3,232 research outputs found

    Практика по Lotus Organizer

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    Практика роботи з програмами взагалі, показала, що 80% питань виникають із- за нерозуміння оператором відсутності інтелекту у програми. Машина зробить тільки те, що ви їй скажете і зробить тільки так, як ви їй скажете! Із- за цього не варто обвинувачувати будильник у тому, що він не дзвонив, подивіться, чи завели його взагалі.Lotus Organizer - це персональна інформаційна система, можна навіть сказати - особистий електронний секретар, що працює саме так, як ви його запрограмували. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2931Lotus Organizer - это персональная информационная система, можно даже сказать - личный электронный секретарь, который работает именно так, как вы его запрограммировали. При цитировании документа, используйте ссылку http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2931Lotus Organizer is the personal informative system, it is possible even to say is the personal electronic secretary which works just like this, as you programed him. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2931Відкритий міжнародний університет розвитку людини «Україна

    Occurrence of a Nucleolar-Like Body in Lotus Corniculatus L.

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    A genotype of the variety Empire Lotus corniculatus L. was found containing an organelle which appeared as an extra nucleolus within the nucleus. In microspore mother cells this organelle first appeared at early prophase I, staining much more intensely than the normal nucleolus and remained until mid-diakinesis, at which time it disappeared. This cycle coincided with that of the normal nucleolus. It has not been determined if the nucleolar-like body arises from a nucleolar organizer as does the normal nucleolus. This organelle was not associated with any chromosome in 16 per cent of the microspore mother cells examined at stages from pachynema to diakinesis. This nucleolar- like body was transmitted through the pollen of a plant containing the organelle. The pattern of inheritance of this organelle is presently under study

    Evolution and Competition in the Market for Handheld Computers

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    Since the early 1990s, electronic organisers or electronic agendas have been evolving towards fully fledged, but miniature, computers. This paper is a case study about this market. Uniquely, and reminiscent of the home computer market in the 1980s, this is a market for personal computers not dominated by Microsoft. Or at least, not yet. In tracking the evolution of this market, the paper points especially to the importance of networking and standardization. The market for handheld computers is a small market, compared to the units shipped in the market for PCs. Nevertheless a surprisingly large number of vendors has been and still is active in this market. During the short history of this market, there have been several periods where technological breakthroughs created expectations of huge growth, with entry by new suppliers as a result. As the dust settled, the losers either changed strategy, or left the market altogether. The paper will argue that standardization and networking are major factors in explaining competitive success and the recent growth of the industry.industrial organization ;

    Using questioning as a strategy intervention to increase reading comprehension in adequate decoders but poor comprehenders: a case study

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    A problem that many students who are adequate decoders but poor comprehenders (word callers) have in reading comprehension regards the explicit use of reading strategies. Research in explicit metacognitive strategy training has shown improvements in the area of reading comprehension for these unique students. The present study examined explicit strategy instruction of questioning to help the targeted student increase reading comprehension. A third grade student who reads accurately and fluently but has reading comprehension difficulties was exposed to the explicit teaching of the reading comprehension strategy: questioning. The intervention targeted both implicit and explicit questioning through explicit modeling, think alouds, scaffolding, and the use of graphic organizers. Each week of the six week intervention focused on a different teaching point such as spontaneous questioning, asking before, during, and after questions, coding the answers to those questions, and inferencing/synthesizing the new information. The impact of this reading strategy intervention was measured by the Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment, the Qualitative Reading Inventory, and a student essay for comparison. The growth from fall to winter Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment records indicated an increase of 75% in literal and 50% for inferential reading comprehension. The Qualitative Reading Inventory also indicated a 25% increase in both explicit and implicit reading comprehension as well as a 23% increase in retelling. Evidence from the post-test short essay, the Star Llama (Mike, 2003) showed that the student increased use of reading comprehension strategies when compared to the pre-test. The additions to the post-interventio

    InfoTech Update, Volume 6, Number 1, January/February 1997

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    Staff Training Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 3

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    Analisis Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen pada Indika Kreasindo Event Organizer Pekanbaru

