211 research outputs found

    An enhanced DC-link voltage response for wind-driven doubly fed induction generator using adaptive fuzzy extended state observer and sliding mode control

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    This paper presents an enhancement method to improve the performance of the DC-link voltage loop regulation in a Doubly-Fed Induction Generator (DFIG)- based wind energy converter. An intelligent, combined control approach based on a metaheuristics-tuned Second-Order Sliding Mode (SOSM) controller and an adaptive fuzzy-scheduled Extended State Observer (ESO) is proposed and successfully applied. The proposed fuzzy gains-scheduling mechanism is performed to adaptively tune and update the bandwidth of the ESO while disturbances occur. Besides common time-domain performance indexes, bounded limitations on the effective parameters of the designed Super Twisting (STA)-based SOSM controllers are set thanks to the Lyapunov theory and used as nonlinear constraints for the formulated hard optimization control problem. A set of advanced metaheuristics, such as Thermal Exchange Optimization (TEO), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Genetic Algorithm (GA), Harmony Search Algorithm (HSA), Water Cycle Algorithm (WCA), and Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm (GOA), is considered to solve the constrained optimization problem. Demonstrative simulation results are carried out to show the superiority and effectiveness of the proposed control scheme in terms of grid disturbances rejection, closed-loop tracking performance, and robustness against the chattering phenomenon. Several comparisons to our related works, i.e., approaches based on TEO-tuned PI controller, TEO-tuned STA-SOSM controller, and STA-SOSM controller-based linear observer, are presented and discussed

    Fault tolerant control design of floating offshore wind turbines

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    This work is concerned with active vibration mitigation in wind turbines (WT) but not through the use of specifically tailored devices. Instead, a general control scheme is designed for torque and pitch controllers based on a super-twisting algorithm, which uses additional feedback of the fore-aft and side-to-side acceleration signals at the top of the WT tower to mitigate the vibrational behavior. In general, proposed methods to improve damping through pitch and torque control suffer from increased blade pitch actuator usage. However, in this work the blade pitch angle is smoothed leading to a decrease of the pitch actuator effort, among other benefits evidenced through numerical experiments. The most frequent faults induce vibrations in the corresponding WT subsystems. In fact, vibration monitoring has been recently used for fault diagnosis Thus, by means of vibration mitigation, different faulty conditions can be alleviated leading to a passive fault tolerant control. In this work, coupled non-linear aero-hydro- servo-elastic simulations of a floating offshore wind turbine are carried out for one of the most common pitch actuator faults.Postprint (published version

    Genetic algorithm optimized robust nonlinear observer for a wind turbine system based on permanent magnet synchronous generator

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    © 2022 ISA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. This is the accepted manuscript version of an article which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isatra.2022.02.004This paper presents an optimal control scheme for a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator (PMSG) coupled to a wind turbine operating without a position sensor. This sensorless scheme includes two observers: The first observer uses the flux to estimate the speed. However, an increase in the temperature or a degradation of the permanent magnet characteristics will result in a demagnetization of the machine causing a drop in the flux. The second observer is therefore used to estimate these changes in the flux from the speed and guaranties the stability of the system. This structure leads to a better exchange of information between the two observers, eliminates the problem of encoder and compensates for the demagnetization problem. To improve the precision of the speed estimator, the gain of the non-linear observer is optimized using Genetic Algorithm (GA) and the speed is obtained from a modified Phase Locked Loop (PLL) method using an optimized Sliding Mode Controller (SMC). Furthermore, to enhance the convergence speed of this observer scheme and improve the performance of the system a Fast Super Twisting Sliding Mode Control (FSTSMC) is introduced to reinforce the SMC strategy. A series of simulations are presented to show the effectiveness and robustness of proposed observer scheme.Peer reviewe

    Wind turbines controllers design based on the super-twisting algorithm

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    The continuous increase in the size of wind turbines (WTs) has led to new challenges in the design of novel torque and pitch controllers. Today’s WT control design must fulfill numerous specifications to assure effective electrical energy production and to hold the tower vibrations inside acceptable levels of operation. Hence, this paper presents modern torque and pitch control developments based on the super-twisting algorithm (STA) by using feedback of the fore- aft and side-to-side acceleration signals of the WT tower. According to numerical experiments realized using FAST, these controllers mitigate vibrations in the tower without affecting the quality of electrical power production. Moreover, the proposed controllers’ performance is better than the baseline controllers used for comparison.Postprint (author's final draft

    Sveobuhvatan pregled LVRT mogućnosti i kliznog režima upravljanja vjetroagregata spojenog na mrežu s dvostruko napajanim asinkronim generatorom

