56,372 research outputs found

    Floating-Gate Design and Linearization for Reconfigurable Analog Signal Processing

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    Analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits have found a place in modern electronics design as a viable alternative to digital pre-processing. With metrics that boast high accuracy and low power consumption, analog pre-processing has opened the door to low-power state-monitoring systems when it is utilized in place of a power-hungry digital signal-processing stage. However, the complicated design process required by analog and mixed-signal systems has been a barrier to broader applications. The implementation of floating-gate transistors has begun to pave the way for a more reasonable approach to analog design. Floating-gate technology has widespread use in the digital domain. Analog and mixed-signal use of floating-gate transistors has only become a rising field of study in recent years. Analog floating gates allow for low-power implementation of mixed-signal systems, such as the field-programmable analog array, while simultaneously opening the door to complex signal-processing techniques. The field-programmable analog array, which leverages floating-gate technologies, is demonstrated as a reliable replacement to signal-processing tasks previously only solved by custom design. Living in an analog world demands the constant use and refinement of analog signal processing for the purpose of interfacing with digital systems. This work offers a comprehensive look at utilizing floating-gate transistors as the core element for analog signal-processing tasks. This work demonstrates the floating gate\u27s merit in large reconfigurable array-driven systems and in smaller-scale implementations, such as linearization techniques for oscillators and analog-to-digital converters. A study on analog floating-gate reliability is complemented with a temperature compensation scheme for implementing these systems in ever-changing, realistic environments

    Mixed Signal Integrated Circuit Design for Custom Sensor Interfacing

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    Low-power analog integrated circuits (ICs) can be utilized at the interface between an analog sensor and a digital system\u27s input to decrease power consumption, increase system accuracy, perform signal processing, and make the necessary adjustments for compatibility between the two devices. This interfacing has typically been done with custom integrated solutions, but advancements in floating-gate technologies have made reconfigurable analog ICs a competitive option. Whether the solution is a custom design or built from a reconfigurable system, digital peripheral circuits are needed to configure their operation for these analog circuits to work with the best accuracy.;Using an analog IC as a front end signal processor between an analog sensor and wireless sensor mote can greatly decrease battery consumption. Processing in the digital domain requires more power than when done on an analog system. An Analog Signal Processor (ASP) can allow the digital wireless mote to remain in sleep mode while the ASP is always listening for an important event. Once this event occurs, the ASP will wake the wireless mote, allowing it to record the event and send radio transmissions if necessary. As most wireless sensor networks employ the use of batteries as a power source, an energy harvesting system in addition to an ASP can be used to further supplement this battery consumption.;This thesis documents the development of mixed-signal integrated circuits for use as interfaces between analog sensors and digital Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). The following work outlines, as well as shows the results, of development for sensor interfacing utilizing both custom mixed signal integrated circuits as well as a Field Programmable Analog Array (FPAA) for post fabrication customization. An Analog Signal Processor (ASP) has been used in an Acoustic Vehicle Classification system. To keep these interfacing methods low power, a prototype energy harvesting system using commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) devices is detailed which has led to the design of a fully integrated solution

    Digital-to-Analog Converter Interface for Computer Assisted Biologically Inspired Systems

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    In today\u27s integrated circuit technology, system interfaces play an important role of enabling fast, reliable data communications. A key feature of this work is the exploration and development of ultra-low power data converters. Data converters are present in some form in almost all mixed-signal systems; in particular, digital-to-analog converters present the opportunity for digitally controlled analog signal sources. Such signal sources are used in a variety of applications such as neuromorphic systems and analog signal processing. Multi-dimensional systems, such as biologically inspired neuromorphic systems, require vectors of analog signals. To use a microprocessor to control these analog systems, we must ultimately convert the digital control signal to an analog control signal and deliver it to the system. Integrating such capabilities of a converter on chip can yield significant power and chip area constraints. Special attention is paid to the power efficiency of the data converter, the data converter design discussed in this thesis yields the lowest power consumption to date. The need for a converter with these properties leads us to the concept of a scalable array of power-efficient digital-to-analog converters; the channels of which are time-domain multiplexed so that chip-area is minimized while preserving performance. To take further advantage of microprocessor capabilities, an analog-to- digital design is proposed to return the analog system\u27s outputs to the microprocessor in a digital form. A current-steering digital-to-analog converter was chosen as a candidate for the conversion process because of its natural speed and voltage-to-current translation properties. This choice is nevertheless unusual, because current-steering digital- to-analog converters have a reputation for high performance with high power consumption. A time domain multiplexing scheme is presented such that a digital data set of any size is synchronously multiplexed through a finite array of converters, minimizing the total area and power consumption. I demonstrate the suitability of current-steering digital-to-analog converters for ultra low-power operation with a proof-of-concept design in a widely available 130 nm CMOS technology. In statistical simulation, the proposed digital-to-analog converter was capable of 8-bit, 100 kSps operation while consuming 231 nW of power from a 1 V supply

