10 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Overlay/underlay Waveform via SD-SMSE Framework for Enhancing Spectrum Efficiency

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    Recent studies have suggested that spectrum congestion is mainly due to the inefficient use of spectrum rather than its unavailability. Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) and Cognitive Radio (CR) are two terminologies which are used in the context of improved spectrum efficiency and usage. The DSA concept has been around for quite some time while the advent of CR has created a paradigm shift in wireless communications and instigated a change in FCC policy towards spectrum regulations. DSA can be broadly categorized as using a 1) Dynamic Exclusive Use Model, 2) Spectrum Commons or Open sharing model or 3) Hierarchical Access model. The hierarchical access model envisions primary licensed bands, to be opened up for secondary users, while inducing a minimum acceptable interference to primary users. Spectrum overlay and spectrum underlay technologies fall within the hierarchical model, and allow primary and secondary users to coexist while improving spectrum efficiency. Spectrum overlay in conjunction with the present CR model considers only the unused (white) spectral regions while in spectrum underlay the underused (gray) spectral regions are utilized. The underlay approach is similar to ultra wide band (UWB) and spread spectrum (SS) techniques utilize much wider spectrum and operate below the noise floor of primary users. Software defined radio (SDR) is considered a key CR enabling technology. Spectrally modulated, Spectrally encoded (SMSE) multi-carrier signals such as Orthogonal Frequency Domain Multiplexing (OFDM) and Multi-carrier Code Division Multiple Access (MCCDMA) are hailed as candidate CR waveforms. The SMSE structure supports and is well-suited for SDR based CR applications. This work began by developing a general soft decision (SD) CR framework, based on a previously developed SMSE framework that combines benefits of both the overlay and underlay techniques to improve spectrum efficiency and maximizing the channel capacity. The resultant SD-SMSE framework provides a user with considerable flexibility to choose overlay, underlay or hybrid overlay/underlay waveform depending on the scenario, situation or need. Overlay/Underlay SD-SMSE framework flexibility is demonstrated by applying it to a family of SMSE modulated signals such as OFDM, MCCDMA, Carrier Interferometry (CI) MCCDMA and Transform Domain Communication System (TDCS). Based on simulation results, a performance analysis of Overlay, Underlay and hybrid Overlay/Underlay waveforms are presented. Finally, the benefits of combining overlay/underlay techniques to improve spectrum efficiency and maximize channel capacity are addressed

    Performance analysis of FBMC over OFDM in Cognitive Radio Network

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    Cognitive Radio (CR) system is an adaptive, reconfigurable communication system that can intuitively adjust its parameters to meet users or network demands. The major objective of CR is to provide a platform for the Secondary User (SU) to fully utilize the available spectrum resource by sensing the existence of spectrum holes without causing interference to the Primary User (PU). However, PU detection has been one of the main challenges in CR technology. In comparison to traditional wireless communication systems, due to the Cross-Channel Interference (CCI) from the adjacent channels used by SU to PU, CR system now poses new challenges to Resource Allocation (RA) problems. Past efforts have been focussed on Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) based CR systems. However, OFDM technique show various limitations in CR application due to its enormous spectrum leakage. Filter Bank based Multicarrier (FBMC) has been proposed as a promising Multicarrier Modulation (MCM) candidate that has numerous advantages over OFDM. In this dissertation, a critical analysis of the performance of FBMC over OFDM was studied, and CR system was used as the testing platform. Firstly, the problem of spectrum sensing of OFDM based CR systems in contrast to FBMC based were surveyed from literature point of view, then the performance of the two schemes was analysed and compared from the spectral efficiency point of view. A resource allocation algorithm was proposed where much attention was focused on interference and power constraint. The proposed algorithms have been verified using MATLAB simulations, however, numerical results show that FBMC can attain higher spectrum efficiency and attractive benefit in terms of spectrum sensing as opposed to OFDM. The contributions of this dissertation have heightened the interest in more research and findings on how FBMC can be improved for future application CR systems

    Cognitive Radio Systems

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    Cognitive radio is a hot research area for future wireless communications in the recent years. In order to increase the spectrum utilization, cognitive radio makes it possible for unlicensed users to access the spectrum unoccupied by licensed users. Cognitive radio let the equipments more intelligent to communicate with each other in a spectrum-aware manner and provide a new approach for the co-existence of multiple wireless systems. The goal of this book is to provide highlights of the current research topics in the field of cognitive radio systems. The book consists of 17 chapters, addressing various problems in cognitive radio systems


