242 research outputs found

    Automated and Reliable Low-Complexity SoC Design Methodology for EEG Artefacts Removal

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    EEG is a non-invasive tool for neurodevelopmental disorder diagnosis (NDD) and treatment. However, EEG signal is mixed with other biological signals including Ocular and Muscular artefacts making it difficult to extract the diagnostic features. Therefore, the contaminated EEG channels are often discarded by the medical practitioners which may result in less accurate diagnosis. Independent Component Analysis (ICA) and wavelet-based algorithms require reference electrodes, which will create discomfort to the patient/children and cause hindrance to the diagnosis of the NDD and Brain Computer Interface (BCI). Therefore, it would be ideal if these artefacts can be removed real time and on hardware platform in an automated fashion and denoised EEG can be used for online diagnosis in a pervasive personalised healthcare environment without the need of any reference electrode. In this thesis we propose a reliable, robust and automated methodology to solve the aforementioned problem and its subsequent hardware implementation results are also presented. 100 EEG data from Physionet, Klinik fur Epileptologie, Universitat Bonn, Germany, Caltech EEG databases and 3 EEG data from 3 subjects from University of Southampton, UK have been studied and nine exhaustive case studies comprising of real and simulated data have been formulated and tested. The performance of the proposed methodology is measured in terms of correlation, regression and R-square statistics and the respective values lie above 80%, 79% and 65% with the gain in hardware complexity of 64.28% and hardware delay 53.58% compared to state-ofthe art approach. We believe the proposed methodology would be useful in next generation of pervasive healthcare for BCI and NDD diagnosis and treatment

    Signal Processing of Electroencephalogram for the Detection of Attentiveness towards Short Training Videos

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    This research has developed a novel method which uses an easy to deploy single dry electrode wireless electroencephalogram (EEG) collection device as an input to an automated system that measures indicators of a participant’s attentiveness while they are watching a short training video. The results are promising, including 85% or better accuracy in identifying whether a participant is watching a segment of video from a boring scene or lecture, versus a segment of video from an attentiveness inducing active lesson or memory quiz. In addition, the final system produces an ensemble average of attentiveness across many participants, pinpointing areas in the training videos that induce peak attentiveness. Qualitative analysis of the results of this research is also very promising. The system produces attentiveness graphs for individual participants and these triangulate well with the thoughts and feelings those participants had during different parts of the videos, as described in their own words. As distance learning and computer based training become more popular, it is of great interest to measure if students are attentive to recorded lessons and short training videos. This research was motivated by this interest, as well as recent advances in electronic and computer engineering’s use of biometric signal analysis for the detection of affective (emotional) response. Signal processing of EEG has proven useful in measuring alertness, emotional state, and even towards very specific applications such as whether or not participants will recall television commercials days after they have seen them. This research extended these advances by creating an automated system which measures attentiveness towards short training videos. The bulk of the research was focused on electrical and computer engineering, specifically the optimization of signal processing algorithms for this particular application. A review of existing methods of EEG signal processing and feature extraction methods shows that there is a common subdivision of the steps that are used in different EEG applications. These steps include hardware sensing filtering and digitizing, noise removal, chopping the continuous EEG data into windows for processing, normalization, transformation to extract frequency or scale information, treatment of phase or shift information, and additional post-transformation noise reduction techniques. A large degree of variation exists in most of these steps within the currently documented state of the art. This research connected these varied methods into a single holistic model that allows for comparison and selection of optimal algorithms for this application. The research described herein provided for such a structured and orderly comparison of individual signal analysis and feature extraction methods. This study created a concise algorithmic approach in examining all the aforementioned steps. In doing so, the study provided the framework for a systematic approach which followed a rigorous participant cross validation so that options could be tested, compared and optimized. Novel signal analysis methods were also developed, using new techniques to choose parameters, which greatly improved performance. The research also utilizes machine learning to automatically categorize extracted features into measures of attentiveness. The research improved existing machine learning with novel methods, including a method of using per-participant baselines with kNN machine learning. This provided an optimal solution to extend current EEG signal analysis methods that were used in other applications, and refined them for use in the measurement of attentiveness towards short training videos. These algorithms are proven to be best via selection of optimal signal analysis and optimal machine learning steps identified through both n-fold and participant cross validation. The creation of this new system which uses signal processing of EEG for the detection of attentiveness towards short training videos has created a significant advance in the field of attentiveness measuring towards short training videos

