160 research outputs found

    Performance Analysis of Multihop Wireless Links over Generalized-K Fading Channels

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    The performance of multihop links is studied in this contribution by both analysis and simulations, when communicating over Generalized-KK (KGK_G) fading channels. The performance metrics considered include symbol error rate (SER), outage probability, level crossing rate (LCR) and average outage duration (AOD). First, the expressions for both the SER and outage probability are derived by approximating the probability density function (PDF) of the end-to-end signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) using an equivalent end-to-end PDF. We show that this equivalent end-to-end PDF is accurate for analyzing the outage probability. Then, the second-order statistics of LCR and AOD of multihop links are analyzed. Finally, the performance of multihop links is investigated either by simulations or by evaluation of the expressions derived. Our performance results show that the analytical expressions obtained can be well justified by the simulation results. The studies show that the KGK_G channel model as well as the expressions derived in this paper are highly efficient for predicting the performance metrics and statistics for design of multihop communication links

    Spectral and Energy Efficient Communication Systems and Networks

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    In this thesis, design and analysis of energy- and spectral-efficient communication and cellular systems in micro wave and millimeter wave bands are considered using the following system performance metrics: i) Energy efficiency; ii) Spectral efficiency; iii) Spatial spectral efficiency; iv) Spatial energy efficiency, and v) Bit error rate. Statistical channel distributions, Nakagami-m and Generalized-K, and path loss models, Line of Sight (LOS) and Non-Line of Sight (NLOS), are used to represent the propagation environment in these systems. Adaptive M-QAM and M-CPFSK communication systems are proposed to enhance their efficiency metrics as a function of Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) over the channel. It is observed that in the adaptive M-QAM system energy efficiency can be improved by 0.214 bits/J whereas its spectral efficiency can be enhanced by 40%, for wide range of SNR compared to that of conventional M-QAM system. In case of adaptive M-CPFSK system, spectral and energy efficiencies can be increased by 33% and 76%, respectively. A framework for design and analysis of a cellular system, with omni and sectorized antenna systems at Base Station (BS), using its efficiency metrics and coverage probability is presented assuming wireless channel is Nakagami-m fading coupled with path loss and co-channel interference. It is noted that sectorized antenna system at BS enhances energy and spectral efficiencies by nearly 109% and 1.5 bits/s/Hz, respectively, compared to conventional omni antenna system. A Multi-User MIMO cellular system is then investigated and closed-form expressions for its uplink efficiency metrics are derived for fading and shadowing wireless channel environment. It is observed that increasing number of antennas in MIMO system at BS can significantly improve efficiency metrics of cellular system. Finally, a framework for design and analysis of dense mmWave cellular system, in 28 and 73 GHz bands, is presented for efficient utilization of spectrum and power of the system. The efficiency metrics of the system are evaluated for LOS and NLOS links. It is observed that while 28 GHz band is expedient for indoor cellular systems, the 73 GHz band is appropriate for outdoor systems

    Diversity receiver design and channel statistic estimation in fading channels

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    The main goal of this thesis is to provide an in-depth study of two important techniques that are effective in improving the performance, data rate, or bandwidth-efficiency in wireless communication systems. The two techniques are, first, diversity combining equipped with quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), and second, the estimation of fading channel statistical properties;To effectively combat the adverse effect of fading and to improve the error rate performance in wireless communications, one of the major approaches is to employ diversity combining techniques. In the first part of this thesis, we focus on the equal gain combining (EGC) and hybrid-selection equal gain combining (HS/EGC) for bandwidth-efficient wireless systems (i.e. QAM systems). For EGC QAM systems, we propose the receiver structure and the corresponding decision variables, and then study the effects of imperfect channel estimation (ICE) and quantify the loss of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) gain caused by ICE. For HS/EGC QAM system, we develop a general approach to derive unified error rate and outage probability formulas over various types of fading channels based on the proposed HS/EGC receiver. The main contribution of this work lies in that it provides effective hybrid diversity schemes and new analytical approaches to enable thorough analysis and effective design of bandwidth efficient wireless communication systems which suffer from ICE and operate in realistic multipath channels;Channel statistic information is proven to be critical in determining the systems design, achievable data rate, and achievable performance. In the second part of this thesis, we study the estimation of the fading channel Statistics and Probability; We propose several iterative algorithms to estimate the first- and second-order statistics of general fading or composite fading-shadowing channels and derive the Cramer-Rao bounds (CRBs) for all the cases. We demonstrate that these iterative methods are efficient in the sense that they achieve their corresponding CRBs. The main contribution of this work is that it bridges the gap between the broad utilization of fading channel statistical properties and the lack of systematic study that makes such statistical properties available