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    The world has witnessed the development of many wireless systems and applications. In addition to the large number of existing devices, such development of new and advanced wireless systems increases rapidly the demand for more radio spectrum. The radio spectrum is a limited natural resource; however, it has been observed that it is not efficiently utilized. Consequently, different dynamic spectrum access techniques have been proposed as solutions for such an inefficient use of the spectrum. Cognitive Radio (CR) is a promising intelligent technology that can identify the unoccupied portions of spectrum and opportunistically uses those portions with satisfyingly high capacity and low interference to the primary users (i.e., licensed users). The CR can be distinguished from the classical radio systems mainly by its awareness about its surrounding radio frequency environment. The spectrum sensing task is the main key for such awareness. Due to many advantages, Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing system (OFDM) has been proposed as a potential candidate for the CR‟s physical layer. Additionally, the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) in an OFDM receiver supports the performance of a wide band spectrum analysis. Multitaper spectrum estimation method (MTM) is a non-coherent promising spectrum sensing technique. It tolerates problems related to bad biasing and large variance of power estimates. This thesis focuses, generally, on the local, multi antenna based, and global cooperative spectrum sensing techniques at physical layer in OFDM-based CR systems. It starts with an investigation on the performance of using MTM and MTM with singular value decomposition in CR networks using simulation. The Optimal MTM parameters are then found. The optimal MTM based detector theoretical formulae are derived. Different optimal and suboptimal multi antenna based spectrum sensing techniques are proposed to improve the local spectrum sensing performance. Finally, a new concept of cooperative spectrum sensing is introduced, and new strategies are proposed to optimize the hard cooperative spectrum sensing in CR networks. The MTM performance is controlled by the half time bandwidth product and number of tapers. In this thesis, such parameters have been optimized using Monte Carlo simulation. The binary hypothesis test, here, is developed to ensure that the effect of choosing optimum MTM parameters is based upon performance evaluation. The results show how these optimal parameters give the highest performance with minimum complexity when MTM is used locally at CR. The optimal MTM based detector has been derived using Neyman-Pearson criterion. That includes probabilities of detection, false alarm and misses detection approximate derivations in different wireless environments. The threshold and number of sensed samples controlling is based on this theoretical work. In order to improve the local spectrum sensing performance at each CR, in the CR network, multi antenna spectrum sensing techniques are proposed using MTM and MTM with singular value decomposition in this thesis. The statistical theoretical formulae of the proposed techniques are derived including the different probabilities. ii The proposed techniques include optimal, that requires prior information about the primary user signal, and two suboptimal multi antenna spectrum sensing techniques having similar performances with different computation complexity; these do not need prior information about the primary user signalling. The work here includes derivations for the periodogram multi antenna case. Finally, in hard cooperative spectrum sensing, the cooperation optimization is necessary to improve the overall performance, and/or minimize the number of data to be sent to the main CR-base station. In this thesis, a new optimization method based on optimizing the number of locally sensed samples at each CR is proposed with two different strategies. Furthermore, the different factors that affect the hard cooperative spectrum sensing optimization are investigated and analysed and a new cooperation scheme in spectrum sensing, the master node, is proposed.Ministry of Interior-Kingdom of Saudi Arabi

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationWireless communications pervade all avenues of modern life. The rapid expansion of wireless services has increased the need for transmission schemes that are more spectrally efficient. Dynamic spectrum access (DSA) systems attempt to address this need by building a network where the spectrum is used opportunistically by all users based on local and regional measurements of its availability. One of the principal requirements in DSA systems is to initialize and maintain a control channel to link the nodes together. This should be done even before a complete spectral usage map is available. Additionally, with more users accessing the spectrum, it is important to maintain a stable link in the presence of significant interference in emergency first-responders, rescue, and defense applications. In this thesis, a new multicarrier spread spectrum (MC-SS) technique based on filter banks is presented. The new technique is called filter bank multicarrier spread spectrum (FB-MC-SS). A detailed theory of the underlying properties of this signal are given, with emphasis on the properties that lend themselves to synchronization at the receiver. Proposed algorithms for synchronization, channel estimation, and detection are implemented on a software-defined radio platform to complete an FB-MC-SS transceiver and to prove the practicality of the technique. FB-MC-SS is shown through physical experimentation to be significantly more robust to partial band interference compared to direct sequence spread spectrum. With a higher power interfering signal occupying 90% of its band, FB-MC-SS maintains a low bit error rate. Under the same interference conditions, DS-SS fails completely. This experimentation leads to a theoretical analysis that shows in a frequency selective channel with additive white noise, the FB-MC-SS system has performance that equals that obtained by a DS-SS system employing an optimal rake receiver. This thesis contains a detailed chapter on implementation and design, including lessons learned while prototyping the system. This is to assist future system designers to quickly gain proficiency in further development of this technology

    Facilitating Flexible Link Layer Protocols for Future Wireless Communication Systems

