17 research outputs found

    The implementation of Logiweb

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    This paper describes the implementation of the ‘Logiweb ’ system with emphasis on measures taken to support classical reasoning about programs. Logiweb is a system for authoring, storing, distributing, indexing, checking, and rendering of ‘Logiweb pages’. Logiweb pages may contain mathematical definitions, conjectures, lemmas, proofs, disproofs, theories, journal papers, computer programs, and proof checkers. Reading Logiweb pages merely requires access to the World Wide Web. Two example pages are available o

    ProofPeer: Collaborative Theorem Proving

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    We define the concept of collaborative theorem proving and outline our plan to make it a reality. We believe that a successful implementation of collaborative theorem proving is a necessary prerequisite for the formal verification of large systems

    A partial translation path from MathLang to Isabelle

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    This dissertation describes certain developments in computer techniques formanagingmathematical knowledge. Computers currently assistmathematicians in presenting and archiving mathematics, as well as performing calculation and verification tasks. MathLang is a framework for computerising mathematical documents which features new approaches to these issues. In this dissertation, several extensions to MathLang are described: a system and notation for annotating text; improved methods for annotating complex mathematical expressions; and a method for creating rules to translate document annotations. A typical MathLang work flow for document annotation and computerisation is demonstrated, showing how writing style can complicate the annotation process and how these may be resolved. This workflow is compared with the standard process for producing formal computer theories in a computer proof assistant (Isabelle is the system we choose). The rules for translation are further discussed as a way of producing text in the syntax of Isabelle (without a deep knowledge of the system), with possible use cases of providing a text which can be used either as an aid to learning Isabelle, or as a skeleton framework to be used as a starting point for a formal document

    Improving the Accessibility of Lightweight Formal Verification Systems

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    In research areas involving mathematical rigor, there are numerous benefits to adopting a formal representation of models and arguments: reusability, automatic evaluation of examples, and verification of consistency and correctness. However, broad accessibility has not been a priority in the design of formal verification tools that can provide these benefits. We propose a few design criteria to address these issues: a simple, familiar, and conventional concrete syntax that is independent of any environment, application, or verification strategy, and the possibility of reducing workload and entry costs by employing features selectively. We demonstrate the feasibility of satisfying such criteria by presenting our own formal representation and verification system. Our system’s concrete syntax overlaps with English, LATEX and MediaWiki markup wherever possible, and its verifier relies on heuristic search techniques that make the formal authoring process more manageable and consistent with prevailing practices. We employ techniques and algorithms that ensure a simple, uniform, and flexible definition and design for the system, so that it easy to augment, extend, and improve

    Assertion level proof planning with compiled strategies

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    This book presents new techniques that allow the automatic verification and generation of abstract human-style proofs. The core of this approach builds an efficient calculus that works directly by applying definitions, theorems, and axioms, which reduces the size of the underlying proof object by a factor of ten. The calculus is extended by the deep inference paradigm which allows the application of inference rules at arbitrary depth inside logical expressions and provides new proofs that are exponentially shorter and not available in the sequent calculus without cut. In addition, a strategy language for abstract underspecified declarative proof patterns is developed. Together, the complementary methods provide a framework to automate declarative proofs. The benefits of the techniques are illustrated by practical applications.Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich damit, das Formalisieren von Beweisen zu vereinfachen, indem Methoden entwickelt werden, um informale Beweise formal zu verifizieren und erzeugen zu können. Dazu wird ein abstrakter Kalkül entwickelt, der direkt auf der Faktenebene arbeitet, welche von Menschen geführten Beweisen relativ nahe kommt. Anhand einer Fallstudie wird gezeigt, dass die abstrakte Beweisführung auf der Fakteneben vorteilhaft für automatische Suchverfahren ist. Zusätzlich wird eine Strategiesprache entwickelt, die es erlaubt, unterspezifizierte Beweismuster innerhalb des Beweisdokumentes zu spezifizieren und Beweisskizzen automatisch zu verfeinern. Fallstudien zeigen, dass komplexe Beweismuster kompakt in der entwickelten Strategiesprache spezifiziert werden können. Zusammen bilden die einander ergänzenden Methoden den Rahmen zur Automatisierung von deklarativen Beweisen auf der Faktenebene, die bisher überwiegend manuell entwickelt werden mussten

