247 research outputs found

    NASA Tech Briefs, July 2010

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    Topics covered include: Wirelessly Interrogated Wear or Temperature Sensors; Processing Nanostructured Sensors Using Microfabrication Techniques; Optical Pointing Sensor; Radio-Frequency Tank Eigenmode Sensor for Propellant Quantity Gauging; High-Temperature Optical Sensor; Integral Battery Power Limiting Circuit for Intrinsically Safe Applications; Configurable Multi-Purpose Processor; Squeezing Alters Frequency Tuning of WGM Optical Resonator; Automated Computer Access Request System; Range Safety for an Autonomous Flight Safety System; Fast and Easy Searching of Files in Unisys 2200 Computers; Parachute Drag Model; Evolutionary Scheduler for the Deep Space Network; Modular Habitats Comprising Rigid and Inflatable Modules; More About N2O-Based Propulsion and Breathable-Gas Systems; Ultrasonic/Sonic Rotary-Hammer Drills; Miniature Piezoelectric Shaker for Distribution of Unconsolidated Samples to Instrument Cells; Lunar Soil Particle Separator; Advanced Aerobots for Scientific Exploration; Miniature Bioreactor System for Long-Term Cell Culture; Electrochemical Detection of Multiple Bioprocess Analytes; Fabrication and Modification of Nanoporous Silicon Particles; High-Altitude Hydration System; Photon Counting Using Edge-Detection Algorithm; Holographic Vortex Coronagraph; Optical Structural Health Monitoring Device; Fuel-Cell Power Source Based on Onboard Rocket Propellants; Polar Lunar Regions: Exploiting Natural and Augmented Thermal Environments; Simultaneous Spectral Temporal Adaptive Raman Spectrometer - SSTARS; Improved Speed and Functionality of a 580-GHz Imaging Radar; Bolometric Device Based on Fluxoid Quantization; Algorithms for Learning Preferences for Sets of Objects; Model for Simulating a Spiral Software-Development Process; Algorithm That Synthesizes Other Algorithms for Hashing; Algorithms for High-Speed Noninvasive Eye-Tracking System; and Adapting ASPEN for Orbital Express

    Synthesis and Validation of Vision Based Spacecraft Navigation

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    Advances in analytical models and applications for RFID, WSN and AmI systems

