2,136 research outputs found

    Electrostatic Discharge

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    As we enter the nanoelectronics era, electrostatic discharge (ESD) phenomena is an important issue for everything from micro-electronics to nanostructures. This book provides insight into the operation and design of micro-gaps and nanogenerators with chapters on low capacitance ESD design in advanced technologies, electrical breakdown in micro-gaps, nanogenerators from ESD, and theoretical prediction and optimization of triboelectric nanogenerators. The information contained herein will prove useful for for engineers and scientists that have an interest in ESD physics and design

    System Integration of Flexible and Multifunctional Thin Film Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring

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    Greater information is needed on the state of civil infrastructure to ensure public safety and cost-efficient management. Lack of infrastructure investment and foreseeable funding challenges mandate a more intelligent approach to future maintenance of infrastructure systems. Much of the technology currently utilized to assess structural performance is based on discrete sensors. While such sensors can provide valuable data, they can lack sufficient resolution to accurately identify damage through inverse methods. Alternatively, technologies have shown promise for distributed, direct damage detection with flexible thin film and multifunctional polymer-nanocomposite materials. However, challenges remain as significant past work has focused on material optimization as opposed to sensing systems for damage detection. This dissertation offers novel methods for direct and distributed strain sensing by providing a fabrication methodology for broadly enabling thin film sensing technologies in structural health monitoring (SHM) applications. This fabrication methodology is presented initially as a set of materials and processes which are illustrated in analog circuit primitive forms including flexible, thin film capacitors, resistors, and inductors. Three sensing systems addressing specific SHM challenges are developed from this base of components and processes as specific illustrations of the broader fabrication approach. The first system developed is a fully integrated strain sensing system designed to enable the use of multifunctional materials in sensing applications. This is achieved through the development of an optimized fabrication approach applicable to many multifunctional materials. A layer-by-layer (LbL) deposited nanocomposite is incorporated with a lithography process to produce a sensing system. To illustrate the process, a strain sensing platform consisting of a nanocomposite film within an amplified Wheatstone bridge circuit is presented. The study reveals the material process is highly repeatable to produce fully integrated strain sensors with high linearity and sensitivity. The thin film strain sensors are robust and are capable of high strain measurements beyond 3,000 μϵ. The second system developed is an array of resistive distributed strain sensors and an associated algorithm to provide an alternative to electrical impedance tomography for spatial strain sensing. An LbL deposited polymer composite thin film is utilized as the piezoresistive sensing material. An inverse algorithm is presented and utilized for determining the resistance of array elements by electrically stimulating boundary nodes. Two polymer nanocomposite arrays are strain tested under cyclic loading. Both arrays functioned as networks of strain sensors confirming the viability of the approach and computational benefits for SHM. The third system developed is a thin film wireless threshold strain sensor for measuring strain in implanted and embedded applications. The wireless sensing system is comprised of two thin film, inductor-capacitor circuits, one of which included a fuse element. The sensor is fabricated on polyimide with metal layers used to pattern inductive antennas and a strain sensitive parallel plate capacitor. A titanium thin film fuse is designed to fail, or have a large resistance increase, when a strain threshold is exceeded. Three prototype systems are interrogated wirelessly while under increasing tensile strain. One of two sensor resonant peaks disappear at a strain threshold as designed, validating the sensing approach and thin film form for use in SHM systems. The fuse approach provides a platform for various systems and sensing elements. The reference peak remains intact and is used for continuous real-time strain sensing with a sensitivity of 0.5 and a noise floor below 50 microstrain.PHDCivil EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144183/1/arburt_1.pd

    Modeling and analysis of thick suspended deep x-ray liga inductors on CMOS/BiCMOS substrate

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    Modeling and simulation results for two types of 150 μm height air suspended inductors proposed for LIGA fabrication are presented. The inductor substrates used model the TSMC 0.18 μm CMOS/BiCMOS substrates. The RF performance between the suspended structure and the unsuspended counterpart are compared and the advantage of the suspended structures is explored. The potential of LIGA for fabricating high suspended inductors with good performance and for combining these with CMOS/BiCMOS is demonstrated

