784 research outputs found

    Long-Term Prediction for T1DM Model During State-Feedback Control

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    Avoiding low glucose concentration is critically important in type-1 diabetes treatment. Predicting the future plasma glucose levels could ensure the safety of the patient. However, such estimation is no trivial task. The current paper proposes a predictor framework which stems from Unscented Kalman filter and works during closed-loop control, that can predict hazardous glucose levels in advance. Once the blood glucose concentration starts to rise, the predictor activates and estimates future glucose levels up to 3 hours, confirming whether the controller can endanger the patient. The capabilities of the framework is presented through simulations based on the SimEdu validated in-silico simulator

    Modeling and Prediction in Diabetes Physiology

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    Diabetes is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by the inability of the organism to autonomously regulate the blood glucose levels. It requires continuing medical care to prevent acute complications and to reduce the risk of long-term complications. Inadequate glucose control is associated with damage, dysfunction and failure of various organs. The management of the disease is non trivial and demanding. With today’s standards of current diabetes care, good glucose regulation needs constant attention and decision-making by the individuals with diabetes. Empowering the patients with a decision support system would, therefore, improve their quality of life without additional burdens nor replacing human expertise. This thesis investigates the use of data-driven techniques to the purpose of glucose metabolism modeling and short-term blood-glucose predictions in Type I Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM). The goal was to use models and predictors in an advisory tool able to produce personalized short-term blood glucose predictions and on-the-spot decision making concerning the most adequate choice of insulin delivery, meal intake and exercise, to help diabetic subjects maintaining glycemia as close to normal as possible. The approaches taken to describe the glucose metabolism were discrete-time and continuous-time models on input-output form and statespace form, while the blood glucose short-term predictors, i.e., up to 120 minutes ahead, used ARX-, ARMAX- and subspace-based prediction

    An Examination Of The Role Of Neurocognitive Functioning In Illness Management Among Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes

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    Children and adolescents living with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) face many challenges in their daily lives due to the extensive care tasks that the illness requires. Adolescence is a period of development in which treatment adherence and metabolic control has been found to greatly decline. Research examining correlates of this decline in self-management has tended to focus on familial and psychosocial variables such as parental involvement and T1DM-related conflict. The period of adolescence is also marked by several changes in the development of the frontal lobes and prefrontal cortex, which are areas of the brain that are central to executive functioning abilities. The present study will examine executive functioning among adolescents with T1DM to explore its relationship with treatment adherence, metabolic control, and with measures of family involvement in the management of T1DM. Eighty four adolescents diagnosed with T1DM (ages 12-18) and their parents completed the study. Parents and adolescents completed questionnaires assessing adolescents\u27 executive functioning, parental involvement, monitoring, and conflict. Adolescents completed neuropsychological measures assessing several aspects of their neuropsychological functioning including their executive functioning, intelligence, and memory. In addition to this, adolescents\u27 medical records were reviewed to collect hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) values, which represent levels of metabolic control. In general, results supported our hypotheses, in that adolescents with better developed parent and self-reported executive functions tended to display better adherence to their T1DM treatment regimen. Additionally, parent and self-reports of adolescent executive functioning were shown to be significant predictors of adherence beyond the contributions of several demographic and family functioning variables. Examination of parents\u27 contributions to adolescents\u27 T1DM management revealed that parental involvement was a significant moderator of the relationship between adolescents\u27 executive functioning and treatment adherence, such that parental involvement had a larger impact for adolescents who demonstrated poorer executive functions. Overall, the study finds support for measuring executive functioning abilities in adolescents with T1DM as a potentially important contributing factor in aiding adolescents with the complex management of this illness

    Reinforcement learning application in diabetes blood glucose control: A systematic review

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    Background: Reinforcement learning (RL) is a computational approach to understanding and automating goal-directed learning and decision-making. It is designed for problems which include a learning agent interacting with its environment to achieve a goal. For example, blood glucose (BG) control in diabetes mellitus (DM), where the learning agent and its environment are the controller and the body of the patient respectively. RL algorithms could be used to design a fully closed-loop controller, providing a truly personalized insulin dosage regimen based exclusively on the patient’s own data. Objective: In this review we aim to evaluate state-of-the-art RL approaches to designing BG control algorithms in DM patients, reporting successfully implemented RL algorithms in closed-loop, insulin infusion, decision support and personalized feedback in the context of DM. Methods: An exhaustive literature search was performed using different online databases, analyzing the literature from 1990 to 2019. In a first stage, a set of selection criteria were established in order to select the most relevant papers according to the title, keywords and abstract. Research questions were established and answered in a second stage, using the information extracted from the articles selected during the preliminary selection. Results: The initial search using title, keywords, and abstracts resulted in a total of 404 articles. After removal of duplicates from the record, 347 articles remained. An independent analysis and screening of the records against our inclusion and exclusion criteria defined in Methods section resulted in removal of 296 articles, leaving 51 relevant articles. A full-text assessment was conducted on the remaining relevant articles, which resulted in 29 relevant articles that were critically analyzed. The inter-rater agreement was measured using Cohen Kappa test, and disagreements were resolved through discussion. Conclusions: The advances in health technologies and mobile devices have facilitated the implementation of RL algorithms for optimal glycemic regulation in diabetes. However, there exists few articles in the literature focused on the application of these algorithms to the BG regulation problem. Moreover, such algorithms are designed for control tasks as BG adjustment and their use have increased recently in the diabetes research area, therefore we foresee RL algorithms will be used more frequently for BG control in the coming years. Furthermore, in the literature there is a lack of focus on aspects that influence BG level such as meal intakes and physical activity (PA), which should be included in the control problem. Finally, there exists a need to perform clinical validation of the algorithms

