7 research outputs found

    Automatic Feature Extraction from Planetary Images

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    With the launch of several planetary missions in the last decade, a large amount of planetary images has already been acquired and much more will be available for analysis in the coming years. The image data need to be analyzed, preferably by automatic processing techniques because of the huge amount of data. Although many automatic feature extraction methods have been proposed and utilized for Earth remote sensing images, these methods are not always applicable to planetary data that often present low contrast and uneven illumination characteristics. Different methods have already been presented for crater extraction from planetary images, but the detection of other types of planetary features has not been addressed yet. Here, we propose a new unsupervised method for the extraction of different features from the surface of the analyzed planet, based on the combination of several image processing techniques, including a watershed segmentation and the generalized Hough Transform. The method has many applications, among which image registration and can be applied to arbitrary planetary images

    Unsupervised Detection of Planetary Craters by a Marked Point Process

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    With the launch of several planetary missions in the last decade, a large amount of planetary images is being acquired. Preferably, automatic and robust processing techniques need to be used for data analysis because of the huge amount of the acquired data. Here, the aim is to achieve a robust and general methodology for crater detection. A novel technique based on a marked point process is proposed. First, the contours in the image are extracted. The object boundaries are modeled as a configuration of an unknown number of random ellipses, i.e., the contour image is considered as a realization of a marked point process. Then, an energy function is defined, containing both an a priori energy and a likelihood term. The global minimum of this function is estimated by using reversible jump Monte-Carlo Markov chain dynamics and a simulated annealing scheme. The main idea behind marked point processes is to model objects within a stochastic framework: Marked point processes represent a very promising current approach in the stochastic image modeling and provide a powerful and methodologically rigorous framework to efficiently map and detect objects and structures in an image with an excellent robustness to noise. The proposed method for crater detection has several feasible applications. One such application area is image registration by matching the extracted features

    Longitudinal subglacial bedform semi-automated mapping and measurement

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    This thesis addresses methodological issues in the morphometric inventorying of relict drumlins and mega-scale glacial lineations (longitudinal subglacial bedforms, LSBs) which pose limits to a robust description of LSB morphometry and thus to testing hypotheses of LSB genesis, with implications for postdicting past, and predicting future, ice sheet behavior. Focus is on a) the adequacy of previously used morphometric measurement methods (MMM) (GIS) and b) the development of LSB semi-automated mapping (SAM) methods. Dimensions derived from an ellipse fitted to the LSB footprint based on Euler’s approximation are inaccurate and both these and orientation based on the longest straight line enclosed by the footprint are imprecise. A newly tested MMM based on the standard deviational ellipse performs best. A new SAM method outperforms previous methods. It is based on the analysis of normalized local relief closed contours and on a supervised ruleset encapsulating expert knowledge, published morphometric data and study area LSB morphometry

    Automatic extraction of potential impact structures from geospatial data : examples from Finnmark, Northern Norway

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    Impact cratering is a fundamental process in the Solar System, and on solid planetary bodies like Mars and the Moon, impact cratering may be the most prominent landforming process. On the Earth several processes compete in shaping the surface. Consequently, the impact structures on Earth are often poorly preserved, difficult to spot and found in limited numbers (per 2010, 176). The impact crater formation process results in a circular shape of fresh craters, except for impacts at low angles. This circularity is found in e.g. morphology, the distribution of impact rocks and in geophysical anomalies. The analytical choice is then to use the circular shape as a feature descriptor in search approaches. This thesis describes techniques applied to automatic extract circular features from appropriate geospatial datasets, i.e. to locate potential impact structures. The data cover parts of Finnmark county, Northern Norway, and include digital elevation models, geophysical potential field data and multispectral images. Remote sensing or image analysis methodologies can only detect potential impact structures, the most promising structures for further field studies. Evidence must later come from sampled rocks. An impact structure search should not be based on a single technique or a single dataset because of the diverse impact crater catalog, but rather a combination of several techniques applied on various data. Unlike previous terrestrial search approaches of purely visual analysis of data or the use of automatic techniques relevant to only a limited set of data, the presented methodology offers a framework to search large regions and several types of data to extract promising structures prior to the visual inspection

    Morphometric analysis of differently degraded simple craters on the moon

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    The main focus of this PhD research is the morphologic characterization of simple impact craters on lunar maria in order to find out a correlation between craters morphological degradation and absolute model ages of the surfaces where they were emplaced. Crater degradation can be indeed used to constrain the chronological evolution of planetary surfaces. The crater degradation is usually retrieved through visual inspection by subdividing craters into 4 classes: C1 represents the freshest ones, C2 are the ones with the first evidence of degradation (smoothed rim), C3 and C4 are related to morphologies ranging from heavily eroded to totally flattened respectively [Arthur, 1963]. We firstly conducted a morphometric analysis of craters representative of the four classes starting from the freshest one represented by the Linné crater. Craters were chosen on a homogeneous geological unit, the S28 unit in mare Serenitatis, with an absolute model age of 2.84 Gy [Hiesinger et al., 2011]. This analysis allowed us to establish the thresholds of mean slope from craters inner wall, in order to constrain the morphometric characterization of the four degradation classes. Successively we have extracted all impact craters (383) from a unique geological unit and we have defined the morphologic relationships among the degradation classes in function of the craters diameters. Finally, we expanded our analysis to six lunar maria, considering six lunar maria with different average absolute model ages, in order to perform this analysis with the wider range of ages. For each mare we considered a unique surface (dataset) derived from the merging of geological units with similar absolute model ages within the basin, in order to guarantee the most homogeneous possible surfaces, both in terms of impact rheology and absolute age. From the six surfaces we have extracted inner wall mean slopes from over 1000 impact craters. The mean slope values of the inner walls have shown a relation between crater morphology and the absolute model ages of the geological units where they are located. Older basins are characterized by craters with lower mean slope values, suggesting a dominance of older craters in their population, whereas the younger units have shown higher mean slope values of their simple craters, suggesting a population dominated by recent impacts. This tendency is the expression of the morphological alteration strictly connected to the lunar maria age. Since the geomorphometry of impact craters is influenced by the absolute age of the target area, we have constrained potential isochrones by fixing absolute age thresholds based on the morphological variations of impact craters