706 research outputs found

    Multiscale change-point segmentation: beyond step functions.

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    Modern multiscale type segmentation methods are known to detect multiple change-points with high statistical accuracy, while allowing for fast computation. Underpinning (minimax) estimation theory has been developed mainly for models that assume the signal as a piecewise constant function. In this paper, for a large collection of multiscale segmentation methods (including various existing procedures), such theory will be extended to certain function classes beyond step functions in a nonparametric regression setting. This extends the interpretation of such methods on the one hand and on the other hand reveals these methods as robust to deviation from piecewise constant functions. Our main finding is the adaptation over nonlinear approximation classes for a universal thresholding, which includes bounded variation functions, and (piecewise) Holder functions of smoothness order 0 < alpha <= 1 as special cases. From this we derive statistical guarantees on feature detection in terms of jumps and modes. Another key finding is that these multiscale segmentation methods perform nearly (up to a log-factor) as well as the oracle piecewise constant segmentation estimator (with known jump locations), and the best piecewise constant approximants of the (unknown) true signal. Theoretical findings are examined by various numerical simulations

    UV and EUV Instruments

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    We describe telescopes and instruments that were developed and used for astronomical research in the ultraviolet (UV) and extreme ultraviolet (EUV) regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. The wavelength ranges covered by these bands are not uniquely defined. We use the following convention here: The EUV and UV span the regions ~100-912 and 912-3000 Angstroem respectively. The limitation between both ranges is a natural choice, because the hydrogen Lyman absorption edge is located at 912 Angstroem. At smaller wavelengths, astronomical sources are strongly absorbed by the interstellar medium. It also marks a technical limit, because telescopes and instruments are of different design. In the EUV range, the technology is strongly related to that utilized in X-ray astronomy, while in the UV range the instruments in many cases have their roots in optical astronomy. We will, therefore, describe the UV and EUV instruments in appropriate conciseness and refer to the respective chapters of this volume for more technical details.Comment: To appear in: Landolt-Boernstein, New Series VI/4A, Astronomy, Astrophysics, and Cosmology; Instruments and Methods, ed. J.E. Truemper, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 201

    A comparative experimental design and performance analysis of Snort-based Intrusion Detection System in practical computer networks

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    As one of the most reliable technologies, network intrusion detection system (NIDS) allows the monitoring of incoming and outgoing traffic to identify unauthorised usage and mishandling of attackers in computer network systems. To this extent, this paper investigates the experimental performance of Snort-based NIDS (S-NIDS) in a practical network with the latest technology in various network scenarios including high data speed and/or heavy traffic and/or large packet size. An effective testbed is designed based on Snort using different muti-core processors, e.g., i5 and i7, with different operating systems, e.g., Windows 7, Windows Server and Linux. Furthermore, considering an enterprise network consisting of multiple virtual local area networks (VLANs), a centralised parallel S-NIDS (CPS-NIDS) is proposed with the support of a centralised database server to deal with high data speed and heavy traffic. Experimental evaluation is carried out for each network configuration to evaluate the performance of the S-NIDS in different network scenarios as well as validating the effectiveness of the proposed CPS-NIDS. In particular, by analysing packet analysis efficiency, an improved performance of up to 10% is shown to be achieved with Linux over other operating systems, while up to 8% of improved performance can be achieved with i7 over i5 processors

    A comparative experimental design and performance analysis of Snort-based Intrusion Detection System in practical computer networks

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    As one of the most reliable technologies, network intrusion detection system (NIDS) allows the monitoring of incoming and outgoing traffic to identify unauthorised usage and mishandling of attackers in computer network systems. To this extent, this paper investigates the experimental performance of Snort-based NIDS (S-NIDS) in a practical network with the latest technology in various network scenarios including high data speed and/or heavy traffic and/or large packet size. An effective testbed is designed based on Snort using different muti-core processors, e.g., i5 and i7, with different operating systems, e.g., Windows 7, Windows Server and Linux. Furthermore, considering an enterprise network consisting of multiple virtual local area networks (VLANs), a centralised parallel S-NIDS (CPS-NIDS) is proposed with the support of a centralised database server to deal with high data speed and heavy traffic. Experimental evaluation is carried out for each network configuration to evaluate the performance of the S-NIDS in different network scenarios as well as validating the effectiveness of the proposed CPS-NIDS. In particular, by analysing packet analysis efficiency, an improved performance of up to 10% is shown to be achieved with Linux over other operating systems, while up to 8% of improved performance can be achieved with i7 over i5 processors