    Polyimide reinforcement of capped MEMS devices : soft and simple

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    Design for reliability applied to RF-MEMS devices and circuits issued from different TRL environments

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    Ces travaux de thèse visent à aborder la fiabilité des composants RF-MEMS (commutateurs en particulier) pendant la phase de conception en utilisant différents approches de procédés de fabrication. Ça veut dire que l'intérêt est focalisé en comment éliminer ou diminuer pendant la conception les effets des mécanismes de défaillance plus importants au lieu d'étudier la physique des mécanismes. La détection des différents mécanismes de défaillance est analysée en utilisant les performances RF du dispositif et le développement d'un circuit équivalent. Cette nouvelle approche permet à l'utilisateur final savoir comment les performances vont évoluer pendant le cycle de vie. La classification des procédés de fabrication a été faite en utilisant le Technology Readiness Level du procédé qui évalue le niveau de maturité de la technologie. L'analyse de différentes approches de R&D est décrite en mettant l'accent sur les différences entre les niveaux dans la classification TRL. Cette thèse montre quelle est la stratégie optimale pour aborder la fiabilité en démarrant avec un procédé très flexible (LAAS-CNRS comme exemple de baisse TRL), en continuant avec une approche composant (CEA-Leti comme moyenne TRL) et en finissant avec un procédé standard co-intégré CMOS-MEMS (IHP comme haute TRL) dont les modifications sont impossibles.This thesis is intended to deal with reliability of RF-MEMS devices (switches, in particular) from a designer point of view using different fabrication process approaches. This means that the focus will be on how to eliminate or alleviate at the design stage the effects of the most relevant failure mechanisms in each case rather than studying the underlying physics of failure. The detection of the different failure mechanisms are investigated using the RF performance of the device and the developed equivalent circuits. This novel approach allows the end-user to infer the evolution of the device performance versus time going one step further in the Design for Reliability in RF-MEMS. The division of the fabrication process has been done using the Technology Readiness Level of the process. It assesses the maturity of the technology prior to incorporating it into a system or subsystem. An analysis of the different R&D approaches will be presented by highlighting the differences between the different levels in the TRL classification. This thesis pretend to show how reliability can be improved regarding the approach of the fabrication process starting from a very flexible one (LAAS-CNRS as example of low-TRL) passing through a component approach (CEA-Leti as example of medium-TRL) and finishing with a standard co-integrated CMOS-MEMS process (IHP example of high TRL)

