47 research outputs found

    Bayesian Dictionary Learning for Single and Coupled Feature Spaces

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    Over-complete bases offer the flexibility to represent much wider range of signals with more elementary basis atoms than signal dimension. The use of over-complete dictionaries for sparse representation has been a new trend recently and has increasingly become recognized as providing high performance for applications such as denoise, image super-resolution, inpaiting, compression, blind source separation and linear unmixing. This dissertation studies the dictionary learning for single or coupled feature spaces and its application in image restoration tasks. A Bayesian strategy using a beta process prior is applied to solve both problems. Firstly, we illustrate how to generalize the existing beta process dictionary learning method (BP) to learn dictionary for single feature space. The advantage of this approach is that the number of dictionary atoms and their relative importance may be inferred non-parametrically. Next, we propose a new beta process joint dictionary learning method (BP-JDL) for coupled feature spaces, where the learned dictionaries also reflect the relationship between the two spaces. Compared to previous couple feature spaces dictionary learning algorithms, our algorithm not only provides dictionaries that customized to each feature space, but also adds more consistent and accurate mapping between the two feature spaces. This is due to the unique property of the beta process model that the sparse representation can be decomposed to values and dictionary atom indicators. The proposed algorithm is able to learn sparse representations that correspond to the same dictionary atoms with the same sparsity but different values in coupled feature spaces, thus bringing consistent and accurate mapping between coupled feature spaces. Two applications, single image super-resolution and inverse halftoning, are chosen to evaluate the performance of the proposed Bayesian approach. In both cases, the Bayesian approach, either for single feature space or coupled feature spaces, outperforms state-of-the-art methods in comparative domains

    Energy efficient hybrid computing systems using spin devices

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    Emerging spin-devices like magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJ\u27s), spin-valves and domain wall magnets (DWM) have opened new avenues for spin-based logic design. This work explored potential computing applications which can exploit such devices for higher energy-efficiency and performance. The proposed applications involve hybrid design schemes, where charge-based devices supplement the spin-devices, to gain large benefits at the system level. As an example, lateral spin valves (LSV) involve switching of nanomagnets using spin-polarized current injection through a metallic channel such as Cu. Such spin-torque based devices possess several interesting properties that can be exploited for ultra-low power computation. Analog characteristic of spin current facilitate non-Boolean computation like majority evaluation that can be used to model a neuron. The magneto-metallic neurons can operate at ultra-low terminal voltage of ∼20mV, thereby resulting in small computation power. Moreover, since nano-magnets inherently act as memory elements, these devices can facilitate integration of logic and memory in interesting ways. The spin based neurons can be integrated with CMOS and other emerging devices leading to different classes of neuromorphic/non-Von-Neumann architectures. The spin-based designs involve `mixed-mode\u27 processing and hence can provide very compact and ultra-low energy solutions for complex computation blocks, both digital as well as analog. Such low-power, hybrid designs can be suitable for various data processing applications like cognitive computing, associative memory, and currentmode on-chip global interconnects. Simulation results for these applications based on device-circuit co-simulation framework predict more than ∼100x improvement in computation energy as compared to state of the art CMOS design, for optimal spin-device parameters

