430 research outputs found

    Survey of cryogenic semiconductor devices

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    Advances in Solid State Circuit Technologies

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    This book brings together contributions from experts in the fields to describe the current status of important topics in solid-state circuit technologies. It consists of 20 chapters which are grouped under the following categories: general information, circuits and devices, materials, and characterization techniques. These chapters have been written by renowned experts in the respective fields making this book valuable to the integrated circuits and materials science communities. It is intended for a diverse readership including electrical engineers and material scientists in the industry and academic institutions. Readers will be able to familiarize themselves with the latest technologies in the various fields

    Low Power High Efficiency Integrated Class-D Amplifier Circuits for Mobile Devices

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    The consumer’s demand for state-of-the-art multimedia devices such as smart phones and tablet computers has forced manufacturers to provide more system features to compete for a larger portion of the market share. The added features increase the power consumption and heat dissipation of integrated circuits, depleting the battery charge faster. Therefore, low-power high-efficiency circuits, such as the class-D audio amplifier, are needed to reduce heat dissipation and extend battery life in mobile devices. This dissertation focuses on new design techniques to create high performance class-D audio amplifiers that have low power consumption and occupy less space. The first part of this dissertation introduces the research motivation and fundamentals of audio amplification. The loudspeaker’s operation and main audio performance metrics are examined to explain the limitations in the amplification process. Moreover, the operating principle and design procedure of the main class-D amplifier architectures are reviewed to provide the performance tradeoffs involved. The second part of this dissertation presents two new circuit designs to improve the audio performance, power consumption, and efficiency of standard class-D audio amplifiers. The first work proposes a feed-forward power-supply noise cancellation technique for single-ended class-D amplifier architectures to improve the power-supply rejection ratio across the entire audio frequency range. The design methodology, implementation, and tradeoffs of the proposed technique are clearly delineated to demonstrate its simplicity and effectiveness. The second work introduces a new class-D output stage design for piezoelectric speakers. The proposed design uses stacked-cascode thick-oxide CMOS transistors at the output stage that makes possible to handle high voltages in a low voltage standard CMOS technology. The design tradeoffs in efficiency, linearity, and electromagnetic interference are discussed. Finally, the open problems in audio amplification for mobile devices are discussed to delineate the possible future work to improve the performance of class-D amplifiers. For all the presented works, proof-of-concept prototypes are fabricated, and the measured results are used to verify the correct operation of the proposed solutions

    Low-power switched capacitor voltage reference

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    Low-power analog design represents a developing technological trend as it emerges from a rather limited range of applications to a much wider arena affecting mainstream market segments. It especially affects portable electronics with respect to battery life, performance, and physical size. Meanwhile, low-power analog design enables technologies such as sensor networks and RFID. Research opportunities abound to exploit the potential of low power analog design, apply low-power to established fields, and explore new applications. The goal of this effort is to design a low-power reference circuit that delivers an accurate reference with very minimal power consumption. The circuit and device level low-power design techniques are suitable for a wide range of applications. To meet this goal, switched capacitor bandgap architecture was chosen. It is the most suitable for developing a systematic, and groundup, low-power design approach. In addition, the low-power analog cell library developed would facilitate building a more complex low-power system. A low-power switched capacitor bandgap was designed, fabricated, and fully tested. The bandgap generates a stable 0.6-V reference voltage, in both the discrete-time and continuous-time domain. The system was thoroughly tested and individual building blocks were characterized. The reference voltage is temperature stable, with less than a 100 ppm/°C drift, over a --60 dB power supply rejection, and below a 1 [Mu]A total supply current (excluding optional track-and-hold). Besides using it as a voltage reference, potential applications are also described using derivatives of this switched capacitor bandgap, specifically supply supervisory and on-chip thermal regulation

    Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - 2006 Electronic Edition

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    This book is based on the textbook Microelectronic Devices and Circuits by Clifton G. Fonstad, which was published by McGraw-Hill in 1994 (ISBN 0-07-021-496-4). McGraw-Hill has declared the original textbook “out of print” and has transferred the copyright to the author, Clifton G. Fonstad. Errata in the original text identified as of August 15, 2006 have been corrected in this edition. This edition will appear enlarged 110% from the original page size when printed on standard letter paper (8.5” x 11”).Combining semiconductor device physics and modeling with electronic circuit analysis and practice in a single sophomore/junior level microelectronics course, this textbook offers an integrated approach so students can truly understand the interaction between semiconductor physics, device structure, and integrated circuit design and operation. The balanced, modular treatments of bipolar and MOS devices, and of analog and digital circuits can be easily adapted to a particular instructor or class’s needs. SPICE models, MESFET’s, optoelectronic devices, worked examples, and end-of-the-chapter problems further enhance the text

    High Temperature Silicon Carbide Mixed-signal Circuits for Integrated Control and Data Acquisition

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    Wide bandgap semiconductor materials such as gallium nitride (GaN) and silicon carbide have grown in popularity as a substrate for power devices for high temperature and high voltage applications over the last two decades. Recent research has been focused on the design of integrated circuits for protection and control in these wide bandgap materials. The ICs developed in SiC and GaN can not only complement the power devices in high voltage and high frequency applications, but can also be used for standalone high temperature control and data acquisition circuitry. This dissertation work aims to explore the possibilities in high temperature and wide bandgap circuit design by developing a host of mixed-signal circuits that can be used for control and data acquisition. These include a family of current-mode signal processing circuits, general purpose amplifiers and comparators, and 8-bit data converters. The signal processing circuits along with amplifiers and comparators are then used to develop an integrated mixed-signal controller for a DC-DC flyback converter in a microinverter application. The 8-bit SAR ADC and the 8-bit R-2R ladder DAC open up the possibility of a remote data acquisition and control system in high temperature environments. The circuits and systems presented here offer a gateway to great opportunities in high temperature and power electronics ICs in SiC

