21 research outputs found

    Review of 'M-libraries 4: From Margin to Mainstream – Mobile Technologies Transforming Lives and Libraries'

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    Caperon, Lizzie - ORCID 0000-0001-5204-170X https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5204-170XItem not available in this repository.https://doi.org/10.1108/LM-09-2014-010535pubpub8/

    Bridge Over Troubled Water: QR coding the collection for student satisfaction

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    Since 2012, BU (Bournemouth University) library have been highlighting available, relevant e-books by embedding QR codes in our printed book collection. This chapter will focus on the drivers and intended outcomes for the project and will discuss the characteristics of successful QR campaigns that we have considered to achieve our aims. A more practical discussion of project implementation is in press at the time of writing (Ford, 2013)

    The rise, fall and rise of the printed book

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    Libraries are diverse in role, use and space and the scope of our profession is equally diverse, spanning public, academic, national, corporate and a variety of other types. As such it can be challenging to see conclusive patterns and make definitive professional statements. That said, it is telling that, across the span of most libraries and beyond, the humble print book has proven to be remarkably resilient in a way that might not have been as recently as 2010 when various technology evangelists were hailing the death of the printed book1 and Amazon sold more books for its kindle than print

    The rise, fall and rise of the printed book

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    Libraries are diverse in role, use and space and the scope of our profession is equally diverse, spanning public, academic, national, corporate and a variety of other types. As such it can be challenging to see conclusive patterns and make definitive professional statements. That said, it is telling that, across the span of most libraries and beyond, the humble print book has proven to be remarkably resilient in a way that might not have been as recently as 2010 when various technology evangelists were hailing the death of the printed book1 and Amazon sold more books for its kindle than print

    M-library: servicios de una biblioteca universitaria disponibles a través de dispositivos móviles

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    Bajo el concepto de M-library, se pretende extender los servicios de una biblioteca universitaria haciéndolos disponibles a través de dispositivos móviles para que los integrantes de una comunidad educativa puedan accederlos desde cualquier lugar y en cualquier momento. El desarrollo de un aplicativo de estas características estará ligado a una serie de otros aplicativos que la Facultad de Ingeniería de la UNLPam se encuentra desarrollando bajo el proyecto de I+D denominado Tecnología Móvil Aplicada a la Educación. Se pretende integrarlo a una arquitectura robusta basada en el modelo cliente/servidor que sirva a los objetivos del aprendizaje móvil (mlearning) que la institución mencionada intenta implementar.Eje: Tecnología Informática Aplicada en EducaciónRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    M-library: servicios de una biblioteca universitaria disponibles a través de dispositivos móviles

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    Bajo el concepto de M-library, se pretende extender los servicios de una biblioteca universitaria haciéndolos disponibles a través de dispositivos móviles para que los integrantes de una comunidad educativa puedan accederlos desde cualquier lugar y en cualquier momento. El desarrollo de un aplicativo de estas características estará ligado a una serie de otros aplicativos que la Facultad de Ingeniería de la UNLPam se encuentra desarrollando bajo el proyecto de I+D denominado Tecnología Móvil Aplicada a la Educación. Se pretende integrarlo a una arquitectura robusta basada en el modelo cliente/servidor que sirva a los objetivos del aprendizaje móvil (mlearning) que la institución mencionada intenta implementar.Eje: Tecnología Informática Aplicada en EducaciónRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    M-library: servicios de una biblioteca universitaria disponibles a través de dispositivos móviles

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    Bajo el concepto de M-library, se pretende extender los servicios de una biblioteca universitaria haciéndolos disponibles a través de dispositivos móviles para que los integrantes de una comunidad educativa puedan accederlos desde cualquier lugar y en cualquier momento. El desarrollo de un aplicativo de estas características estará ligado a una serie de otros aplicativos que la Facultad de Ingeniería de la UNLPam se encuentra desarrollando bajo el proyecto de I+D denominado Tecnología Móvil Aplicada a la Educación. Se pretende integrarlo a una arquitectura robusta basada en el modelo cliente/servidor que sirva a los objetivos del aprendizaje móvil (mlearning) que la institución mencionada intenta implementar.Eje: Tecnología Informática Aplicada en EducaciónRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Modest Android Application Development for the Entrepreneurship in Art and Culture Organization

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    Currently, several platforms to develop an Android Application are available freely at the internet. People who do not have any major in computer science are able to create the mobile application by themselves. The technical aspects on creating the application have been successfully minimized and the creators do not need to type any programming code to create the application. However, most of them need to understand the pattern to create the menu and its function to work. The simplicity in making the Android application could help the managers of art and culture performances to spread the information and knowledge of their business to the modern users. This paper explores the possibility and technical aspects in developing a simple Android application for the entrepreneurship in art and culture organization. The approach in developing the Android application should be able to help the organization that manages art and culture in spreading the information to the people simultaneously

    Alfabetización informacional y tecnologías móviles. Una mirada de la producción científica desde el impacto de la altmetría

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    The main focus of this paper is to provide a review of the scientific production in Information Literacy and mobile technologies (Mobile Information Literacy) between 2006 and 2017, quantifying from the altmetric perspectives. The altmetrics imply a complementary approach that can shed light on specific aspects which are not easy to be addressed by more traditional scientific approaches, neither bibliometric nor conceptual. That is why, the altmetrics include relevant features, like visualization, document downloads, quotes, recommendations and markers. These aspects can contribute to explain the impact and relevance of the scientific literatura from a wider perspective. A analysis of most altmetric impact documents was carried out to manifest the main research trends in the subdomain of the Infomation Science. After we had carried out our altmetric review, we concluded that this perspective, applied to the IL and the mobile technologies have become a growing trend that is reaching a significant relevance, in addition to the traditional bibliometric analysis, and that covers, in a context of mobile learning and relation, which are in a unstoppable procces of spiral growing, new and very significant dimensions in the approach to the impact and significance of the scientific production