Spectral and Energy Efficient Communication Systems and Networks


In this thesis, design and analysis of energy- and spectral-efficient communication and cellular systems in micro wave and millimeter wave bands are considered using the following system performance metrics: i) Energy efficiency; ii) Spectral efficiency; iii) Spatial spectral efficiency; iv) Spatial energy efficiency, and v) Bit error rate. Statistical channel distributions, Nakagami-m and Generalized-K, and path loss models, Line of Sight (LOS) and Non-Line of Sight (NLOS), are used to represent the propagation environment in these systems. Adaptive M-QAM and M-CPFSK communication systems are proposed to enhance their efficiency metrics as a function of Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) over the channel. It is observed that in the adaptive M-QAM system energy efficiency can be improved by 0.214 bits/J whereas its spectral efficiency can be enhanced by 40%, for wide range of SNR compared to that of conventional M-QAM system. In case of adaptive M-CPFSK system, spectral and energy efficiencies can be increased by 33% and 76%, respectively. A framework for design and analysis of a cellular system, with omni and sectorized antenna systems at Base Station (BS), using its efficiency metrics and coverage probability is presented assuming wireless channel is Nakagami-m fading coupled with path loss and co-channel interference. It is noted that sectorized antenna system at BS enhances energy and spectral efficiencies by nearly 109% and 1.5 bits/s/Hz, respectively, compared to conventional omni antenna system. A Multi-User MIMO cellular system is then investigated and closed-form expressions for its uplink efficiency metrics are derived for fading and shadowing wireless channel environment. It is observed that increasing number of antennas in MIMO system at BS can significantly improve efficiency metrics of cellular system. Finally, a framework for design and analysis of dense mmWave cellular system, in 28 and 73 GHz bands, is presented for efficient utilization of spectrum and power of the system. The efficiency metrics of the system are evaluated for LOS and NLOS links. It is observed that while 28 GHz band is expedient for indoor cellular systems, the 73 GHz band is appropriate for outdoor systems

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