    Illustrative Flow Visualization of 4D PC-MRI Blood Flow and CFD Data

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    Das zentrale Thema dieser Dissertation ist die Anwendung illustrativer Methoden auf zwei bisher ungelöste Probleme der Strömungsvisualisierung. Das Ziel der Strömungsvisualisierung ist die Bereitstellung von Software, die Experten beim Auswerten ihrer Strömungsdaten und damit beim Erkenntnisgewinn unterstützt. Bei der illustrativen Visualisierung handelt es sich um einen Zweig der Visualisierung, der sich an der künstlerischen Arbeit von Illustratoren orientiert. Letztere sind darauf spezialisiert komplizierte Zusammenhänge verständlich und ansprechend zu vermitteln. Die angewendeten Techniken werden in der illustrativen Visualisierung auf reale Daten übertragen, um die Effektivität der Darstellung zu erhöhen. Das erste Problem, das im Rahmen dieser Dissertation bearbeitet wurde, ist die eingeschränkte Verständlichkeit von komplexen Stromflächen. Selbstverdeckungen oder Aufrollungen behindern die Form- und Strömungswahrnehmung und machen diese Flächen gerade in interessanten Strömungssituationen wenig nützlich. Auf Basis von handgezeichneten Strömungsdarstellungen haben wir ein Flächenrendering entwickelt, das Silhouetten, nicht-photorealistische Beleuchtung und illustrative Stromlinien verwendet. Interaktive Flächenschnitte erlauben die Exploration der Flächen und der Strömungen, die sie repräsentieren. Angewendet auf verschiedene Stromflächen ließ sich zeigen, dass die Methoden die Verständlichkeit erhöhen, v.a. in Bereichen komplexer Strömung mit Aufwicklungen oder Singularitäten. Das zweite Problem ist die Strömungsanalyse des Blutes aus 4D PC-MRI-Daten. An diese relativ neue Datenmodalität werden hohe Erwartungen für die Erforschung und Behandlung kardiovaskulärer Krankheiten geknüpft, da sie erstmals ein dreidimensionales, zeitlich aufgelöstes Abbild der Hämodynamik liefert. Bisher werden 4D PC-MRI-Daten meist mit Werkzeugen der klassischen Strömungsvisualisierung verarbeitet. Diese werden den besonderen Ansprüchen der medizinischen Anwender jedoch nicht gerecht, die in kurzer Zeit eine übersichtliche Darstellung der relevanten Strömungsaspekte erhalten möchten. Wir haben ein Werkzeug zur visuellen Analyse der Blutströmung entwickelt, welches eine einfache Detektion von markanten Strömungsmustern erlaubt, wie z.B. Jets, Wirbel oder Bereiche mit hoher Blutverweildauer. Die Grundidee ist hierbei aus vorberechneten Integrallinien mit Hilfe speziell definierter Linienprädikate die relevanten, d.h. am gefragten Strömungsmuster, beteiligten Linien ausgewählt werden. Um eine intuitive Darstellung der Resultate zu erreichen, haben wir uns von Blutflußillustrationen inspirieren lassen und präsentieren eine abstrakte Linienbündel- und Wirbeldarstellung. Die Linienprädikatmethode sowie die abstrakte Darstellung der Strömungsmuster wurden an 4D PC-MRI-Daten von gesunden und pathologischen Aorten- und Herzdaten erfolgreich getestet. Auch die Evaluierung durch Experten zeigt die Nützlichkeit der Methode und ihr Potential für den Einsatz in der Forschung und der Klinik.This thesis’ central theme is the use of illustrative methods to solve flow visualization problems. The goal of flow visualization is to provide users with software tools supporting them analyzing and extracting knowledge from their fluid dynamics data. This fluid dynamics data is produced in large amounts by simulations or measurements to answer diverse questions in application fields like engineering or medicine. This thesis deals with two unsolved problems in flow visualization and tackles them with methods of illustrative visualization. The latter is a subbranch of visualization whose methods are inspired by the art work of professional illustrators. They are specialized in the comprehensible and esthetic representation of complex knowledge. With illustrative visualization, their techniques are applied to real data to enhance their representation. The first problem dealt with in this thesis is the limited shape and flow perception of complex stream surfaces. Self-occlusion and wrap-ups hinder their effective use in the most interesting flow situations. On the basis of hand-drawn flow illustrations, a surface rendering method was designed that uses silhouettes, non-photorealistic shading, and illustrative surface stream lines. Additionally, geometrical and flow-based surface cuts allow the user an interactive exploration of the surface and the flow it represents. By applying this illustrative technique to various stream surfaces and collecting expert feedback, we could show that the comprehensibility of the stream surfaces was enhanced – especially in complex areas with surface wrap-ups and singularities. The second problem tackled in this thesis is the analysis of blood flow from 4D PC-MRI data. From this rather young data modality, medical experts expect many advances in the research of cardiovascular diseases because it delivers a three-dimensional and time-resolved image of the hemodynamics. However, 4D PC-MRI data are mainly processed with standard flow visualizaton tools, which do not fulfill the requirements of medical users. They need a quick and easy-to-understand display of the relevant blood flow aspects. We developed a tool for the visual analysis of blood flow that allows a fast detection of distinctive flow patterns, such as high-velocity jets, vortices, or areas with high residence times. The basic idea is to precalculate integral lines and use specifically designed line predicates to select and display only lines involved in the pattern of interest. Traditional blood flow illustrations inspired us to an abstract and comprehensible depiction of the resulting line bundles and vortices. The line predicate method and the illustrative flow pattern representation were successfully tested with 4D PC-MRI data of healthy and pathological aortae and hearts. Also, the feedback of several medical experts confirmed the usefulness of our methods and their capabilities for a future application in the clinical research and routine

