197 research outputs found

    Complete Semantics to empower Touristic Service Providers

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    The tourism industry has a significant impact on the world's economy, contributes 10.2% of the world's gross domestic product in 2016. It becomes a very competitive industry, where having a strong online presence is an essential aspect for business success. To achieve this goal, the proper usage of latest Web technologies, particularly schema.org annotations is crucial. In this paper, we present our effort to improve the online visibility of touristic service providers in the region of Tyrol, Austria, by creating and deploying a substantial amount of semantic annotations according to schema.org, a widely used vocabulary for structured data on the Web. We started our work from Tourismusverband (TVB) Mayrhofen-Hippach and all touristic service providers in the Mayrhofen-Hippach region and applied the same approach to other TVBs and regions, as well as other use cases. The rationale for doing this is straightforward. Having schema.org annotations enables search engines to understand the content better, and provide better results for end users, as well as enables various intelligent applications to utilize them. As a direct consequence, the region of Tyrol and its touristic service increase their online visibility and decrease the dependency on intermediaries, i.e. Online Travel Agency (OTA).Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    Seamless Integration of RESTful Services into the Web of Data

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    We live in an era of ever-increasing abundance of data. To cope with the information overload we suffer from every single day, more sophisticated methods are required to access, manipulate, and analyze these humongous amounts of data. By embracing the heterogeneity, which is unavoidable at such a scale, and accepting the fact that the data quality and meaning are fuzzy, more adaptable, flexible, and extensible systems can be built. RESTful services combined with Semantic Web technologies could prove to be a viable path to achieve that. Their combination a1lows data integration on an unprecedented sca1e and solves some of the problems Web developers are continuously struggling with. This paper introduces a novel approach to create machine-readable descriptions for RESTful services as a first step towards this ambitious goal. It also shows how these descriptions along with analgorithm to translate SPARQL queries to HTTP requests can be used to integrate RESTful services into a global read-write Web of Data

    Enabling Automatic Discovery and Querying of Web APIs at Web Scale using Linked Data Standards

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    International audienceTo help in making sense of the ever-increasing number of data sources available on the Web, in this article we tackle the problem of enabling automatic discovery and querying of data sources at Web scale. To pursue this goal, we suggest to (1) provision rich descriptions of data sources and query services thereof, (2) leverage the power of Web search engines to discover data sources, and (3) rely on simple, well-adopted standards that come with extensive tooling. We apply these principles to the concrete case of SPARQL micro-services that aim at querying Web APIs using SPARQL. The proposed solution leverages SPARQL Service Description, SHACL, DCAT, VoID, Schema.org and Hydra to express a rich functional description that allows a software agent to decide whether a micro-service can help in carrying out a certain task. This description can be dynamically transformed into a Web page embedding rich markup data. This Web page is both a human-friendly documentation and a machine-readable description that makes it possible for humans and machines alike to discover and invoke SPARQL micro-services at Web scale, as if they were just another data source. We report on a prototype implementation that is available on-line for test purposes, and that can be effectively discovered using Google's Dataset Search engine

    Developing a service endpoint to integrate semantic collection data from botanical databases and other information systems

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    The digitization of botanical collections has increasingly brought biodiversity research activities online. In order to make these data usable in the most efficient way, various obstacles have to be overcome. One such obstacle is a lack of ability to integrate information from other sources. While agreed upon, machine-understandable data standards such as ABCD have resulted in concepts that can already be described semantically, yet they are often transmitted as free-text information. The utilization of identifers for collectors has created opportunities for the integration of data from external information systems. However, since the identifers used are not standardized and vary from institution to institution, this work aims to develop a web service demonstrating that this problem can be overcome by applying appropriate Linked Data methods on centralized knowledge bases such as Wikidata. After eliciting requirements from participating CETAF institutions, an API was designed and implemented on this basis that can integrate biographic, bibliographic, and collection data into a single semantic file format by leveraging multiple endpoints. Thus, the work shows that diverse identifers used in collection databases do not have to be a problem. Moreover, missing IDs for important information sources such as Wikidata can be found and used. Heterogeneous data from different sources can be merged using previously defined mappings, although such data may not be available in semantic formats. Further sources of information could thus be added in the future. Furthermore, a future focus on annotated geographic identifers is also conceivable to additionally integrate semantic data on collection object found locations

    Towards Uniform Access to Web Data and Services

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    A sizable amount of data on the Web is currently available via Web APIs that expose data in formats such as JSON or XML. Combining data from different APIs and data sources requires glue code which is typically not shared and hence not reused. We derive requirements for a mechanism that brings data and functionality currently available via ad-hoc APIs into a coherent framework. Such standardised access to content and functionality would reduce the effort for data integration and the combination of service functionality, leading to reduced effort in composing data and services from multiple providers

    Automated Rule-Based Selection and Instantiation of Layout Templates for Widget-Based Microsites

