15 research outputs found

    Finite-time control for uncertain systems and application to flight control

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    In this paper, the finite-time control design problem for a class of nonlinear systems with matched and mismatched uncertainty is addressed. The finite-time control scheme is designed by integrating multi power reaching (MPR) law and finite-time disturbance observer (FTDO) into integral sliding mode control, where a novel sliding surface is designed, and the FTDO is applied to estimate the uncertainty. Then the fixed-time reachability of the MPR law is analyzed, and the finite-time stability of the closed-loop system is proven in the framework of Lyapunov stability theory. Finally, numerical simulation and the application to the flight control of hypersonic vehicle (HSV) are provided to show the effectiveness of the designed controller


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    Research on consumer protection in e-commerce standard contract across countries in Indonesia is a normative study. This study aims to identify and evaluate the legal status of consumers in e-commerce standard contract across countries in Indonesia and to identify and evaluate the legal form of protection that can be offered to consumers in standard contracts cross-country e-commerce in Indonesia in the event of disputes with businesses . This research approach legislation (statute approach), the approach of the concept (conceptual approach), and the approach of the historis (historical approach). Legal materials used are of primary legal materials include: the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Negara 1945, MPR, Law, Government Regulations, other rules under the law, official records or minutes in the legislation and decisions of judges; secondary legal materials include: text books on law, including theses, theses, and dissertations law and legal journals, foreign journals, the opinions of scholars, legal cases, and symposia conducted by experts related to the discussion of consumer protection in e-commerce standard contract across the state in Indonesia, as well as tertiary legal materials among others legal dictionaries, encyclopedias, and others. Data processing and analysis of legal materials that deductively infer from a problem that is common to the problems faced concrete. The results and discussion indicate that consumers have a weak bargaining position when compared to businesses. With the development of the former way transactions based on "real world" into e-commerce transactions, especially if the transaction is carried out across the country further weakened the bargaining power of consumers. Forms of legal protection for consumers in e-commerce transactions across the state in Indonesia that can be offered is divided into three phases, namely: a. legal protection before the transaction phase, b. phase of the current legal protection transaction c. legal protection post-transaction phase


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    The research objective was to study and analyze the control of plastic waste use in Semarang City and how to control the use of plastic waste in Semarang City. Plastic waste is still a big problem in Indonesia, one of which occurs in the city of Semarang. The problem faced is that every day plastic waste continues to increase, one example in TPA Jatibarang every day Semarang residents can produce household plastic waste of 1,300 tons. This research method uses empirical juridical. This research concludes that the Semarang City Government to address the increasing problem of plastic waste has issued Semarang Mayor Regulation Number 27 of 2019 concerning the control of plastic use. In addition, the Semarang City government issued a mayor's circular regarding the elimination of the use of plastic bags in modern shops such as Alfamart, Alfamidi & Indomaret and to support this, companies also disseminate the regulation to the public. The Mayor's Regulation is ineffective due to the lack of socialization to the public and the lack of awareness of the use of plastic as a grocery bag and lack of supervision by the related institutions due to lack of personnel and no clear sanctions for violating the Mayor's Regulation so that there is no deterrent effect for violators

    The Constitutional Politics: The Regulatory Dynamics of Presidential Threshold After the Decision of Law No. 49/PUU-XVI/2018 by The Constitutional Courts

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    Theoretically, there are regulatory dynamics that can be identified, namely: first, the urgency of applying the 20% presidential threshold to the 2019 presidential and vice presidential election; and second, is the implication of regulations on political parties in proposing candidates for president and vice president who do not get 20% of seats in the DPR based on the results of the 2014 general election. The constitutional dynamics that developed in setting the threshold of 20% in the 2019 presidential and vice presidential elections were first, the determination of the 20% threshold in the 2019 presidential and vice presidential election was the mandate of the legislation and the Constitutional Court's ruling. In addition, to strengthen the presidential system. Second, the 20% threshold requirement in the 2019 presidential and vice presidential nomination is contrary to the 1945 Constitution and is considered threatening to electoral democracy and the existence of political parties

    The Status and Function of English in Indonesia: a Review of Key Factors

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    In order to understand the way English is used and seen in Indonesia today, it is useful to know something about how historical, political, socio-cultural and linguistic factors have shaped its status and functions over the last century. The use of English in Indonesia has developed in the context of post-colonial educational competency building, and more recently the need to support development – in particular its role in state education. However, attitudes of some policy makers and commentators towards the language have often been ambivalent, expressing fears of its power to exert negative cultural influences. The special status of English as a global language with many potential varieties that might pose as models for Indonesia also poses the question of which one would be right for the country. The paper looks at these educational and policy issues, and also gives some suggestions about the future

    Cultural Activities, Legal and Public Policy of Bali On Desa Pakraman and the Response of Prajuru the Traditional Village Management Kuta

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    In the New era, Bali was hegemonized by the politics of the State's law against traditional villages. There is a response from Bali Provincial Government to create a policy to protect traditional villages in Bali. The power of Bali in the traditional village is maintaining Balinese culture based on Hinduism and the philosophy of Tri Hita Karana. Relevant critical theories in this article's discussion are public policy theory which is micro, hegemonic theory, power relation theory and deconstruction theory. Qualitative method with case study design in traditional village of Kuta is used as the research of cultural studies. The result of the research explains that public policy in Bali in defending traditional village is that Bali Provincial Government responds to state law politics by establishing Bali Provincial Regulation. However, when the Provincial Regulation of Bali No. 3 of 2001 on traditional village, the traditional village of Kuta responded to Article 3 paragraph (6) was not accepted by the prajuru and also received a response from the traditional village council, so the pros and cons of the traditional village in Bali emerged

    Draft Regulations and Harmonization Synchronization Legislation on Executive Agencies

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    The concept of the legal state is often called the Reachstaat,the rule of law oretat de droit a country that promotes the concept of law as a cornerstone in doing an action taken by the state. Based on the rule of law in governance organized under the laws then in running a government should refer to laws- laws that guide the organization of a country which is based on the wishes of the people. The types of laws - laws contained inAct No. 12 of 2011 Concerning the Establishment of Legislation. Product legislation made by the executive branch, namely Law / Government Regulation in Lieu of Law; Government regulations; Presidential decree; Regulation of the Audit Board, Bank Indonesia, the Minister, body, agency, or commission equivalent established by Law or Government at the behest of the Act that everything should be harmonized and synchronization in order to form legislation that is good. The research method used in this study a combination of normative studies were supported by data - empirical data field research (field research).Synchronization and harmonization (preview) at the moment only be done in several draft laws - laws suppose the draft Act (Act) initiatives of the Government, a draft Government Regulation (PP) and a draft presidential decree (PERPRES) conducted by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights through the directorate general of legislation while legislative products of non-harmonized legislative bodies are still many such legislation in accordance with article 8, paragraph (1) Ruling bodies, agencies, ministries and others. So should all the products the legislation made by the executive branch and the legislature should be harmonized in advance that any legislation does not collide with one anothe

    Pastoral Institutions, Land Tenure and Land Policy Reform in Post-Socialist Mongolia

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