229 research outputs found

    Lower-bounding and heuristic methods for a refuse collection vehicle routing problem

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    A set of routes that minimizes the total collecting cost of the household refuse in a quarter of Lisbon may be obtained solving a Capacitated Arc Routing Problem (CARP) with side constraints. The CARP is known to be an NP-hard problem. We present two lower-bounding methods, both based on the transportation model, in which we have been able to incorporate some of the side constraints. We also present a three-phase heuristic to generate a near-optimal solution from the solution obtained with the first lower-bounding method. For the relative gap between the heuristic solution value and its associated lower bound value we give a theoretical worst-case bound and computational experience obtained with a set of test problems.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Waste Collection Vehicle Routing Problem: Literature Review

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    Waste generation is an issue which has caused wide public concern in modern societies, not only for the quantitative rise of the amount of waste generated, but also for the increasing complexity of some products and components. Waste collection is a highly relevant activity in the reverse logistics system and how to collect waste in an efficient way is an area that needs to be improved. This paper analyzes the major contribution about Waste Collection Vehicle Routing Problem (WCVRP) in literature. Based on a classification of waste collection (residential, commercial and industrial), firstly the key findings for these three types of waste collection are presented. Therefore, according to the model (Node Routing Problems and Arc Routing problems) used to represent WCVRP, different methods and techniques are analyzed in this paper to solve WCVRP. This paper attempts to serve as a roadmap of research literature produced in the field of WCVRP

    Heuristic method for a mixed capacitated arc routing problem : A refuse collection application

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    The capacitated arc routing problem (CARP) is known to be NP-hard. The aim of this paper is to present a new heuristic method to generate feasible solutions to an extended CARP on mixed graphs, inspired by the household refuse collection problem in Lisbon. Computational experience was done to compare the method with some well-known existing heuristics, generalised for a different extended CARP by Lacomme et al. [Fast algorithm for general arc routing problems, Presented at IFORS 2002 Conference, Edinburgh, UK], namely, the Path-Scanning, the Augment-Merge and the Ulusoy’s algorithms. The results reveal a good performance of the proposed heuristic method. Generally providing a good use of the vehicles capacity, the resulting sets of feasible trips may also be considered good. The test instances involve more than 300 randomly generated test problems with dimensions of up to 400 nodes and 1220 links.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A heuristic solution method for node routing based solid waste collection problems

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    This paper considers a real world waste collection problem in which glass, metal, plastics, or paper is brought to certain waste collection points by the citizens of a certain region. The collection of this waste from the collection points is therefore a node routing problem. The waste is delivered to special sites, so called intermediate facilities (IF), that are typically not identical with the vehicle depot. Since most waste collection points need not be visited every day, a planning period of several days has to be considered. In this context three related planning problems are considered. First, the periodic vehicle routing problem with intermediate facilities (PVRP-IF) is considered and an exact problem formulation is proposed. A set of benchmark instances is developed and an efficient hybrid solution method based on variable neighborhood search and dynamic programming is presented. Second, in a real world application the PVRP-IF is modified by permitting the return of partly loaded vehicles to the depots and by considering capacity limits at the IF. An average improvement of 25% in the routing cost is obtained compared to the current solution. Finally, a different but related problem, the so called multi-depot vehicle routing problem with inter-depot routes (MDVRPI) is considered. In this problem class just a single day is considered and the depots can act as an intermediate facility only at the end of a tour. For this problem several instances and benchmark solutions are available. It is shown that the algorithm outperforms all previously published metaheuristics for this problem class and finds the best solutions for all available benchmark instances

    Lower bounds for the mixed capacitated arc routing problem

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    Capacitated arc routing problems (CARP) arise in distribution or collecting problems where activities are performed by vehicles, with limited capacity, and are continuously distributed along some pre-defined links of a network. The CARP is defined either as an undirected problem or as a directed problem depending on whether the required links are undirected or directed. The mixed capacitated arc routing problem (MCARP) models a more realistic scenario since it considers directed as well as undirected required links in the associated network. We present a compact flow based model for the MCARP. Due to its large number of variables and constraints, we have created an aggregated version of the original model. Although this model is no longer valid, we show that it provides the same linear programming bound than the original model. Different sets of valid inequalities are also derived. The quality of the models is tested on benchmark instances with quite promising results..info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The mixed capacitated arc routing problem with non-overlapping routes

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    Real world applications for vehicle collection or delivery along streets usually lead to arc routing problems, with additional and complicating constraints. In this paper we focus on arc routing with an additional constraint to identify vehicle service routes with a limited number of shared nodes, i.e. vehicle service routes with a limited number of intersections. This constraint leads to solutions that are better shaped for real application purposes. We propose a new problem, the bounded overlapping MCARP (BCARP), which is defined as the mixed capacitated arc routing problem (MCARP) with an additional constraint imposing an upper bound on the number of nodes that are common to different routes. The best feasible upper bound is obtained from a modified MCARP in which the minimization criteria is given by the overlapping of the routes. We show how to compute this bound by solving a simpler problem. To obtain feasible solutions for the bigger instances of the KARP heuristics are also proposed. Computational results taken from two well known instance sets show that, with only a small increase in total time traveled, the model BCARP produces solutions that are more attractive to implement in practice than those produced by the MCARP modelinfo:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersio

    Vehicle routing and location routing with intermediate stops:A review

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    This paper reviews the literature on vehicle routing problems and location rout-8 ing problems with intermediate stops. We classify publications into different categories from both an application-based perspective and a methodological perspective. In addition, we analyze the papers with respect to the algorithms and benchmark instances they present. Furthermore, we provide an overview of trends in the literature and identify promising areas for further research.</p

    Vehicle routing and location routing with intermediate stops:A review

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    This paper reviews the literature on vehicle routing problems and location rout-8 ing problems with intermediate stops. We classify publications into different categories from both an application-based perspective and a methodological perspective. In addition, we analyze the papers with respect to the algorithms and benchmark instances they present. Furthermore, we provide an overview of trends in the literature and identify promising areas for further research.</p

    Route optimization for solid waste collection: Onitsha (Nigeria) case study

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    Routing of solid waste collection vehicles in developing countries poses a challenging task. New decision procedure for solid waste collection problem was introduced in this study. The problem objective was to minimize the overall cost, which was essentially based on the distance travelled by vehicle. The study proposed heuristic method to generate feasible solution to an extended Capacitated Arc Routing Problem (CARP) on undirected network, inspired by the refuse collection problems in Nigeria. The heuristic procedure consists of route first, cluster second method. The computational experience with the heuristic in Onitsha was presented. The technique was compared with the existing schedule with respect to cost, time and distance travelled. The adoption of the proposed heuristic in Onitsha resulted in reduction of the number of existing vehicles, a 22.86% saving in refuse collection cost and 16.31% reduction in vehicle distance travelled per day. The result revealed a good performance of the proposed heuristic method, which would be useful in vehicle scheduling. @ JASE
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