    Log-moment estimators of the Nakagami-lognormal distribution

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    [EN] In this paper, estimators of the Nakagami-lognormal (NL) distribution based on the method of log-moments have been derived and thoroughly analyzed. Unlike maximum likelihood (ML) estimators, the log-moment estimators of the NL distribution are obtained using straightforward equations with a unique solution. Also, their performance has been evaluated using the sample mean, confidence regions and normalized mean square error (NMSE). The NL distribution has been extensively used to model composite small-scale fading and shadowing in wireless communication channels. This distribution is of interest in scenarios where the small-scale fading and the shadowing processes cannot be easily separated such as the vehicular environment.This work has been funded in part by the Programa de Estancias de Movilidad de Profesores e Investigadores en Centros Extranjeros de Ensenanza Superior e Investigacion of the Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte, Spain, PR2015-00151 and by the Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad of the Spanish Government under the national project TEC2017-86779-C2-2-R, through the Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (AEI) and the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER).Reig, J.; Brennan, C.; Rodrigo Peñarrocha, VM.; Rubio Arjona, L. (2019). Log-moment estimators of the Nakagami-lognormal distribution. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13638-018-1328-6S110J. M. Ho, G. L. 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Mathiopoulos, in Adaptive M-QAM systems with diversity in correlated Nakagami-m fading and shadowing. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2010) (IEEEMiami, 2010), pp. 1–5.Ö. Bulakci, A. B. Saleh, J. Hämäläinen, S. Redana, Performance analysis of relay site planning over composite fading/shadowing channels with cochannel interference. IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol.62(4), 1692–1706 (2013).W. Cheng, Y. Huang, On the performance of adaptive SC/MRC cooperative systems over composite fading channels. Chin. J. Electron.25(3), 533–540 (2016).M. G. Kibria, G. P. Villardi, W. Liao, K. Nguyen, K. Ishizu, F. Kojima, Outage analysis of offloading in heterogeneous networks: Composite fading channels. IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol.66(10), 8990–9004 (2017).K. Cho, J. Lee, C. G. Kang, Stochastic geometry-based coverage and rate analysis under Nakagami & log-normal composite fading channel for downlink cellular networks. IEEE Commun. Lett.21(6), 1437–1440 (2017).R. Singh, M. Rawat, Closed-form distribution and analysis of a combined Nakagami-lognormal shadowing and unshadowing fading channel. J Telecommun. Inf. Technol.4:, 81–87 (2016).J. Reig, L. Rubio, Estimation of the composite fast fading and shadowing distribution using the log-moments in wireless communications. IEEE Trans. Wireless. Commun.12(8), 3672–3681 (2013).S. Atapattu, C. Tellambura, H. Jiang, A mixture gamma distribution to model the SNR of wireless channels. IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun.10(12), 4193–4203 (2011).Q. Wang, H. Lin, P. Kam, Tight bounds and invertible average error probability expressions over composite fading channels. J. Commun. Netw.18(2), 182–189 (2016).J. M. Holtzmann, On using perturbation analysis to do sensitivity analysis: derivatives versus differences. IEEE Trans. Autom. Control. 37(2), 243–247 (1992).H. Suzuki, A statistical model for urban radio propagation. IEEE Trans. Commun.25(7), 673–680 (1977).M. D. 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Log-cumulant parameter estimator of log-normal distribution. Intelligent computing theory (SpringerNew York, NY, 2014), pp. 668–674.S. Zhang, J. M. Jin, Computation of Special Functions (Wiley, New York, 1996).G. Casella, R. L. Berger, Statistical Inference (Duxbury Thomson Learning, Pacific Grove, CA, 2002).C. Kleiber, S. Kotz, Statistical Size Distributions in Economics and Actuarial Sciences (Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, 2003).L. Devroye, Non-uniform Random Variate Generation (Springer, New York,1986).A. Abdi, M. Kaveh, Performance comparison of three different estimators for the Nakagami m parameter using Monte Carlo simulation. IEEE Commun. Lett.4(4), 119–121 (2000).L. Rubio, J. Reig, N. Cardona, Evaluation of Nakagami fading behaviour based on measurements in urban scenarios. Int. J. Electron. Commun. (AEÜ). 61(2), 135–138 (2007)

    Optimum Power Randomization for the Minimization of Outage Probability

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.The optimum power randomization problem is studied to minimize outage probability in flat block-fading Gaussian channels under an average transmit power constraint and in the presence of channel distribution information at the transmitter. When the probability density function of the channel power gain is continuously differentiable with a finite second moment, it is shown that the outage probability curve is a nonincreasing function of the normalized transmit power with at least one inflection point and the total number of inflection points is odd. Based on this result, it is proved that the optimum power transmission strategy involves randomization between at most two power levels. In the case of a single inflection point, the optimum strategy simplifies to on-off signaling for weak transmitters. Through analytical and numerical discussions, it is shown that the proposed framework can be adapted to a wide variety of scenarios including log-normal shadowing, diversity combining over Rayleigh fading channels, Nakagami-m fading, spectrum sharing, and jamming applications. We also show that power randomization does not necessarily improve the outage performance when the finite second moment assumption is violated by the power distribution of the fading. © 2013 IEEE


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    Radio resource management is one of the most important parts of modern multi-user wireless communication systems. The main reason for this importance comes from the fact that the radio resources, such as bandwidth and power, are scarce. For instance, UMTS systems use 5MHz bandwidth for voice as well as data services. The optimum usage of the radio resource guarantees the highest efficient utilization of wireless networks. To optimize the radio resources, the transmitters need to estimate the channel conditions. This channel estimation is done by using pilot signal from the receiver. There are usually small delays between the measurements and the radio resource allocation. When the channel is highly correlated, this delay will not affect the performance, because the channel will not be significantly changed between the time of measurement and the time of transmission. However, if the mobile speed is high or the channel is very high dynamic, the correlation becomes very low. This is due to the timevarying nature of the channel. We call channels with very low correlation in time as bad condition channels. In this thesis we discuss this extremely important topic. The tools for analyzing bad condition channels are also proposed and discussed. Two power control algorithms to mitigate the low correlation of channels have been proposed. Our algorithms are validated through several simulations.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format
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