49 research outputs found

    Pornografía infantil online: una revisión literaria de enfoque cultural

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    Due to the Internet expansion around the world, child pornography is internationally considered as a crime, but we are uncertain of whether culture has some impact on it. The objective of the present review was to explore cultural aspects included in literature as key variables to analyse this type of crimes, using Hofstede’s cultural dimensions (2010) as theoretical framework. A total of 125 papers on pornography (period: 2003-2016) were found in Web of Science®; but only 50 contain some implicit or explicit cultural references. The results showed few cultural variables considered for the scientific approach to child pornography, being the country of birth or race the mainly only ones considered. The major contribution of our research highlights the importance to incorporate the cultural dimension in the police task to assess the indicators that determine the risk factors in aggressors. In this sense, the present research contributes to hypothesize probable cultural differences when using tools as the Kent Internet Risk Assessment Tool (KIRAT) in the European context.ResumenLa eclosión de Internet a nivel mundial ha facilitado la diseminación de pornografía infantil, siendo esta consi­derada un crimen a escala internacional. Por ello, hemos considerado relevante analizar los aspectos culturales vinculados a este delito. El objetivo de la presente inves­tigación ha sido explorar los aspectos culturales incluidos en la literatura científica como variables clave para anali­zar este tipo de delitos, partiendo de las dimensiones culturales de Hofstede (2010) como marco teórico. Du­rante los años 2003 a 2016 se han publicado un total de 125 artículos sobre pornografía en la Web of Science®, si bien sólo 50 de ellos contenían referencias culturales implícitas o explícitas. Los resultados mostraron que son pocas las variables culturales consideradas, siendo el país de nacimiento o la raza las principalmente incluidas. El principal resultado de nuestra investigación constata la importancia de incorporar la dimensión cultural en el tra­bajo policial al establecer los indicadores que determinan el factor de riesgo en agresores. En este sentido, en el contexto europeo, herramientas como la Kent Internet Risk Assessment Tool (KIRAT) se han visto enriqueci­das a partir de los resultados de esta investigaciónAbstractDue to the Internet expansion around the world, child pornography is internationally considered as a crime, but we are uncertain of whether culture has some impact on it. The objective of the present review was to explore cultural aspects included in literature as key variables to analyse this type of crimes, using Hofstede’s cultural dimensions (2010) as theoretical framework. A total of 125 papers on pornography (period: 2003-2016) were found in Web of Science®; but only 50 contain some implicit or explicit cultural references. The results showed few cultural variables considered for the scientific approach to child pornography, being the country of birth or race the mainly only ones considered. The major contribution of our research highlights the importance to incorporate the cultural dimension in the police task to assess the indicators that determine the risk factors in aggressors. In this sense, the present research contributes to hypothesize probable cultural differences when using tools as the Kent Internet Risk Assessment Tool (KIRAT) in the European context.

    Individual differences and the psychology of film preferences

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    A wealth of research has highlighted the importance of understanding individual differences in the uses and effects of the mass media. However, significantly less attention has been paid to the role of individual differences in the area of film use and preferences. This thesis sought to provide more insight into the area of movie consumption, whilst investigating the links between individual differences, movie- watching motives and film preferences. The thesis also sought to amalgamate some of the more common methods of analysing individual differences with a new measure, namely the Uses of Film Inventory, a self-report questionnaire which was designed to assess individual’s choices for specific genres of films. The investigation aimed to make a contribution to research in two areas. The first was within the field of individual differences research, by providing a more methodical understanding of how film preferences can be accounted for as a function of important psychological needs. The second is within the applied field of media psychology, by providing researchers with an understanding of both the uses and effects of the mass media, as well as interpretative methods in understanding consumer behaviour in film. The theoretical chapter comprised of a thorough literature review of the theoretical and methodological foundations to the scientific understanding of the psychological determinants of individual differences in film preferences. The experimental chapters explored several possibilities in which established personality traits and movie- watching motives may be linked to preferences for a variety of film genres. Overall, it was concluded that when all of the psychological measures were considered, a number of variables could account for the role in predicting movie preferences. Thus, taken as a whole, this thesis demonstrates that a number of personality variables and movie-watching motives can, to some degree, predict film preferences. However, it must also be acknowledged that although these variables are an important factor in predicting consumer choice in film, other factors must be essential. Thus, further research is essential to answer the outstanding questions generated by this relatively new field of research.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Individual Differences and The Psychology of Film Preferences