    Association of Basal Hyperglucagonemia with Impaired Glucagon Counterregulation in Type 1 Diabetes

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    Glucagon counterregulation (GCR) protects against hypoglycemia, but is impaired in type 1 diabetes (T1DM). A model-based analysis of in vivo animal data predicts that the GCR defects are linked to basal hyperglucagonemia. To test this hypothesis we studied the relationship between basal glucagon (BasG) and the GCR response to hypoglycemia in 29 hyperinsulinemic clamps in T1DM patients. Glucose levels were stabilized in euglycemia and then steadily lowered to 50 mg/dL. Glucagon was measured before induction of hypoglycemia and at 10 min intervals after glucose reached levels below 70 mg/dL. GCR was assessed by CumG, the cumulative glucagon levels above basal; MaxG, the maximum glucagon response; and RIG, the relative increase in glucagon over basal. Analysis of the results was performed with our mathematical model of GCR. The model describes interactions between islet peptides and glucose, reproduces the normal GCR axis and its impairment in diabetes. It was used to identify a control mechanism consistent with the observed link between BasG and GCR. Analysis of the clinical data showed that higher BasG was associated with lower GCR response. In particular, CumG and RIG correlated negatively with BasG (r = −0.46, p = 0.012 and r = −0.74, p < 0.0001 respectively) and MaxG increased linearly with BasG at a rate less than unity (p < 0.001). Consistent with these results was a model of GCR in which the secretion of glucagon has two components. The first is under (auto) feedback control and drives a pulsatile GCR and the second is feedback independent (basal secretion) and its increase suppresses the GCR. Our simulations showed that this model explains the observed relationships between BasG and GCR during a three-fold simulated increase in BasG. Our findings support the hypothesis that basal hyperglucagonemia contributes to the GCR impairment in T1DM and show that the predictive power of our GCR animal model applies to human pathophysiology in T1DM

    Deep learning methods for improving diabetes management tools

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    Diabetes is a chronic disease that is characterised by a lack of regulation of blood glucose concentration in the body, and thus elevated blood glucose levels. Consequently, affected individuals can experience extreme variations in their blood glucose levels with exogenous insulin treatment. This has associated debilitating short-term and long-term complications that affect quality of life and can result in death in the worst instance. The development of technologies such as glucose meters and, more recently, continuous glucose monitors have offered the opportunity to develop systems towards improving clinical outcomes for individuals with diabetes through better glucose control. Data-driven methods can enable the development of the next generation of diabetes management tools focused on i) informativeness ii) safety and iii) easing the burden of management. This thesis aims to propose deep learning methods for improving the functionality of the variety of diabetes technology tools available for self-management. In the pursuit of the aforementioned goals, a number of deep learning methods are developed and geared towards improving the functionality of the existing diabetes technology tools, generally classified as i) self-monitoring of blood glucose ii) decision support systems and iii) artificial pancreas. These frameworks are primarily based on the prediction of glucose concentration levels. The first deep learning framework we propose is geared towards improving the artificial pancreas and decision support systems that rely on continuous glucose monitors. We first propose a convolutional recurrent neural network (CRNN) in order to forecast the glucose concentration levels over both short-term and long-term horizons. The predictive accuracy of this model outperforms those of traditional data-driven approaches. The feasibility of this proposed approach for ambulatory use is then demonstrated with the implementation of a decision support system on a smartphone application. We further extend CRNNs to the multitask setting to explore the effectiveness of leveraging population data for developing personalised models with limited individual data. We show that this enables earlier deployment of applications without significantly compromising performance and safety. The next challenge focuses on easing the burden of management by proposing a deep learning framework for automatic meal detection and estimation. The deep learning framework presented employs multitask learning and quantile regression to safely detect and estimate the size of unannounced meals with high precision. We also demonstrate that this facilitates automated insulin delivery for the artificial pancreas system, improving glycaemic control without significantly increasing the risk or incidence of hypoglycaemia. Finally, the focus shifts to improving self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) with glucose meters. We propose an uncertainty-aware deep learning model based on a joint Gaussian Process and deep learning framework to provide end users with more dynamic and continuous information similar to continuous glucose sensors. Consequently, we show significant improvement in hyperglycaemia detection compared to the standard SMBG. We hope that through these methods, we can achieve a more equitable improvement in usability and clinical outcomes for individuals with diabetes.Open Acces