1,366 research outputs found

    Robot Assisted 3D Shape Acquisition Optical Systems

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    In this chapter, a short description of the basic concepts about optical methods for the acquisition of three-dimensional shapes is first presented. Then two applications of the surface reconstruction are presented: the passive technique Shape from Silhouettes and the active technique Laser Triangolation. With both these techniques the sensors (telecameras and laser beam) were moved and oriented by means of a robot arm. In fact, for complex objects, it is important that the measuring device can move along arbitrary paths and make its measurements from suitable directions. This chapter shows how a standard industrial robot with a laser profile scanner can be used to achieve the desired d-o-f. Finally some experimental results of shape acquisition by means of the Laser Triangolation technique are reported

    A Survey of Geometric Analysis in Cultural Heritage

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    We present a review of recent techniques for performing geometric analysis in cultural heritage (CH) applications. The survey is aimed at researchers in the areas of computer graphics, computer vision and CH computing, as well as to scholars and practitioners in the CH field. The problems considered include shape perception enhancement, restoration and preservation support, monitoring over time, object interpretation and collection analysis. All of these problems typically rely on an understanding of the structure of the shapes in question at both a local and global level. In this survey, we discuss the different problem forms and review the main solution methods, aided by classification criteria based on the geometric scale at which the analysis is performed and the cardinality of the relationships among object parts exploited during the analysis. We finalize the report by discussing open problems and future perspectives

    Robot assisted 3D shape acquisition by optical systems

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    In this chapter, a short description of the basic concepts about optical methods for the acquisition of three-dimensional shapes is first presented. Then two applications of the surface reconstruction are presented: the passive technique Shape from Silhouettes and the active technique Laser Triangolation. With both these techniques the sensors (telecameras and laser beam) were moved and oriented by means of a robot arm. In fact, for complex objects, it is important that the measuring device can move along arbitrary paths and make its measurements from suitable directions. This chapter shows how a standard industrial robot with a laser profile scanner can be used to achieve the desired d-o-f. Finally some experimental results of shape acquisition by means of the Laser Triangolation technique are reported