    Assertion level proof planning with compiled strategies

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    This book presents new techniques that allow the automatic verification and generation of abstract human-style proofs. The core of this approach builds an efficient calculus that works directly by applying definitions, theorems, and axioms, which reduces the size of the underlying proof object by a factor of ten. The calculus is extended by the deep inference paradigm which allows the application of inference rules at arbitrary depth inside logical expressions and provides new proofs that are exponentially shorter and not available in the sequent calculus without cut. In addition, a strategy language for abstract underspecified declarative proof patterns is developed. Together, the complementary methods provide a framework to automate declarative proofs. The benefits of the techniques are illustrated by practical applications.Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich damit, das Formalisieren von Beweisen zu vereinfachen, indem Methoden entwickelt werden, um informale Beweise formal zu verifizieren und erzeugen zu können. Dazu wird ein abstrakter Kalkül entwickelt, der direkt auf der Faktenebene arbeitet, welche von Menschen geführten Beweisen relativ nahe kommt. Anhand einer Fallstudie wird gezeigt, dass die abstrakte Beweisführung auf der Fakteneben vorteilhaft für automatische Suchverfahren ist. Zusätzlich wird eine Strategiesprache entwickelt, die es erlaubt, unterspezifizierte Beweismuster innerhalb des Beweisdokumentes zu spezifizieren und Beweisskizzen automatisch zu verfeinern. Fallstudien zeigen, dass komplexe Beweismuster kompakt in der entwickelten Strategiesprache spezifiziert werden können. Zusammen bilden die einander ergänzenden Methoden den Rahmen zur Automatisierung von deklarativen Beweisen auf der Faktenebene, die bisher überwiegend manuell entwickelt werden mussten

    A synthetic axiomatization of Map Theory

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    Includes TOC détaillée, index et appendicesInternational audienceThis paper presents a subtantially simplified axiomatization of Map Theory and proves the consistency of this axiomatization in ZFC under the assumption that there exists an inaccessible ordinal. Map Theory axiomatizes lambda calculus plus Hilbert's epsilon operator. All theorems of ZFC set theory including the axiom of foundation are provable in Map Theory, and if one omits Hilbert's epsilon operator from Map Theory then one is left with a computer programming language. Map Theory fulfills Church's original aim of introducing lambda calculus. Map Theory is suited for reasoning about classical mathematics as well ascomputer programs. Furthermore, Map Theory is suited for eliminating thebarrier between classical mathematics and computer science rather than just supporting the two fields side by side. Map Theory axiomatizes a universe of "maps", some of which are "wellfounded". The class of wellfounded maps in Map Theory corresponds to the universe of sets in ZFC. The first version MT0 of Map Theory had axioms which populated the class of wellfounded maps, much like the power set axiom et.al. populates the universe of ZFC. The new axiomatization MT of Map Theory is "synthetic" in the sense that the class of wellfounded maps is defined inside MapTheory rather than being introduced through axioms. In the paper we define the notion of kappa- and kappasigma-expansions and prove that if sigma is the smallest strongly inaccessible cardinal then canonical kappasigma expansions are models of MT (which proves the consistency). Furthermore, in the appendix, we prove that canonical omega-expansions are fully abstract models of the computational part of Map Theory

    A change-oriented architecture for mathematical authoring assistance

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    The computer-assisted authoring of mathematical documents using a scientific text-editor requires new mathematical knowledge management and transformation techniques to organize the overall workflow of anassistance system like the ΩMEGAsystem.The challenge is that, throughout the system, various kinds of given and derived knowledge units occur in different formats and with different dependencies. If changes occur in these pieces of knowledge, they need to be effectively propagated. We present a Change-Oriented Architecture for mathematical authoring assistance. Thereby, documents are used as interfaces and the components of the architecture interact by actively changing the interface documents and by reacting on changes. In order to optimize this style of interaction, we present two essential methods in this thesis. First, we develop an efficient method for the computation of weighted semantic changes between two versions of a document. Second, we present an invertible grammar formalism for the automated bidirectional transformation between interface documents. The presented architecture provides an adequate basis for the computer-assisted authoring of mathematical documents with semantic annotations and a controlled mathematical language

    CO2-Reduktion und Energieeffizienz im Straßengüterverkehr

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    The objective of our research was to analyse the relevant logistic factors influencing energy efficiency in road freight transport, while quantifying the potential for CO2 reduction. We carried out a survey and linked fuel consumption to transport performance parameters in 50 German haulage companies during 2003. Efficiency ranges from 0.8 tkm to 26 tkm for 1 kg CO2 emissions. The results show a high potential for improvements, given a low level of efficiency in vehicle usage and load factor, scarce use of lightweight vehicle design, incorrectly selected vehicle class and a high proportion of empty runs. Efficiency measures are poorly applied