et non conformes, les coûts de la production, les stocks tenus, la rupture de stock, la configuration de la machine, la maintenance préventive et corrective, le remplacement de la machine et le coût de la qualité sont considérés dans la fonction de l’objectif. De plus, un système composé de plusieurs machines est étudié. Dans cette extension, les nombres optimaux d’inspections est également considéré. La fonction de l’objectif consiste à minimiser le coût total qui est la somme des coûts liés à la maintenance, la production et la qualité. Ensuite, en tenant compte de la complexité des modèles préposés, nous développons des méthodes de résolution efficaces qui sont fondées sur la combinaison d'algorithmes génétiques avec des méthodes de recherches locales. On présente un algorithme mimétique qui emploi l’algorithme Nelder-Mead, avec un logiciel d'optimisation pour déterminer les valeurs exactes de plusieurs variables de décisions à chaque évaluation. La méthode de résolution proposée est comparée, en termes de temps d’exécution et de qualités des solutions, avec plusieurs méthodes Métaheuristiques. Mots-clés : Planification de la production, Maintenance préventive imparfaite, Inspection, Qualité, Modèles intégrés, MétaheuristiquesIn this thesis, we study the integrated planning of production, maintenance, and quality in multi-product, multi-period imperfect systems. First, we consider a production system composed of one machine and several products in a time-varying context. The machine deteriorates with time and so, the probability of machine failure, or the risk of a shift to an out-of-control state, increases. The defective rate in the shifted state is higher and so, quality related costs will be imposed. When the machine fails, a corrective maintenance or a minimal repair will be initiated to bring the machine in operation without influencing on its conditions or on the deterioration process. Increasing the expected number of machine failures results in a higher downtime and a lower availability rate. On the other hand, realization of the production plans is significantly influenced by the machine availability and reliability. The interactions between maintenance scheduling and production planning are incorporated in the mathematical model. In the first step, the impact of maintenance on the expected quality level is addressed. The maintenance is also imperfect and the machine conditions after maintenance can be anywhere between as-good-as-new and as-bad-as-old situations. Machine conditions are stated by its effective age, and the machine has several maintenance levels with different costs, execution times, and impacts on the system conditions. High level maintenances on the one hand have greater influences on the improvement of the system state and on the other hand, they occupy more the available production time. The optimal determination of such preventive maintenance levels to be performed at each maintenance intrusion is a challenging problem. A profit maximization model is developed, where the sale of conforming and non-conforming products, costs of production, inventory holding, backorder, setup, preventive and corrective maintenance, machine replacement, and the quality cost are addressed in the objective function. Then, a system with multiple machines is taken into account. In this extension, the number of quality inspections is involved in the joint model. The objective function minimizes the total cost which is the sum of maintenance, production and quality costs. In order to reduce the gap between the theory and the application of joint models, and taking into account the complexity of the integrated problems, we have developed an efficient solution method that is based on the combination of genetic algorithms with local search and problem specific methods. The proposed memetic algorithm employs Nelder-Mead algorithm along with an optimization package for exact determination of the values of several decision variables in each chromosome evolution. The method extracts not only the positive knowledge in good solutions, but also the negative knowledge in poor individuals to determine the algorithm transitions. The method is compared in terms of the solution time and quality to several heuristic methods. Keywords : Multi-period production planning, Imperfect preventive maintenance, Inspection, Quality, Integrated model, Metaheuristic

    Reliability Analysis And Optimal Maintenance Planning For Repairable Multi-Component Systems Subject To Dependent Competing Risks

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    Modern engineering systems generally consist of multiple components that interact in a complex manner. Reliability analysis of multi-component repairable systems plays a critical role for system safety and cost reduction. Establishing reliability models and scheduling optimal maintenance plans for multi-component repairable systems, however, is still a big challenge when considering the dependency of component failures. Existing models commonly make prior assumptions, without statistical verification, as to whether different component failures are independent or not. In this dissertation, data-driven systematic methodologies to characterize component failure dependency of complex systems are proposed. In CHAPTER 2, a parametric reliability model is proposed to capture the statistical dependency among different component failures under partially perfect repair assumption. Based on the proposed model, statistical hypothesis tests are developed to test the dependency of component failures. In CHAPTER 3, two reliability models for multi-component systems with dependent competing risks under imperfect assumptions are proposed, i.e., generalized dependent latent age model and copula-based trend-renewal process model. The generalized dependent latent age model generalizes the partially perfect repair model by involving the extended virtual age concept. And the copula-based trend renewal process model utilizes multiple trend functions to transform the failure times from original time domain to a transformed time domain, in which the repair conditions can be treated as partially perfect. Parameter estimation methods for both models are developed. In CHAPTER 4, based on the generalized dependent latent age model, two periodic inspection-based maintenance polices are developed for a multi-component repairable system subject to dependent competing risks. The first maintenance policy assumes all the components are restored to as good as new once a failure detected, i.e., the whole system is replaced. The second maintenance policy considers the partially perfect repair, i.e., only the failed component can be replaced after detection of failures. Both the maintenance policies are optimized with the aim to minimize the expected average maintenance cost per unit time. The developed methodologies are demonstrated by using applications of real engineering systems

    Probability of Failure of Safety-Critical Systems Subject to Partial Tests

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    A set of general formulas is proposed for the probability of failure on demand (PFD) assessment of MooN architecture (i.e. k-out-of-n) systems subject to proof tests. The proof tests can be partial or full. The partial tests (e.g. visual inspections, partial stroke testing) are able to detect only some system failures and leave the others latent, whereas the full tests refer to overhauls which restore the system to an as good as new condition. Partial tests may occur at different time instants (periodic or not), up to the full test. The system performances which are investigated are the system availability according to time, the PFD average in each partial test time interval, and the total PFD average calculated on the full test time interval. Following the given expressions, parameter estimations are proposed to assess the system failure rates and the partial test effectiveness according to feedback data from previous test policies. Subsequently, an optimization of the partial test strategy is presented. In the 2oo6 system given as example, an improvement of about 10% of the total PFD average has been obtained, just by a better (non-periodic) distribution of the same number of partial tests, in the full test time interval

    Modelling condition monitoring inspection using the delay-time concept

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    In the literature on inspection modelling, the failure distribution traditionally plays a fundamental role in model construction in that it is assumed that system failures occur instantly at random time points from new with a known pdf. of time to failure. Numerous models have been built on this basis. However, Professor Christer challenged this traditional idea and proposed the concept of delay time. The idea, which is an essential part of most engineers' experience, assumes that defects do not just appear as failures, but are present for a while before becoming sufficiently obvious to be noticed and declared as failures. The time lapse from when a defect could first be identified at an inspection to consequential failure has been termed the "delay time". It is this idea which can be captured to reveal the nature and scope for preventive maintenance or inspection. It appears that the concept is now being taken up by many other authors. In this thesis, various models for condition monitoring inspection are built on the basis of delay time analysis. Extensions and further developments are made here to enrich the delay-time modelling. Since the distribution of the delay time is important to delay time modelling, a new approach to estimate the delay time distribution is proposed. This technique, which contrasts with the previous subjective data estimation technique, is based upon objective data. Assuming the distribution of the delay time is known, models of condition monitoring inspection are fully discussed for both perfect and imperfect inspections, and for infinite and finite time horizons. Based upon the models for perfect inspection, algorithms are presented to find the optimal solution. Numerical examples are presented in each Chapter to illustrate how models and algorithms work
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