    RF-MEMS Switch Module in a 0.25 µm SiGe:C BiCMOS Process

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    Drahtlose Kommunikationstechnologien im Frequenzbereich bis 6 GHz wurden in der Vergangenheit in Bezug auf Leistungsfaehigkeit und Frequenzbereich kontinuierlich verbessert. Aufgrund der Skalierung nach dem Mooreschen Gesetz koennen heutzutage mm-Wellen Schaltkreise in CMOS-Technologien hergestellt werden. Durch die Einfuehrung von SiGe zur Realisierung einer leistungsfaehigen BiCMOS-Technologie wurde ebenfalls eine Verbesserung der Frequenzeigenschaften und Ausgangsleistungen erreicht, wodurch aktive CMOS- oder BiCMOS-Bauelemente vergleichbare Leistungsparameter zu III-V Technologien bei geringeren Kosten bereitstellen koennen. Bedingt durch das niederohmige Silizium-Substrat der BiCMOS-Technologie weisen vor allem passive Komponenten hoehere Verluste auf und weder III-V- noch BiCMOS-Technologien bieten hochlineare Schaltkomponenten mit geringen Verlusten und geringen Leistungsaufnahmen im mm-Wellen Bereich. RF-MEMS Schalter sind bekannt fuer ihre ausgezeichneten HF-Eigenschaften. Die Leistungsaufnahme von elektrostatisch angetriebenen RF-MEMS Schaltern ist vernachlaessigbar und es koennen im Vergleich zu halbleiter-basierten Schaltern hoehere Leistungen verarbeitet werden. Nichtsdestotrotz wurden RF-MEMS Schalter hauptsaechlich als eigenstaendige Komponenten entwickelt. Zur Systemintegration wird meist ein System-in-Package (SiP) Ansatz angewandt, der fuer niedrige Frequenzen geeignet ist, aber bei mm-Wellenanwendungen durch parasitaere Verluste an seine Grenzen stoesst. In dieser Arbeit wird ein in eine BiCMOS-Technologie integrierter RF-MEMS Schalter fuer mm-Wellen Anwendungen gezeigt. Das Design, die Integration und die experimentellen Ergebnisse sowie verschiedene Packaging-Konzepte werden beschrieben Zur Bereitstellung der hohen Auslenkungs-Spannungen wurde eine Ladungspumpe auf dem Chip integriert. Zum Schluss werden verschiedene, rekonfigurierbare mm-Wellen Schaltkreise zur Demonstration der Leistungsfaehigkeit des Schalters gezeigt.Wireless communication technologies have continuously advanced for both performance and frequency aspects, mainly for the frequencies up to 6 GHz. The results of Moore’s law now also give the opportunity to design mm-wave circuits using advanced CMOS technologies. The introduction of SiGe into CMOS, providing high performance BiCMOS, has also enhanced both the frequency and the power performance figures. The current situation is that the active devices of both CMOS and BiCMOS technologies can provide performance figures competitive with III-V technologies while having still the advantage of low cost. However, similar competition cannot be pronounced for the passive components considering the low-resistive substrates of BiCMOS technologies. Moreover, both III-V and BiCMOS technologies have the lack of low-loss and low-power consumption, as well as highly linear switching and tuning components at mm-wave frequencies. RF-MEMS switch technologies have been well-known with excellent RF- performance figures. The power consumption of electrostatic RF-MEMS switches is negligible and they can handle higher power levels compared to their semiconductor counterparts. However, RF-MEMS switches have been mostly demonstrated as standalone processes and have started to be used as commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) devices recently. The full system integration is typically done by a System-in-Package (SiP) approach. Although SiP is suitable for lower frequencies, the packaging parasitics limit the use of this approach for the mm-wave frequencies. In this thesis, a fully BiCMOS embedded RF-MEMS switch for mm-wave applications is proposed. The design, the implementation and the experimental results of the switch are provided. The developed RF-MEMS switch is packaged using different packaging approaches. To actuate the RF-MEMS switch, an on-chip high voltage generation circuit is designed and characterized. The robustness and the reliability performance of the switch are also presented. Finally, the developed RF-MEMS switch is successfully demonstrated in re-configurable mm-wave circuits


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    Scavenging energy from environmental sources is an active area of research to enable remote sensing and microsystems applications. Furthermore, as energy demands soar, there is a significant need to explore new sources and curb waste. Vibration energy scavenging is one environmental source for remote applications and a candidate for recouping energy wasted by mechanical sources that can be harnessed to monitor and optimize operation of critical infrastructure (e.g. Smart Grid). Current vibration scavengers are limited by volume and ancillary requirements for operation such as control circuitry overhead and battery sources. This dissertation, for the first time, reports a mass producible hybrid energy scavenger system that employs both piezoelectric and electrostatic transduction on a common MEMS device. The piezoelectric component provides an inherent feedback signal and pre-charge source that enables electrostatic scavenging operation while the electrostatic device provides the proof mass that enables low frequency operation. The piezoelectric beam forms the spring of the resonant mass-spring transducer for converting vibration excitation into an AC electrical output. A serially poled, composite shim, piezoelectric bimorph produces the highest output rectified voltage of over 3.3V and power output of 145uW using ÂĽ g vibration acceleration at 120Hz. Considering solely the volume of the piezoelectric beam and tungsten proof mass, the volume is 0.054cm3, resulting in a power density of 2.68mW/cm3. Incorporation of a simple parallel plate structure that provides the proof mass for low frequency resonant operation in addition to cogeneration via electrostatic energy scavenging provides a 19.82 to 35.29 percent increase in voltage beyond the piezoelectric generated DC rails. This corresponds to approximately 2.1nW additional power from the electrostatic scavenger component and demonstrates the first instance of hybrid energy scavenging using both piezoelectric and synchronous electrostatic transduction. Furthermore, it provides a complete system architecture and development platform for additional enhancements that will enable in excess of 100uW additional power from the electrostatic scavenger