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    In this paper, a comprehensive review of several strategies applied to improve the Low Voltage Ride-Through (LVRT) capability is presented for grid-connected wind-turbine-driven Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG). Usually, the most proposed LVRT solutions in the literature based on: hardware solutions, which increase the system costs and software solutions, which increase the control system complexity. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to take into account grid requirements over LVRT performance under grid fault conditions using software solution based on Higher Order-Sliding Mode Control (HOSMC). Effectively, this control strategy is proposed to overcome the chattering problem and the injected stator current harmonics into the grid of the classical First Order Sliding Mode (FOSMC). Furthermore, the resultant HOSMC methodology is relatively simple; where, the online computational cost and time are considerably reduced. The LVRT capacity and effectiveness of the proposed control method, compared to the conventional FOSMC, are validated by time-domain simulation studies under Matlab on a 1.5 MW wind-turbine-driven DFIG.U ovom radu, prikazan je sveobuhvatan pregled strategija primjenjenih za poboljšanje sposobnosti rada tijekom prolaznih smetnji niskog napona mreže za vjetroagregat s dvostruko napajanim asinkronim generatorom (DFIG). Uobičajeno, većina predloženih LVRT rješenja u literaturi temelji se na: hardverskim rješenjima, što povećava troškove sustava i softverskih rješenja te složenost sustava upravljanja. Stoga je glavni cilj ovog istraživanja da se uključuje i zahtjevi mreže kroz ponašanje LVRTa u uvjetima mrežnih kvarova korištenjem softverskog rješenja zasnovanoga na kliznom režimu rada višeg reda (HOSMC). Efektivno, ova upravljačka strategija je predložena kako bi se prevladali oscilacije i ubacivanje harmonika struje statora u mrežu klasičnim metodama kliznog režima rada prvog reda (FOSMC). Nadalje, rezultantna metodologija HOSMC je relativno jednostavna; gdje su online računski zahtjevi i potrebno vrijeme značajno smanjeni. LVRT kapacitet i učinkovitost predložene metode upravljanja, u usporedbi s konvencionalnim FOSMC potvrđene su simulacijama u vremenskoj domeni u Matlabu na 1.5 MW vjetroagregatu s DFIG-om

    Real time observer and control scheme for a wind turbine system based on a high order sliding modes

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    The introduction of advanced control algorithms may improve considerably the efficiency of wind turbine systems. This work proposes a high order sliding mode (HOSM) control scheme based on the super twisting algorithm for regulating the wind turbine speed in order to obtain the maximum power from the wind. A robust aerodynamic torque observer, also based on the super twisting algorithm, is included in the control scheme in order to avoid the use of wind speed sensors. The presented robust control scheme ensures good performance under system uncertainties avoiding the chattering problem, which may appear in traditional sliding mode control schemes. The stability analysis of the proposed HOSM observer is provided by means of the Lyapunov stability theory. Experimental results show that the proposed control scheme, based on HOSM controller and observer, provides good performance and that this scheme is robust with respect to system uncertainties and external disturbances.The authors are very grateful to the Basque Government by its support through the project EKOHEGAZ (ELKARTEK KK-2021/00092), to the Diputacion Foral de Alava (DFA) by its support through the project CONAVANTER, to Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia by its support through the project Etorkizuna Eraikiz 2019, and to the UPV/EHU by its support through the project GIU20/063

    Acceleration-based fault-tolerant control design of offshore fixed wind turbines

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    Wind turbines (WTs) are basically controlled by varying the generator load torque (with the so-called torque control) and the blade pitch angles (with the so-called pitch control) based on measurement of the generator shaft speed. These two controllers unitedly work to satisfy the control objectives, and it is crucial that they are tolerant to possible faults in the WT system. Passive fault-tolerant control comprises the design of robust controllers against disturbances and uncertainties. This enables the controller to counteract the effect of a fault without requiring reconfiguration or fault detection. In this regard, the main contribution of this paper is to propose new control techniques that not only provide fault tolerance capabilities to the WT system but also improve the overall performance of the system in both fault-free and faulty conditions. Coupling nonlinear aero-hydro-servo-elastic simulations of an offshore WT with jacket platform is carried out for several pitch actuator faults. The jacket platform motions and structural loads caused by fault events with the proposed controllers are compared with loads encountered during normal operation and with respect to a well-known baseline controller in the literature. The proposed controllers are based in the super-twisting algorithm by using feedback of the generator shaft speed as well as the fore-aft and side-to-side acceleration signals of the WT tower.Preprin

    Control of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell System

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    265 p.In the era of sustainable development, proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell technology has shown significant potential as a renewable energy source. This thesis focuses on improving the performance of the PEM fuel cell system through the use of appropriate algorithms for controlling the power interface. The main objective is to find an effective and optimal algorithm or control law for keeping the stack operating at an adequate power point. Add to this, it is intended to apply the artificial intelligence approach for studying the effect of temperature and humidity on the stack performance. The main points addressed in this study are : modeling of a PEM fuel cell system, studying the effect of temperature and humidity on the PEM fuel cell stack, studying the most common used power converters in renewable energy systems, studying the most common algorithms applied on fuel cell systems, design and implementation of a new MPPT control method for the PEM fuel cell system