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    Experimentos llevados a cabo con el equipo de división de honor UCAM Volleyball Murcia.[SPA] Internet de las cosas (IoT) integra distintos elementos que actúan tanto como fuentes, como sumideros de información, a diferencia de la percepción que se ha tenido hasta ahora de Internet, centrado en las personas. Los avances en IoT engloban un amplio número de áreas y tecnologías, desde la adquisición de información hasta el desarrollo de nuevos protocolos y aplicaciones. Un concepto clave que subyace en el concepto de IoT, es el procesamiento de forma inteligente y autónoma de los flujos de información que se dispone. En este trabajo, estudiamos tres aspectos diferentes de IoT. En primer lugar, nos centraremos en la infraestructura de obtención de datos. Entre las diferentes tecnologías de obtención de datos disponibles en los sistemas IoT, la Identificación por Radio Frecuencia (RFID) es considerada como una de las tecnologías predominantes. RFID es la tecnología detrás de aplicaciones tales como control de acceso, seguimiento y rastreo de contenedores, gestión de archivos, clasificación de equipaje o localización de equipos. Con el auge de la tecnología RFID, muchas instalaciones empiezan a requerir la presencia de múltiples lectores RFID que operan próximos entre sí y conjuntamente. A estos escenarios se les conoce como dense reader environments (DREs). La coexistencia de varios lectores operando simultáneamente puede causar graves problemas de interferencias en el proceso de identificación. Uno de los aspectos claves a resolver en los RFID DREs consiste en lograr la coordinación entre los lectores. Estos problemas de coordinación son tratados en detalle en esta tesis doctoral. Además, dentro del área de obtención de datos relativa a IoT, las Redes de Sensores Inalámbricas (WSNs) desempeñan un papel fundamental. Durante la última década, las WSNs han sido estudiadas ampliamente de forma teórica, y la mayoría de problemas relacionados con la comunicación en este tipo de redes se han conseguido resolver de forma favorable. Sin embargo, con la implementación de WSNs en proyectos reales, han surgido nuevos problemas, siendo uno de ellos el desarrollo de estrategias realistas para desplegar las WSN. En este trabajo se estudian diferentes métodos que resuelven este problema, centrándonos en distintos criterios de optimización, y analizando las diferentes ventajas e inconvenientes que se producen al buscar una solución equilibrada. Por último, la Inteligencia Ambiental (AmI) forma parte del desarrollo de aplicaciones inteligentes en IoT. Hasta ahora, han sido las personas quienes han tenido que adaptarse al entorno, en cambio, AmI persigue crear entornos de obtención de datos capaces de anticipar y apoyar las acciones de las personas. AmI se está introduciendo progresivamente en diversos entornos reales tales como el sector de la educación y la salud, en viviendas, etc. En esta tesis se introduce un sistema AmI orientado al deporte que busca mejorar el entrenamiento de los atletas, siendo el objetivo prioritario el desarrollo de un asistente capaz de proporcionar órdenes de entrenamiento, basadas tanto en el entorno como en el rendimiento de los atletas. [ENG] Internet of Things (IoT) is being built upon many different elements acting as sources and sinks of information, rather than the previous human-centric Internet conception. Developments in IoT include a vast set of fields ranging from data sensing, to development of new protocols and applications. Indeed, a key concept underlying in the conception of IoT is the smart and autonomous processing of the new huge data flows available. In this work, we aim to study three different aspects within IoT. First, we will focus on the sensing infrastructure. Among the different kind of sensing technologies available to IoT systems, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is widely considered one of the leading technologies. RFID is the enabling technology behind applications such as access control, tracking and tracing of containers, file management, baggage sorting or equipment location. With the grow up of RFID, many facilities require multiple RFID readers usually operating close to each other. These are known as Dense Reader Environments (DREs). The co-existence of several readers operating concurrently is known to cause severe interferences on the identification process. One of the key aspects to solve in RFID DREs is achieving proper coordination among readers. This is the focus of the first part of this doctoral thesis. Unlike previous works based on heuristics, we address this problem through an optimization-based approach. The goal is identifying the maximum mean number of tags while network constraints are met. To be able to formulate these optimization problems, we have obtained analytically the mean number of identifications in a bounded -discrete or continuous- time period, an additional novel contribution of our work. Results show that our approach is overwhelmingly better than previous known methods. Along sensing technologies of IoT, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) plays a fundamental role. WSNs have been largely and theoretically studied in the past decade, and many of their initial problems related to communication aspects have been successfully solved. However, with the adoption of WSNs in real-life projects, new issues have arisen, being one of them the development of realistic strategies to deploy WSNs. We have studied different ways of solving this aspect by focusing on different optimality criteria and evaluating the different trade-offs that occur when a balanced solution must be selected. On the one hand, deterministic placements subject to conflicting goals have been addressed. Results can be obtained in the form of Pareto-frontiers, allowing proper solution selection. On the other hand, a number of situations correspond to deployments were the nodes¿ position is inherently random. We have analyzed these situations leading first to a theoretical model, which later has been particularized to a Moon WSN survey. Our work is the first considering a full model with realistic properties such as 3D topography, propellant consumptions or network lifetime and mass limitations. Furthermore, development of smart applications within IoT is the focus of the Ambient Intelligence (AmI) field. Rather than having people adapting to the surrounding environment, AmI pursues the development of sensitive environments able to anticipate support in people¿s actions. AmI is progressively being introduced in many real-life environments like education, homes, health and so forth. In this thesis we develop a sport-oriented AmI system designed to improve athletes training. The goal is developing an assistant able to provide real-time training orders based on both environment and athletes¿ biometry, which is aimed to control the aerobic and the technical-tactical training. Validation experiments with the honor league UCAM Volleyball Murcia team have shown the suitability of this approach.[ENG] Internet of Things (IoT) is being built upon many different elements acting as sources and sinks of information, rather than the previous human-centric Internet conception. Developments in IoT include a vast set of fields ranging from data sensing, to development of new protocols and applications. Indeed, a key concept underlying in the conception of IoT is the smart and autonomous processing of the new huge data flows available. In this work, we aim to study three different aspects within IoT. First, we will focus on the sensing infrastructure. Among the different kind of sensing technologies available to IoT systems, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is widely considered one of the leading technologies. RFID is the enabling technology behind applications such as access control, tracking and tracing of containers, file management, baggage sorting or equipment location. With the grow up of RFID, many facilities require multiple RFID readers usually operating close to each other. These are known as Dense Reader Environments (DREs). The co-existence of several readers operating concurrently is known to cause severe interferences on the identification process. One of the key aspects to solve in RFID DREs is achieving proper coordination among readers. This is the focus of the first part of this doctoral thesis. Unlike previous works based on heuristics, we address this problem through an optimization-based approach. The goal is identifying the maximum mean number of tags while network constraints are met. To be able to formulate these optimization problems, we have obtained analytically the mean number of identifications in a bounded -discrete or continuous- time period, an additional novel contribution of our work. Results show that our approach is overwhelmingly better than previous known methods. Along sensing technologies of IoT, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) plays a fundamental role. WSNs have been largely and theoretically studied in the past decade, and many of their initial problems related to communication aspects have been successfully solved. However, with the adoption of WSNs in real-life projects, new issues have arisen, being one of them the development of realistic strategies to deploy WSNs. We have studied different ways of solving this aspect by focusing on different optimality criteria and evaluating the different trade-offs that occur when a balanced solution must be selected. On the one hand, deterministic placements subject to conflicting goals have been addressed. Results can be obtained in the form of Pareto-frontiers, allowing proper solution selection. On the other hand, a number of situations correspond to deployments were the nodes¿ position is inherently random. We have analyzed these situations leading first to a theoretical model, which later has been particularized to a Moon WSN survey. Our work is the first considering a full model with realistic properties such as 3D topography, propellant consumptions or network lifetime and mass limitations. Furthermore, development of smart applications within IoT is the focus of the Ambient Intelligence (AmI) field. Rather than having people adapting to the surrounding environment, AmI pursues the development of sensitive environments able to anticipate support in people¿s actions. AmI is progressively being introduced in many real-life environments like education, homes, health and so forth. In this thesis we develop a sport-oriented AmI system designed to improve athletes training. The goal is developing an assistant able to provide real-time training orders based on both environment and athletes¿ biometry, which is aimed to control the aerobic and the technical-tactical training. Validation experiments with the honor league UCAM Volleyball Murcia team have shown the suitability of this approach.Universidad Politécnica de CartagenaPrograma de doctorado en Tecnología de la Información y de las Comunicacione