    Design and analysis of a high-gain and robust multi-DOF electro-thermally actuated MEMS gyroscope

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    © 2018 by the authors. This paper presents the design and analysis of a multi degree of freedom (DOF) electro-thermally actuated non-resonant MEMS gyroscope with a 3-DOF drive mode and 1-DOF sense mode system. The 3-DOF drive mode system consists of three masses coupled together using suspension beams. The 1-DOF system consists of a single mass whose motion is decoupled from the drive mode using a decoupling frame. The gyroscope is designed to be operated in the flat region between the first two resonant peaks in drive mode, thus minimizing the effect of environmental and fabrication process variations on device performance. The high gain in the flat operational region is achieved by tuning the suspension beams stiffness. A detailed analytical model, considering the dynamics of both the electro-thermal actuator and multi-mass system, is developed. A parametric optimization is carried out, considering the microfabrication process constraints of the Metal Multi-User MEMS Processes (MetalMUMPs), to achieve high gain. The stiffness of suspension beams is optimized such that the sense mode resonant frequency lies in the flat region between the first two resonant peaks in the drive mode. The results acquired through the developed analytical model are verified with the help of 3D finite element method (FEM)-based simulations. The first three resonant frequencies in the drive mode are designed to be 2.51 kHz, 3.68 kHz, and 5.77 kHz, respectively. The sense mode resonant frequency is designed to be 3.13 kHz. At an actuation voltage of 0.2 V, the dynamically amplified drive mode gain in the sense mass is obtained to be 18.6 μm. With this gain, a capacitive change of 28.11 f F and 862.13 f F is achieved corresponding to the sense mode amplitude of 0.15 μm and 4.5 μm at atmospheric air pressure and in a vacuum, respectively

    Through-Silicon Vias in SiGe BiCMOS and Interposer Technologies for Sub-THz Applications

