7 research outputs found

    SMOS instrument performance and calibration after six years in orbit

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    ESA's Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission, launched 2-Nov-2009, has been in orbit for over 6 years, and its Microwave Imaging Radiometer with Aperture Synthesis (MIRAS) in two dimensions keeps working well. The calibration strategy remains overall as established after the commissioning phase, with a few improvements. The data for this whole period has been reprocessed with a new fully polarimetric version of the Level-1 processor which includes a refined calibration schema for the antenna losses. This reprocessing has allowed the assessment of an improved performance benchmark. An overview of the results and the progress achieved in both calibration and image reconstruction is presented in this contribution.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Study of salinity retrieval errors for the SMOS mission

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    Memoria de tesis doctoral presentada por Carolina Gabarr贸 Prats para obtener el t铆tulo de Doctora por la Universitat Polit猫cnica de Catalunya (UPC), realizada bajo la direcci贸n del Dr. Jordi Font Ferr茅 del Institut de Ci猫ncies del Mar (ICM-CSIC) y del Dr. Adriano Camps Carmona.-- 201 pages[CAT] El treball realitzat en aquesta tesi est脿 emmarcat en la missi贸 SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) de l鈥橝g猫ncia Espacial Europea. El sat猫l鈥it es llan莽ar脿 el febrer del 2007, i mesurar脿 la salinitat superficial del mar i la humitat del s貌l. L鈥檌nstrument (MIRAS) consisteix en un radi貌metre interferom猫tric en banda L (1,400-1,430 GHz). Ser脿 la primera vegada que es posar脿 en 貌rbita un instrument d鈥檃questes caracter铆stiques i que es mesuraran aquests par脿metres des de l鈥檈spai. No obstant, encara son molts els aspectes cient铆fics que queden per resoldre. Aquesta tesi, doncs, ha intentat abordar alguns del temes oberts en la recuperaci贸 de la salinitat a partir de les mesures de SMOS. [...][EN] This PhD thesis has been done in the framework of the SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) mission, from the European Space Agency. This satellite will be launched in February 2007 and will provide global sea surface salinity and soil moisture maps, variables that never have been measured before from space. The payload instrument (MIRAS) is an L-band interferometric radiometer. This will be the first time an instrument with this characteristics is put in orbit. However, there are still a lot of issues that need to be solved. This thesis is focused on some open questions of the salinity retrieval process from SMOS measurements. [...]Peer reviewe

    Effect of electron number densities on the radio signal propagation in an inductively coupled plasma facility

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    Spacecraft entering a planetary atmosphere are surrounded by a plasma layer containing high levels of ionization, due to the extreme temperatures in the shock layer. The high electron number densities cause attenuation of the electromagnetic waves emitted by the on-board antennas, leading to communication blackout for several minutes. This work presents experimental measurements of signal propagation through an ionized plasma flow. The measurements are conducted at the VKI plasma wind tunnel (Plasmatron) using conical horn antennas transmitting in the Ka-band, between 33 and 40 GHz. Testing conditions at 15, 50 and 100 mbar, and powers between 100 and 600 kW cover a broad range of the testing envelope of the Plasmatron as well as a broad range of atmospheric entry conditions. The transmitting antenna is characterized at the UPC anechoic chamber, obtaining the radiation patterns, beamwidth, and gain at the boresight direction; and an optical ray tracing technique is used to describe the electromagnetic waves propagation in the plasma flowfield inside of the Plasmatron chamber. The signal propagation measurements show clear attenuation when the signal is propagating through the plasma, varying between 2 and 15 dB depending on the testing conditions. This attenuation increases with electron number densities, which are driven by the Plasmatron power and pressure settings. Preliminary evidence of Faraday rotation effects caused by the plasma is also observed.Diana Lu铆s research is funded by a doctoral fellowship (2021.04930.BD) granted by Funda莽茫o para a Ci锚ncia e Tecnologia (FCT Portugal). The research of Vincent Fitzgerald Giangaspero is supported by SB PhD fellowship 1SA8219N of the Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO). The resources and services used for the BORAT simulations were provided by the VSC (Flemish Supercomputer Center), funded by the Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO) and the Flemish Government. The MEESST project is funded by the European Union鈥檚 Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 899298.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    S-Band communications design and implementation for 3Cat-6

