51 research outputs found


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    Background: According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees the number of people forced to leave their home as a result of conflict, persecution, violence or human rights violations remains high with 68.5 million forcibly displaced people worldwide. Asylum seekers are vulnerable in terms of mental health but they receive very little specific psychiatric care. The purpose of this literature review is to examine current situation regarding asylum seekers’ psychiatric healthcare. Subjects and methods: This research was conducted using a keyword search on Medline, PubMed and Google Scholar. Results: The literature on the management of the mental health of asylum seekers focuses on the issue of post-traumatic stress disorder. There is little data on other forms of mental illness in this population. The prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder among asylum seekers is higher than in the general population and its clinical expression is varied and often complex because it involves various vulnerability factors. Guidelines for post-traumatic stress disorder recommend cognitive behavioral therapy with, in some cases, the use of pharmacotherapy. Given the specificities of the asylum seekers’ population, in many cases it is not possible to set up such therapy immediately. Asylum seekers face a number of challenges in accessing mental healthcare. Conclusion: Management of the mental health of asylum seekers requires special attention and guidelines for the general population are not directly applicable to this specific population. The literature focuses on the issue of post-traumatic stress disorder. This review was not able to analyse the state of existing care offer in Belgium for managing the mental health of asylum seekers and the care pathways they take

    Profil de sensibilisation aux allergènes des asthmatiques adultes à Kinshasa, RDC : Etude transversale par prick-tests: Allergen sensitization profile of adult asthmatics in Kinshasa, DRC: Cross-sectional study by prick-tests

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    Context. Atopy is a common feature of asthma, involving near 80% of patients. Allergen sensitization shows environmental and geographical variability worldwide. Objective. To determine the common allergen sensitization profile of adult asthmatics in Kinshasa. Methods. From June 2017 to February 2018, 216 asthmatics aged 18 and over, of both sexes, were consecutively recruited at the University Clinics of Kinshasa and in some parishes and churches around the same town. The socio-demographic variables were registered using a validated questionnaire. The prick-test was performed relaying on five standardized commercial extracts of dog and cat dander, house dust mite (Blomia tropicalis, Bt), molds (Alternaria alternata), and egg yolk. Results. The population, average age of 45.23 (SD=17.56) years, 74% female, was sensitized at least to one allergen (53%) and non -sensitized in 47%. Twenty-five percent were monosensitized and 27% plurisensitized. The sensitization profile was respectively to Blomia tropicalis (72%), cat dander (46%), dog dander (34%), Alternaria alternata (13%) and egg yolk (11%). Conclusion. The present study indicates a plurisentisization feature in many asthmatics in our milieu ; mainly to dust mites and cat dander. Futher investigations involving a larger number of subjects and using broader test batteries are needed to improve diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in our context. Contexte. Environ 80% des asthmatiques sont atopiques. La sensibilisation aux allergènes communs présente certaines variabilités environnementales et géographiques. Objectif. Déterminer le profil de sensibilisation aux allergènes communs des asthmatiques adultes de la ville de Kinshasa. Méthodes. De juin 2017 à février 2018, 216 asthmatiques de 18 ans et plus, des 2 sexes, ont été consécutivement recrutés aux Cliniques Universitaires de Kinshasa et dans certaines paroisses et églises de réveil de la ville de Kinshasa. A l’aide d’un questionnaire validé, les variables sociodémographiques ont été précisées. Le prick-test a été réalisé avec cinq extraits commerciaux standardisés de phanères de chien et chat, l’acarien de poussière de maison (Blomia tropicalis, Bt), les moisissures (Alternaria alternata), et le jaune d’oeuf. Résultats. L’âge moyen de la population était de 45,23 (ET=17,56) ans, 74% de sexe féminin, 47 % non sensibilisés et 53% sensibilisés à au moins un allergène. Vingt-cinq pourcent étaient monosensibilisées et 27% plurisensibilisées. Le profil de sensibilisation était Blomia tropicalis (72%), phanères de chat (46%), phanères de chien (34%), Alternaria alternata (13%) et jaune d’oeuf (11%). Conclusion. Une plurisensibilisation aux allergènes communs chez les asthmatiques dans notre milieu est présente dont le profil dominé par les acariens et les phanères de chats. Des enquêtes futures incluant un plus grand nombre de sujets et recourant à des batteries de tests plus élargies s’imposent en vue d’une définition d’options diagnostiques et thérapeutiques dans notre contexte

    Antimicrobial activity of dried fig (Ficus carica L.) extracts from the region of Mascara (Western Algeria) on Enterobacter cloacae identified by MALDI-TOF/MS