    0.35um implementation of an experimental mixed signal image compression circuit

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    Switched-current is an analog, discrete in time, signal processing technique that is fully compatible with any digital CMOS technology. This means that analog circuits can be realized together with digital components on a single chip without any additional technological processes. In designs implemented using the switched-current technique, the individual circuit elements interact by the means of currents, which allows to reduce voltage swings and thus power consumption. This work investigated the implementation of a low power mixed signal image compression system in TSMC 0.35um technology. The major components of this system were two dimensional discrete cosine transform processor, analog to digital converter, quantizer and entropy encoder. The discrete cosine transform section was implemented using switched-current technique. The digital part consisting of the quantizer, entropy encoder and control unit was modelled using VHDL and then synthesized into standard cells

    A 0.6V 2.9µW mixed-signal front-end for ECG monitoring

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    This paper presents a mixed-signal ECG front-end that uses aggressive voltage scaling to maximize power-efficiency and facilitate integration with low-voltage DSPs. 50/60Hz interference is canceled using mixed-signal feedback, enabling ultra-low-voltage operation by reducing dynamic range requirements. Analog circuits are optimized for ultra-low-voltage, and a SAR ADC with a dual-DAC architecture eliminates the need for a power-hungry ADC buffer. Oversampling and ΔΣ-modulation leveraging near-V[subscript T] digital processing are used to achieve ultra-low-power operation without sacrificing noise performance and dynamic range. The fully-integrated front-end is implemented in a 0.18μm CMOS process and consumes 2.9μW from 0.6V.Texas Instruments IncorporatedNatural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (Fellowship

    The CNNUC3: an analog I/O 64x64 CNN universal machine chip prototype with 7-bit analog accuracy

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    This paper describes a full-custom mixed-signal chip which embeds distributed optical signal acquisition, digitally-programmable analog parallel processing, and distributed image memory (cache) on a common silicon substrate. This chip, designed in a 0.5 /spl mu/m CMOS standard technology contains around 1000000 transistors, 80% of which operate in analog mode. Chip functional features are in accordance to the CNN Universal Machine paradigm. The chip is capable to complete complex spatio-temporal image processing tasks within short computation time and using a low power budget. The internal circuitry of the chip has been designed to operate in robust manner with >7-bit equivalent accuracy in the internal analog operations, which has been confirmed by experimental measurements. Hence, to all practical purposes, processing tasks completed by the chip have the same accuracy than those completed by digital processors preceded by 7-bit digital-to-analog converters for image digitalization.Office of Naval Research (USA) 68171-98-C-9004DJunta de Andalucía TIC 99082

    Low Power Analog Processing for Ultra-High-Speed Receivers with RF Correlation

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    Ultra-high-speed data communication receivers (Rxs) conventionally require analog digital converters (ADC)s with high sampling rates which have design challenges in terms of adequate resolution and power. This leads to ultra-high-speed Rxs utilising expensive and bulky high-speed oscilloscopes which are extremely inefficient for demodulation, in terms of power and size. Designing energy-efficient mixed-signal and baseband units for ultra-high-speed Rxs requires a paradigm approach detailed in this paper that circumvents the use of power-hungry ADCs by employing low-power analog processing. The low-power analog Rx employs direct-demodulation with RF correlation using low-power comparators. The Rx is able to support multiple modulations with highest modulation of 16-QAM reported so far for direct-demodulation with RF correlation. Simulations using Matlab, Simulink R2020a® indicate sufficient symbol-error rate (SER) performance at a symbol rate of 8 GS/s for the 71 GHz Urban Micro Cell and 140 GHz indoor channels. Power analysis undertaken with current analog, hybrid and digital beamforming approaches requiring ADCs indicates considerable power savings. This novel approach can be adopted for ultra-high-speed Rxs envisaged for beyond fifth generation (B5G)/sixth generation (6G)/ terahertz (THz) communication without the power-hungry ADCs, leading to low-power integrated design solutions

