635 research outputs found

    An Energy-Efficient Design Paradigm for a Memory Cell Based on Novel Nanoelectromechanical Switches

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    In this chapter, we explain NEMsCAM cell, a new content-addressable memory (CAM) cell, which is designed based on both CMOS technologies and nanoelectromechanical (NEM) switches. The memory part of NEMsCAM is designed with two complementary nonvolatile NEM switches and located on top of the CMOS-based comparison component. As a use case, we evaluate first-level instruction and data translation lookaside buffers (TLBs) with 16 nm CMOS technology at 2 GHz. The simulation results demonstrate that the NEMsCAM TLB reduces the energy consumption per search operation (by 27%), standby mode (by 53.9%), write operation (by 41.9%), and the area (by 40.5%) compared to a CMOS-only TLB with minimal performance overhead

    The implementation and applications of multiple-valued logic

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    Multiple-Valued Logic (MVL) takes two major forms. Multiple-valued circuits can implement the logic directly by using multiple-valued signals, or the logic can be implemented indirectly with binary circuits, by using more than one binary signal to represent a single multiple-valued signal. Techniques such as carry-save addition can be viewed as indirectly implemented MVL. Both direct and indirect techniques have been shown in the past to provide advantages over conventional arithmetic and logic techniques in algorithms required widely in computing for applications such as image and signal processing. It is possible to implement basic MVL building blocks at the transistor level. However, these circuits are difficult to design due to their non binary nature. In the design stage they are more like analogue circuits than binary circuits. Current integrated circuit technologies are biased towards binary circuitry. However, in spite of this, there is potential for power and area savings from MVL circuits, especially in technologies such as BiCMOS. This thesis shows that the use of voltage mode MVL will, in general not provide bandwidth increases on circuit buses because the buses become slower as the number of signal levels increases. Current mode MVL circuits however do have potential to reduce power and area requirements of arithmetic circuitry. The design of transistor level circuits is investigated in terms of a modern production technology. A novel methodology for the design of current mode MVL circuits is developed. The methodology is based upon the novel concept of the use of non-linear current encoding of signals, providing the opportunity for the efficient design of many previously unimplemented circuits in current mode MVL. This methodology is used to design a useful set of basic MVL building blocks, and fabrication results are reported. The creation of libraries of MVL circuits is also discussed. The CORDIC algorithm for two dimensional vector rotation is examined in detail as an example for indirect MVL implementation. The algorithm is extended to a set of three dimensional vector rotators using conventional arithmetic, redundant radix four arithmetic, and Taylor's series expansions. These algorithms can be used for two dimensional vector rotations in which no scale factor corrections are needed. The new algorithms are compared in terms of basic VLSI criteria against previously reported algorithms. A pipelined version of the redundant arithmetic algorithm is floorplanned and partially laid out to give indications of wiring overheads, and layout densities. An indirectly implemented MVL algorithm such as the CORDIC algorithm described in this thesis would clearly benefit from direct implementation in MVL

    Design and Implementation 4-Bit Quaternary MVL Arithmetic and Logic Unit

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    In the recent years, there were major importance to Multiple Valued Logic (MVL), where the most common reasons for considering the implementation of MVL circuits better then binary valued circuits are that reducing wiring congestion as compared to binary circuits, using a single conductor to transmit three or more discrete voltage or current values allows for greater information content per wire and the circuit cost models would be more economical. Therefore, in this paper the MVL concepts have been used to design 4-bit quaternary MVL Arithmetic and Logic Unit, which is considered a basic unit of a MVL microprocessor. It is the "heart" of a microprocessor and we could say that everything else in the microprocessor is there to support the ALU. The proposed Arithmetic and Logic Unit will do the operations as Addition, Subtraction, Maximum, Minimum and Invert. Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis (SPICE) tool in Cadence simulator used in simulation the proposed Arithmetic and Logic Unit. The simulation results tells that the design is more efficient compared with the binary ALU and the circuit will be less area and less number of transistors

    Design of digital systems

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    Arithmetic logic UNIT (ALU) design using reconfigurable CMOS logic

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    Using the reconfigurable logic of multi-input floating gate MOSFETs, a 4-bit ALU has been designed for 3V operation. The ALU can perform four arithmetic and four logical operations. Multi- input floating gate (MIFG) transistors have been promising in realizing increased functionality on a chip. A multi- input floating gate MOS transistor accepts multiple inputs signals, calculates the weighted sum of all input signals and then controls the ON and OFF states of the transistor. This enhances the transistor function to more than just switching. This changes the way a logic function can be realized. Implementing a design using multi-input floating gate MOSFETs brings about reduction in transis tor count and number of interconnections. The advantage of bringing down the number of devices is that a design becomes area efficient and power consumption reduces. There are several applications that stress on smaller chip area and reduced power. Multi- input floating gate devices have their use in memories, analog and digital circuits. In the present work we have shown successful implementation of multi- input floating gate MOSFETs in ALU design. A comparison has been made between adders using different design methods w.r.t transistor count. It is seen that our design, implemented using multi-input floating gate MOSFETs, uses the least number of transistors when compared to other designs. The design was fabricated using double polysilicon standard CMOS process by MOSIS in 1.5mm technology. The experimental waveforms and delay measurements have also been presented