2,498 research outputs found

    Delay test for diagnosis of power switches

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    Power switches are used as part of power-gating technique to reduce leakage power of a design. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work in open-literature to show a systematic diagnosis method for accurately diagnosingpower switches. The proposed diagnosis method utilizes recently proposed DFT solution for efficient testing of power switches in the presence of PVT variation. It divides power switches into segments such that any faulty power switch is detectable thereby achieving high diagnosis accuracy. The proposed diagnosis method has been validated through SPICE simulation using a number of ISCAS benchmarks synthesized with a 90-nm gate library. Simulation results show that when considering the influence of process variation, the worst case loss of accuracy is less than 4.5%; and the worst case loss of accuracy is less than 12% when considering VT (Voltage and Temperature) variations

    CMOS array design automation techniques

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    A low cost, quick turnaround technique for generating custom metal oxide semiconductor arrays using the standard cell approach was developed, implemented, tested and validated. Basic cell design topology and guidelines are defined based on an extensive analysis that includes circuit, layout, process, array topology and required performance considerations particularly high circuit speed

    Arithmetic logic UNIT (ALU) design using reconfigurable CMOS logic

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    Using the reconfigurable logic of multi-input floating gate MOSFETs, a 4-bit ALU has been designed for 3V operation. The ALU can perform four arithmetic and four logical operations. Multi- input floating gate (MIFG) transistors have been promising in realizing increased functionality on a chip. A multi- input floating gate MOS transistor accepts multiple inputs signals, calculates the weighted sum of all input signals and then controls the ON and OFF states of the transistor. This enhances the transistor function to more than just switching. This changes the way a logic function can be realized. Implementing a design using multi-input floating gate MOSFETs brings about reduction in transis tor count and number of interconnections. The advantage of bringing down the number of devices is that a design becomes area efficient and power consumption reduces. There are several applications that stress on smaller chip area and reduced power. Multi- input floating gate devices have their use in memories, analog and digital circuits. In the present work we have shown successful implementation of multi- input floating gate MOSFETs in ALU design. A comparison has been made between adders using different design methods w.r.t transistor count. It is seen that our design, implemented using multi-input floating gate MOSFETs, uses the least number of transistors when compared to other designs. The design was fabricated using double polysilicon standard CMOS process by MOSIS in 1.5mm technology. The experimental waveforms and delay measurements have also been presented

    Energy efficient implementation of multi-phase quasi-adiabatic Cyclic Redundancy Check in near field communication

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    Ultra-low power operation in power-limited portable devices (e.g. cell phone and smartcard) is paramount. Existing conventional CMOS consume high energy. The adiabatic logic technique has the potential of rendering energy efficient operation. In this paper, a multi-phase quasi-adiabatic implementation of 16-bit Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) is proposed, compliant with the ISO/IEC-14443 standard for contactless smart cards. In terms of a number of CRC bits, the design is scalable and all generator polynomials and initial load values can be accommodated. The CRC design is used as a vehicle to evaluate a range of adiabatic logic styles and power-clock strategies. The effects of voltage scaling and variations in Process-Voltage-Temperature (PVT) are also investigated providing an insight into the robustness of adiabatic logic styles. PFAL and IECRL designs using a 4-phase power-clock are shown to be both the most energy-efficient and robust designs

    1-Bit Full Adder Circuit using XOR-XNOR Cells with Power and Area Optimization

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    This paper revel a realization of a superior circuit design of 1 bit full adder. The circuit is planned and implemented by using planar DG –MOSFETs at 45 nm technology. In CPU, arithmetic logic unit (ALU) is the core heart.   The adder cell is the important and necessary unit of an ALU. In the present paper, an improved 1-bit full adder circuit is proposed that consumes lower power and reduced number of transistors. The proposed adder circuit consists of 9 transistors and called as 9-T adder cell.  The planar DG-MOSFETs are new emerging transistors which can work n nanometer range and overcome the short channel effects. The simulation of proposed circuit is done in tanner tool version 13.0 using level 54 model files. The simulation is done to compare power, power delay product with supply voltage. The result is also checked at room temperature. This circuit performance of the proposed circuits compared with other reported circuits in literatures and it is seen approximately more than 99.9% reduction in power consumption. Keywords: Low power; Area Efficent; Full Adder; GDI; Multiplexer

    Testing of leakage current failure in ASIC devices exposed to total ionizing dose environment using design for testability techniques

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    Due to the advancements in technology, electronic devices have been relied upon to operate under harsh conditions. Radiation is one of the main causes of different failures of the electronics devices. According to the operation environment, the sources of the radiation can be terrestrial or extra-terrestrial. For terrestrial the devices can be used in nuclear reactors or biomedical devices where the radiation is man-made. While for the extra- terrestrial, the devices can be used in satellites, the international space station or spaceships, where the radiation comes from various sources like the Sun. According to the operation environment the effects of radiation differ. These effects falls under two categories, total ionizing dose effect (TID) and single event effects (SEEs). TID effects can be affect the delay and leakage current of CMOS circuits negatively. The affects can therefore hinder the integrated circuits\u27 operation. Before the circuits are used, particularly in critical radiation heavy applications like military and space, testing under radiation must be done to avoid any failures during operation. The standard in testing electronic devices is generating worst case test vectors (WCTVs) and under radiation using these vectors the circuits are tested. However, the generation of these WCTVs have been very challenging so this approach is rarely used for TIDs effects. Design for testability (DFT) have been widely used in the industry for digital circuits testing applications. DFT is usually used with automatic test patterns generation software to generate test vectors against fault models of manufacturer defects for application specific integrated circuit (ASIC.) However, it was never used to generate test vectors for leakage current testing induced in ASICs exposed to TID radiation environment. The purpose of the thesis is to use DFT to identify WCTVs for leakage current failures in sequential circuits for ASIC devices exposed to TID. A novel methodology was devised to identify these test vectors. The methodology is validated and compared to previous non DFT methods. The methodology is proven to overcome the limitation of previous methodologies