    Scalable exploration of 3D massive models

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Tecnoloxías da Información e as Comunicacións. 5032V01[Resumo] Esta tese presenta unha serie técnicas escalables que avanzan o estado da arte da creación e exploración de grandes modelos tridimensionaies. No ámbito da xeración destes modelos, preséntanse métodos para mellorar a adquisición e procesado de escenas reais, grazas a unha implementación eficiente dun sistema out- of- core de xestión de nubes de puntos, e unha nova metodoloxía escalable de fusión de datos de xeometría e cor para adquisicións con oclusións. No ámbito da visualización de grandes conxuntos de datos, que é o núcleo principal desta tese, preséntanse dous novos métodos. O primeiro é unha técnica adaptabile out-of-core que aproveita o hardware de rasterización da GPU e as occlusion queries para crear lotes coherentes de traballo, que serán procesados por kernels de trazado de raios codificados en shaders, permitindo out-of-core ray-tracing con sombreado e iluminación global. O segundo é un método de compresión agresivo que aproveita a redundancia xeométrica que se adoita atopar en grandes modelos 3D para comprimir os datos de forma que caiban, nun formato totalmente renderizable, na memoria da GPU. O método está deseñado para representacións voxelizadas de escenas 3D, que son amplamente utilizadas para diversos cálculos como para acelerar as consultas de visibilidade na GPU. A compresión lógrase fusionando subárbores idénticas a través dunha transformación de similitude, e aproveitando a distribución non homoxénea de referencias a nodos compartidos para almacenar punteiros aos nodos fillo, e utilizando unha codificación de bits variable. A capacidade e o rendemento de todos os métodos avalíanse utilizando diversos casos de uso do mundo real de diversos ámbitos e sectores, incluídos o patrimonio cultural, a enxeñería e os videoxogos.[Resumen] En esta tesis se presentan una serie técnicas escalables que avanzan el estado del arte de la creación y exploración de grandes modelos tridimensionales. En el ámbito de la generación de estos modelos, se presentan métodos para mejorar la adquisición y procesado de escenas reales, gracias a una implementación eficiente de un sistema out-of-core de gestión de nubes de puntos, y una nueva metodología escalable de fusión de datos de geometría y color para adquisiciones con oclusiones. Para la visualización de grandes conjuntos de datos, que constituye el núcleo principal de esta tesis, se presentan dos nuevos métodos. El primero de ellos es una técnica adaptable out-of-core que aprovecha el hardware de rasterización de la GPU y las occlusion queries, para crear lotes coherentes de trabajo, que serán procesados por kernels de trazado de rayos codificados en shaders, permitiendo renders out-of-core avanzados con sombreado e iluminación global. El segundo es un método de compresión agresivo, que aprovecha la redundancia geométrica que se suele encontrar en grandes modelos 3D para comprimir los datos de forma que quepan, en un formato totalmente renderizable, en la memoria de la GPU. El método está diseñado para representaciones voxelizadas de escenas 3D, que son ampliamente utilizadas para diversos cálculos como la aceleración las consultas de visibilidad en la GPU o el trazado de sombras. La compresión se logra fusionando subárboles idénticos a través de una transformación de similitud, y aprovechando la distribución no homogénea de referencias a nodos compartidos para almacenar punteros a los nodos hijo, utilizando una codificación de bits variable. La capacidad y el rendimiento de todos los métodos se evalúan utilizando diversos casos de uso del mundo real de diversos ámbitos y sectores, incluidos el patrimonio cultural, la ingeniería y los videojuegos.[Abstract] This thesis introduces scalable techniques that advance the state-of-the-art in massive model creation and exploration. Concerning model creation, we present methods for improving reality-based scene acquisition and processing, introducing an efficient implementation of scalable out-of-core point clouds and a data-fusion approach for creating detailed colored models from cluttered scene acquisitions. The core of this thesis concerns enabling technology for the exploration of general large datasets. Two novel solutions are introduced. The first is an adaptive out-of-core technique exploiting the GPU rasterization pipeline and hardware occlusion queries in order to create coherent batches of work for localized shader-based ray tracing kernels, opening the door to out-of-core ray tracing with shadowing and global illumination. The second is an aggressive compression method that exploits redundancy in large models to compress data so that it fits, in fully renderable format, in GPU memory. The method is targeted to voxelized representations of 3D scenes, which are widely used to accelerate visibility queries on the GPU. Compression is achieved by merging subtrees that are identical through a similarity transform and by exploiting the skewed distribution of references to shared nodes to store child pointers using a variable bitrate encoding The capability and performance of all methods are evaluated on many very massive real-world scenes from several domains, including cultural heritage, engineering, and gaming