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    Enterobacter cloacae is currently known as a urinary tract infection agent, especially in hospitals recognized by its resistance to 3rd generation cephalosporin’s, which makes it a target for different works in order to find natural and definitive means of fight and treatment. Their limited biochemical reactivity and their different morphotypes is a real obstacle to their identification by conventional phenotypic means. 16S rRNA and 18S rRNA gene sequencing is highly successful for bacterial identification. However, in recent years, matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time in flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) has emerged as a very valid technique for the identification and diagnosis of microorganisms. Our study aims to identify three bacteria belonging to the Enterobacter cloacae species isolated from various environments by the MALDI-TOF/MS method and then to study their antimicrobial activity against some extracts of dried figs of Ficus carica fruits grown in the mascara region (western Algeria). The determination of the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) shows a significant inhibition of the activity of E. cloacae by the methanolic extract of El-Keurt variety at 2.34 mg/ml of extract. This study seems to give good guidance for the use of dried figs against Enterobacter infections. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.464137

    Performance evaluation of the composite resins inlay/onlay: narrative review

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    O aparecimento de novos materiais restauradores levou a restaurações indiretas que estão a meio caminho entre as restaurações diretas em resinas compostas e as restaurações de prótese fixa. Estas restaurações indiretas são aplicadas em boca por colagem. Existem 3 subtipos: inlays, onlays e overlays, sendo diferenciados pelo seu grau de cobertura cuspídea. Esta evolução foi possível graças não só ao aparecimento de novos materiais, mas também aos avanços técnicos no campo da adesão. O sucesso das restaurações indiretas depende dos materiais utilizados, do respeito pelas indicações, do procedimento de colagem e da metodologia de implementação. O objectivo deste trabalho é definir o conceito de Inlays/Onlays, averiguar as indicações, contra-indicações, protocolo e eficácia destas restaurações em resina composta, de acordo com os dados científicos. Para a realização deste trabalho, foi feita uma pesquisa de artigos científicos com as palavras- chave: "inlay", "onlay", "resina composta", "protocolo", "desempenho", nas bases de dados on- line: PubMed, Sci-Hub and Scielo.The emergence of new materials for dental restorations has led to indirect restorations which are halfway between direct restorations in composite resins and fixed prosthesis restorations. These indirect restorations are assembled by bonding. There are 3 subtypes: inlays, onlays and overlays that are differentiated by their degree of cuspidian coverage. This evolution has been made possible not only by the arrival of new materials, but also by technical advances in the field of bonding. The success of indirect restorations depends on the materials used, the respect of the indications, the bonding procedure and the implementation methodology. The aim of this work is to define the concept of Inlays/Onlays, clarify the context of indications, contraindications, protocol and performance over time this kind of restorations in composite resin, accordingly with scientific database. In order to carry out this work, a search for scientific articles with the key words "inlay", "onlay", "composite resin", "protocol", "performance" will be done, in the online databases: PubMed, Sci-Hub and Scielo

    Efficacité Des Stratégies De Lutte Contre L’Anémie Ferriprive Chez Les Femmes Enceintes Dans Les Structures Sanitaires De Références Des Zones De Sante Périphériques De Kinshasa.

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    L’anémie ferriprive est un problème de santé présent dans le monde entier et plus  particulièrement dans les pays en voie de développement. Le taux d’incidence le plus élevé de l’anémie est signalé en Asie du Sud et en Afrique subsaharienne, où cette maladie touche une grande partie des femmes en âge de procréer et des  enfants d’âge préscolaire.Cette étude est quantitative transversale et analytique, menée selon les techniques d’interview auprès des femmes enceintes, choisies de façon aléatoire parmi les femmes qui fréquentent régulièrement la consultation prénatales dans chacune des structures sanitaires. Les analyses de laboratoires se sont penchées  sur les analyses parasitologiques et  hématologiques dans le but d’analyser le sang  pour connaitre leur taux d’hémoglobine et les selles des femmes enceintes reçues à la consultation prénatale pour déceler la présence de vers intestinaux et d’autres parasites qui sucent le sang.Parmi les stratégies de lutte contre l’anémie ferriprive en République Démocratique du Congo, en rapport avec nos résultats, trois d’entre elles s’avèrent efficaces, notamment : la supplémentation en fer-folate, le déparasitage et les conseils reçus sur la consommation des aliments riches en fer

    Learning games creation: IMIE model

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    In this article, we propose a new model for the learning games design, which aims to enrich and solve the problems of existing models. From the work carried out around the models of educational games, we carefully identify a series of steps to follow, taking into account the simplicity, ease of adaptation and the integration of several factors interest such as the integration of a set sub-models treated pedagogically define the pedagogical side in the game, also the distribution of the intervening necessary for each of the stages to ensure better collaboration between them, for the purpose to helping the creators to trace their path from the start of the creation, in order to achieve the best example of games with an adequate oscillation pedagogical-fun, that will meet the requirements of existing classical teaching methods

    Contribution à l’Analyse du Marché des Plantes Médicinales dans la Région de Lubumbashi, RD Congo : Acteurs et Enjeux Socio-Économiques