    Fault-tolerant fpga for mission-critical applications.

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    One of the devices that play a great role in electronic circuits design, specifically safety-critical design applications, is Field programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). This is because of its high performance, re-configurability and low development cost. FPGAs are used in many applications such as data processing, networks, automotive, space and industrial applications. Negative impacts on the reliability of such applications result from moving to smaller feature sizes in the latest FPGA architectures. This increases the need for fault-tolerant techniques to improve reliability and extend system lifetime of FPGA-based applications. In this thesis, two fault-tolerant techniques for FPGA-based applications are proposed with a built-in fault detection region. A low cost fault detection scheme is proposed for detecting faults using the fault detection region used in both schemes. The fault detection scheme primarily detects open faults in the programmable interconnect resources in the FPGAs. In addition, Stuck-At faults and Single Event Upsets (SEUs) fault can be detected. For fault recovery, each scheme has its own fault recovery approach. The first approach uses a spare module and a 2-to-1 multiplexer to recover from any fault detected. On the other hand, the second approach recovers from any fault detected using the property of Partial Reconfiguration (PR) in the FPGAs. It relies on identifying a Partially Reconfigurable block (P_b) in the FPGA that is used in the recovery process after the first faulty module is identified in the system. This technique uses only one location to recover from faults in any of the FPGA’s modules and the FPGA interconnects. Simulation results show that both techniques can detect and recover from open faults. In addition, Stuck-At faults and Single Event Upsets (SEUs) fault can also be detected. Finally, both techniques require low area overhead

    GaAs Implementation of FIR Filter

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    This thesis discusses the findings of the final year project involving Gallium Arsenide implementation of a triangular FIR filter to perform discrete wavelet transforms. The overall characteristics of Gallium Arsenide technology- its construction, behaviour and electrical charactersitics as they apply to VLSI technology - were investigated in this project. In depth understanding of its architecture is required to be able to understand the various design techniques employed. A comparison of Silicon and GaAs performance and other characteristics has also been made to fully justify the choice of this material for system implementation. A lot of research and active interest has gone into the field of image and video compression. Wavelet-based image transformation is one of the very efficient compression techniques used. An analysis of discrete wavelet transformations and the required triangular FIR filter was done to be able to produce a transform algorithm and the related filter architecture. Finally, the filter architecture was implemented as a VLSI design and layout. A variety of functional blocks required for the architecture were designed, tested and analysed. All these blocks were integrated to produce a model of a complete filter cell. The filter implementation was designed to be self-timed - without a system clock. Self-timed systems have considerable advantages over clocked architectures. Various design styles and handshaking mechanisms involved in designing a self-timed system were analysed and designed. There are many avenues still to explore. One of them is the VHDL analysis of filter architecture. Further development on this project would involve integration of higher-level logic and formation of a complete filter array

    Identifying worst case test vectors for FPGA exposed to total ionization dose using design for testability techniques

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    Electronic devices often operate in harsh environments which contain a variation of radiation sources. Radiation may cause different kinds of damage to proper operation of the devices. Their sources can be found in terrestrial environments, or in extra-terrestrial environments like in space, or in man-made radiation sources like nuclear reactors, biomedical devices and high energy particles physics experiments equipment. Depending on the operation environment of the device, the radiation resultant effect manifests in several forms like total ionizing dose effect (TID), or single event effects (SEEs) such as single event upset (SEU), single event gate rupture (SEGR), and single event latch up (SEL). TID effect causes an increase in the delay and the leakage current of CMOS circuits which may damage the proper operation of the integrated circuit. To ensure proper operation of these devices under radiation, thorough testing must be made especially in critical applications like space and military applications. Although the standard which describes the procedure for testing electronic devices under radiation emphasizes the use of worst case test vectors (WCTVs), they are never used in radiation testing due to the difficulty of generating these vectors for circuits under test. For decades, design for testability (DFT) has been the best choice for test engineers to test digital circuits in industry. It has become a very mature technology that can be relied on. DFT is usually used with automatic test patterns generation (ATPG) software to generate test vectors to test application specific integrated circuits (ASICs), especially with sequential circuits, against faults like stuck at faults and path delay faults. Surprisingly, however, radiation testing has not yet made use of this reliable technology. In this thesis, a novel methodology is proposed to extend the usage of DFT to generate WCTVs for delay failure in Flash based field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) exposed to total ionizing dose (TID). The methodology is validated using MicroSemi ProASIC3 FPGA and cobalt 60 facility