1,999 research outputs found

    Logics of Action, Globalization, and Employment Relations Change in China, India, Malaysia, and the Philippines

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    A logic of action framework is developed in order to conceptualize and understand the impact of globalization on employment relations, as well as to predict the future trajectory of employment relations. The argument is that the interplay between three different logics of action, i.e., the logic of competition, the logic of industrial peace, and the logic of employment-income protection determines the employment relations pattern in any given nation. The strengths of the logics themselves are determined by five often related factors, i.e., economic development strategy, the intensity of globalization, union strength, labor market features and government responsiveness to workers. Drawing on extensive field research on national policies and workplace practices in India, China, the Philippines and Malaysia, we show support for our framework. We find that ER patterns are reflect different combinations of logic strengths, that globalization\u27s impact on employment relations is not only complex, but contingent, and we suggest that long term convergence in employment relations is unlikely given variations in the combinations of logic strengths in different countries, and changes in logic strengths over time

    The role of Intellectual Capital Reporting (ICR) in organisational transformation: A discursive practice perspective

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    Intellectual Capital Reporting (ICR) has garnered increasing attention as a new accounting technology that can engender significant organisational changes. However, when ICR was first recognised as a management fashion, the intended change it heralded in stable environments was criticised for having limited impact on the state of practice. Conceiving ICR through a lens predicated on the notion of discursive practice, we argue that ICR can enable substantive change in emergent conditions. We empirically demonstrate this process by following the implementation of ICR in one organisation through interviews, documents and observations over 30 months. The qualitative analysis of the data corpus shows how situated change, subtle but no less significant, can take place in the name of intellectual capital as actors appropriate ICR into their everyday work practices while improvising variations to accommodate different logics of action. The paper opens up a new avenue to examine the specific roles of ICR in relation to the types of change enacted. It thus demonstrates when and how ICR may transcend a mere management fashion and the intended change it sets in motion through altering organisational actors’ ways of thinking and doing within the confines of their organisation

    Unprotected sex: contradictions and logics of action

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    ¿Cuáles son los argumentos contrarios al uso del preservativo manejados por la población de 18 a 25 años residente en Granada? Para responder a esta pregunta se diseñó una investigación cualitativa mediante grupos de discusión. Fueron seis los grupos de discusión realizados, en ellos participaron treinta y nueve jóvenes, segmentados por nivel de estudios, género, orientación sexual y duración de su relación. Los objetivos del artículo son: analizar los imaginarios que condicionan el uso de protección frente a las infecciones de transmisión sexual (condones y barreras de látex) en las relaciones sexuales entre jóvenes de diferentes orientaciones sexuales y comprender las lógicas que contribuyen a dotarlas de sentido. El análisis de los discursos reveló prácticas de cuidados poco consistentes, dificultades para erotizar el uso del condón y ausencia de protección para el sexo entre mujeres. Se identificaron exigencias de género contradictorias y diferentes imaginarios del placer. Finamente, se desvelaron las lógicas de la confianza y del placer como reguladoras de la lógica preventiva del cuidado.This article examines the unprotected sexual practices of young people aged 18-25 years living in Andalusia, Spain. Framed within a broader qualitative sociological research study, the objective of the article is to analyze the imaginaries that condition the use of protection (condoms and other latex barriers) by young people of different sexual orientations and to understand the logic behind such sexual practices. Six discussion groups were conducted with 39 young people segmented by gender, educational level, sexual orientation, and length of relationship. The discourse analysis revealed that trust and pleasure function as moderators of the logic of care and that trust is the main reason for the abandonment of condom use, as well as imaginaries of pleasure, unprotected sexual practices between women, and the minimization of risks. Contradictory demands by gender and inconsistent care practices were also identified.Centro Reina Sofía sobre Adolescencia y Juventud - FA

    Steuerungsprobleme im beruflichen Bildungswesen - Grenzen der Schulpolitik. Handlungslogiken und Handlungsfolgen aktueller Berufsbildungspolitik