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    This dissertation addresses the problem of designing link layer protocols which are flexible enough to accommodate the demands offuture wireless communication systems (FWCS).We show that entire link layer protocols with diverse requirements and responsibilities can be composed out of reconfigurable and reusable components.We demonstrate this by designing and implementinga novel concept termed Flexible Link Layer (FLL) architecture.Through extensive simulations and practical experiments, we evaluate a prototype of the suggested architecture in both fixed-spectrumand dynamic spectrum access (DSA) networks. FWCS are expected to overcome diverse challenges including the continual growthin traffic volume and number of connected devices.Furthermore, they are envisioned to support a widerange of new application requirements and operating conditions.Technology trends, including smart homes, communicating machines, and vehicularnetworks, will not only grow on a scale that once was unimaginable, they will also become the predominant communication paradigm, eventually surpassing today's human-produced network traffic. In order for this to become reality, today's systems have to evolve in many ways.They have to exploit allocated resources in a more efficient and energy-conscious manner.In addition to that, new methods for spectrum access and resource sharingneed to be deployed.Having the diversification of applications and network conditions in mind, flexibility at all layers of a communication system is of paramount importance in order to meet the desired goals. However, traditional communication systems are often designed with specific and distinct applications in mind. Therefore, system designers can tailor communication systems according to fixedrequirements and operating conditions, often resulting in highly optimized but inflexible systems.Among the core problems of such design is the mix of data transfer and management aspects.Such a combination of concerns clearly hinders the reuse and extension of existing protocols. To overcome this problem, the key idea explored in this dissertation is a component-based design to facilitate the development of more flexible and versatile link layer protocols.Specifically, the FLL architecture, suggested in this dissertation, employs a generic, reconfigurable data transfer protocol around which one or more complementary protocols, called link layer applications, are responsible for management-related aspects of the layer. To demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach, we have designed andimplemented a prototype of the FLL architecture on the basis ofa reconfigurable software defined radio (SDR) testbed.Employing the SDR prototype as well as computer simulations, thisdissertation describes various experiments used to examine a range of link layerprotocols for both fixed-spectrum and DSA networks. This dissertation firstly outlines the challenges faced by FWCSand describes DSA as a possible technology component for their construction.It then specifies the requirements for future DSA systemsthat provide the basis for our further considerations.We then review the background on link layer protocols, surveyrelated work on the construction of flexible protocol frameworks,and compare a range of actual link layer protocols and algorithms.Based on the results of this analysis, we design, implement, and evaluatethe FLL architecture and a selection of actual link layer protocols. We believe the findings of this dissertation add substantively to the existing literature on link layer protocol design and are valuable for theoreticians and experimentalists alike

    Spectrum sensing and occupancy prediction for cognitive machine-to-machine wireless networks

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire, in partial fulfil ment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)The rapid growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) introduces an additional challenge to the existing spectrum under-utilisation problem as large scale deployments of thousands devices are expected to require wireless connectivity. Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) has been proposed as a means of improving the spectrum utilisation of wireless systems. Based on the Cognitive Radio (CR) paradigm, DSA enables unlicensed spectrum users to sense their spectral environment and adapt their operational parameters to opportunistically access any temporally unoccupied bands without causing interference to the primary spectrum users. In the same context, CR inspired Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications have recently been proposed as a potential solution to the spectrum utilisation problem, which has been driven by the ever increasing number of interconnected devices. M2M communications introduce new challenges for CR in terms of operational environments and design requirements. With spectrum sensing being the key function for CR, this thesis investigates the performance of spectrum sensing and proposes novel sensing approaches and models to address the sensing problem for cognitive M2M deployments. In this thesis, the behaviour of Energy Detection (ED) spectrum sensing for cognitive M2M nodes is modelled using the two-wave with dffi use power fading model. This channel model can describe a variety of realistic fading conditions including worse than Rayleigh scenarios that are expected to occur within the operational environments of cognitive M2M communication systems. The results suggest that ED based spectrum sensing fails to meet the sensing requirements over worse than Rayleigh conditions and consequently requires the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) to be increased by up to 137%. However, by employing appropriate diversity and node cooperation techniques, the sensing performance can be improved by up to 11.5dB in terms of the required SNR. These results are particularly useful in analysing the eff ects of severe fading in cognitive M2M systems and thus they can be used to design effi cient CR transceivers and to quantify the trade-o s between detection performance and energy e fficiency. A novel predictive spectrum sensing scheme that exploits historical data of past sensing events to predict channel occupancy is proposed and analysed. This approach allows CR terminals to sense only the channels that are predicted to be unoccupied rather than the whole band of interest. Based on this approach, a spectrum occupancy predictor is developed and experimentally validated. The proposed scheme achieves a prediction accuracy of up to 93% which in turn can lead to up to 84% reduction of the spectrum sensing cost. Furthermore, a novel probabilistic model for describing the channel availability in both the vertical and horizontal polarisations is developed. The proposed model is validated based on a measurement campaign for operational scenarios where CR terminals may change their polarisation during their operation. A Gaussian approximation is used to model the empirical channel availability data with more than 95% confi dence bounds. The proposed model can be used as a means of improving spectrum sensing performance by using statistical knowledge on the primary users occupancy pattern