    Microbial consortia as inoculants for improvedcrop performance

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    The use of microbial consortia products (MCP) based on combinations of different strains of plant growth-promoting microorganisms (PGPM) and frequently also on non-microbial bio-stimulants (BS) with complementary beneficial properties, is discussed as a strategy to increase the efficiency and the flexibility of BS-based crop production strategies under variable environmental conditions. Moreover, MCP application aims at the restoration of plant-beneficial, soil biological processes disturbed by soil degradation and intensive use of agro-chemicals. This PhD thesis was initiated to characterize the modes of action and the potential advantages of a representative commercial MCP formulation over selected single strain PGPM inoculants, with documented effects on plant growth promotion and pathogen suppression. In total, nine pot and field experiments were conducted with three crops (maize, spring wheat, tomato) on seven different soils with three organic and inorganic fertilization regimes. Only in one out of nine experiments conducted in this thesis, clear evidence for superior MCP performance was detectable in a drip-irrigated tomato field experiment conducted under the challenging environmental conditions of the Negev desert in Israel (Bradá&#269;ová et al., 2019c). This finding demonstrates that MCP inoculants can exhibit an advantage over single strain inoculants but not as a general feature. Selective interactions with the type and dosage of the selected fertilizers, as well as avoidance of inhibitory effects on root growth during MCP rhizosphere establishment, have been identified as critical factors. A further characterization of the conditions, promoting beneficial plant-MCP interactions is mandatory for a more targeted and reproducible MCP application.Die Nutzung mikrobieller Konsortien (MCP) auf Basis unterschiedlicher Stämme pflanzenwachstums-stimulierender Mikroorganismen (PGPMs), oft auch in Verbindung mit nichtmikrobiellen Biostimulanzien (BS), mit komplementären, nützlichen Eigenschaften wird als Ansatz diskutiert, die Effizienz BS-unterstützter Produktionssysteme im Nutzpflanzenanbau unter variablen Umweltbedingungen zu verbessern. Darüber hinaus soll die Anwendung von MCPs zur Regeneration gestörter bodenbiologischer Prozesse beitragen, die durch Bodendegradation und intensive Nutzung von Agrochemikalien hervorgerufen werden können. Die vorliegende Arbeit hatte das Ziel die Wirkmechanismen und die potenziellen Vorteile einer repräsentativen, kommerziellen MCP Formulierung, gegenüber Einzelstamm-Inokulanzien mit nachgewiesener pflanzenwachstums-stimulierender und pathogen-suppressiver Wirkung zu charakterisieren. Insgesamt wurden 9 Topf-, und Feldversuche mit 3 Kulturpflanzenarten (Mais, Sommerweizen, Tomate) auf 7 unterschiedlichen Böden und 3 organischen und mineralischen Düngungsregimes durchgeführt. Nur in einem von neun Versuchen der vorliegenden Studie gab es eindeutige Hinweise auf eine verstärkte Ausprägung von Wachstums-, und Ertragseffekten durch MCP Inokulation beim Feldanbau von Tomaten mit Tröpfchenbewässerung unter den verhältnismäßig ungünstigen Umweltbedingungen in der Negev-Wüste in Israel (Bradá&#269;ová et al., 2019c). Diese Beobachtung zeigt, dass eine generell verbesserte Wirksamkeit von MCP Formulierungen gegenüber Einzelstamm-Inokulanzien nicht gegeben ist. Selektive Interaktionen mit der Art und der Menge der eingesetzten Düngemittel und die Vermeidung von Stresswirkungen mit hemmendem Einfluss auf die Wurzelentwicklung während der Etablierungsphase wurden als kritische Faktoren identifiziert. Eine umfassendere Charakterisierung der Bedingungen, die eine erfolgreiche MCP-Interaktion mit der Wirtspflanze begünstigen ist daher unumgänglich für zielgerichtete und reproduzierbare MCP-Anwendungen in der Praxis

