7 research outputs found

    Low Computational Cost for Sample Entropy

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    Sample Entropy is the most popular definition of entropy and is widely used as a measure of the regularity/complexity of a time series. On the other hand, it is a computationally expensive method which may require a large amount of time when used in long series or with a large number of signals. The computationally intensive part is the similarity check between points in m dimensional space. In this paper, we propose new algorithms or extend already proposed ones, aiming to compute Sample Entropy quickly. All algorithms return exactly the same value for Sample Entropy, and no approximation techniques are used. We compare and evaluate them using cardiac inter-beat (RR) time series. We investigate three algorithms. The first one is an extension of the kd-trees algorithm, customized for Sample Entropy. The second one is an extension of an algorithm initially proposed for Approximate Entropy, again customized for Sample Entropy, but also improved to present even faster results. The last one is a completely new algorithm, presenting the fastest execution times for specific values of m, r, time series length, and signal characteristics. These algorithms are compared with the straightforward implementation, directly resulting from the definition of Sample Entropy, in order to give a clear image of the speedups achieved. All algorithms assume the classical approach to the metric, in which the maximum norm is used. The key idea of the two last suggested algorithms is to avoid unnecessary comparisons by detecting them early. We use the term unnecessary to refer to those comparisons for which we know a priori that they will fail at the similarity check. The number of avoided comparisons is proved to be very large, resulting in an analogous large reduction of execution time, making them the fastest algorithms available today for the computation of Sample Entropy

    A Super Fast Algorithm for Estimating Sample Entropy

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    : Sample entropy, an approximation of the Kolmogorov entropy, was proposed to characterize complexity of a time series, which is essentially defined as − log(B/A), where B denotes the number of matched template pairs with length m and A denotes the number of matched template pairs with m + 1, for a predetermined positive integer m. It has been widely used to analyze physiological signals. As computing sample entropy is time consuming, the box-assisted, bucket-assisted, x-sort, assisted sliding box, and kd-tree-based algorithms were proposed to accelerate its computation. These algorithms require O(N2) or O(N2− 1/m+1 ) computational complexity, where N is the length of the time series analyzed. When N is big, the computational costs of these algorithms are large. We propose a super fast algorithm to estimate sample entropy based on Monte Carlo, with computational costs independent of N (the length of the time series) and the estimation converging to the exact sample entropy as the number of repeating experiments becomes large. The convergence rate of the algorithm is also established. Numerical experiments are performed for electrocardiogram time series, electroencephalogram time series, cardiac inter-beat time series, mechanical vibration signals (MVS), meteorological data (MD), and 1/ f noise. Numerical results show that the proposed algorithm can gain 100–1000 times speedup compared to the kd-tree and assisted sliding box algorithms while providing satisfactory approximate accuracy

    Fuzzy and Sample Entropies as Predictors of Patient Survival Using Short Ventricular Fibrillation Recordings during out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest

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    [EN] Optimal defibrillation timing guided by ventricular fibrillation (VF) waveform analysis would contribute to improved survival of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) patients by minimizing myocardial damage caused by futile defibrillation shocks and minimizing interruptions to cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Recently, fuzzy entropy (FuzzyEn) tailored to jointly measure VF amplitude and regularity has been shown to be an efficient defibrillation success predictor. In this study, 734 shocks from 296 OHCA patients (50 survivors) were analyzed, and the embedding dimension (m) and matching tolerance (r) for FuzzyEn and sample entropy (SampEn) were adjusted to predict defibrillation success and patient survival. Entropies were significantly larger in successful shocks and in survivors, and when compared to the available methods, FuzzyEn presented the best prediction results, marginally outperforming SampEn. The sensitivity and specificity of FuzzyEn were 83.3% and 76.7% when predicting defibrillation success, and 83.7% and 73.5% for patient survival. Sensitivities and specificities were two points above those of the best available methods, and the prediction accuracy was kept even for VF intervals as short as 2s. These results suggest that FuzzyEn and SampEn may be promising tools for optimizing the defibrillation time and predicting patient survival in OHCA patients presenting VF.This work received financial support from Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad and jointly with the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), projects TEC2015-64678-R and DPI2017-83952-C3; from UPV/EHU through the grant PIF15/190 and through project GIU17/031; from the Basque Government through grant PRE-2016-1-0012; and from Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha through SBPLY/17/180501/000411.Chicote, B.; Irusta, U.; Aramendi, E.; Alcaraz, R.; Rieta, JJ.; Isasi, I.; Alonso, D.... (2018). Fuzzy and Sample Entropies as Predictors of Patient Survival Using Short Ventricular Fibrillation Recordings during out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest. Entropy. 20(8):1-25. https://doi.org/10.3390/e20080591S125208Gräsner, J.-T., Lefering, R., Koster, R. W., Masterson, S., Böttiger, B. W., Herlitz, J., … Maurer, H. (2016). EuReCa ONE⿿27 Nations, ONE Europe, ONE Registry. Resuscitation, 105, 188-195. doi:10.1016/j.resuscitation.2016.06.004Benjamin, E. J., Virani, S. S., Callaway, C. W., Chamberlain, A. M., Chang, A. R., Cheng, S., … Deo, R. (2018). Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics—2018 Update: A Report From the American Heart Association. Circulation, 137(12). doi:10.1161/cir.0000000000000558Rubart, M. (2005). Mechanisms of sudden cardiac death. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 115(9), 2305-2315. doi:10.1172/jci26381Zoll, P. M. (1952). Resuscitation of the Heart in Ventricular Standstill by External Electric Stimulation. 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    Single-lead electrocardiogram quality assessment in the context of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation through phase space plots