    Experimental analysis and proof-of-concept of distributed mechanisms for local area wireless networks

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    I/Q Imbalance in Multiantenna Systems: Modeling, Analysis and RF-Aware Digital Beamforming

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    Wireless communications has experienced an unprecedented increase in data rates, numbers of active devices and selection of applications during recent years. However, this is expected to be just a start for future developments where a wireless connection is seen as a fundamental resource for almost any electrical device, no matter where and when it is operating. Since current radio technologies cannot provide such services with reasonable costs or even at all, a multitude of technological developments will be needed. One of the most important subjects, in addition to higher bandwidths and flexible network functionalities, is the exploitation of multiple antennas in base stations (BSs) as well as in user equipment (UEs). That kind of multiantenna communications can boost the capacity of an individual UE-BS link through spatial antenna multiplexing and increase the quality as well as robustness of the link via antenna diversity. Multiantenna technologies provide improvements also on the network level through spatial UE multiplexing and sophisticated interference management. Additionally, multiple antennas can provide savings in terms of the dissipated power since transmission and reception can be steered more efficiently in space, and thus power leakage to other directions is decreased. However, several issues need to be considered in order to get multiantenna technologies widely spread. First, antennas and the associated transceiver chains are required to be simple and implementable with low costs. Second, size of the antennas and transceivers need to be minimized. Finally, power consumption of the system must be kept under control. The importance of these requirements is even emphasized when considering massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems consisting of devices equipped with tens or even hundreds of antennas.In this thesis, we consider multiantenna devices where the associated transceiver chains are implemented in such a way that the requirements above can be met. In particular, we focus on the direct-conversion transceiver principle which is seen as a promising radio architecture for multiantenna systems due to its low costs, small size, low power consumption and good flexibility. Whereas these aspects are very promising, direct-conversion transceivers have also some disadvantages and are vulnerable to certain imperfections in the analog radio frequency (RF) electronics in particular. Since the effects of these imperfections usually get even worse when optimizing costs of the devices, the scope of the thesis is on the effects and mitigation of one of the most severe RF imperfection, namely in-phase/quadrature (I/Q) imbalance.Contributions of the thesis can be split into two main themes. First of them is multiantenna narrowband beamforming under transmitter (TX) and receiver (RX) I/Q imbalances. We start by creating a model for the signals at the TX and RX, both under I/Q imbalances. Based on these models we derive analytical expressions for the antenna array radiation patterns and notice that I/Q imbalance distorts not only the signals but also the radiation characteristics of the array. After that, stemming from the nature of the distortion, we utilize widely-linear (WL) processing, where the signals and their complex conjugates are processed jointly, for the beamforming task under I/Q imbalance. Such WL processing with different kind of statistical and adaptive beamforming algorithms is finally shown to provide a flexible operation as well as distortion-free signals and radiation patterns when being under various I/Q imbalance schemes.The second theme extends the work to wideband systems utilizing orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM)-based waveforms. The focus is on uplink communications and BS RX processing in a multiuser MIMO (MU-MIMO) scheme where spatial UE multiplexing is applied and further UE multiplexing takes place in frequency domain through the orthogonal frequency-division multiple access (OFDMA) principle. Moreover, we include the effects of external co-channel interference into our analysis in order to model the challenges in heterogeneous networks. We formulate a flexible signal model for a generic uplink scheme where I/Q imbalance occurs on both TX and RX sides. Based on the model, we analyze the signal distortion in frequency domain and develop augmented RX processing methods which process signals at mirror subcarrier pairs jointly. Additionally, the proposed augmented methods are numerically shown to outperform corresponding per-subcarrier method in terms of the instantaneous signal-to-interference-and-noise ratio (SINR). Finally, we address some practical aspects and conclude that the augmented processing principle is a promising tool for RX processing in multiantenna wideband systems under I/Q imbalance.The thesis provides important insight for development of future radio networks. In particular, the results can be used as such for implementing digital signal processing (DSP)-based RF impairment mitigation in real world transceivers. Moreover, the results can be used as a starting point for future research concerning, e.g., joint effects of multiple RF impairments and their mitigation in multiantenna systems. Overall, this thesis and the associated publications can help the communications society to reach the ambitious aim of flexible, low-cost and high performance radio networks in the future