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    Veebi avatud arhitektuuron loonud soodsa pinnase veebisolevate andmete kasutamiseks nii keerulisemates kui lihtsamates veebirakendustes. Andmete kogumise ja visualiseerimise lihtsustamiseks lihtsates veebirakendustes on loodud hulganisti tööriistu, mille seas on ka mashup'ide loomise tööriistad. Olemasolevate tööriistadega kõrge kasutatavusega mashup veebilehe loomine võib aga paraku olla keerukas, kuna nõuab erinevate tehnoloogiate ning programmeerimiskeelte tundmist, rääkimata kasutatavuse juhtnööridega kursisolemist. Kuigi osad mashup'ide platvormid, a'la OpenAjax Hub, lihtsustavad olemasolevate komponentide kombineerimist, on lahendamata probleemiks siiani nende rakenduste kasutatavus. Käesolev magistritöö kirjeldab reeglipõhist lahendust andmete visualiseerimise vidinate jaoks sobiva veebilehe malli automaatseks valimiseks vastavalt enimlevinud veebilehtede kasutatavuse juhtnööridele. Selleks laetakse vidinate ning struktuurimallide kirjeldused koos kasutatavuse juhtnööridest saadud reeglitega reeglimootorisse ning kasutatakse reeglimootorit ekspertsüsteemina, mis soovitab sobivamaid malle vastavalt etteantud vidinate komplektile. Lahenduse reeglipõhine ülesehitus võimaldab uute vidinate ning mallide lisandumisel või juhtnööride muutumisel operatiivselt reageerida nendele muutustele reeglibaasi täiendamise kaudu. Väljapakutud lahendus realiseeriti käesoleva töö raames Auto Microsite rakendusena, mis koosneb serveri- ning kliendipoolsest osast. Serveri poolel toimub reeglite abil vidinate komplekti visualiseerimiseks sobiva malli valimine kasutades OO jDREW RuleML reeglimootorit ning rakenduse paketeerimiseks koodi genereerimine. Kliendi poolel kasutatakse OpenAjax Hub raamistikkuvidinate turvaliseks eraldamiseks ning omavahel suhtlemapanemisel. Samuti on kliendi poolel lahendatud genereeritud veebilehe vastavusse viimine brauseri võimalustega. Katsetamaks Auto Microsite rakendust praktikas loodi seda kasutades realisatsioonid kahele lihtsale stsenaariumile. Esimesel juhul viusaliseeriti Euroopa 1997-2008 tööjõukulude (Hourly labour costs in Euros (European Union 1997-2008) ing. k.) andmeid kaardi, tabeli, kokkuvõtte ja menüü vidinatega. Teisel juhul kasutati lisaks andmete visualiseerimise vidinatele ka väliseid andmeallikaid, mis olid realiseeritud mittevisuaalsete vidinatena. Saadud andmed visualiseeriti kahe tabeli ning ühe kaardi vidinaga. Näidisveebilehtede loomise tulemusena järeldub, et rakendus sobib lihtsate veebilehtede loomiseks. Lisaks on võimalik lahendust täiendada keerukamate veebirakenduste automaatseks loomiseks läbi vastavate mallide ning reeglite lisamise.This thesis proposes a rule-based widget and layout template matchmaking solution for widget-based microsites. The solution takes as an input a set of widget descriptions and a set of layout templates with widget placeholders and returns a microsite, where the most suitable template has been instantiated with corresponding widgets. Matchmaking is based on applying a rule engine to metadata of widgets and placeholders about their content categories and dimensions,. Additional usability rules are used to further improve the results with respect to commonly accepted usability guidelines. Such a solution makes it possible to modularly enhance the usability results in the future simply by adding new usability rules and layout templates. Furthermore, the solution can be applied in mashup creation tools for layout selection. The proposed solution has been implemented and is called Auto Microsite in this thesis. The system consists of a server-side and a client-side component. The server-side component matches widgets with layout template placeholders according to the given rules by using the OO jDREW RuleML engine. The client-side is responsible for presenting the mashup appropriately for the client device. The latter is based on OpenAjax Hub 2.0 framework, which enables secure sandboxing and communication of widgets in the generated microsite. Furthermore, OpenAjax Metadata 1.0 specification is used in this thesis to package the widgets such that they could be easily reused. In order to evaluate the Auto Microsite system in practice two proof of concept (PoC) scenarios were implemented. The first scenario visualized "Hourly labour costs in Euros (European Union 1997-2008)" data using widgets for a map, a table and a summary. In the second scenario, also data was queried through a SOAP service and a Web site. In the scenario data was visualized using two table widgets and a map widget. The SOAP service and queries to the Web site were packaged as non-visual widgets to fit the framework. The POCs demonstrate that the Auto Microsite system is able to construct widget-based microsites. Furthermore, the framework is capable of constructing also more complex Web applications, with several pages and more content widgets, by adding new rules and templates