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    The Nanosatellite and Payload Laboratory (UPC NanoSat Lab) is a cross-departmental initiative belonging to the Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering. Its main activity is the development and design of nano-satellite missions, with its focus on the exploration of innovative small spacecraft system concepts and developing and integrating subsystems and payloads for Earth Observation. The laboratory is currently developing the 'Remote Sensing and Interference Detector with Radiometry and Vegetation Analysis', also known as RITA Payload, which is one of the Remote Sensing payloads that was selected by the second GRSS Student Grand Challenge in 2019 to fly on board of the AlainSat-1. This Payload is being developed under the supervision of the IEEE GRSS. This thesis aims to contribute to the development of the RITA mission with the design and implementation of the payload's S-Band communications. It begins with a study of satellite communications and particularly S-Band, focusing on its usefulness in the downlink of scientific results. Moreover, it presents a study of the communications scenario containing orbital simulations as well as a link budget, providing crucial information for the system's design and decisive in establishing the necessary requirements. The standards used by the European Space Agency for its missions are evaluated for their viability in this mission, with the boundary conditions that apply to them. Thus, a variation of traditional communication schemes is developed for the RITA mission, and the design process is explained in detail. The main core of the thesis consists of the implementation and design of the system. This is been split into three main sections, the application layer, the channel coding and the physical layer. On the one hand, the application layer includes the necessary protocols, frame design and systems to transform files into packets to be sent, and on the other way around, to recover files from a number of packets. On the other hand, channel coding includes all the coding and decoding systems to ensure that the system is able to recover the initial data if errors occur in the physical channel of the transmission and reception. Finally, the physical layer includes the transmission of symbols and the reception of signals, together with the necessary signal processing techniques to ensure the initially transmitted frames can be recovered correctly even if deep fading驴s or Doppler shifts have affected the received system. The thesis also presents several tests that verify the correct functioning of the system using two ADALM-PLUTO SDR devices, representative of the hardware that will be used in the satellite, to work as transmitter and receiver. The thesis concludes with a verification of the system, commenting on the difficulties and problems that have arisen during its development, and the work that should be carried out before the launch

    MIRAS-SMOS Demonstrator Test Campaigns at Polytechnic University of Catalonia

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    In pursuit of autonomous distributed satellite systems

