364 research outputs found

    Semiautomated 3D liver segmentation using computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging

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    Le foie est un organe vital ayant une capacitĂ© de rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ration exceptionnelle et un rĂŽle crucial dans le fonctionnement de l’organisme. L’évaluation du volume du foie est un outil important pouvant ĂȘtre utilisĂ© comme marqueur biologique de sĂ©vĂ©ritĂ© de maladies hĂ©patiques. La volumĂ©trie du foie est indiquĂ©e avant les hĂ©patectomies majeures, l’embolisation de la veine porte et la transplantation. La mĂ©thode la plus rĂ©pandue sur la base d'examens de tomodensitomĂ©trie (TDM) et d'imagerie par rĂ©sonance magnĂ©tique (IRM) consiste Ă  dĂ©limiter le contour du foie sur plusieurs coupes consĂ©cutives, un processus appelĂ© la «segmentation». Nous prĂ©sentons la conception et la stratĂ©gie de validation pour une mĂ©thode de segmentation semi-automatisĂ©e dĂ©veloppĂ©e Ă  notre institution. Notre mĂ©thode reprĂ©sente une approche basĂ©e sur un modĂšle utilisant l’interpolation variationnelle de forme ainsi que l’optimisation de maillages de Laplace. La mĂ©thode a Ă©tĂ© conçue afin d’ĂȘtre compatible avec la TDM ainsi que l' IRM. Nous avons Ă©valuĂ© la rĂ©pĂ©tabilitĂ©, la fiabilitĂ© ainsi que l’efficacitĂ© de notre mĂ©thode semi-automatisĂ©e de segmentation avec deux Ă©tudes transversales conçues rĂ©trospectivement. Les rĂ©sultats de nos Ă©tudes de validation suggĂšrent que la mĂ©thode de segmentation confĂšre une fiabilitĂ© et rĂ©pĂ©tabilitĂ© comparables Ă  la segmentation manuelle. De plus, cette mĂ©thode diminue de façon significative le temps d’interaction, la rendant ainsi adaptĂ©e Ă  la pratique clinique courante. D’autres Ă©tudes pourraient incorporer la volumĂ©trie afin de dĂ©terminer des marqueurs biologiques de maladie hĂ©patique basĂ©s sur le volume tels que la prĂ©sence de stĂ©atose, de fer, ou encore la mesure de fibrose par unitĂ© de volume.The liver is a vital abdominal organ known for its remarkable regenerative capacity and fundamental role in organism viability. Assessment of liver volume is an important tool which physicians use as a biomarker of disease severity. Liver volumetry is clinically indicated prior to major hepatectomy, portal vein embolization and transplantation. The most popular method to determine liver volume from computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations involves contouring the liver on consecutive imaging slices, a process called “segmentation”. Segmentation can be performed either manually or in an automated fashion. We present the design concept and validation strategy for an innovative semiautomated liver segmentation method developed at our institution. Our method represents a model-based approach using variational shape interpolation and Laplacian mesh optimization techniques. It is independent of training data, requires limited user interactions and is robust to a variety of pathological cases. Further, it was designed for compatibility with both CT and MRI examinations. We evaluated the repeatability, agreement and efficiency of our semiautomated method in two retrospective cross-sectional studies. The results of our validation studies suggest that semiautomated liver segmentation can provide strong agreement and repeatability when compared to manual segmentation. Further, segmentation automation significantly shortens interaction time, thus making it suitable for daily clinical practice. Future studies may incorporate liver volumetry to determine volume-averaged biomarkers of liver disease, such as such as fat, iron or fibrosis measurements per unit volume. Segmental volumetry could also be assessed based on subsegmentation of vascular anatomy

    Quantitative diffusion and perfusion MRI in the evaluation of endometrial cancer. Validation with histopathological parameters

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    Objectives: To investigate the role of quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in preoperative assessment of tumour aggressiveness in patients with endometrial cancer, correlating multiple parameters obtained from diffusion and dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) MR sequences with conventional histopathological prognostic factors and inflammatory tumour infiltrate.Methods: Forty-four patients with biopsy-proven endometrial cancer underwent preoperative MR imaging at 3T scanner, including DCE imaging, diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and intravoxel incoherent motion imaging (IVIM). Images were analysed on dedicated post-processing workstations and quantitative parameters were extracted: K-trans, K-ep, V-e and AUC from the DCE; ADC from DWI; diffusion D, pseudo diffusion D*, perfusion fraction f from IVIM and tumour volume from DWI. The following histopathological data were obtained after surgery: histological type, grading (G), lympho-vascular invasion (LVI), lymph node status, FIGO stage and inflammatory infiltrate.Results: ADC was significantly higher in endometrioid histology, G1-G2 (low grade), and stage IA. Significantly higher D* were found in endometrioid subptype, negative lymph nodes and stage IA. The absence of LVI is associated with higher f values. K-trans and V-e values were significantly higher in low grade. Higher D*, f and AUC occur with the presence of chronic inflammatory cells, D * was also able to distinguish chronic from mixed type of inflammation. Larger volume was significantly correlated with the presence of mixed-type inflammation, LVI, positive lymph nodes and stage >= IB.Conclusions: Quantitative biomarkers obtained from pre-operative DWI, IVIM and DCE-MR examination are an in vivo representation of the physiological and micro-structural characteristics of endometrial carcinoma allowing to obtain the fundamental parameters for stratification into Risk Classes.Advances in knowledge: Quantitative imaging biomarkers obtained from DWI, DCE and IVIM may improve preoperative prognostic stratification in patients with endometrial cancer leading to a more informed therapeutic choice