    Application and Theory of Multimedia Signal Processing Using Machine Learning or Advanced Methods

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    This Special Issue is a book composed by collecting documents published through peer review on the research of various advanced technologies related to applications and theories of signal processing for multimedia systems using ML or advanced methods. Multimedia signals include image, video, audio, character recognition and optimization of communication channels for networks. The specific contents included in this book are data hiding, encryption, object detection, image classification, and character recognition. Academics and colleagues who are interested in these topics will find it interesting to read

    Bayesian methods for inverse problems with point clouds : applications to single-photon lidar

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    Single-photon light detection and ranging (lidar) has emerged as a prime candidate technology for depth imaging through challenging environments. This modality relies on constructing, for each pixel, a histogram of time delays between emitted light pulses and detected photon arrivals. The problem of estimating the number of imaged surfaces, their reflectivity and position becomes very challenging in the low-photon regime (which equates to short acquisition times) or relatively high background levels (i.e., strong ambient illumination). In a general setting, a variable number of surfaces can be observed per imaged pixel. The majority of existing methods assume exactly one surface per pixel, simplifying the reconstruction problem so that standard image processing techniques can be easily applied. However, this assumption hinders practical three-dimensional (3D) imaging applications, being restricted to controlled indoor scenarios. Moreover, other existing methods that relax this assumption achieve worse reconstructions, suffering from long execution times and large memory requirements. This thesis presents novel approaches to 3D reconstruction from single-photon lidar data, which are capable of identifying multiple surfaces in each pixel. The resulting algorithms obtain new state-of-the-art reconstructions without strong assumptions about the sensed scene. The models proposed here differ from standard image processing tools, being designed to capture correlations of manifold-like structures. Until now, a major limitation has been the significant amount of time required for the analysis of the recorded data. By combining statistical models with highly scalable computational tools from the computer graphics community, we demonstrate 3D reconstruction of complex outdoor scenes with processing times of the order of 20 ms, where the lidar data was acquired in broad daylight from distances up to 320 m. This has enabled robust, real-time target reconstruction of complex moving scenes, paving the way for single-photon lidar at video rates for practical 3D imaging applications

    Transport and turbulence in quasi-uniform and versatile Bose-Einstein condensates

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    Sixth Biennial Report : August 2001 - May 2003

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    Proceedings of the Augmented VIsual Display (AVID) Research Workshop

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    The papers, abstracts, and presentations were presented at a three day workshop focused on sensor modeling and simulation, and image enhancement, processing, and fusion. The technical sessions emphasized how sensor technology can be used to create visual imagery adequate for aircraft control and operations. Participants from industry, government, and academic laboratories contributed to panels on Sensor Systems, Sensor Modeling, Sensor Fusion, Image Processing (Computer and Human Vision), and Image Evaluation and Metrics