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    Malgré le risque d’usage, la croissance du marché incontrôlé des plantes médicinales reste moins renseignée dans la région de Lubumbashi. Pour comprendre son fonctionnement, une enquête a été initiée auprès de 118 tradipraticiens et herboristes, choisis de manière raisonnée. Les données recueillies renseignent que 85 % des praticiens exerçaient ce commerce comme activité principale pour assurer leur survie, en facilitant les soins à la population. Près de 166 espèces de plantes, collectées à l'état sauvage, étaient vendues en circuit court sans autorisation de mise en marché. La majorité d'entre elles proviennent des zones rurales des provinces du Haut-Lomami et du Haut-Katanga (respectivement 46 % et 35 %). En moyenne, un commerçant vendait 52,4 ± 4,1 kg de produit brut et 32,5 ± 3,1 kg en poudre par trimestre. Les prix étaient fixés en fonction de l’apparence des clients et de la perception de la maladie. L’investissement de 6 dollars dans un kilogramme de produits à base des plantes médicinales rapportait un taux de marge d’environ 35 %, déterminé par les dépenses et les recettes (p : 0,000 < 0,05). Cependant, ce marché incontrôlé interpelle sur la qualification des tradipraticiens et la qualité de leurs services. Il nécessiterait de le réglementer pour un accès sécurisé aux plantes par les consommateurs. Although there is a risk associated with their use, the uncontrolled market for medicinal plants in the Lubumbashi region has not been well documented. To gain insight into this market, a survey was conducted with 118 traditional practitioners and herbalists, who were selected in a thoughtful manner. The collected data indicates that 85% of practitioners rely on this business as their primary source of income, as it facilitates healthcare for the population. A total of 166 plant species were sold in the short circuit without marketing authorization, most of which were collected from rural areas of the Haut-Lomami and Haut-Katanga provinces (46% and 35%, respectively). On average, each trader sold 52.4 ± 4.1 kg of raw product and 32.5 ± 3.1 kg of powder per quarter. Prices were determined based on the appearance of the customers and their perceived illnesses. Investing $6 in a kilogram of herbal products yielded a margin rate of approximately 35%, as determined by expenses and revenues (p: 0.000 < 0.05). However, the unregulated nature of this market raises concerns about the qualifications of traditional practitioners and the quality of their services. Regulation is necessary to ensure secure access to plants for consumers

    Analyse du Marché des Plantes Médicinales dans la Région de Lubumbashi : Acteurs et Enjeux Socio-Economiques

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    MalgrĂ© le risque d’usage, la croissance du marchĂ© incontrĂ´lĂ© des plantes mĂ©dicinales reste moins renseignĂ©e dans la rĂ©gion de Lubumbashi.  Pour comprendre son fonctionnement, une enquĂŞte a Ă©tĂ© initiĂ©e sur 118 tradipraticiens et herboristes, choisis de manière raisonnĂ©e.  Les informations recueillies renseignent 85% des praticiens, exercent ce commerce comme principale activitĂ© pour leur survie, en facilitant les soins Ă  la population. Près de 166 espèces de plantes, rĂ©coltĂ©es Ă  l’état sauvage qui circulent sur le marchĂ© en circuit court ne sont pas soumises Ă  des autorisations de mise en marchĂ©. Elles proviennent surtout des zones rurales des provinces du Haut- Lomami (46 %) et Haut- Katanga (35%). En moyenne, un marchand vendait 52,4 ± 4,1 kg de produit brut et 32,5 ± 3,1 kg en poudre par trimestre. Les prix Ă©taient fixĂ©s en fonction de l’apparence des clients et de la perception de la maladie. L’investissement de 6 dollars dans un kilogramme de produits Ă  base des plantes mĂ©dicinales rapporte un taux de marge d’environ 35%, dĂ©terminĂ© par les dĂ©penses et les recettes (0,000 < 0,05). Ce taux de marge dĂ©montre que la vente de petites quantitĂ©s est moins profitable en absence de qualitĂ©. De ce fait, Il faut accroitre la valeur ajoutĂ©e des produits pour une meilleure rentabilitĂ©. Il y a aussi nĂ©cessitĂ© de rĂ©glementer le marchĂ© pour un accès sĂ©curisĂ© aux plantes par les consommateurs.   Although there are risks involved, the unregulated market for medicinal plants in the Lubumbashi region is not well understood. To gain insight into this market, a survey of 118 traditional practitioners and herbalists, selected at random, was conducted. The results indicate that 85% of these practitioners rely on this trade as their primary source of income, which allows them to provide essential care to the population. Nearly 166 wild-harvested plant species are sold in informal markets without the required marketing authorizations. These products originate mainly from rural areas in Haut – Lomami (46%) and Haut-Katanga (35%) provinces. On average, each dealer sells 52.4 ± 4.1 kg of raw product and 32.5 ± 3.1 kg of powder per quarter. Prices vary according to customers' perception of illness and appearance. Investing $6 in one kilogram of herbal products generates a margin rate of approximately 35%, calculated from expenses and revenues (0,000 < 0.05). This rate implies that selling small quantities of the products is less profitable without quality assurance. Therefore, enhancing the added value of the products is necessary for profitability improvement. Additionally, market regulation is crucial to assure safe and secure access to plants for the consumers
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