805 research outputs found

    High-Level Annotation of Routing Congestion for Xilinx Vivado HLS Designs

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    Ever since transistor cost stopped decreasing, customized programmable platforms, such as field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), became a major way to improve software execution performance and energy consumption. While software developers can use high-level synthesis (HLS) to speed up register-transfer level (RTL) code generation from C++ or OpenCL source code, placement and routing issues, such as congestion, can still prevent achieving an FPGA programming bitstream or dramatically reduce the FPGA implementation performance. Congestion reports from physical design tools refer to thousands of RTL signal names instead of developer-accessible identifiers and statements, considerably complicating the developer understanding and resolution of the issues at the source level. We propose a high-level back-annotation flow that summarizes the routing congestion issues at the source level by analyzing the reports from the FPGA physical design tools and the internal debugging files of the HLS tools. Our flow describes congestion using comments back-annotated on the source code and identifies if the congestion causes are the on-chip memories or the DSP units (multipliers/adders), which are the shared resources very often associated with routing problems on FPGAs. We demonstrate on realistic large designs how the information provided by our flow helps to quickly spot congestion causes at the source level and to solve them using appropriate HLS directives

    Towards Machine Learning-Based FPGA Backend Flow: Challenges and Opportunities

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    Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is at the core of System on Chip (SoC) design across various Industry 5.0 digital systems—healthcare devices, farming equipment, autonomous vehicles and aerospace gear to name a few. Given that pre-silicon verification using Computer Aided Design (CAD) accounts for about 70% of the time and money spent on the design of modern digital systems, this paper summarizes the machine learning (ML)-oriented efforts in different FPGA CAD design steps. With the recent breakthrough of machine learning, FPGA CAD tasks—high-level synthesis (HLS), logic synthesis, placement and routing—are seeing a renewed interest in their respective decision-making steps. We focus on machine learning-based CAD tasks to suggest some pertinent research areas requiring more focus in CAD design. The development of open-source benchmarks optimized for an end-to-end machine learning experience, intra-FPGA optimization, domain-specific accelerators, lack of explainability and federated learning are the issues reviewed to identify important research spots requiring significant focus. The potential of the new cloud-based architectures to understand the application of the right ML algorithms in FPGA CAD decision-making steps is discussed, together with visualizing the scenario of incorporating more intelligence in the cloud platform, with the help of relatively newer technologies such as CAD as Adaptive OpenPlatform Service (CAOS). Altogether, this research explores several research opportunities linked with modern FPGA CAD flow design, which will serve as a single point of reference for modern FPGA CAD flow design

    Methodology for complex dataflow application development

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    This thesis addresses problems inherent to the development of complex applications for reconfig- urable systems. Many projects fail to complete or take much longer than originally estimated by relying on traditional iterative software development processes typically used with conventional computers. Even though designer productivity can be increased by abstract programming and execution models, e.g., dataflow, development methodologies considering the specific properties of reconfigurable systems do not exist. The first contribution of this thesis is a design methodology to facilitate systematic develop- ment of complex applications using reconfigurable hardware in the context of High-Performance Computing (HPC). The proposed methodology is built upon a careful analysis of the original application, a software model of the intended hardware system, an analytical prediction of performance and on-chip area usage, and an iterative architectural refinement to resolve identi- fied bottlenecks before writing a single line of code targeting the reconfigurable hardware. It is successfully validated using two real applications and both achieve state-of-the-art performance. The second contribution extends this methodology to provide portability between devices in two steps. First, additional tool support for contemporary multi-die Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) is developed. An algorithm to automatically map logical memories to hetero- geneous physical memories with special attention to die boundaries is proposed. As a result, only the proposed algorithm managed to successfully place and route all designs used in the evaluation while the second-best algorithm failed on one third of all large applications. Second, best practices for performance portability between different FPGA devices are collected and evaluated on a financial use case, showing efficient resource usage on five different platforms. The third contribution applies the extended methodology to a real, highly demanding emerging application from the radiotherapy domain. A Monte-Carlo based simulation of dose accumu- lation in human tissue is accelerated using the proposed methodology to meet the real time requirements of adaptive radiotherapy.Open Acces

    Real-Time Trigger and online Data Reduction based on Machine Learning Methods for Particle Detector Technology

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    Moderne Teilchenbeschleuniger-Experimente generieren während zur Laufzeit immense Datenmengen. Die gesamte erzeugte Datenmenge abzuspeichern, überschreitet hierbei schnell das verfügbare Budget für die Infrastruktur zur Datenauslese. Dieses Problem wird üblicherweise durch eine Kombination von Trigger- und Datenreduktionsmechanismen adressiert. Beide Mechanismen werden dabei so nahe wie möglich an den Detektoren platziert um die gewünschte Reduktion der ausgehenden Datenraten so frühzeitig wie möglich zu ermöglichen. In solchen Systeme traditionell genutzte Verfahren haben währenddessen ihre Mühe damit eine effiziente Reduktion in modernen Experimenten zu erzielen. Die Gründe dafür liegen zum Teil in den komplexen Verteilungen der auftretenden Untergrund Ereignissen. Diese Situation wird bei der Entwicklung der Detektorauslese durch die vorab unbekannten Eigenschaften des Beschleunigers und Detektors während des Betriebs unter hoher Luminosität verstärkt. Aus diesem Grund wird eine robuste und flexible algorithmische Alternative benötigt, welche von Verfahren aus dem maschinellen Lernen bereitgestellt werden kann. Da solche Trigger- und Datenreduktion-Systeme unter erschwerten Bedingungen wie engem Latenz-Budget, einer großen Anzahl zu nutzender Verbindungen zur Datenübertragung und allgemeinen Echtzeitanforderungen betrieben werden müssen, werden oft FPGAs als technologische Basis für die Umsetzung genutzt. Innerhalb dieser Arbeit wurden mehrere Ansätze auf Basis von FPGAs entwickelt und umgesetzt, welche die vorherrschenden Problemstellungen für das Belle II Experiment adressieren. Diese Ansätze werden über diese Arbeit hinweg vorgestellt und diskutiert werden

    Characterization and Acceleration of High Performance Compute Workloads

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    Characterization and Acceleration of High Performance Compute Workloads

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    DREAMPlaceFPGA-MP: An Open-Source GPU-Accelerated Macro Placer for Modern FPGAs with Cascade Shapes and Region Constraints

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    FPGA macro placement plays a pivotal role in routability and timing closer to the modern FPGA physical design flow. In modern FPGAs, macros could be subject to complex cascade shape constraints requiring instances to be placed in consecutive sites. In addition, in real-world FPGA macro placement scenarios, designs could have various region constraints that specify boundaries within which certain design instances and macros should be placed. In this work, we present DREAMPlaceFPGA-MP, an open-source GPU-accelerated FPGA macro-placer that efficiently generates legal placements for macros while honoring cascade shape requirements and region constraints. Treating multiple macros in a cascade shape as a large single instance and restricting instances to their respective regions, DREAMPlaceFPGA-MP obtains roughly legal placements. The macros are legalized in multiple steps to efficiently handle cascade shapes and region constraints. Our experimental results demonstrate that DREAMPlaceFPGA-MP is among the top contestants of the MLCAD 2023 FPGA Macro-Placement Contest
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