    Automatic Sleep EEG Pattern Detection

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    Analýza mozkové aktivity je jednou z klícových vyšetrovacích metod v moderní spánkové medicíne a výzkumu.nalysis of recorded brain activity is one of the main investigation methods in modern sleep medicine and research

    Guidelines for the recording and evaluation of pharmaco-EEG data in man: the International Pharmaco-EEG Society (IPEG)

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    The International Pharmaco-EEG Society (IPEG) presents updated guidelines summarising the requirements for the recording and computerised evaluation of pharmaco-EEG data in man. Since the publication of the first pharmaco-EEG guidelines in 1982, technical and data processing methods have advanced steadily, thus enhancing data quality and expanding the palette of tools available to investigate the action of drugs on the central nervous system (CNS), determine the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of novel therapeutics and evaluate the CNS penetration or toxicity of compounds. However, a review of the literature reveals inconsistent operating procedures from one study to another. While this fact does not invalidate results per se, the lack of standardisation constitutes a regrettable shortcoming, especially in the context of drug development programmes. Moreover, this shortcoming hampers reliable comparisons between outcomes of studies from different laboratories and hence also prevents pooling of data which is a requirement for sufficiently powering the validation of novel analytical algorithms and EEG-based biomarkers. The present updated guidelines reflect the consensus of a global panel of EEG experts and are intended to assist investigators using pharmaco-EEG in clinical research, by providing clear and concise recommendations and thereby enabling standardisation of methodology and facilitating comparability of data across laboratories


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    Evaluation of Data Processing and Artifact Removal Approaches Used for Physiological Signals Captured Using Wearable Sensing Devices during Construction Tasks

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    Wearable sensing devices (WSDs) have enormous promise for monitoring construction worker safety. They can track workers and send safety-related information in real time, allowing for more effective and preventative decision making. WSDs are particularly useful on construction sites since they can track workers’ health, safety, and activity levels, among other metrics that could help optimize their daily tasks. WSDs may also assist workers in recognizing health-related safety risks (such as physical fatigue) and taking appropriate action to mitigate them. The data produced by these WSDs, however, is highly noisy and contaminated with artifacts that could have been introduced by the surroundings, the experimental apparatus, or the subject’s physiological state. These artifacts are very strong and frequently found during field experiments. So, when there is a lot of artifacts, the signal quality drops. Recently, artifacts removal has been greatly enhanced by developments in signal processing, which has vastly enhanced the performance. Thus, the proposed review aimed to provide an in-depth analysis of the approaches currently used to analyze data and remove artifacts from physiological signals obtained via WSDs during construction-related tasks. First, this study provides an overview of the physiological signals that are likely to be recorded from construction workers to monitor their health and safety. Second, this review identifies the most prevalent artifacts that have the most detrimental effect on the utility of the signals. Third, a comprehensive review of existing artifact-removal approaches were presented. Fourth, each identified artifact detection and removal approach was analyzed for its strengths and weaknesses. Finally, in conclusion, this review provides a few suggestions for future research for improving the quality of captured physiological signals for monitoring the health and safety of construction workers using artifact removal approaches

    Comparative analysis of TMS-EEG signal using different approaches in healthy subjects