    Fabrication and Pseudo-Analog Characteristics of Ta2O5 -Based ReRAM Cell

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    Memristori on yksi elektroniikan peruskomponenteista vastuksen, kondensaattorin ja kelan lisäksi. Se on passiivinen komponentti, jonka teorian kehitti Leon Chua vuonna 1971. Kesti kuitenkin yli kolmekymmentä vuotta ennen kuin teoria pystyttiin yhdistämään kokeellisiin tuloksiin. Vuonna 2008 Hewlett Packard julkaisi artikkelin, jossa he väittivät valmistaneensa ensimmäisen toimivan memristorin. Memristori eli muistivastus on resistiivinen komponentti, jonka vastusarvoa pystytään muuttamaan. Nimens mukaisesti memristori kykenee myös säilyttämään vastusarvonsa ilman jatkuvaa virtaa ja jännitettä. Tyypillisesti memristorilla on vähintään kaksi vastusarvoa, joista kumpikin pystytään valitsemaan syöttämällä komponentille jännitettä tai virtaa. Tämän vuoksi memristoreita kutsutaankin usein resistiivisiksi kytkimiksi. Resistiivisiä kytkimiä tutkitaan nykyään paljon erityisesti niiden mahdollistaman muistiteknologian takia. Resistiivisistä kytkimistä rakennettua muistia kutsutaan ReRAM-muistiksi (lyhenne sanoista resistive random access memory). ReRAM-muisti on Flash-muistin tapaan haihtumaton muisti, jota voidaan sähköisesti ohjelmoida tai tyhjentää. Flash-muistia käytetään tällä hetkellä esimerkiksi muistitikuissa. ReRAM-muisti mahdollistaa kuitenkin nopeamman ja vähävirtaiseman toiminnan Flashiin verrattuna, joten se on tulevaisuudessa varteenotettava kilpailija markkinoilla. ReRAM-muisti mahdollistaa myös useammin bitin tallentamisen yhteen muistisoluun binäärisen (”0” tai ”1”) toiminnan sijaan. Tyypillisesti ReRAM-muistisolulla on kaksi rajoittavaa vastusarvoa, mutta näiden kahden tilan välille pystytään mahdollisesti ohjelmoimaan useampia tiloja. Muistisoluja voidaan kutsua analogisiksi, jos tilojen määrää ei ole rajoitettu. Analogisilla muistisoluilla olisi mahdollista rakentaa tehokkaasti esimerkiksi neuroverkkoja. Neuroverkoilla pyritään mallintamaan aivojen toimintaa ja suorittamaan tehtäviä, jotka ovat tyypillisesti vaikeita perinteisille tietokoneohjelmille. Neuroverkkoja käytetään esimerkiksi puheentunnistuksessa tai tekoälytoteutuksissa. Tässä diplomityössä tarkastellaan Ta2O5 -perustuvan ReRAM-muistisolun analogista toimintaa pitäen mielessä soveltuvuus neuroverkkoihin. ReRAM-muistisolun valmistus ja mittaustulokset käydään läpi. Muistisolun toiminta on harvoin täysin analogista, koska kahden rajoittavan vastusarvon välillä on usein rajattu määrä tiloja. Tämän vuoksi toimintaa kutsutaan pseudoanalogiseksi. Mittaustulokset osoittavat, että yksittäinen ReRAM-muistisolu kykenee binääriseen toimintaan hyvin. Joiltain osin yksittäinen solu kykenee tallentamaan useampia tiloja, mutta vastusarvoissa on peräkkäisten ohjelmointisyklien välillä suurta vaihtelevuutta, joka hankaloittaa tulkintaa. Valmistettu ReRAM-muistisolu ei sellaisenaan kykene toimimaan pseudoanalogisena muistina, vaan se vaati rinnalleen virtaa rajoittavan komponentin. Myös valmistusprosessin kehittäminen vähentäisi yksittäisen solun toiminnassa esiintyvää varianssia, jolloin sen toiminta muistuttaisi enemmän pseudoanalogista muistia.The memristor is one of the fundamental circuit elements in addition to a resistor, capacitor and an inductor. It is a passive component whose theory was postulated by Leon Chua in 1971. It took over 30 years before any known physical examples were discovered. In 2008 Hewlett Packard published an article where they manufactured a device which they claimed to be the first memristor found. The memristor, which is a concatenation of memory resistor, is a resistive component that has an ability to change its resistance. It can also remember its resistance value without continuous current or voltage. Typically, a memristor has at least two resistance states that can be altered. This is the reason why memristors are also called resistive switches. Resistive switches can be used in memory technologies. A memory array that has been built using resistive switches is called ReRAM (resistive random access memory). ReRAM, like Flash memory, is a non-volatile memory that can be programmed or erased electrically. Flash memories are currently used e.g. in memory sticks. However, compared to Flash, ReRAM has faster operating speed and lower power consumption, for instance. It could potentially replace current memory standards in future. A ReRAM memory cell can also store multiple bits instead of binary operation (”0” or ”1”). Typically there exists multiple intermediate resistance states between ReRAM’s limiting resistances that could be utilized. Such memory could be called analog, if the amount of intermediate states is not limited to discrete levels. Analog memories make it possible to build artificial neural networks (ANN) efficiently, for instance. ANNs try to model the behaviour of brain and to perform tasks that are difficult for traditional computer programs such as speech recognition or artificial intelligence. This thesis studies the analog behaviour of Ta 2 O 5 -based ReRAM cell. Manufacturing process and measurement results are presented. The operation of ReRAM cell is rarely fully analog as there exists limited amount of intermediate resistance states. This is the reason why operation is called pseudo-analog. Measurement results show that a single ReRAM cell is suitable for binary operation. In some cases, a single cell can store multiple resistance values but there exists significant variance in resistance states between subsequent programming cycles. The proposed ReRAM cell cannot operate as pseudo-analog ReRAM cell in itself as it needs an external current limiting component. Improving the manufacturing process should reduce the variability such that the operation would be more like a pseudo-analog memory.Siirretty Doriast