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    A wealth of research has highlighted the importance of understanding individual differences in the uses and effects of the mass media. However, significantly less attention has been paid to the role of individual differences in the area of film use and preferences. This thesis sought to provide more insight into the area of movie consumption, whilst investigating the links between individual differences, movie- watching motives and film preferences. The thesis also sought to amalgamate some of the more common methods of analysing individual differences with a new measure, namely the Uses of Film Inventory, a self-report questionnaire which was designed to assess individual’s choices for specific genres of films. The investigation aimed to make a contribution to research in two areas. The first was within the field of individual differences research, by providing a more methodical understanding of how film preferences can be accounted for as a function of important psychological needs. The second is within the applied field of media psychology, by providing researchers with an understanding of both the uses and effects of the mass media, as well as interpretative methods in understanding consumer behaviour in film. The theoretical chapter comprised of a thorough literature review of the theoretical and methodological foundations to the scientific understanding of the psychological determinants of individual differences in film preferences. The experimental chapters explored several possibilities in which established personality traits and movie- watching motives may be linked to preferences for a variety of film genres. Overall, it was concluded that when all of the psychological measures were considered, a number of variables could account for the role in predicting movie preferences. Thus, taken as a whole, this thesis demonstrates that a number of personality variables and movie-watching motives can, to some degree, predict film preferences. However, it must also be acknowledged that although these variables are an important factor in predicting consumer choice in film, other factors must be essential. Thus, further research is essential to answer the outstanding questions generated by this relatively new field of research

    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity symptoms, impulsivity, and cyberdeviance in an adult population

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    Previous research suggests a link between Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and criminal behaviour. The present study explored the relationship between ADHD symptoms and cyberdeviance. 170 participants completed an online questionnaire measuring computer crime behaviour, ADHD symptoms, and impulsivity. A statistically significant relationship was found between cyberdeviance, ADHD symptoms and impulsivity. Regression analysis showed that hyperactivity and gender (male) could predict self-reported computer crime. Our findings suggest a role of individual differences in cybercrime, thus leading to the development of potential interventions and preventive mechanisms

    Internet and Smartphone Use-Related Addiction Health Problems: Treatment, Education and Research

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    This Special Issue presents some of the main emerging research on technological topics of health and education approaches to Internet use-related problems, before and during the beginning of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The objective is to provide an overview to facilitate a comprehensive and practical approach to these new trends to promote research, interventions, education, and prevention. It contains 40 papers, four reviews and thirty-five empirical papers and an editorial introducing everything in a rapid review format. Overall, the empirical ones are of a relational type, associating specific behavioral addictive problems with individual factors, and a few with contextual factors, generally in adult populations. Many have adapted scales to measure these problems, and a few cover experiments and mixed methods studies. The reviews tend to be about the concepts and measures of these problems, intervention options, and prevention. In summary, it seems that these are a global culture trend impacting health and educational domains. Internet use-related addiction problems have emerged in almost all societies, and strategies to cope with them are under development to offer solutions to these contemporary challenges, especially during the pandemic situation that has highlighted the global health problems that we have, and how to holistically tackle them

    Poređenje bazične strukture socijalnih stavova odraslih i adolescenata

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    The status of 10 Latin American countries regarding the traffic of online child pornography was explored, focusing on Uruguay, in the 2011 annual period and the first eight months of 2012. The software “Florencio” allowed to trace the downloading of child porn contents in “peer to peer” (p2p) Ares Galaxy (Ares) platform. Additionally, the Internet addresses (IPs) involved were identified. Uruguayan results suggest that the increased download is concentrated in the summer time. The presence of a possible download stimulating factor linked with the spread of the topic in the mass media can be seen, as well as a rising trend of the activity. The “Participation in the Online Child Downloading Pornographic Content” rate (PDMPIO) was constructed for research purposes. It shows the number of people who have downloaded at least one file tagged as online child pornography for every 20,000 residents with Internet access. In this sense, Uruguay has the highest rate among the 10 countries explored.Se exploró el estado del flujo de material pornográfico infantil online en 10 países latinoamericanos, con especial atención a Uruguay, en el período anual 2011 y primeros ochos meses 2012. A partir del software especializado “Florencio”, se emprendió el rastreo de la descarga de archivos identificados con contenido pornográfico infantil en la plataforma de intercambio de tipo “punto a punto” (p2p) Ares Galaxy (Ares). A su vez, se discriminaron todas las direcciones de Internet (IP) geo-referenciadas involucradas. En 2011, los resultados para Uruguay sugieren que la mayor descarga se concentra en los meses estivales. Se advierte que la difusión de la problemática en los medios de comunicación podría constituir un factor estimulante en el incremento de las descargas. Además, se observa la tendencia de aumento neto en la actividad, señalado por todas las fuentes de información directas consultadas. Se construyó la tasa “Participación en la Descarga de Material Pornográfico Infantil Online” (PDMPIO); la misma, señala la cantidad de habitantes que han descargado al menos un archivo con contenido pornográfico infantil por cada 20.000, habitantes con acceso a Internet. Uruguay posee la mayor tasa PDMPIO entre los 10 países explorados