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    The best service and quality is very helpful in order to maintain consumer Indika Kreasindo Event Organizer. The aim of this study was to determine the quality of services provided by Indika Kreasindo Event Organizer to their subscriber gaps between customer expectations regarding the quality of services provided by the company to the customer. This study was conducted by distributing questionnaires to customers Indika Kreasindo Event Organizer randomly selected to obtain the original data on expectations and performance that can indicate the level of customer satisfaction. This questionnaire is a tool used in the method servqual (Parasuraman et.al), consists of 30 of the questions that have been adapted to Indika Kreasindo event organizer and have tested the validity and relibitasi expectations and performance of the 72 consumers.From the research that has been done, the quality of service is obtained consisting of physical evidence (tangible), empathy (empathy), reliability (reliability), responsiveness (responsiveness), guarantee (assurance) is positive, this indicates that the quality of service Indika good Kreasindo Event Organizer partially and simultaneously meet customer expectations. In this study the most influential variable is the variable reliability (X3) with a value of 11.151. The advice given to the Event Organizer Indika Kreasindo is that maintaining the service dimension that already meet consumer expectations

    Eine Untersuchung kommerzieller Terminverwaltungs-Software im Hinblick auf die Kopplung mit natürlichsprachlichen Systemen

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    Das Projekt COSMA (Cooperative Schedule Management Agent) verfolgt das Ziel, einen maschinellen Sekretariatsassistenten zu erstellen, der Termine mit mehreren Teilnehmern über elektronische Post in natürlicher Sprache weitgehend selbständig vereinbart. COSMA stellt natürlichsprachlichen Service für autonome maschinelle Terminplanungs-Agenten zur Verfügung. Eine Anbindung an unterschiedliche kommerzielle Softwareprodukte zur Terminverwaltung könnte die Generalisierbarkeit der in COSMA verfolgten Ansätze nachhaltig plausibel machen. In der hier dokumentierten Untersuchung wurden im Zeitraum März bis Mai 1995 auf dem deutschen Markt befindlichen Produkte untersucht und bewertet. Einige ermöglichen den Zugang zu ihren Termindaten über eine allgemeine Programmierschnittstelle; doch keines stellt Agentenfähigkeit zur Verfügung: Alle Planungs-und Entscheidungsvorgänge bleiben dem Benutzer überlassen. Eine Einbindung in COSMA ist in vielen Fällen technisch möglich, aber erst nach Entwicklung und Einbindung geeigneter Agentensysteme sinnvoll.The project COSMA (Cooperative Schedule Management Agent) is developing a machine secretarial assistent, that can autonomously schedule appointments with several participants via electronic mail in natural language. COSMA provides natural language service for autonomous appointment scheduling machine agents. Adaptation of different commercial software products for appointment management could support the claim of generality of the approaches pursued within COSMA. The study described in this document includes products available on the German market between March and May 1995. Some allow access to their appointment data via an application program interface, but no one provides any agent functionality; i.e. all planning and decision making is left to the user. For some systems, adaptation to COSMA is possible technically, but seems meaningful only after developing and adapting suitable agent systems

    Germ Cell Specification: The Evolution of a Recipe to Make Germ Cells

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    Multicellular species use gametes for their propagation. Gametes are formed from primordial germ cells (PGCs), which develop during embryogenesis. In some species, PGCs are specified by the inheritance of a RNA granule known as germ plasm. During germ cell specification, the germ plasm conveys a unique set of properties, e.g. the germ cell specific meiotic cell cycle to the PGCs. Germ plasm assembly is controlled by independently evolving organizer proteins like Oskar in Drosophila or Bucky ball in zebrafish. These organizers are intrinsically disordered proteins, which rapidly changed their amino acid sequence during evolution. A common recipe has emerged by studies on organizer proteins for animals that use germ plasm to specify their germline. Investigating the nature of these organizers might therefore provide a clue to germ cell specification in other species, which are less accessible to molecular-genetic and embryological approaches. Moreover, we might understand how the first metazoans modified their existing cellular structures from unicellular eukaryotes to ensure their reproduction