    Spatial Behavior and Habitat Use of Two Sympatric Bat Species

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    Few studies refer to ecological differences of genetically close and morphologically almost identical insectivorous bat species. However, this information is indispensable for effective and sustainable nature conservation strategies. This study aims at investigating differences in the spatial ecology of the long-eared bat species Plecotus auritus and Plecotus austriacus in a typical cultural landscape of Brandenburg, where the two species occur sympatrically. The reconstruction of the prey spectrum revealed that P. auritus and P. austriacus strongly overlapped in their diet. Our results suggest that resource partitioning is based on using different foraging habitats. While radio-tracked females of P. auritus were strongly associated with woodland patches resulting in small-scale activity areas of only few square kilometers, activity areas of P. austriacus encompassed a large-scale matrix of grassland habitats in the magnitude of a small town. Based on these results, we identify priority conservation needs for the two species to ensure that these differences in the spatial behavior and habitat use can be adequately taken into account for future nature conservation efforts. Abstract Movement behavior and habitat use of the long-eared bat species Plecotus auritus and Plecotus austriacus were studied in the Havelland region in Brandenburg (Germany). Data collection included mist-netting, radiotelemetry, reconstruction of prey items, and monitoring of roosting sites. Body measurements confirm a high degree of phenotypic similarity between the two species. Total activity areas (100% Minimum Convex Polygons, MCPS) of Plecotus austriacus (2828.3 ± 1269.43 ha) were up to five-fold larger compared to Plecotus auritus (544.54 ± 295.89 ha). The activity areas of Plecotus austriacus contained up to 11 distinct core areas, and their mean total size (149.7 ± 0.07 ha) was approximately three-fold larger compared to core areas of Plecotus auritus (49.2 ± 25.6 ha). The mean distance between consecutive fixes per night was 12.72 ± 3.7 km for Plecotus austriacus and 4.23 ± 2.8 km for Plecotus auritus. While Plecotus austriacus was located most frequently over pastures (>40%) and meadows (>20%), P. auritus was located mostly within deciduous (>50%) and mixed forests (>30%) in close vicinity to its roosts. Roost site monitoring indicates that the activity of P. austriacus is delayed relative to P. auritus in spring and declined earlier in autumn. These phenological differences are probably related to the species’ respective diets. Levins’ measure of trophic niche breadth suggests that the prey spectrum for P. auritus is more diverse during spring (B = 2.86) and autumn (B = 2.82) compared to P. austriacus (spring: B = 1.7; autumn: B = 2.1). Our results give reason to consider these interspecific ecological variations and species-specific requirements of P. auritus and P. austriacus to develop adapted and improved conservation measures.Peer Reviewe

    Magnetic Compton profiles of Ni beyond the one-particle picture: numerically exact and perturbative solvers of dynamical mean-field theory

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    We calculated the magnetic Compton profiles (MCPs) of Ni using density functional theory supplemented by electronic correlations treated within dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT). We present comparisons between the theoretical and experimental MCPs. The theoretical MCPs were calculated using the KKR method with the perturbative spin-polarized T-matrix fluctuation exchange approximation DMFT solver, as well as with the full potential linear augmented planewave method with the numerically exact continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo DMFT solver. We show that the total magnetic moment decreases with the intra-atomic Coulomb repulsion UU, which is also reflected in the corresponding MCPs. The total magnetic moment obtained in experimental measurements can be reproduced by intermediate values of UU. The spectral function reveals that the minority X2_2 Fermi surface pocket shrinks and gets shallower with respect to the density functional theory calculations
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