96 research outputs found

    REBUF: Jam Resistant BBC based Uncoordinated Frequency Division

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    One of the central tenants of information security is availability. One common form of attack against the availability of information in wireless networks is jamming. Currently, the most common techniques to provide jam-resistant communication, such as frequency-hopping spread spectrum (FHSS), are based on the use of a symmetric shared secret. However, there are theoretical approaches to jam resistance without a pre-shared secret. One theoretical approach using concurrent codes, called the BBC algorithm, was developed at the United States Air Force Academy. We developed and tested the effectiveness of REBUF, a Jam Resistant BBC based Uncoordinated Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM) system. REBUF is the first known implementation of the BBC algorithm in a simultaneous frequency division multiplexing system. The contributions of this paper include: demonstrating the practical use of a BBC based FDM system, the ability of such a system to jam traditional orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems, and the resilience of such a system to some common forms of jamming

    Adaptive Interference Removal for Un-coordinated Radar/Communication Co-existence

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    Most existing approaches to co-existing communication/radar systems assume that the radar and communication systems are coordinated, i.e., they share information, such as relative position, transmitted waveforms and channel state. In this paper, we consider an un-coordinated scenario where a communication receiver is to operate in the presence of a number of radars, of which only a sub-set may be active, which poses the problem of estimating the active waveforms and the relevant parameters thereof, so as to cancel them prior to demodulation. Two algorithms are proposed for such a joint waveform estimation/data demodulation problem, both exploiting sparsity of a proper representation of the interference and of the vector containing the errors of the data block, so as to implement an iterative joint interference removal/data demodulation process. The former algorithm is based on classical on-grid compressed sensing (CS), while the latter forces an atomic norm (AN) constraint: in both cases the radar parameters and the communication demodulation errors can be estimated by solving a convex problem. We also propose a way to improve the efficiency of the AN-based algorithm. The performance of these algorithms are demonstrated through extensive simulations, taking into account a variety of conditions concerning both the interferers and the respective channel states

    Novel Approaches for the Performance Enhancement of Cognitive Radio Networks

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    This research is dedicated to the study of the challenges faced by Cognitive Radio (CR) networks, which include self-coexistence of the networks in the spectral environment, security and performance threats from malicious entities, and fairness in spectrum contention and utilization. We propose novel channel acquisition schemes that allow decentralized CR networks to have multiple channel access with minimal spectrum contentions. The multiple channel acquisition schemes facilitate fast spectrum access especially in cases where networks cannot communicate with each other. These schemes enable CR networks to self-organize and adapt to the dynamically changing spectral environment. We also present a self-coexistence mechanism that allows CR networks to coexist via the implementation of a risk-motivated channel selection based deference structure (DS). By forming DS coalitions, CR networks are able to have better access to preferred channels and can defer transmission to one another, thereby mitigating spectrum conflicts. CR networks are also known to be susceptible to Sybil threats from smart malicious radios with either monopolistic or disruptive intentions. We formulate novel threat and defense mechanisms to combat Sybil threats and minimize their impact on the performance of CR networks. A dynamic reputation system is proposed that considerably minimizes the effectiveness of intelligent Sybil attacks and improves the accuracy of spectrum-based decision-making processes. Finally, we present a distributed and cheat-proof spectrum contention protocol as an enhancement of the adaptive On-Demand Spectrum Contention (ODSC) protocol. The Modified On-Demand Spectrum Contention (MODSC) protocol enhances fairness and efficiency of spectrum access. We also show that there is substantial improvement in spectrum utilization with the incorporation of channel reuse into the MODSC protocol

    An architectural framework for self-configuration and self-improvement at runtime

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    An Autonomous Channel Selection Algorithm for WLANs