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    A la p脿gina 265 diu: "In an effort to facilitate the reproduction of results, both the source code of the simulation environment and the configuration files that were prepared for the design characterisation are available in an open repository: https://github.com/carlesaraguz/aeossSatellite imagery has become an essential resource for environmental, humanitarian, and industrial endeavours. As a means to satisfy the requirements of new applications and user needs, novel Earth Observation (EO) systems are exploring the suitability of Distributed Satellite Systems (DSS) in which multiple observation assets concurrently sense the Earth. Given the temporal and spatial resolution requirements of EO products, DSS are often envisioned as large-scale systems with multiple sensing capabilities operating in a networked manner. Enabled by the consolidation of small satellite platforms and fostered by the emerging capabilities of distributed systems, these new architectures pose multiple design and operational challenges. Two of them are the main pillars of this research, namely, the conception of decision-support tools to assist the architecting process of a DSS, and the design of autonomous operational frameworks based on decentralised, on-board decision-making. The first part of this dissertation addresses the architecting of heterogeneous, networked DSS architectures that hybridise small satellite platforms with traditional EO assets. We present a generic design-oriented optimisation framework based on tradespace exploration methodologies. The goals of this framework are twofold: to select the most optimal constellation design; and to facilitate the identification of design trends, unfeasible regions, and tensions among architectural attributes. Oftentimes in EO DSS, system requirements and stakeholder preferences are not only articulated through functional attributes (i.e. resolution, revisit time, etc.) or monetary constraints, but also through qualitative traits such as flexibility, evolvability, robustness, or resiliency, amongst others. In line with that, the architecting framework defines a single figure of merit that aggregates quantitative attributes and qualitative ones-the so-called ilities of a system. With that, designers can steer the design of DSS both in terms of performance or cost, and in terms of their high-level characteristics. The application of this optimisation framework has been illustrated in two timely use-cases identified in the context of the EU-funded ONION project: a system that measures ocean and ice parameters in Polar regions to facilitate weather forecast and off-shore operations; and a system that provides agricultural variables crucial for global management of water stress, crop state, and draughts. The analysis of architectural features facilitated a comprehensive understanding of the functional and operational characteristics of DSS. With that, this thesis continues to delve into the design of DSS by focusing on one particular functional trait: autonomy. The minimisation of human-operator intervention has been traditionally sought in other space systems and can be especially critical for large-scale, structurally dynamic, heterogeneous DSS. In DSS, autonomy is expected to cope with the likely inability to operate very large-scale systems in a centralised manner, to improve the science return, and to leverage many of their emerging capabilities (e.g. tolerance to failures, adaptability to changing structures and user needs, responsiveness). We propose an autonomous operational framework that provides decentralised decision-making capabilities to DSS by means of local reasoning and individual resource allocation, and satellite-to-satellite interactions. In contrast to previous works, the autonomous decision-making framework is evaluated in this dissertation for generic constellation designs the goal of which is to minimise global revisit times. As part of the