    Measurement Variability in Treatment Response Determination for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Improvements using Radiomics

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    Multimodality imaging measurements of treatment response are critical for clinical practice, oncology trials, and the evaluation of new treatment modalities. The current standard for determining treatment response in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is based on tumor size using the RECIST criteria. Molecular targeted agents and immunotherapies often cause morphological change without reduction of tumor size. Therefore, it is difficult to evaluate therapeutic response by conventional methods. Radiomics is the study of cancer imaging features that are extracted using machine learning and other semantic features. This method can provide comprehensive information on tumor phenotypes and can be used to assess therapeutic response in this new age of immunotherapy. Delta radiomics, which evaluates the longitudinal changes in radiomics features, shows potential in gauging treatment response in NSCLC. It is well known that quantitative measurement methods may be subject to substantial variability due to differences in technical factors and require standardization. In this review, we describe measurement variability in the evaluation of NSCLC and the emerging role of radiomics. © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved

    Evaluation of Intraoperative Volumetric Assessment of Breast Volume Using 3D Handheld Stereo Photogrammetric Device.

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    Methods for assessing three-dimensional (3D) breast volume are becoming increasingly popular in breast surgery. However, the precision of intraoperative volumetric assessment is still unclear. Until now, only non-validated scanning systems have been used for intraoperative volumetric analyses. This study aimed to assess the feasibility, handling, and accuracy of a commercially available, validated, and portable device for intraoperative 3D volumetric evaluation. All patients who underwent breast surgery from 2020 to 2022 were identified from our institutional database. Intraoperative 3D volumetric assessments of 103 patients were included in this study. Standardized 3D volumetric measurements were obtained 3 months postoperatively to compare the intraoperatively generated volumetric assessment. All of the study participants were women with a mean age of 48.3 ± 14.7 years (range: 20-89). The mean time for intraoperative volumetric assessment was 8.7 ± 2.6 min. The postoperative 3D volumetric assessment, with a mean volume of 507.11 ± 206.29 cc, showed no significant difference from the intraoperative volumetric measurements of 504.24 ± 276.61 cc (p = 0.68). The mean absolute volume difference between the intraoperative simulations and postoperative results was 27.1 cc. Intraoperative 3D volumetric assessment using the VECTRA H2 imaging system seems to be a feasible, reliable, and accurate method for measuring breast volume. Based on this finding, we plan to investigate whether volumetric objective evaluations will help to improve breast symmetry in the future

    Entwicklungen und Untersuchungen zur Bildgebung der SchilddrĂŒse: 124Iod-PET/CT, 3D-Ultraschall und nuklearmedizinisch-sonographische Bildfusion

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    In der etablierten SchilddrĂŒsenbildgebung existieren trotz des bereits hohen Standards begrenzende Faktoren. Methodische und technische Neuerungen erscheinen mithin sinnvoll und geboten. Die vorliegende Habilitationsschrift stellt die Entwicklung und Erprobung neuer Konzepte der SchilddrĂŒsendiagnostik in drei Teilgebieten vor: *Durch die 124Iod-NiedrigaktivitĂ€ts-PET/Niedrigdosis-CT wird (i) die Ortsauflösung der herkömmlichen Szintigraphie ĂŒbertroffen und die Detektierbarkeit kleinerer Strukturen sowie anatomischer Details verbessert. Durch den parallel akquirierten CT-Datensatz können (ii) zusĂ€tzliche Erkenntnisse zur SchilddrĂŒse sowie deren Beziehung zu Nachbarorganen gewonnen werden. DarĂŒber hinaus sind (iii) im Rahmen der Vorbereitung von Radiojodtherapien prĂ€therapeutische Uptake-Messungen möglich. *Der 3D-US ermöglicht (i) den lĂŒckenlosen Scan der SchilddrĂŒse und (ii) die vollstĂ€ndige digitale Archivierung des Untersuchungsvolumens im PACS. Dadurch ergeben sich auf Schnittbildworkstations die Vorteile (iii) des Second Readings, (iv) des Side-by-Side-Vergleichs mit vorangegangenen 3D-US-Studien und anderen Schnittbildverfahren. DarĂŒber hinaus kann (v) eine nachtrĂ€gliche Datenverarbeitung (Processing) erfolgen. *Die Einbeziehung des Ultraschalls in das Konzept der Fusions- bzw. Hybridbildgebung hat gezeigt, dass die rĂ€umliche VerknĂŒpfung und bildliche Überlagerung der morphologisch-sonographischen Informationen mit den nuklearmedizinisch-funktionellen Bilddaten erfolgen kann. Aus dem klinischen Potential der Methoden einerseits, sowie den geschilderten Limitationen andererseits ergeben sich Implikationen fĂŒr die Zukunft. ZunĂ€chst sind die apparativ-technische Weiterentwicklung der Verfahren sowie eine Optimierung der informationstechnischen Einbindung notwendig. DarĂŒber hinaus muss eine Entwicklung hin zu einer zeitsparenden und einfachen Anwendbarkeit erfolgen, um einen rationellen klinischen Workflow zu ermöglichen und personelle Ressourcen zu schonen