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    IEEE 802.11 wireless devices need to select a channel in order to transmit their packets. However, as a result of the contention-based nature of the IEEE 802.11 CSMA/CA MAC mechanism, the capacity experienced by a station is not fixed. When a station cannot win a sufficient number of transmission opportunities to satisfy its traffic load, it will become saturated. If the saturation condition persists, more and more packets are stored in the transmit queue and congestion occurs. Congestion leads to high packet delay and may ultimately result in catastrophic packet loss when the transmit queue’s capacity is exceeded. In this thesis, we propose an autonomous channel selection algorithm with neighbour forcing (NF) to minimize the incidence of congestion on all stations using the channels. All stations reassign the channels based on the local monitoring information. This station will change the channel once it finds a channel that has sufficient available bandwidth to satisfy its traffic load requirement or it will force its neighbour stations into saturation by reducing its PHY transmission rate if there exists at least one successful channel assignment according to a predicting module which checks all the possible channel assignments. The results from a simple C++ simulator show that the NF algorithm has a higher probability than the dynamic channel assignment without neighbour forcing (NONF) to successfully reassign the channel once stations have become congested. In an experimental testbed, the Madwifi open source wireless driver has been modified to incorporate the channel selection mechanism. The results demonstrate that the NF algorithm also has a better performance than the NONF algorithm in reducing the congestion time of the network where at least one station has become congested

    Optimization of 5G Second Phase Heterogeneous Radio Access Networks with Small Cells

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    Due to the exponential increase in high data-demanding applications and their services per coverage area, it is becoming challenging for the existing cellular network to handle the massive sum of users with their demands. It is conceded to network operators that the current wireless network may not be capable to shelter future traffic demands. To overcome the challenges the operators are taking interest in efficiently deploying the heterogeneous network. Currently, 5G is in the commercialization phase. Network evolution with addition of small cells will develop the existing wireless network with its enriched capabilities and innovative features. Presently, the 5G global standardization has introduced the 5G New Radio (NR) under the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). It can support a wide range of frequency bands (<6 GHz to 100 GHz). For different trends and verticals, 5G NR encounters, functional splitting and its cost evaluation are well-thought-out. The aspects of network slicing to the assessment of the business opportunities and allied standardization endeavours are illustrated. The study explores the carrier aggregation (Pico cellular) technique for 4G to bring high spectral efficiency with the support of small cell massification while benefiting from statistical multiplexing gain. One has been able to obtain values for the goodput considering CA in LTE-Sim (4G), of 40 Mbps for a cell radius of 500 m and of 29 Mbps for a cell radius of 50 m, which is 3 times higher than without CA scenario (2.6 GHz plus 3.5 GHz frequency bands). Heterogeneous networks have been under investigation for many years. Heterogeneous network can improve users service quality and resource utilization compared to homogeneous networks. Quality of service can be enhanced by putting the small cells (Femtocells or Picocells) inside the Microcells or Macrocells coverage area. Deploying indoor Femtocells for 5G inside the Macro cellular network can reduce the network cost. Some service providers have started their solutions for indoor users but there are still many challenges to be addressed. The 5G air-simulator is updated to deploy indoor Femto-cell with proposed assumptions with uniform distribution. For all the possible combinations of apartments side length and transmitter power, the maximum number of supported numbers surpassed the number of users by more than two times compared to papers mentioned in the literature. Within outdoor environments, this study also proposed small cells optimization by putting the Pico cells within a Macro cell to obtain low latency and high data rate with the statistical multiplexing gain of the associated users. Results are presented 5G NR functional split six and split seven, for three frequency bands (2.6 GHz, 3.5GHz and 5.62 GHz). Based on the analysis for shorter radius values, the best is to select the 2.6 GHz to achieve lower PLR and to support a higher number of users, with better goodput, and higher profit (for cell radius u to 400 m). In 4G, with CA, from the analysis of the economic trade-off with Picocell, the Enhanced multi-band scheduler EMBS provide higher revenue, compared to those without CA. It is clearly shown that the profit of CA is more than 4 times than in the without CA scenario. This means that the