34 research outputs found

    A Framework for Genetic Algorithms Based on Hadoop

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    Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are powerful metaheuristic techniques mostly used in many real-world applications. The sequential execution of GAs requires considerable computational power both in time and resources. Nevertheless, GAs are naturally parallel and accessing a parallel platform such as Cloud is easy and cheap. Apache Hadoop is one of the common services that can be used for parallel applications. However, using Hadoop to develop a parallel version of GAs is not simple without facing its inner workings. Even though some sequential frameworks for GAs already exist, there is no framework supporting the development of GA applications that can be executed in parallel. In this paper is described a framework for parallel GAs on the Hadoop platform, following the paradigm of MapReduce. The main purpose of this framework is to allow the user to focus on the aspects of GA that are specific to the problem to be addressed, being sure that this task is going to be correctly executed on the Cloud with a good performance. The framework has been also exploited to develop an application for Feature Subset Selection problem. A preliminary analysis of the performance of the developed GA application has been performed using three datasets and shown very promising performance

    Dynamically Iterative MapReduce

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    [[abstract]]MapReduce is a distributed and parallel computing model for data-intensive tasks with features of optimized scheduling, flexibility, high availability, and high manageability. MapReduce can work on various platforms; however, MapReduce is not suitable for iterative programs because the performance may be lowered by frequent disk I/O operations. In order to improve system performance and resource utilization, we propose a novel MapReduce framework named Dynamically Iterative MapReduce (DIMR) to reduce numbers of disk I/O operations and the consumption of network bandwidth by means of using dynamic task allocation and memory management mechanism. We show that DIMR is promising with detail discussions in this paper.[[notice]]補正完畢[[incitationindex]]SCI[[incitationindex]]EI[[booktype]]紙本[[booktype]]電子

    Parallelization of genetic algorithms using Hadoop Map/Reduce

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    In this paper we present parallel implementation of genetic algorithm using map/reduce programming paradigm. Hadoop implementation of map/reduce library is used for this purpose. We compare our implementation with implementation presented in [1]. These two implementations are compared in solving One Max (Bit counting) problem. The comparison criteria between implementations are fitness convergence, quality of final solution, algorithm scalability, and cloud resource utilization. Our model for parallelization of genetic algorithm shows better performances and fitness convergence than model presented in [1], but our model has lower quality of solution because of species problem

    Implementing Parallel Differential Evolution on Spark

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    [Abstract] Metaheuristics are gaining increased attention as an efficient way of solving hard global optimization problems. Differential Evolution (DE) is one of the most popular algorithms in that class. However, its application to realistic problems results in excessive computation times. Therefore, several parallel DE schemes have been proposed, most of them focused on traditional parallel programming interfaces and infrastruc- tures. However, with the emergence of Cloud Computing, new program- ming models, like Spark, have appeared to suit with large-scale data processing on clouds. In this paper we investigate the applicability of Spark to develop parallel DE schemes to be executed in a distributed environment. Both the master-slave and the island-based DE schemes usually found in the literature have been implemented using Spark. The speedup and efficiency of all the implementations were evaluated on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) public cloud, concluding that the island- based solution is the best suited to the distributed nature of Spark. It achieves a good speedup versus the serial implementation, and shows a decent scalability when the number of nodes grows.[Resumen] Las metaheurísticas están recibiendo una atención creciente como técnica eficiente en la resolución de problemas difíciles de optimización global. Differential Evolution (DE) es una de las metaheurísticas más populares, sin embargo su aplicación en problemas reales deriva en tiempos de cómputo excesivos. Por ello se han realizado diferentes propuestas para la paralelización del DE, en su mayoría utilizando infraestructuras e interfaces de programación paralela tradicionales. Con la aparición de la computación en la nube también se han propuesto nuevos modelos de programación, como Spark, que permiten manejar el procesamiento de datos a gran escala en la nube. En este artículo investigamos la aplicabilidad de Spark en el desarrollo de implementaciones paralelas del DE para su ejecución en entornos distribuidos. Se han implementado tanto la aproximación master-slave como la basada en islas, que son las más comunes. También se han evaluado la aceleración y la eficiencia de todas las implementaciones usando el cloud público de Amazon (AWS, Amazon Web Services), concluyéndose que la implementación basada en islas es la más adecuada para el esquema de distribución usado por Spark. Esta implementación obtiene una buena aceleración en relación a la implementación serie y muestra una escalabilidad bastante buena cuando el número de nodos aumenta.[Resume] As metaheurísticas están recibindo unha atención a cada vez maior como técnica eficiente na resolución de problemas difíciles de optimización global. Differential Evolution (DE) é unha das metaheurísticas mais populares, ainda que a sua aplicación a problemas reais deriva en tempos de cómputo excesivos. É por iso que se propuxeron diferentes esquemas para a paralelización do DE, na sua maioría utilizando infraestruturas e interfaces de programación paralela tradicionais. Coa aparición da computación na nube tamén se propuxeron novos modelos de programación, como Spark, que permiten manexar o procesamento de datos a grande escala na nube. Neste artigo investigamos a aplicabilidade de Spark no desenvolvimento de implementacións paralelas do DE para a sua execución en contornas distribuidas. Implementáronse tanto a aproximación master-slave como a baseada en illas, que son as mais comúns. Tamén se avaliaron a aceleración e a eficiencia de todas as implementacións usando o cloud público de Amazon (AWS, Amazon Web Services), tirando como conclusión que a implementación baseada en illas é a mais acaida para o esquema de distribución usado por Spark. Esta implementación obtén unha boa aceleración en relación á implementación serie e amosa unha escalabilidade bastante boa cando o número de nos aumenta.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; DPI2014-55276-C5-2-RXunta de Galicia; GRC2013/055Xunta de Galicia; R2014/04

