16 research outputs found

    Traveling EEG slow oscillation along the dorsal attention network initiates spontaneous perceptual switching

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    An ambiguous figure such as the Necker cube causes spontaneous perceptual switching (SPS). The mechanism of SPS in multistable perception has not yet been determined. Although early psychological studies suggested that SPS may be caused by fatigue or satiation of orientation, the neural mechanism of SPS is still unknown. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has shown that the dorsal attention network (DAN), which mainly controls voluntary attention, is involved in bistable perception of the Necker cube. To determine whether neural dynamics along the DAN cause SPS, we performed simultaneous electroencephalography (EEG) and fMRI during an SPS task with the Necker cube, with every SPS reported by pressing a button. This EEG–fMRI integrated analysis showed that (a) 3–4 Hz spectral EEG power modulation at fronto-central, parietal, and centro-parietal electrode sites sequentially appeared from 750 to 350 ms prior to the button press; and (b) activations correlating with the EEG modulation traveled along the DAN from the frontal to the parietal regions. These findings suggest that slow oscillation initiates SPS through global dynamics along the attentional system such as the DAN

    Method for Spatial Overlap Estimation of Electroencephalography and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Responses

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    Background Simultaneous functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and electroencephalography (EEG) measurements may represent activity from partially divergent neural sources, but this factor is seldom modeled in fMRI-EEG data integration. New method This paper proposes an approach to estimate the spatial overlap between sources of activity measured simultaneously with fMRI and EEG. Following the extraction of task-related activity, the key steps include, 1) distributed source reconstruction of the task-related ERP activity (ERP source model), 2) transformation of fMRI activity to the ERP spatial scale by forward modelling of the scalp potential field distribution and backward source reconstruction (fMRI source simulation), and 3) optimization of fMRI and ERP thresholds to maximize spatial overlap without a priori constraints of coupling (overlap calculation). Results FMRI and ERP responses were recorded simultaneously in 15 subjects performing an auditory oddball task. A high degree of spatial overlap between sources of fMRI and ERP responses (in 9 or more of 15 subjects) was found specifically within temporoparietal areas associated with the task. Areas of non-overlap in fMRI and ERP sources were relatively small and inconsistent across subjects. Comparison with existing method The ERP and fMRI sources estimated with solely jICA overlapped in just 4 of 15 subjects, and strictly in the parietal cortex. Conclusion The study demonstrates that the new fMRI-ERP spatial overlap estimation method provides greater spatiotemporal detail of the cortical dynamics than solely jICA. As such, we propose that it is a superior method for the integration of fMRI and EEG to study brain function

    Cardiac and Respiratory Patterns Synchronize between Persons during Choir Singing

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    Dyadic and collective activities requiring temporally coordinated action are likely to be associated with cardiac and respiratory patterns that synchronize within and between people. However, the extent and functional significance of cardiac and respiratory between-person couplings have not been investigated thus far. Here, we report interpersonal oscillatory couplings among eleven singers and one conductor engaged in choir singing. We find that: (a) phase synchronization both in respiration and heart rate variability increase significantly during singing relative to a rest condition; (b) phase synchronization is higher when singing in unison than when singing pieces with multiple voice parts; (c) directed coupling measures are consistent with the presence of causal effects of the conductor on the singers at high modulation frequencies; (d) the different voices of the choir are reflected in network analyses of cardiac and respiratory activity based on graph theory. Our results suggest that oscillatory coupling of cardiac and respiratory patterns provide a physiological basis for interpersonal action coordination

    Neurotechnology and Psychiatric Biomarkers

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    Differential recruitment of brain networks in single-digit addition and multiplication: Evidence from EEG oscillations in theta and lower alpha bands