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    openThe integration of transcranial magnetic stimulation with electroencephalography (TMS-EEG) represents a useful non-invasive approach to assess cortical excitability, plasticity and intra-cortical connectivity in humans in physiological and pathological conditions. However, biological and environmental noise sources can contaminate the TMS-evoked potentials (TEPs). Therefore, signal preprocessing represents a fundamental step in the analysis of these potentials and is critical to remove artefactual components while preserving the physiological brain activity. The objective of the present study is to evaluate the effects of different signal processing pipelines, (namely Leodori et al., Rogasch et al., Mutanen et al.) applied on TEPs recorded in five healthy volunteers after TMS stimulation of the primary motor cortex (M1) of the dominant hemisphere. These pipelines were used and compared to remove artifacts and improve the quality of the recorded signals, laying the foundation for subsequent analyses. Various algorithms, such as Independent Component Analysis (ICA), SOUND, and SSP-SIR, were used in each pipeline. Furthermore, after signal preprocessing, current localization was performed to map the TMS-induced neural activation in the cortex. This methodology provided valuable information on the spatial distribution of activity and further validated the effectiveness of the signal cleaning pipelines. Comparing the effects of the different pipelines on the same dataset, we observed considerable variability in how the pipelines affect various signal characteristics. We observed significant differences in the effects on signal amplitude and in the identification and characterisation of peaks of interest, i.e., P30, N45, P60, N100, P180. The identification and characteristics of these peaks showed variability, especially with regard to the early peaks, which reflect the cortical excitability of the stimulated area and are the more affected by biological and stimulation-related artifacts. Despite these differences, the topographies and source localisation, which are the most informative and useful in reconstructing signal dynamics, were consistent and reliable between the different pipelines considered. The results suggest that the existing methodologies for analysing TEPs produce different effects on the data, but are all capable of reproducing the dynamics of the signal and its components. Future studies evaluating different signal preprocessing methods in larger populations are needed to determine an appropriate workflow that can be shared through the scientific community, in order to make the results obtained in different centres comparable


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    As the technique of electroencephalogram (EEG) developed for such many years, its application spreads and permeates into different areas, such like, clinical diagnosis, brain-computer interface, mental state estimation, and so on. Recently, using EEG as a tool for estimate people’s mental state and its extensional applications have jump into the limelight. These practical applications are urgently needed because the lack of subjectively estimating methods for the so called metal states, such as the concentration during study, the cognitive workload in driving, the calmness under mental training and so on. On the other hand, the application of EEG signals under daily life conditions especially when eye movements are totally without any constrains under a ‘fully free-view’ condition are obedient to the traditional ocular artifact suppression methods and how it meets the neuroscience standard has not been clearly expounded. This cause the ambiguities of explaining the obtain data and lead to susceptive results from data analysis. In our research, based on the basic idea of employing and extending EEG as the main tool for the estimation to mental state for daily life use, we confirmed the direction sensitivity of ocular artifacts induced by various types of eye movements and showed the most sensitive areas to the influence from it by multi zone-of-view experiment with standard neuroscience-targeted EEG devices. Enlightened from the results, we extended heuristic result on the use of more practical portable EEG devices. Besides, for a more realistic solution of the EEG based mental state estimation which is supposed to be applied for daily life environment, we studied the signal processing techniques of artifact suppression on low density electrode EEG and showed the importance of taking direction/eye position information into account when ocular artifact removal/suppression. In summary, this thesis has helped pave the practical way of using EEG signals toward the general use in daily life which has irregular eye movement patterns. We also pointed out the view-direction sensitivity of ocular artifact which helps the future studies to overcome the difficulties imposed on EEG applications by the free-view EEG tasks.九州工業大学博士学位論文 学位記番号:生工博甲第262号 学位授与年月日:平成28年3月26日1 Introduction|2 EEG measurements and ocular artifacts|3 Regression based solutions to ocular artifact suppression or removal in EEG|4 Measuring EEG with eye-tracking system|5 Direction and viewing area-sensitive influence of EOG artifacts revealed in the EEG topographic pattern analysis|6 Performance improvement of artifact removal with ocular information|7 Summary九州工業大学平成27年

    Making ERP research more transparent: Guidelines for preregistration

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    A combination of confirmation bias, hindsight bias, and pressure to publish may prompt the (unconscious) exploration of various methodological options and reporting only the ones that lead to a (statistically) significant outcome. This undisclosed analytic flexibility is particularly relevant in EEG research, where a myriad of preprocessing and analysis pipelines can be used to extract information from complex multidimensional data. One solution to limit confirmation and hindsight bias by disclosing analytic choices is preregistration: researchers write a time-stamped, publicly accessible research plan with hypotheses, data collection plan, and the intended preprocessing and statistical analyses before the start of a research project. In this manuscript, we present an overview of the problems associated with undisclosed analytic flexibility, discuss why and how EEG researchers would benefit from adopting preregistration, provide guidelines and examples on how to preregister data preprocessing and analysis steps in typical ERP studies, and conclude by discussing possibilities and limitations of this open science practice