    Towards cloud-based parallel metaheuristics: A case study in computational biology with Differential Evolution and Spark

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    [Abstract] Many key problems in science and engineering can be formulated and solved using global optimization techniques. In the particular case of computational biology, the development of dynamic (kinetic) models is one of the current key issues. In this context, the problem of parameter estimation (model calibration) remains as a very challenging task. The complexity of the underlying models requires the use of efficient solvers to achieve adequate results in reasonable computation times. Metaheuristics have been the focus of great consideration as an efficient way of solving hard global optimization problems. Even so, in most realistic applications, metaheuristics require a very large computation time to obtain an acceptable result. Therefore, several parallel schemes have been proposed, most of them focused on traditional parallel programming interfaces and infrastructures. However, with the emergence of cloud computing, new programming models have been proposed to deal with large-scale data processing on clouds. In this paper we explore the applicability of these new models for global optimization problems using as a case study a set of challenging parameter estimation problems in systems biology. We have developed, using Spark, an island-based parallel version of Differential Evolution. Differential Evolution is a simple population-based metaheuristic that, at the same time, is very popular for being very efficient in real function global optimization. Several experiments were conducted both on a cluster and on the Microsoft Azure public cloud to evaluate the speedup and efficiency of the proposal, concluding that the Spark implementation achieves not only competitive speedup against the serial implementation, but also good scalability when the number of nodes grows. The results can be useful for those interested in using parallel metaheuristics for global optimization problems benefiting from the potential of new cloud programming models.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and FEDER; through the Project SYNBIOFACTORY; DPI2014-55276-C5-2-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad and FEDER; TIN2013-42148-PMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad and FEDER; TIN2016-75845-PXunta de Galicia; R2014/04

    Enabling Computational Steering with an Asynchronous-Iterative Computation Framework

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    Intervención de enfermeriia en la alimentación complementaria del niño de 6 a 24 meses que acuden al Puesto de Salud Las Delicias, 2015 - 2017

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    Segun Ia organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) <12), la alimentación complementaria es el proceso que comienza cuando Ia leche materna por si sola ya no es suficiente para satisfacer las necesidades nutricionales del lactante y por tanto se necesitan otros alimentos y Iiquidos, ademés de la leche materna. Requisitos bésicos de la alimentacién complementaria: Oportuna: Comenzar en el momento justo sin disminuir Ios beneficios del amamantamiento. Nutricionalmente adecuada: Proveer Ia energia y nutrientes adecuados para Iactantes de més de seis meses, cuya densidad calérica además de ser apropiada para la edad, guarda relacién con la frecuencia de alimentación y considera los alimentos localmente disponibles. Segura: Ofrecida y preparada higiénicamente, es decir desde el punto de vista bacteriolégico y toxicolégico, Iibre de contaminantes. Perceptiva: Brindada en un marco de afecto respetando las necesidades y el ritmo del niñoTrabajo academic

    Una visión general sobre la implementación de metaheurísticas paralelas en la nube

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    Metaheuristics are among the most popular methods for solving hard global optimization problems in many areas of science and engineering. Their parallel implementation applying HPC techniques is a common approach for efficiently using available resources to reduce the time needed to get a good enough solution to hard-to-solve problems. Paradigms like MPI or OMP are the usual choice when executing them in clusters or supercomputers. Moreover, the pervasive presence of cloud computing and the emergence of programming models like MapReduce or Spark have given rise to an increasing interest in porting HPC workloads to the cloud, as is the case with parallel metaheuristics. In this paper we give an overview of our experience with different alternatives for porting parallel metaheuristics to the cloud, providing some useful insights to the interested reader that we have acquired through extensive experimentation.Las metaheurísticas son uno de los métodos más populares en muchas áreas de la ciencia y la ingeniera para la resolución de problemas de optimización global difíciles. Su implementación paralela, aplicando técnicas de HPC, es una aproximación común a la hora de reducir el tiempo necesario para obtener una solución lo suficientemente buena con un uso eficiente de los recursos disponibles. Paradigmas como MPI u OMP son las opciones habituales cuando se ejecutan en clústeres o supercomputadores. Además, la utilización generalizada de la computación en la nube y la aparición de modelos de programación como MapReduce o Spark, han generado un interés creciente por portar aplicaciones HPC a la nube, como ocurre en el caso de las metaheursticas paralelas. En este trabajo recogemos una visión general de nuestra experiencia con diferentes opciones a la hora de portar metaheursticas paralelas a la nube, proporcionando información útil al lector interesado, que hemos ido adquiriendo a través de nuestra experiencia practica.Facultad de Informátic