slight increase in the cost of CA gives back more than 4-time profit relatively to the ”without” CA scenario.Devido ao aumento exponencial de aplicações/serviços de elevado débito por unidade de área, torna-se bastante exigente, para a rede celular existente, lidar com a enormes quantidades de utilizadores e seus requisitos. É reconhecido que as redes móveis e sem fios atuais podem não conseguir suportar a procura de tráfego junto dos operadores. Para responder a estes desafios, os operadores estão-se a interessar pelo desenvolvimento de redes heterogéneas eficientes. Atualmente, a 5G está na fase de comercialização. A evolução destas redes concretizar-se-á com a introdução de pequenas células com aptidões melhoradas e características inovadoras. No presente, os organismos de normalização da 5G globais introduziram os Novos Rádios (NR) 5G no contexto do 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). A 5G pode suportar uma gama alargada de bandas de frequência (<6 a 100 GHz). Abordam-se as divisões funcionais e avaliam-se os seus custos para as diferentes tendências e verticais dos NR 5G. Ilustram-se desde os aspetos de particionamento funcional da rede à avaliação das oportunidades de negócio, aliadas aos esforços de normalização. Exploram-se as técnicas de agregação de espetro (do inglês, CA) para pico células, em 4G, a disponibilização de eficiência espetral, com o suporte da massificação de pequenas células, e o ganho de multiplexagem estatística associado. Obtiveram-se valores do débito binário útil, considerando CA no LTE-Sim (4G), de 40 e 29 Mb/s para células de raios 500 e 50 m, respetivamente, três vezes superiores em relação ao caso sem CA (bandas de 2.6 mais 3.5 GHz). Nas redes heterogéneas, alvo de investigação há vários anos, a qualidade de serviço e a utilização de recursos podem ser melhoradas colocando pequenas células (femto- ou pico-células) dentro da área de cobertura de micro- ou macro-células). O desenvolvimento de pequenas células 5G dentro da rede com macro-células pode reduzir os custos da rede. Alguns prestadores de serviços iniciaram as suas soluções para ambientes de interior, mas ainda existem muitos desafios a ser ultrapassados. Atualizou-se o 5G air simulator para representar a implantação de femto-células de interior com os pressupostos propostos e distribuição espacial uniforme. Para todas as combinações possíveis do comprimento lado do apartamento, o número máximo de utilizadores suportado ultrapassou o número de utilizadores suportado (na literatura) em mais de duas vezes. Em ambientes de exterior, propuseram-se pico-células no interior de macro-células, de forma a obter atraso extremo-a-extremo reduzido e taxa de transmissão dados elevada, resultante do ganho de multiplexagem estatística associado. Apresentam-se resultados para as divisões funcionais seis e sete dos NR 5G, para 2.6 GHz, 3.5GHz e 5.62 GHz. Para raios das células curtos, a melhor solução será selecionar a banda dos 2.6 GHz para alcançar PLR (do inglês, PLR) reduzido e suportar um maior número de utilizadores, com débito binário útil e lucro mais elevados (para raios das células até 400 m). Em 4G, com CA, da análise do equilíbrio custos-proveitos com pico-células, o escalonamento multi-banda EMBS (do inglês, Enhanced Multi-band Scheduler) disponibiliza proveitos superiores em comparação com o caso sem CA. Mostra-se claramente que lucro com CA é mais de quatro vezes superior do que no cenário sem CA, o que significa que um aumento ligeiro no custo com CA resulta num aumento de 4-vezes no lucro relativamente ao cenário sem CA

    Real-Time Wireless Sensor-Actuator Networks for Cyber-Physical Systems

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    A cyber-physical system (CPS) employs tight integration of, and coordination between computational, networking, and physical elements. Wireless sensor-actuator networks provide a new communication technology for a broad range of CPS applications such as process control, smart manufacturing, and data center management. Sensing and control in these systems need to meet stringent real-time performance requirements on communication latency in challenging environments. There have been limited results on real-time scheduling theory for wireless sensor-actuator networks. Real-time transmission scheduling and analysis for wireless sensor-actuator networks requires new methodologies to deal with unique characteristics of wireless communication. Furthermore, the performance of a wireless control involves intricate interactions between real-time communication and control. This thesis research tackles these challenges and make a series of contributions to the theory and system for wireless CPS. (1) We establish a new real-time scheduling theory for wireless sensor-actuator networks. (2) We develop a scheduling-control co-design approach for holistic optimization of control performance in a wireless control system. (3) We design and implement a wireless sensor-actuator network for CPS in data center power management. (4) We expand our research to develop scheduling algorithms and analyses for real-time parallel computing to support computation-intensive CPS

    Communication platform for inter-satellite links in distributed satellite systems

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