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    Abstract Previous neuroimaging research investigating dissociation between single-digit addition and multiplication has suggested that the former placed more reliance on the visuo-spatial processing whereas the latter on the verbal processing. However, there has been little exploration into the disassociation in spatio-temporal dynamics of the oscillatory brain activity in specific frequency bands during the two arithmetic operations. To address this issue, the electroencephalogram (EEG) data were recorded from 19 participants engaged in a delayed verification arithmetic task. By analyzing oscillatory EEG activity in theta (5–7 Hz) and lower alpha frequency (9–10 Hz) bands, we found different patterns of oscillatory brain activity between single-digit addition and multiplication during the early processing stage (0–400 ms post-operand onset). Experiment results in this study showed a larger phasic increase of theta-band power for addition than for multiplication in the midline and the right frontal and central regions during the operator and operands presentation intervals, which was extended to the right parietal and the right occipito-temporal regions during the interval immediately after the operands presentation. In contrast, during multiplication higher phase-locking in lower alpha band was evident in the centro-parietal regions during the operator presentation, which was extended to the left fronto-central and anterior regions during the operands presentation. Besides, we found stronger theta phase synchrony between the parietal areas and the right occipital areas for single-digit addition than for multiplication during operands encoding. These findings of oscillatory brain activity extend the previous observations on functional dissociation between the two arithmetic operations

    Oscillatory processes in multistable perception

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    In den vergangenen Jahren wurden eine Reihe spezifischer oszillatorischer EEG-Komponenten beschrieben, welche im Zuge einer Wahrnehmungsreversion während des Betrachtens eines multistabilen visuellen Reizes auftreten. Die für die vorliegende Arbeit relevanten Komponenten sind: (a) eine langsame positive Welle im Delta Band (0-4 Hz), welche ihr Maximum etwa 250 ms nach einer Wahrnehmungsreversion (angezeigt durch einen Knopfdruck der Probanden) erreicht, und als Abschluss des Reversionsprozesses bzw. als die Etablierung einer neuen stabilen Wahrnehmung interpretiert wurde; (b) eine Abnahme der Aktivität im Alpha Band (8-12 Hz), welche etwa 1000 ms vor einer Wahrnehmungsreversion beginnt und als Destabilisierung des aktuellen Perzepts interpretiert wurde. Da das Auftreten eines Wahrnehmungswechsels in den bisherigen Studien jedoch über einen Knopfdruck der Probanden rückgemeldet wurde, ist unklar in welchem Ausmaß elektrophysiologische Korrelate der motorischen Aktivität die beschriebenen perzeptuellen Komponenten beeinflussen oder überlagern. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die reversionsgebundenen EEG-Komponenten im Delta- und Alpha Band unabhängig von motorischer Aktivität untersucht, indem Wahrnehmungsreversion und rückmeldender Knopfdruck durch ein spezielles experimentelles Design getrennt wurden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen klar, dass die zuvor beschriebenen oszillatorischen Komponenten im Delta- und Alpha Band während einer Wahrnehmungsreversion auch in Abwesenheit einer motorischen Antwort auftreten. Sie können daher als Teil jenes neuronalen Mechanismus gesehen werden, durch dessen Hilfe das Gehirn mehrdeutige visuelle Reize disambiguiert und verarbeitet.Previous work from our research group has shown a number of distinct oscillatory EEG responses occurring during the observation of multistable patterns. These are in particular: (a) a slow positive wave in the delta band (0-4 Hz), peaking about 250 ms before a button press indicating a perceptual reversal, which was interpreted as the completion of the reversal process and/or the establishment of a new stable percept; (b) a decrease in alpha band power (8-12 Hz) starting at 1000 ms before perceptual reversals, interpreted as the destabilization of the current percept. However, as subjects had to press a button in order to indicate reversals, a possible overlap with motor-related potentials could not be ruled out. The present study investigated reversal-related delta and alpha band components independently from motor activity, by separating the button press from the reversal through a special experimental setup. The results clearly show that the delta- and alpha band modulations do occur during a multistable pattern change even in absence of a motor response. Thus, following previous interpretations, they may be seen as part of the oscillatory mechanisms by which the brain disambiguates and processes visual input

    Characterization of Neuroimage Coupling Between EEG and FMRI Using Within-Subject Joint Independent Component Analysis