    Does Anyone Really Like Horror Movies? Personality and Automatic Affective Reactions to Frightening Films

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    I sought to explain why many people willingly expose themselves to apparently unpleasant media, such as horror movies. Participants (N = 133) completed a modified version of the Affect Misattribution Procedure (AMP; Payne et al., 2005), which assessed initial affective reactions to screenshots from movies that were either frightening or neutral. The time between exposure to the screenshots and assessment of affect was either short (100 ms) or long (1000 ms). Explicit attitudes about the movies and about the horror genre were also assessed, in addition to the following personality variables: The Big Five, Machiavellianism (from the Supernumerary Personality Inventory), Sensation Seeking, and Psychopathy. There was little evidence for a direct connection between implicit reactions and explicit attitudes, but I found overall support for an aftermath- based model of horror enjoyment, in which affect gets increasingly positive after a horrific stimulus has been removed from the screen. However, this relief-like pattern was moderated by Agreeableness and Sensation Seeking. Personality correlates of horror liking (both explicit and implicit) were examined. Furthermore, gender differences supported a gender socialization theory of reactions to frightening media. Theoretical implications and practical applications are discussed

    Unethical internet behaviour among students in high education institutions: a systematic literature review

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    The modern internet era has several advantages and disadvantages, including the advent of immoral Internet conduct in addition to better, quicker, and increased working capacity in less time. Even though the area of study on unethical Internet activity has advanced, systematic literature reviews from a comprehensive perspective on unethical Internet behaviour among university students are still lacking. As a result, this systematic literature will provide theoretical foundation that address the following research questions: RQ1-How are unethical Internet behaviours among university students classified; RQ2-What are the various theoretical lenses that are used in unethical Internet behaviour research; RQ3-What demographic and risk factors are involved in unethical Internet behaviour research; and RQ4-What are the challenges and research opportunities for unethical Internet behaviour research within university settings? To respond to a formulated set of research questions, a total of 64 publications that were published between 2010 and 2020 underwent a systematic review. The study illustrates how university students’ unethical Internet activity is categorised. This study offers a comprehensive grasp of the factors that affect unethical Internet behaviour and an overview of the theories that have been utilised to explain and forecast unethical Internet behaviours in this sector. This study discusses literature gaps for future research to contribute to human ethical behavioural studies

    An existential-phenomenological inquiry into self-perceived pornography addiction

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    Despite scientific and clinical interest in problematic pornography use as a type of behavioural addiction, little is known about the qualitative characteristics of self-perceived pornography addiction. The goal of this study is to enhance the understanding of pornography addiction from the perspective of users who consider themselves addicted. To this end, semi-structured interviews were carried out with ten male participants in therapy for pornography addiction. Interpretative phenomenological analysis was applied to data gathered from the interviews to capture the essential features of their experiences. The findings demonstrate that self-perceived pornography addiction is a multi-faceted phenomenon, involving physical, psychological, behavioural, relational and ethical difficulties. Despite physical pain and instrumental treatment of one’s own body, pornography consumption is perceived as a highly valued form of intimacy-free sexual conduct. The study shows that self-perceived addiction entails an alienated way of being with the focus on the self and intensely negative emotionality in the form of self-directed hostility and adverse self-perceptions. Conceptualising the experience in terms of addiction provides the self-perceived pornography addicts with a set of explanations and justifications for their behaviour. This understanding, however, raises a number of concerns, including a deep fear of stigma, the belief that addiction to pornography is particularly difficult to overcome and the assumption that their problems are perceived by others as a form of self-indulgence rather than genuine difficulty. The study adds to the knowledge of the phenomenon, which is predominantly explanatory in nature, by revealing new qualitative characteristics and offering insights rooted in the lived experience. In the absence of evidence-based recommendations and guidance for practitioners, it has the potential to inform clinical practice of clinical psychologists working with clients who experience problems with pornography consumption