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    Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Dissertation zum Thema „Through-Silicon Vias in SiGe BiCMOS and Interposer Technologies for Sub-THz Applications“ wurde auf Basis einer 130 nm SiGe BiCMOS Technologie ein Through-Silicon Via (TSV) Technologiemodul zur Herstellung elektrischer Durchkontaktierungen für die Anwendung im Millimeterwellen und Sub-THz Frequenzbereich entwickelt. TSVs wurden mittels elektromagnetischer Simulationen modelliert und in Bezug auf ihre elektrischen Eigenschaften bis in den sub-THz Bereich bis zu 300 GHz optimiert. Es wurden die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Modellierung, Fertigungstechnologie und den elektrischen Eigenschaften untersucht. Besonderes Augenmerk wurde auf die technologischen Einflussfaktoren gelegt. Daraus schlussfolgernd wurde das TSV Technologiemodul entwickelt und in eine SiGe BiCMOS Technologie integriert. Hierzu wurde eine Via-Middle Integration gewählt, welche eine Freilegung der TSVs von der Wafer Rückseite erfordert. Durch die geringe Waferdicke von ca. 75 μm wird einen Carrier Wafer Handling Prozess verwendet. Dieser Prozess wurde unter der Randbedingung entwickelt, dass eine nachfolgende Bearbeitung der Wafer innerhalb der BiCMOS Pilotlinie erfolgen kann. Die Rückseitenbearbeitung zielt darauf ab, einen Redistribution Layer auf der Rückseite der BiCMOS Wafer zu realisieren. Hierzu wurde ein Prozess entwickelt, um gleichzeitig verschiedene TSV Strukturen mit variablen Geometrien zu realisieren und damit eine hohe TSV Design Flexibilität zu gewährleisten. Die TSV Strukturen wurden von DC bis über 300 GHz charakterisiert und die elektrischen Eigenschaften extrahiert. Dabei wurde gezeigt, dass TSV Verbindungen mit sehr geringer Dämpfung <1 dB bis 300 GHz realisierbar sind und somit ausgezeichnete Hochfrequenzeigenschaften aufweisen. Zuletzt wurden vielfältige Anwendungen wie das Grounding von Hochfrequenzschaltkreisen, Interposer mit Waveguides und 300 GHz Antennen dargestellt. Das Potential für Millimeterwellen Packaging und 3D Integration wurde evaluiert. TSV Technologien sind heutzutage in vielen Anwendungen z.B. im Bereich der Systemintegration von Digitalschaltkreisen und der Spannungsversorgung von integrierten Schaltkreisen etabliert. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde der Einsatz von TSVs für Millimeterwellen und dem sub-THz Frequenzbereich untersucht und die Anwendung für den sub-THz Bereich bis 300 GHz demonstriert. Dadurch werden neue Möglichkeiten der Systemintegration und des Packaging von Höchstfrequenzsystemen geschaffen.:Bibliographische Beschreibung List of symbols and abbreviations Acknowledgement 1. Introduction 2. FEM Modeling of BiCMOS & Interposer Through-Silicon Vias 3. Fabrication of BiCMOS & Silicon Interposer with TSVs 4. Characterization of BiCMOS Embedded Through-Silicon Vias 5. Applications 6. Conclusion and Future Work 7. Appendix 8. Publications & Patents 9. Bibliography 10. List of Figures and Table

    Study of a low cost inertial platfom for a femto-satellite deployed by a mini-launcher

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    Durante este TFC, el estudiante trabaja de forma intensa en la modelización y validación para el espacio de una plataforma inercial así como de un estudio del impacto en la trayectoria deribado del error de la plataforma inercial. En una primera fase se define lo que es un femto-satélite y una mini-lanzadera. Se presenta la tecnología de bajo coste para el espacio y el paradigma 'space payload', es decir, realizar un diseño de ingeniería en función de la carga de pago y no en función de la industria. Se describe el programa de espacio WikiSat donde se define un femto-satélite en concreto que cumple con los requisitos del concurso N-Prize y de su mini-lanzadera. También se genera una lista de subsistemas que forman el binomio satélite-lanzadera. La parte importante de este TFC gira al rededor de la caracterización de la plataforma inercial que va a llevar el femto-satélite y que va a dirigir la trayectoria de la misma mini-lanzadera a fin de obtener sus actuaciones, asegurando que la fiabilidad de dicho componente se corresponde con los requerimientos de sistemas Single-Fault-Tolerant sin redundancia. Se define una librería para gestionar los datos inerciales de los acelerómetros, giróscopos y datos atmosféricos / eléctricos que nos permite corregir los errores que se producen en diferentes condiciones de trabajo. Por último se valida la plataforma inercial en cuanto a calificarla para el espacio (Radiación, vacío, cambios térmicos, etc.) apoyado con alguna simulación en SPENVIS y ensayo real. También se realiza un estudio de la trayectoria usada en el programa de espacio WikiSat, a fin de modelizar las condiciones en las que se va a encontrar dicha plataforma en el femto-satélite y la mini-lanzadera. Este estudio está basado en la presuposición de la alteración de la trayectoria debido a fallos de motor o errores introducidos en el control de navegación a fin de determinar una política de actuación de emergencia del sistema de autodestrucción
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