136 research outputs found

    Speech Enhancement Using An {MMSE} Spectral Amplitude Estimator Based On A Modulation Domain Kalman Filter With A Gamma Prior

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    In this paper, we propose a minimum mean square error spectral estimator for clean speech spectral amplitudes that uses a Kalman filter to model the temporal dynamics of the spectral amplitudes in the modulation domain. Using a two-parameter Gamma distribution to model the prior distribution of the speech spectral amplitudes, we derive closed form expressions for the posterior mean and variance of the spectral amplitudes as well as for the associated update step of the Kalman filter. The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated on the TIMIT core test set using the perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ) measure and segmental SNR measure and is shown to give a consistent improvement over a wide range of SNRs when compared to competitive algorithms

    Probabilistic Modeling Paradigms for Audio Source Separation

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    This is the author's final version of the article, first published as E. Vincent, M. G. Jafari, S. A. Abdallah, M. D. Plumbley, M. E. Davies. Probabilistic Modeling Paradigms for Audio Source Separation. In W. Wang (Ed), Machine Audition: Principles, Algorithms and Systems. Chapter 7, pp. 162-185. IGI Global, 2011. ISBN 978-1-61520-919-4. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61520-919-4.ch007file: VincentJafariAbdallahPD11-probabilistic.pdf:v\VincentJafariAbdallahPD11-probabilistic.pdf:PDF owner: markp timestamp: 2011.02.04file: VincentJafariAbdallahPD11-probabilistic.pdf:v\VincentJafariAbdallahPD11-probabilistic.pdf:PDF owner: markp timestamp: 2011.02.04Most sound scenes result from the superposition of several sources, which can be separately perceived and analyzed by human listeners. Source separation aims to provide machine listeners with similar skills by extracting the sounds of individual sources from a given scene. Existing separation systems operate either by emulating the human auditory system or by inferring the parameters of probabilistic sound models. In this chapter, the authors focus on the latter approach and provide a joint overview of established and recent models, including independent component analysis, local time-frequency models and spectral template-based models. They show that most models are instances of one of the following two general paradigms: linear modeling or variance modeling. They compare the merits of either paradigm and report objective performance figures. They also,conclude by discussing promising combinations of probabilistic priors and inference algorithms that could form the basis of future state-of-the-art systems

    Spectral Domain Speech Enhancement Using HMM State-Dependent Super-Gaussian Priors

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    Studies in Signal Processing Techniques for Speech Enhancement: A comparative study

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    Speech enhancement is very essential to suppress the background noise and to increase speech intelligibility and reduce fatigue in hearing. There exist many simple speech enhancement algorithms like spectral subtraction to complex algorithms like Bayesian Magnitude estimators based on Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) and its variants. A continuous research is going and new algorithms are emerging to enhance speech signal recorded in the background of environment such as industries, vehicles and aircraft cockpit. In aviation industries speech enhancement plays a vital role to bring crucial information from pilot’s conversation in case of an incident or accident by suppressing engine and other cockpit instrument noises. In this work proposed is a new approach to speech enhancement making use harmonic wavelet transform and Bayesian estimators. The performance indicators, SNR and listening confirms to the fact that newly modified algorithms using harmonic wavelet transform indeed show better results than currently existing methods. Further, the Harmonic Wavelet Transform is computationally efficient and simple to implement due to its inbuilt decimation-interpolation operations compared to those of filter-bank approach to realize sub-bands

    Model-Based Speech Enhancement in the Modulation Domain

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    This paper presents an algorithm for modulationdomain speech enhancement using a Kalman filter. The proposed estimator jointly models the estimated dynamics of the spectral amplitudes of speech and noise to obtain an MMSE estimation of the speech amplitude spectrum with the assumption that the speech and noise are additive in the complex domain. In order to include the dynamics of noise amplitudes with those of speech amplitudes, we propose a statistical “Gaussring” model that comprises a mixture of Gaussians whose centres lie in a circle on the complex plane. The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated using the perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ) measure, segmental SNR (segSNR) measure and shorttime objective intelligibility (STOI) measure. For speech quality measures, the proposed algorithm is shown to give a consistent improvement over a wide range of SNRs when compared to competitive algorithms. Speech recognition experiments also show that the Gaussring model based algorithm performs well for two types of noise

    Bayesian estimation of the parameters of the joint multifractal spectrum of signals and images

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    Multifractal analysis has become a reference tool for signal and image processing. Grounded in the quantification of local regularity fluctuations, it has proven useful in an increasing range of applications, yet so far involving only univariate data (scalar-valued time series or single channel images). Recently the theoretical ground for multivariate multifractal analysis has been devised, showing potential for quantifying transient higher-order dependence beyond linear correlation among collections of data. However, the accurate estimation of the parameters associated with a multivariate multifractal model remains challenging, severely limiting their actual use in applications. The main goal of this thesis is to propose and study practical contributions on multivariate multifractal analysis of signals and images. Specifically, the proposed approach relies on a novel and original joint Gaussian model for the logarithm of wavelet leaders and leverages on a Whittle-based likelihood approximation and data augmentation for the matrix-valued parameters of interest. This careful design enables efficient estimation procedures to be constructed for two relevant choices of priors using Bayesian inference. Algorithms based on Monte Carlo Markov Chain and Expectation Maximization strategies are designed and used to approximate the Bayesian estimators. Monte Carlo simulations, conducted on synthetic multivariate signals and images with various sample sizes, numbers of components and multifractal parameter settings, demonstrate significant performance improvements over the state of the art. In addition, theoretical lower bounds on the variance of the estimators are designed to study their asymptotic behavior. Finally, the relevance of the proposed multivariate multifractal estimation framework is shown for two real-world data examples: drowsiness detection from multichannel physiological signals and potential remote sensing applications in multispectral satellite imagery