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    The purpose of this dissertation was to apply joint independent component analysis (jICA) to electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to characterize the neuroimage coupling between the two modalities. EEG and fMRI are complimentary imaging techniques which have been used in conjunction to investigate neural activity. Understanding how these two imaging modalities relate to each other not only enables better multimodal analysis, but also has clinical implications as well. In particular, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, hypertension, and ischemic stroke are all known to impact the cerebral blood flow, and by extension alter the relationship between EEG and fMRI. By characterizing the relationship between EEG and fMRI within healthy subjects, it allows for comparison with a diseased population, and may offer ways to detect some of these conditions earlier. The correspondence between fMRI and EEG was first examined, and a methodological approach which was capable of informing to what degree the fMRI and EEG sources corresponded to each other was developed. Once it was certain that the EEG activity observed corresponded to the fMRI activity collected a methodological approach was developed to characterize the coupling between fMRI and EEG. Finally, this dissertation addresses the question of whether the use of jICA to perform this analysis increases the sensitivity to subcortical sources to determine to what degree subcortical sources should be taken into consideration for future studies. This dissertation was the first to propose a way to characterize the relationship between fMRI and EEG signals using blind source separation. Additionally, it was the first to show that jICA significantly improves the detection of subcortical activity, particularly in the case when both physiological noise and a cortical source are present. This new knowledge can be used to design studies to investigate subcortical signals, as well as to begin characterizing the relationship between fMRI and EEG across various task conditions

    Spatiotemporal techniques in multimodal imaging for brain mapping and epilepsy

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston UniversityThis thesis explored multimodal brain imaging using advanced spatiotemporal techniques. The first set of experiments were based on simulations. Much controversy exists in the literature regarding the differences between magnetoencephalography (MEG) and electroencephalography (EEG}, both practically and theoretically. The differences were explored using simulations that evaluated the expected signal-to-noise ratios from reasonable brain sources. MEG and EEG were found to be complementary, with each modality optimally suited to image activity from different areas of the cortical surface. Consequently, evaluations of epileptic patients and general neuroscience experiments will both benefit from simultaneously collected MEG/EEG. The second set of experiments represent an example of MEG combined with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and functional MRI (fMRI) applied to healthy subjects. The study set out to resolve two questions relating to shape perception. First, does the brain activate functional areas sequentially during shape perception, as has been suggested in recent literature? Second, which , if any, functional areas are active time-locked with reaction-time? The study found that functional areas are non-sequentially activated, and that area IT is active time-locked with reaction-time. These two points, coupled with the method for multimodal integration , can help further develop our understanding of shape perception in particular, and cortical dynamics in general for healthy subjects. Broadly, these two studies represent practical guidelines for epilepsy evaluations and brain mapping studies. For epilepsy studies, clinicians could combine MEG and EEG to maximize the probability of finding the source of seizures. For brain mapping in general, EEG, MEG, MRI and fMRI can be combined in the methods outlined here to obtain more sophisticated views of cortical dynamics

    Informatics for EEG biomarker discovery in clinical neuroscience

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    Neurological and developmental disorders (NDDs) impose an enormous burden of disease on children throughout the world. Two of the most common are autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and epilepsy. ASD has recently been estimated to affect 1 in 68 children, making it the most common neurodevelopmental disorder in children. Epilepsy is also a spectrum disorder that follows a developmental trajectory, with an estimated prevalence of 1%, nearly as common as autism. ASD and epilepsy co-occur in approximately 30% of individuals with a primary diagnosis of either disorder. Although considered to be different disorders, the relatively high comorbidity suggests the possibility of common neuropathological mechanisms. Early interventions for NDDs lead to better long-term outcomes. But early intervention is predicated on early detection. Behavioral measures have thus far proven ineffective in detecting autism before about 18 months of age, in part because the behavioral repertoire of infants is so limited. Similarly, no methods for detecting emerging epilepsy before seizures begin are currently known. Because atypical brain development is likely to precede overt behavioral manifestations by months or even years, a critical developmental window for early intervention may be opened by the discovery of brain based biomarkers. Analysis of brain activity with EEG may be under-utilized for clinical applications, especially for neurodevelopment. The hypothesis investigated in this dissertation is that new methods of nonlinear signal analysis, together with methods from biomedical informatics, can extract information from EEG data that enables detection of atypical neurodevelopment. This is tested using data collected at Boston Children’s Hospital. Several results are presented. First, infants with a family history of ASD were found to have EEG features that may enable autism to be detected as early as 9 months. Second, significant EEG-based differences were found between children with absence epilepsy, ASD and control groups using short 30-second EEG segments. Comparison of control groups using different EEG equipment supported the claim that EEG features could be computed that were independent of equipment and lab conditions. Finally, the potential for this technology to help meet the clinical need for neurodevelopmental screening and monitoring in low-income regions of the world is discussed