characterisation of our solution, we stressed the implications that autonomous operations can have upon satellite platforms with stringent resource constraints (e.g. power, memory, communications capabilities) and evaluated the behaviour of the solution for a large-scale DSS composed of 117 CubeSat-like satellite units.La imatgeria per sat猫l路lit ha esdevingut un recurs essencial per assolir tasques ambientals, humanit脿ries o industrials. Per tal de satisfer els requeriments de les noves aplicacions i usuaris, els sistemes d鈥檕bservaci贸 de la Terra (OT) estan explorant la idone茂tat dels Sistemes de Sat猫l路lit Distribu茂ts (SSD), on m煤ltiples observatoris espacials mesuren el planeta simult脿niament. Degut al les resolucions temporals i espacials requerides, els SSD sovint es conceben com sistemes de gran escala que operen en xarxa. Aquestes noves arquitectures promouen les capacitats emergents dels sistemes distribu茂ts i, tot i que s贸n possibles gr脿cies a l鈥檃cceptaci贸 de les plataformes de sat猫l路lits petits, encara presenten molts reptes en quant al disseny i operacions. Dos d鈥檈lls s贸n els pilars principals d鈥檃questa tesi, en concret, la concepci贸 d鈥檈ines de suport a la presa de decisions pel disseny de SSD, i la definici贸 d鈥檕peracions aut貌nomes basades en gesti贸 descentralitzada a bord dels sat猫l路lits. La primera part d鈥檃questa dissertaci贸 es centra en el disseny arquitectural de SSD heterogenis i en xarxa, imbricant tecnologies de petits sat猫l路lits amb actius tradicionals. Es presenta un entorn d鈥檕ptimitzaci贸 orientat al disseny basat en metodologies d鈥檈xploraci贸 i comparaci贸 de solucions. Els objectius d鈥檃quest entorn s贸n: la selecci贸 el disseny de constel路laci贸 m茅s 貌ptim; i facilitar la identificaci贸 de tend猫ncies de disseny, regions d鈥檌ncompatibilitat, i tensions entre atributs arquitecturals. Sovint en els SSD d鈥橭T, els requeriments del sistema i l鈥檈xpressi贸 de prioritats no nom茅s s鈥檃rticulen en quant als atributs funcionals o les restriccions monet脿ries, sin贸 tamb茅 a trav茅s de les caracter铆stiques qualitatives com la flexibilitat, l鈥檈volucionabilitat, la robustesa, o la resili猫ncia, entre d鈥檃ltres. En l铆nia amb aix貌, l鈥檈ntorn d鈥檕ptimitzaci贸 defineix una 煤nica figura de m猫rit que agrega rendiment, cost i atributs qualitatius. Aix铆 l鈥檈quip de disseny pot influir en les solucions del proc茅s d鈥檕ptimitzaci贸 tant en els aspectes quantitatius, com en les caracter铆stiques dalt nivell. L鈥檃plicaci贸 d鈥檃quest entorn d鈥檕ptimitzaci贸 s鈥檌l路lustra en dos casos d鈥櫭簊 actuals identificats en context del projecte europeu ONION: un sistema que mesura par脿metres de l鈥檕ce脿 i gel als pols per millorar la predicci贸 meteorol貌gica i les operacions marines; i un sistema que obt茅 mesures agron貌miques vitals per la gesti贸 global de l鈥檃igua, l鈥檈stimaci贸 d鈥檈stat dels cultius, i la gesti贸 de sequeres. L鈥檃n脿lisi de propietats arquitecturals ha perm猫s copsar de manera exhaustiva les caracter铆stiques funcionals i operacionals d鈥檃quests sistemes. Amb aix貌, la tesi ha seguit aprofundint en el disseny de SSD centrant-se, particularment, en un tret funcional: l鈥檃utonomia. Minimitzar la intervenci贸 de l鈥檕perador hum脿 茅s com煤 en altres sistemes espacials i podria ser especialment cr铆tic pels SSD de gran escala, d鈥檈structura din脿mica i heterogenis. En els SSD s鈥檈spera que l鈥檃utonomia solucioni la possible incapacitat d鈥檕perar sistemes de gran escala de forma centralitzada, que millori el retorn cient铆fic i que n鈥檃puntali les seves propietats emergents (e.g. toler脿ncia a errors, adaptabilitat a canvis estructural i de necessitats d鈥檜suari, capacitat de resposta). Es proposa un sistema d鈥檕peracions aut貌nomes que atorga la capacitat de gestionar els sistemes de forma descentralitzada, a trav茅s del raonament local, l鈥檃ssignaci贸 individual de recursos, i les interaccions sat猫l路lit-a-sat猫l路lit. Al contrari que treballs anteriors, la presa de decisions aut貌noma s鈥檃valua per constel路lacions que tenen com a objectius de missi贸 la minimitzaci贸 del temps de revisita global.Postprint (published version