    Low-frequency noise in downscaled silicon transistors: Trends, theory and practice

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    By the continuing downscaling of sub-micron transistors in the range of few to one deca-nanometers, we focus on the increasing relative level of the low-frequency noise in these devices. Large amount of published data and models are reviewed and summarized, in order to capture the state-of-the-art, and to observe that the 1/area scaling of low-frequency noise holds even for carbon nanotube devices, but the noise becomes too large in order to have fully deterministic devices with area less than 10nm×10nm. The low-frequency noise models are discussed from the point of view that the noise can be both intrinsic and coupled to the charge transport in the devices, which provided a coherent picture, and more interestingly, showed that the models converge each to other, despite the many issues that one can find for the physical origin of each model. Several derivations are made to explain crossovers in noise spectra, variable random telegraph amplitudes, duality between energy and distance of charge traps, behaviors and trends for figures of merit by device downscaling, practical constraints for micropower amplifiers and dependence of phase noise on the harmonics in the oscillation signal, uncertainty and techniques of averaging by noise characterization. We have also shown how the unavoidable statistical variations by fabrication is embedded in the devices as a spatial “frozen noise”, which also follows 1/area scaling law and limits the production yield, from one side, and from other side, the “frozen noise” contributes generically to temporal 1/f noise by randomly probing the embedded variations during device operation, owing to the purely statistical accumulation of variance that follows from cause-consequence principle, and irrespectively of the actual physical process. The accumulation of variance is known as statistics of “innovation variance”, which explains the nearly log-normal distributions in the values for low-frequency noise parameters gathered from different devices, bias and other conditions, thus, the origin of geometric averaging in low-frequency noise characterizations. At present, the many models generally coincide each with other, and what makes the difference, are the values, which, however, scatter prominently in nanodevices. Perhaps, one should make some changes in the approach to the low-frequency noise in electronic devices, to emphasize the “statistics behind the numbers”, because the general physical assumptions in each model always fail at some point by the device downscaling, but irrespectively of that, the statistics works, since the low-frequency noise scales consistently with the 1/area law

    Simulation of SiC MOSFET Power Converters

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    This thesis discusses the use of wide bandgap devices (SiC-MOSFET) in the design and implementation of various power converters (Push-pull inverter, Buck converter). Different parameters and scenarios were discussed and implemented for both silicon and silicon carbide MOSFET cases. A comparison between same circuits is done using silicon in the first case and silicon carbide MOSFET was implemented under the same conditions and parameters to investigate the silicon carbide MOSFET enhancement to the circuit. The modeling for silicon and silicon carbide MOSFET was created using the spice model provided from leading electronics companies as ROHM, CREE and INFINION. This spice model is provided by these companies to examine the effect of these components. This spice model can be examined using simulation software such as Multisim, PSpice, LTspice and others. The results focused on many aspects such as on Vout,Vmos stability, circuit efficiency and frequency change effect. It focused also on output power and MOSFET power loss because it is a very crucial aspect on any converter design. These results are done using the National Instrument simulation program (Multisim 14) and a sample of the results are validated using LT Spice. In all tests and results it was found that SiC MOSFET made a significant improvement in the power efficiency and decreased power loss compared to Si MOSFET. Using SiC MOSFET in Push-Pull and Buck converter increased system efficiency and decreased MOSFET power loss. SiC is more immune against frequency change and performed better than Si MOSFET. Also, replacing Si MOSFET with SiC MOSFET added more voltage stability against the increase in load demand. These results will lead to design power converters with significant power loss and will decrease power dissipation. It will lead to better performance and a smaller circuit package because of the decrease in the heat sink and ventilation fans. It will save the power, decrease the cost and increase converter life time