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    Auf die Unterscheidung von drei verschiedenen Handlungslogiken im beruflichen Bildungswesen gestützt, konturiert der Beitrag den Schnittstellencharakter der Berufsschule und die daraus resultierenden spezifischen Anforderungen, die das berufliche Bildungswesen an seine Steuerung richtet. Im Zusammenhang mit der erziehungs- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Debatte um neue Steuerungsformen werden vor diesem Hintergrund zwei aktuelle schulpolitische Beiträge zur Berufsbildungspolitik, und zwar das nordrhein-westfälische "Berufskolleggesetz" und die flankierenden Maßnahmen zum Qualitätsmanagement an berufsbildenden Schulen dahingehend diskutiert, inwieweit sie den herausgearbeiteten Steuerungserfordernissen entsprechen. Auf diese Weise arbeitet der Beitrag die "blinden Flecken" und denkbare "unbeabsichtigte Nebenfolgen" einer in den Grenzen der Schulpolitik verbleibenden Steuerungspraxis heraus und betont demgegenüber die Notwendigkeit einer Steuerungsstrategie, die an die Pluralität der Handlungslogiken und die konstatierten Schnittstellenprobleme angepaßt ist. (DIPF/Orig.)Based on a distinction between three types of logics of action in the system of vocational education, the authors sketch the intersectional character of the vocational school and the resulting specific demands on the system of vocational education regarding its control. In connection with the pedagogical and sociological debate on new forms of control, two recent contributions to educational policy are discussed, namely the law on the college of vocational education in North Rhine-Westphalia and the supporting measures regarding quality management at vocational schools. The authors examine in how far these two approaches meet the control-related requirements sketched before. Thus, they reveal the "blind spots" and possible "unintended side-effects" of a control practice remaining within the boundaries of educational policy and they stress the need for a control strategy adapted to the plurality of the logics of action and to the intersectional problems pointed out above. (DIPF/Orig.

    Do free schools create “competitive threats”? The perceptions of neighbouring schools

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    A central policy claim for opening free schools in England was that these new schools would create competitive threats that incentivise nearby schools to improve. Where comparable policies have been pursued, notably charter schools in America, research has often measured competitive effects quantitatively. The perceptions of local actors assumed to experience competition can be overlooked. Responding, this article develops the first qualitative analysis of a sample of 28 schools neighbouring 14 free schools. The analysis evidences the importance of market contexts, with perceived competition mediated by supply and demand for places, choice geographies and school status hierarchies. Resulting diversity does not support simplistic assumptions nearby schools perceive competition or respond by seeking to improve. Just under half the schools studied perceived free schools created few competitive threats. Where competition was perceived, headteachers reported taking actions on promotion and national performance indicators, but rarely classroom practices. Where competition was strongest, headteachers reported intensive social selection, with free schools perceived to increase inequalities. The influence of school status on competitive logics of action was also revealed. Unequal material and symbolic resources afforded by status positioning informed headteachers’ perceptions of their relative capacity for effective action. Nine ideal types of logics of action are outlined, identifying how the context of competition and a school’s status influenced orientations to action. These logics are shown to be important in how intensive competition increased socio-economic inequalities by concentrating the negative effects of opening free schools, where these existed, in lower status schools serving more disadvantaged students

    Globalized justice - fragmented justice. Human rights violations by "private" transnational actors

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    Plenarvortrag Weltkongress der Rechtsphilosophie und Sozialphilosophie, 24.-29. Mai, Granada 2005. S.a. die deutsche Fassung: "Die anonyme Matrix: Menschenrechtsverletzungen durch "private" transnationale Akteure". Spanische Fassung: Sociedad global, justicia fragmentada: sobre la violatión de los derechos humanos por actores transnacionales 'privados'. In: Manuel Escamilla and Modesto Saavedra (eds.), Law and Justice in a global society, International Association for philosophy of law and social philosophy, Granada 2005, S. 529-546

    Administering an International Hospitality Education Program

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    Understanding the political structure of educations and applying principles of political action may help avoid the destruction of educations alliances formed between partners of divergent backgrounds. The author discusses how this form of analysis may also be of benefit in understanding the problem technically-oriented hospitality programs from abroad often have articulating with the academic administrations in most American universities

    The location of international practices: what is human rights practice?

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    This article opens up space to challenge state-centrism about human rights practice. To do so, it presents and critically assesses four methods that can be used to determine who and/or what counts as a part of any international practice: the agreement method, which locates a practice by referring to speech acts that define it; the contextual method, which locates a practice by referring to the actions, meanings, and intentions of practitioners; the value method, which locates a practice by identifying a value or principle that the practice reflects or instantiates; and the purpose method, which locates a practice by constructing an account of the sociopolitical reason(s) for a practice's existence. The purpose method, based on an interpretation of Rawls' constructivism, is developed, in a way that focuses on practitioners' judgement-based reasons to assign responsibility for human rights to any state or non-state actor

    Subject: Careers and Occupations

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    Compiled by Susan LaCette.Careers.pdf: 808 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020