    In pursuit of autonomous distributed satellite systems

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    Satellite imagery has become an essential resource for environmental, humanitarian, and industrial endeavours. As a means to satisfy the requirements of new applications and user needs, novel Earth Observation (EO) systems are exploring the suitability of Distributed Satellite Systems (DSS) in which multiple observation assets concurrently sense the Earth. Given the temporal and spatial resolution requirements of EO products, DSS are often envisioned as large-scale systems with multiple sensing capabilities operating in a networked manner. Enabled by the consolidation of small satellite platforms and fostered by the emerging capabilities of distributed systems, these new architectures pose multiple design and operational challenges. Two of them are the main pillars of this research, namely, the conception of decision-support tools to assist the architecting process of a DSS, and the design of autonomous operational frameworks based on decentralised, on-board decision-making. The first part of this dissertation addresses the architecting of heterogeneous, networked DSS architectures that hybridise small satellite platforms with traditional EO assets. We present a generic design-oriented optimisation framework based on tradespace exploration methodologies. The goals of this framework are twofold: to select the most optimal constellation design; and to facilitate the identification of design trends, unfeasible regions, and tensions among architectural attributes. Oftentimes in EO DSS, system requirements and stakeholder preferences are not only articulated through functional attributes (i.e. resolution, revisit time, etc.) or monetary constraints, but also through qualitative traits such as flexibility, evolvability, robustness, or resiliency, amongst others. In line with that, the architecting framework defines a single figure of merit that aggregates quantitative attributes and qualitative ones-the so-called ilities of a system. With that, designers can steer the design of DSS both in terms of performance or cost, and in terms of their high-level characteristics. The application of this optimisation framework has been illustrated in two timely use-cases identified in the context of the EU-funded ONION project: a system that measures ocean and ice parameters in Polar regions to facilitate weather forecast and off-shore operations; and a system that provides agricultural variables crucial for global management of water stress, crop state, and draughts. The analysis of architectural features facilitated a comprehensive understanding of the functional and operational characteristics of DSS. With that, this thesis continues to delve into the design of DSS by focusing on one particular functional trait: autonomy. The minimisation of human-operator intervention has been traditionally sought in other space systems and can be especially critical for large-scale, structurally dynamic, heterogeneous DSS. In DSS, autonomy is expected to cope with the likely inability to operate very large-scale systems in a centralised manner, to improve the science return, and to leverage many of their emerging capabilities (e.g. tolerance to failures, adaptability to changing structures and user needs, responsiveness). We propose an autonomous operational framework that provides decentralised decision-making capabilities to DSS by means of local reasoning and individual resource allocation, and satellite-to-satellite interactions. In contrast to previous works, the autonomous decision-making framework is evaluated in this dissertation for generic constellation designs the goal of which is to minimise global revisit times. As part of the characterisation of our solution, we stressed the implications that autonomous operations can have upon satellite platforms with stringent resource constraints (e.g. power, memory, communications capabilities) and evaluated the behaviour of the solution for a large-scale DSS composed of 117 CubeSat-like satellite units.La imatgeria per sat猫l路lit ha esdevingut un recurs essencial per assolir tasques ambientals, humanit脿ries o industrials. Per tal de satisfer els requeriments de les noves aplicacions i usuaris, els sistemes d鈥檕bservaci贸 de la Terra (OT) estan explorant la idone茂tat dels Sistemes de Sat猫l路lit Distribu茂ts (SSD), on m煤ltiples observatoris espacials mesuren el planeta simult脿niament. Degut al les resolucions temporals i espacials requerides, els SSD sovint es conceben com sistemes de gran escala que operen en xarxa. Aquestes noves arquitectures promouen les capacitats emergents dels sistemes distribu茂ts i, tot i que s贸n possibles gr脿cies a l鈥檃cceptaci贸 de les plataformes de sat猫l路lits petits, encara presenten molts reptes en quant al disseny i operacions. Dos d鈥檈lls s贸n els pilars principals d鈥檃questa tesi, en concret, la concepci贸 d鈥檈ines de suport a la presa de decisions pel disseny de SSD, i la definici贸 d鈥檕peracions aut貌nomes basades en gesti贸 descentralitzada a bord dels sat猫l路lits. La primera part d鈥檃questa dissertaci贸 es centra en el disseny arquitectural de SSD heterogenis i en xarxa, imbricant tecnologies de petits sat猫l路lits amb actius tradicionals. Es presenta un entorn d鈥檕ptimitzaci贸 orientat al disseny basat en metodologies d鈥檈xploraci贸 i comparaci贸 de solucions. Els objectius d鈥檃quest entorn s贸n: la selecci贸 el disseny de constel路laci贸 m茅s 貌ptim; i facilitar la identificaci贸 de tend猫ncies de disseny, regions d鈥檌ncompatibilitat, i tensions entre atributs arquitecturals. Sovint en els SSD d鈥橭T, els requeriments del sistema i l鈥檈xpressi贸 de prioritats no nom茅s s鈥檃rticulen en quant als atributs funcionals o les restriccions monet脿ries, sin贸 tamb茅 a trav茅s de les caracter铆stiques qualitatives com la flexibilitat, l鈥檈volucionabilitat, la robustesa, o la resili猫ncia, entre d鈥檃ltres. En l铆nia amb aix貌, l鈥檈ntorn d鈥檕ptimitzaci贸 defineix una 煤nica figura de m猫rit que agrega rendiment, cost i atributs qualitatius. Aix铆 l鈥檈quip de disseny pot influir en les solucions del proc茅s d鈥檕ptimitzaci贸 tant en els aspectes quantitatius, com en les caracter铆stiques dalt nivell. L鈥檃plicaci贸 d鈥檃quest entorn d鈥檕ptimitzaci贸 s鈥檌l路lustra en dos casos d鈥櫭簊 actuals identificats en context del projecte europeu ONION: un sistema que mesura par脿metres de l鈥檕ce脿 i gel als pols per millorar la predicci贸 meteorol貌gica i les operacions marines; i un sistema que obt茅 mesures agron貌miques vitals per la gesti贸 global de l鈥檃igua, l鈥檈stimaci贸 d鈥檈stat dels cultius, i la gesti贸 de sequeres. L鈥檃n脿lisi de propietats arquitecturals ha perm猫s copsar de manera exhaustiva les caracter铆stiques funcionals i operacionals d鈥檃quests sistemes. Amb aix貌, la tesi ha seguit aprofundint en el disseny de SSD centrant-se, particularment, en un tret funcional: l鈥檃utonomia. Minimitzar la intervenci贸 de l鈥檕perador hum脿 茅s com煤 en altres sistemes espacials i podria ser especialment cr铆tic pels SSD de gran escala, d鈥檈structura din脿mica i heterogenis. En els SSD s鈥檈spera que l鈥檃utonomia solucioni la possible incapacitat d鈥檕perar sistemes de gran escala de forma centralitzada, que millori el retorn cient铆fic i que n鈥檃puntali les seves propietats emergents (e.g. toler脿ncia a errors, adaptabilitat a canvis estructural i de necessitats d鈥檜suari, capacitat de resposta). Es proposa un sistema d鈥檕peracions aut貌nomes que atorga la capacitat de gestionar els sistemes de forma descentralitzada, a trav茅s del raonament local, l鈥檃ssignaci贸 individual de recursos, i les interaccions sat猫l路lit-a-sat猫l路lit. Al contrari que treballs anteriors, la presa de decisions aut貌noma s鈥檃valua per constel路lacions que tenen com a objectius de missi贸 la minimitzaci贸 del temps de revisita global