    TransFormers for Extreme Environments: Projecting Favorable Micro-Environments Around Robots and Areas of Interest

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    Surviving Extreme Space Environments (EE) is one of NASAs Space Technology Grand Challenges; we propose a paradigm shift in addressing this challenge. TransFormers (TFs) transform a region of an extreme environment into a favorable micro-environment, projecting energy at the precise location where robots or humans operate. TFs often use shape transformation to control the energy projection

    Classification of hyperspectral imagery with neural networks: comparison to conventional tools

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    Efficient exploitation of hyperspectral imagery is of great importance in remote sensing. Artificial intelligence approaches have been receiving favorable reviews for classification of hyperspectral data because the complexity of such data challenges the limitations of many conventional methods. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) were shown to outperform traditional classifiers in many situations. However, studies that use the full spectral dimensionality of hyperspectral images to classify a large number of surface covers are scarce if non-existent. We advocate the need for methods that can handle the full dimensionality and a large number of classes to retain the discovery potential and the ability to discriminate classes with subtle spectral differences. We demonstrate that such a method exists in the family of ANNs. We compare the maximum likelihood, Mahalonobis distance, minimum distance, spectral angle mapper, and a hybrid ANN classifier for real hyperspectral AVIRIS data, using the full spectral resolution to map 23 cover types and using a small training set. Rigorous evaluation of the classification accuracies shows that the ANN outperforms the other methods and achieves ?90% accuracy on test data

    Distributed architectures for Mars surface exploration

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2001.Includes bibliographical references (p. [361]-370).by Christopher E. Carr.S.M

    About Edge Detection in Digital Images

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    Edge detection is one of the most commonly used procedures in digital image processing. In the last 30-40 years, many methods and algorithms for edge detection have been proposed. This article presents an overview of edge detection methods, the methods are divided according to the applied basic principles. Next, the measures and image database used for edge detectors performance quantification are described. Ordinary users as well as authors proposing new edge detectors often use Matlab function without understanding it in details. Therefore, one chapter is devoted to some of Matlab function parameters that affect the final result. Finally, the latest trends in edge detection are listed. Picture Lena and two images from Berkeley segmentation data set (BSDS500) are used for edge detection methods comparison

    Collaborative Localization and Mapping for Autonomous Planetary Exploration : Distributed Stereo Vision-Based 6D SLAM in GNSS-Denied Environments