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    [EN] Current wearable electrocardiogram (ECG) recording systems have great potential to revolutionize early diagnosis of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF). They are able to continuously acquire an ECG signal for long weeks and then increase the probability of detecting first brief, intermittent signs of the arrhythmia. However, the recorded signal is often broadly corrupted by noise and artifacts, and accurate assessment of its quality to avoid automated misdiagnosis and false alarms of AF is still an unsolved challenge. In this context, the present work is pioneer in exploring the usefulness of transforming the single-lead ECG signal into two common phase space (PS) representations, such as the Poincare plot and the first order difference graph, for evaluation of its quality. Several machine and deep learning models fed with features and images derived from these PS portraits reported a better performance than well-known previous methods, even when they were trained and validated on two separate databases. Indeed, in binary classification of high- and low-quality ECG excerpts, the generated PS-based algorithms reported a discriminant power greater than 85%, misclassifying less than 20% of high-quality AF episodes and non -normal rhythms as noisy excerpts. Moreover, because both PS reconstructions do not require any mathematical transformation, these algorithms also spent much less time in classifying each ECG excerpt in validation and testing stages than previous methods. As a consequence, ECG transformation to both PS portraits enables novel, simple, effective, and computational low-cost techniques, based both on machine and deep learning classifiers, for ECG quality assessment.This research has received financial support from Daiichi Sankyo SLU and from public grants PID2021-00X128525-IV0, PID2021-12380 4OB-I00, and TED2021-130935B-I00 of the Spanish Government 10.13039/501100011033 jointly with the European Regional Development Fund (EU) , SBPLY/21/180501/000186 from Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain, and AICO/2021/286 from Generalitat Valenciana.Huerta, A.; Martínez-Rodrigo, A.; Bertomeu-González, V.; Ayo-Martin, O.; Rieta, JJ.; Alcaraz, R. (2024). Single-lead electrocardiogram quality assessment in the context of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation through phase space plots. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 91. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bspc.2023.1059209

    The structure of chaos: an empirical comparison of fractal physiology complexity indices using NeuroKit2

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    Complexity quantification, through entropy, information theory and fractal dimension indices, is gaining a renewed traction in psychophsyiology, as new measures with promising qualities emerge from the computational and mathematical advances. Unfortunately, few studies compare the relationship and objective performance of the plethora of existing metrics, in turn hindering reproducibility, replicability, consistency, and clarity in the field. Using the NeuroKit2 Python software, we computed a list of 112 (predominantly used) complexity indices on signals varying in their characteristics (noise, length and frequency spectrum). We then systematically compared the indices by their computational weight, their representativeness of a multidimensional space of latent dimensions, and empirical proximity with other indices. Based on these considerations, we propose that a selection of 12 indices, together representing 85.97% of the total variance of all indices, might offer a parsimonious and complimentary choice in regards to the quantification of the complexity of time series. Our selection includes CWPEn, Line Length (LL), BubbEn, MSWPEn, MFDFA (Max), Hjorth Complexity, SVDEn, MFDFA (Width), MFDFA (Mean), MFDFA (Peak), MFDFA (Fluctuation), AttEn. Elements of consideration for alternative subsets are discussed, and data, analysis scripts and code for the figures are open-source