    3D T2w fetal body MRI:automated organ volumetry, growth charts and population-averaged atlas

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    Structural fetal body MRI provides true 3D information required for volumetry of fetal organs. However, current clinical and research practice primarily relies on manual slice-wise segmentation of raw T2-weighted stacks, which is time consuming, subject to inter- and intra-observer bias and affected by motion-corruption. Furthermore, there are no existing standard guidelines defining a universal approach to parcellation of fetal organs. This work produces the first parcellation protocol of the fetal body organs for motion-corrected 3D fetal body MRI. It includes 10 organ ROIs relevant to fetal quantitative volumetry studies. We also introduce the first population-averaged T2w MRI atlas of the fetal body. The protocol was used as a basis for training of a neural network for automated organ segmentation. It showed robust performance for different gestational ages. This solution minimises the need for manual editing and significantly reduces time. The general feasibility of the proposed pipeline was also assessed by analysis of organ growth charts created from automated parcellations of 91 normal control 3T MRI datasets that showed expected increase in volumetry during 22-38 weeks gestational age range. In addition, the results of comparison between 60 normal and 12 fetal growth restriction datasets revealed significant differences in organ volumes.</p

    Is Breast Asymmetry Present in Girls with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis?

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    Study Design Cross-sectional descriptive study. Objectives To characterize breast asymmetry (BA), as defined by breast volume difference, in girls with significant adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS), using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Summary and Background BA is a frequent concern among girls with AIS. It is commonly believed that this results from chest wall deformity. Although many women exhibit physiological BA, the prevalence is not known in adolescents and it remains unclear if it is more frequent in AIS. Breasts vary in shape and size and many ways of measuring them have been explored. MRI shows the highest precision at defining breast tissue. Methods Thirty patients were enrolled on the basis of their thoracic curvature, skeletal and breast maturity, without regard to their perception on their BA. MRI acquisitions were performed in prone with a 1.5-Tesla system using a 16-channel breast coil. Segmentation was achieved using the ITK-SNAP 2.4.0 software and subsequently manually refined. Results The mean left breast volume (528.32 ± 205.96 cc) was greater compared with the mean right breast volume (495.18 ± 170.16 cc) with a significant difference between them. The mean BA was found to be 8.32% ± 6.43% (p < .0001). A weak positive correlation was observed between BA and thoracic Cobb angle (0.177, p = .349) as well as thoracic gibbosity angle (0.289, p = .122). The left breast was consistently larger in 65.5% of the patients. Twenty patients (66.7%) displayed BA ≄5%. Conclusions We have described BA in patients with significant AIS using MRI. This method is feasible, objective, and very precise. The majority of patients had a larger left breast, which could compound the apparent BA secondary to trunk rotation. In many cases, BA is present independently of thoracic deformity. This knowledge will assist in counseling AIS patients in regards to their concerns with BA.CIHR / IRS

    Multiparametric image modelling:predicting treatment response in rectal cancer

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    Patients with advanced rectal cancer are typically treated with chemo- and radiation therapy (chemoradiation) followed by a major surgery where the entire rectum is removed. Some patients respond so well to chemoradiation that here is hardly any tumor present after treatment. This is why major surgery is increasingly omitted in patients that respond well to chemoradiation and instead these patients are treated “organ-saving” – i.e. with only a minor intervention or even without surgery. In this thesis, the possibility to predict treatment outcome to chemoradiation beforehand based on the available clinical data and imaging data has been studied using prediction models. If it is known upfront whether a patient will respond well to chemoradiation, this may offer possibilities to further personalize treatment to a specific patient. The predictive values of various imaging techniques were compared. In addition, the influence of data variations on reproducibility was investigated. The results of these studies offer important insights that are valuable for the development of future prediction models