    Constrained camera motion estimation and 3D reconstruction

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    The creation of virtual content from visual data is a tedious task which requires a high amount of skill and expertise. Although the majority of consumers is in possession of multiple imaging devices that would enable them to perform this task in principle, the processing techniques and tools are still intended for the use by trained experts. As more and more capable hardware becomes available, there is a growing need among consumers and professionals alike for new flexible and reliable tools that reduce the amount of time and effort required to create high-quality content. This thesis describes advances of the state of the art in three areas of computer vision: camera motion estimation, probabilistic 3D reconstruction, and template fitting. First, a new camera model geared towards stereoscopic input data is introduced, which is subsequently developed into a generalized framework for constrained camera motion estimation. A probabilistic reconstruction method for 3D line segments is then described, which takes global connectivity constraints into account. Finally, a new framework for symmetry-aware template fitting is presented, which allows the creation of high-quality models from low-quality input 3D scans. Evaluations with a broad range of challenging synthetic and real-world data sets demonstrate that the new constrained camera motion estimation methods provide improved accuracy and flexibility, and that the new constrained 3D reconstruction methods improve the current state of the art.Die Erzeugung virtueller Inhalte aus visuellem Datenmaterial ist langwierig und erfordert viel Geschick und Sachkenntnis. Obwohl der Großteil der Konsumenten mehrere Bildgebungsgeräte besitzt, die es ihm im Prinzip erlauben würden, dies durchzuführen, sind die Techniken und Werkzeuge noch immer für den Einsatz durch ausgebildete Fachleute gedacht. Da immer leistungsfähigere Hardware zur Verfügung steht, gibt es sowohl bei Konsumenten als auch bei Fachleuten eine wachsende Nachfrage nach neuen flexiblen und verlässlichen Werkzeugen, die die Erzeugung von qualitativ hochwertigen Inhalten vereinfachen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Erweiterungen des Stands der Technik in den folgenden drei Bereichen der Bildverarbeitung beschrieben: Kamerabewegungsschätzung, wahrscheinlichkeitstheoretische 3D-Rekonstruktion und Template-Fitting. Zuerst wird ein neues Kameramodell vorgestellt, das für die Verarbeitung von stereoskopischen Eingabedaten ausgelegt ist. Dieses Modell wird in der Folge in eine generalisierte Methode zur Kamerabewegungsschätzung unter Nebenbedingungen erweitert. Anschließend wird ein wahrscheinlichkeitstheoretisches Verfahren zur Rekonstruktion von 3D-Liniensegmenten beschrieben, das globale Verbindungen als Nebenbedingungen berücksichtigt. Schließlich wird eine neue Methode zum Fitting eines Template-Modells präsentiert, bei der die Berücksichtigung der Symmetriestruktur des Templates die Erzeugung von Modellen hoher Qualität aus 3D-Eingabedaten niedriger Qualität erlaubt. Evaluierungen mit einem breiten Spektrum an anspruchsvollen synthetischen und realen Datensätzen zeigen, dass die neuen Methoden zur Kamerabewegungsschätzung unter Nebenbedingungen höhere Genauigkeit und mehr Flexibilität ermöglichen, und dass die neuen Methoden zur 3D-Rekonstruktion unter Nebenbedingungen den Stand der Technik erweitern

    A Framework for the Semantics-aware Modelling of Objects

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    The evolution of 3D visual content calls for innovative methods for modelling shapes based on their intended usage, function and role in a complex scenario. Even if different attempts have been done in this direction, shape modelling still mainly focuses on geometry. However, 3D models have a structure, given by the arrangement of salient parts, and shape and structure are deeply related to semantics and functionality. Changing geometry without semantic clues may invalidate such functionalities or the meaning of objects or their parts. We approach the problem by considering semantics as the formalised knowledge related to a category of objects; the geometry can vary provided that the semantics is preserved. We represent the semantics and the variable geometry of a class of shapes through the parametric template: an annotated 3D model whose geometry can be deformed provided that some semantic constraints remain satisfied. In this work, we design and develop a framework for the semantics-aware modelling of shapes, offering the user a single application environment where the whole workflow of defining the parametric template and applying semantics-aware deformations can take place. In particular, the system provides tools for the selection and annotation of geometry based on a formalised contextual knowledge; shape analysis methods to derive new knowledge implicitly encoded in the geometry, and possibly enrich the given semantics; a set of constraints that the user can apply to salient parts and a deformation operation that takes into account the semantic constraints and provides an optimal solution. The framework is modular so that new tools can be continuously added. While producing some innovative results in specific areas, the goal of this work is the development of a comprehensive framework combining state of the art techniques and new algorithms, thus enabling the user to conceptualise her/his knowledge and model geometric shapes. The original contributions regard the formalisation of the concept of annotation, with attached properties, and of the relations between significant parts of objects; a new technique for guaranteeing the persistence of annotations after significant changes in shape's resolution; the exploitation of shape descriptors for the extraction of quantitative information and the assessment of shape variability within a class; and the extension of the popular cage-based deformation techniques to include constraints on the allowed displacement of vertices. In this thesis, we report the design and development of the framework as well as results in two application scenarios, namely product design and archaeological reconstruction