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    Mobile robots are a crucial element of present and future scientific missions to explore the surfaces of foreign celestial bodies such as Moon and Mars. The deployment of teams of robots allows to improve efficiency and robustness in such challenging environments. As long communication round-trip times to Earth render the teleoperation of robotic systems inefficient to impossible, on-board autonomy is a key to success. The robots operate in Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)-denied environments and thus have to rely on space-suitable on-board sensors such as stereo camera systems. They need to be able to localize themselves online, to model their surroundings, as well as to share information about the environment and their position therein. These capabilities constitute the basis for the local autonomy of each system as well as for any coordinated joint action within the team, such as collaborative autonomous exploration. In this thesis, we present a novel approach for stereo vision-based on-board and online Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) for multi-robot teams given the challenges imposed by planetary exploration missions. We combine distributed local and decentralized global estimation methods to get the best of both worlds: A local reference filter on each robot provides real-time local state estimates required for robot control and fast reactive behaviors. We designed a novel graph topology to incorporate these state estimates into an online incremental graph optimization to compute global pose and map estimates that serve as input to higher-level autonomy functions. In order to model the 3D geometry of the environment, we generate dense 3D point cloud and probabilistic voxel-grid maps from noisy stereo data. We distribute the computational load and reduce the required communication bandwidth between robots by locally aggregating high-bandwidth vision data into partial maps that are then exchanged between robots and composed into global models of the environment. We developed methods for intra- and inter-robot map matching to recognize previously visited locations in semi- and unstructured environments based on their estimated local geometry, which is mostly invariant to light conditions as well as different sensors and viewpoints in heterogeneous multi-robot teams. A decoupling of observable and unobservable states in the local filter allows us to introduce a novel optimization: Enforcing all submaps to be gravity-aligned, we can reduce the dimensionality of the map matching from 6D to 4D. In addition to map matches, the robots use visual fiducial markers to detect each other. In this context, we present a novel method for modeling the errors of the loop closure transformations that are estimated from these detections. We demonstrate the robustness of our methods by integrating them on a total of five different ground-based and aerial mobile robots that were deployed in a total of 31 real-world experiments for quantitative evaluations in semi- and unstructured indoor and outdoor settings. In addition, we validated our SLAM framework through several different demonstrations at four public events in Moon and Mars-like environments. These include, among others, autonomous multi-robot exploration tests at a Moon-analogue site on top of the volcano Mt. Etna, Italy, as well as the collaborative mapping of a Mars-like environment with a heterogeneous robotic team of flying and driving robots in more than 35 public demonstration runs

    Design and Experimental Evaluation of a Hybrid Wheeled-Leg Exploration Rover in the Context of Multi-Robot Systems

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    With this dissertation, the electromechanic design, implementation, locomotion control, and experimental evaluation of a novel type of hybrid wheeled-leg exploration rover are presented. The actively articulated suspension system of the rover is the basis for advanced locomotive capabilities of a mobile exploration robot. The developed locomotion control system abstracts the complex kinematics of the suspension system and provides platform control inputs usable by autonomous behaviors or human remote control. Design and control of the suspension system as well as experimentation with the resulting rover are in the focus of this thesis. The rover is part of a heterogeneous modular multi-robot exploration system with an aspired sample return mission to the lunar south pole or currently hard-to-access regions on Mars. The multi-robot system pursues a modular and reconfigurable design methodology. It combines heterogeneous robots with different locomotion capabilities for enhanced overall performance. Consequently, the design of the multi-robot system is presented as the frame of the rover developments. The requirements for the rover design originating from the deployment in a modular multi-robot system are accentuated and summarized in this thesis

    A Comparison of Relict and Active Terrestrial Patterned Ground as an Analog for Mars

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    Patterned ground is a ubiquitous landform in periglacial regions of Earth and is also present across the mid to high latitudes of Mars. The association of terrestrial patterned ground to the presence of subsurface water ice in the form of permafrost that develops a seasonal ‘wet’ active layer during the summer thaw prompted further investigation of patterned ground on Mars. The Phoenix spacecraft was sent to the surface of the north polar plains of Mars to investigate an area of patterned ground where water ice was predicted to occur. The confirmation of subsurface water ice at the Phoenix landing site confirmed the hypothesis that water ice and patterned ground on Mars are intricately linked, however outstanding questions remain regarding the mode of formation of martian patterned ground. Dry modification via sublimation and thermal-driven processes are possible under present-day climate conditions, however warmer climate conditions are predicted to have occurred during past periods of high obliquity and could have supported periglacial freeze-thaw modification of patterned ground on Mars. Understanding the extent to which liquid water may have been available in the recent geological history of Mars is important to constraining past habitability as well as identifying resources for future long-duration human exploration. It is suggested that if patterned ground on Mars experienced periglacial modification in the past, then it currently exists in a relict form. This research examines the morphometry and surface roughness parameters of active and relict terrestrial patterned ground sites in conjunction with evaluations of martian patterned ground to identify parameters that may assist with ongoing efforts to determine the age and modes of historical modification of patterned ground on Mars