    Achievable Rates of Multi-User Millimeter Wave Systems with Hybrid Precoding

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    Millimeter wave (mmWave) systems will likely employ large antenna arrays at both the transmitters and receivers. A natural application of antenna arrays is simultaneous transmission to multiple users, which requires multi-user precoding at the transmitter. Hardware constraints, however, make it difficult to apply conventional lower frequency MIMO precoding techniques at mmWave. This paper proposes and analyzes a low complexity hybrid analog/digital beamforming algorithm for downlink multi-user mmWave systems. Hybrid precoding involves a combination of analog and digital processing that is motivated by the requirement to reduce the power consumption of the complete radio frequency and mixed signal hardware. The proposed algorithm configures hybrid precoders at the transmitter and analog combiners at multiple receivers with a small training and feedback overhead. For this algorithm, we derive a lower bound on the achievable rate for the case of single-path channels, show its asymptotic optimality at large numbers of antennas, and make useful insights for more general cases. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm offers higher sum rates compared with analog-only beamforming, and approaches the performance of the unconstrained digital precoding solutions.Comment: to be presented in IEEE ICC 2015 - Workshop on 5G & Beyond - Enabling Technologies and Application

    Low-Power Analog Circuits for Sub-Band Speech Processing

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    The need for efficient electronics has been increasing by the day, as have the constraints on power and size of the devices. Also the increase in use of mobile and wearable electronics has been leading to innovative methods to conserve power and increase functionality. The traditional approach of signal processing heavily relies on the Digital Signal Processing (DSP) hardware to perform most of the tasks, which has lead to power-hungry circuits. Use of analog front-end devices could prove to be efficient, since most of the real-world data is analog and since the DSP could be spared for more application-specific tasks within the system, thereby resulting in more efficient mixed-signal systems.;The focus in this work is to develop an analog front-end for speech-processing applications with inspiration from biology, and trying to mimic human auditory perception techniques. The circuits are designed in 600nm, 350nm and 180nm CMOS processes and are biased in the sub-threshold region to consume low-power. Also, various modules of the system are connected using multiplexing circuits to allow post-fabrication reconfigurability to suit various applications. These circuits are biased using a network of floating-gate transistors which allow reconfigurability and increased bias accuracy. This thesis mainly describes two modules of the analog front-end used for speech processing: derivative circuit and voltage-mode subtractor circuit, which are used for processing spectrally decomposed signals. These circuits could be used for applications like audio analysis or event detection

    Design of Low-Voltage High-Performance Sample and Hold Circuit in 0.18μm CMOS Technology

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    Over the last two decade, digital signal processing (DSP) has grown rapidly in electronic systems to provide more reconfigureability and programmability in the applications, compared to analog component, which allows easier design and test automation. Digital circuit usage is increasing because of scaling properties of very large scale integration (VLSI) processes. This has allowed new generation of digital circuit to attain higher speed, more functionality per chip, low power dissipation, lower cost. Analog world, analog to digital converter (ADC) are used to convert the signal from analog to digital domain. For interfacing with DSP sample and hold (S/H) circuit is a key building block in, and is often used in front end of the ADCs to relax their timing requirement. The function of S/H circuit is to take samples to its input signal and hold these samples in its output for some period of time. The analog circuits in low voltage and low power have assumed great significance due to mixed-mode design required for modern electronic gadgets that demand portability and little power consumption. The mixed mode circuit has existence of both analog and digital circuits on the same chip and it is possible to have low voltage digital circuit in modern scaled-down technologies. However the same is not always true with analog circuits due to the constrains of device noise level and threshold voltage (VT) of MOSFET. Thus for analog circuit to co-exist on the same substrate along with digital system and share same supply voltage, the operation of analog circuit in low voltage environment is essential. The objective of this research is to design a low-voltage, high-performance S/H circuit that will address the above problems. A typical switch capacitor S/H circuit needs amplifier, switches and capacitor. New amplifier have been designed by using the architecture of single stage fully differential folded cascode low voltage operation transconductance amplifier (OTA) which has high gain and speed; the gin boosting technique was used for purpose of increasing the gain of the OTA. This technique does not affect the speed of the single stage. The transmission gate switches using CMOS devices, which have higher linearity and higher speed over a single MOS switch, have been designed for use in the S/H circuit. The switches are operated by clock generator with two non overlapping clock signals having low rise and fall time offering low noise for the S/H circuit. The clock was designed with 77.17ps rise and fall time to reduce the errors of driving MOS switches which results in higher linearity. The S/H circuit was designed to operate with 1.8V supply voltage in 0.18um technology. The sampling rate is 40MSPS with spurious free dynamic range (SFDR) 65.7dB and SNR 70dB