1,621 research outputs found

    On the complexity of solving linear congruences and computing nullspaces modulo a constant

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    We consider the problems of determining the feasibility of a linear congruence, producing a solution to a linear congruence, and finding a spanning set for the nullspace of an integer matrix, where each problem is considered modulo an arbitrary constant k>1. These problems are known to be complete for the logspace modular counting classes {Mod_k L} = {coMod_k L} in special case that k is prime (Buntrock et al, 1992). By considering variants of standard logspace function classes --- related to #L and functions computable by UL machines, but which only characterize the number of accepting paths modulo k --- we show that these problems of linear algebra are also complete for {coMod_k L} for any constant k>1. Our results are obtained by defining a class of functions FUL_k which are low for {Mod_k L} and {coMod_k L} for k>1, using ideas similar to those used in the case of k prime in (Buntrock et al, 1992) to show closure of Mod_k L under NC^1 reductions (including {Mod_k L} oracle reductions). In addition to the results above, we briefly consider the relationship of the class FUL_k for arbitrary moduli k to the class {F.coMod_k L} of functions whose output symbols are verifiable by {coMod_k L} algorithms; and consider what consequences such a comparison may have for oracle closure results of the form {Mod_k L}^{Mod_k L} = {Mod_k L} for composite k.Comment: 17 pages, one Appendix; minor corrections and revisions to presentation, new observations regarding the prospect of oracle closures. Comments welcom

    Turing machines with access to history

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    AbstractWe study remembering Turing machines, that is Turing machines with the capability to access freely the history of their computations. These devices can detect in one step via the oracle mechanism whether the storage tapes have exactly the same contents at the moment of inquiry as at some past moment in the computation. The s(n)-space-bounded remembering Turing machines are shown to be able to recognize exactly the languages in the time-complexity class determined by bounds exponential in s(n). This is proved for deterministic, non-deterministic, and alternating Turing machines

    Space-efficient informational redundancy

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    AbstractWe study the relation of autoreducibility and mitoticity for polylog-space many-one reductions and log-space many-one reductions. For polylog-space these notions coincide, while proving the same for log-space is out of reach. More precisely, we show the following results with respect to nontrivial sets and many-one reductions:1.polylog-space autoreducible ⇔ polylog-space mitotic,2.log-space mitotic ⇒ log-space autoreducible ⇒ (logn⋅loglogn)-space mitotic,3.relative to an oracle, log-space autoreducible ⇏ log-space mitotic. The oracle is an infinite family of graphs whose construction combines arguments from Ramsey theory and Kolmogorov complexity

    An Algorithmic Argument for Nonadaptive Query Complexity Lower Bounds on Advised Quantum Computation

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    This paper employs a powerful argument, called an algorithmic argument, to prove lower bounds of the quantum query complexity of a multiple-block ordered search problem in which, given a block number i, we are to find a location of a target keyword in an ordered list of the i-th block. Apart from much studied polynomial and adversary methods for quantum query complexity lower bounds, our argument shows that the multiple-block ordered search needs a large number of nonadaptive oracle queries on a black-box model of quantum computation that is also supplemented with advice. Our argument is also applied to the notions of computational complexity theory: quantum truth-table reducibility and quantum truth-table autoreducibility.Comment: 16 pages. An extended abstract will appear in the Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Prague, August 22-27, 200

    On the Impossibility of Probabilistic Proofs in Relativized Worlds

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    We initiate the systematic study of probabilistic proofs in relativized worlds, where the goal is to understand, for a given oracle, the possibility of "non-trivial" proof systems for deterministic or nondeterministic computations that make queries to the oracle. This question is intimately related to a recent line of work that seeks to improve the efficiency of probabilistic proofs for computations that use functionalities such as cryptographic hash functions and digital signatures, by instantiating them via constructions that are "friendly" to known constructions of probabilistic proofs. Informally, negative results about probabilistic proofs in relativized worlds provide evidence that this line of work is inherent and, conversely, positive results provide a way to bypass it. We prove several impossibility results for probabilistic proofs relative to natural oracles. Our results provide strong evidence that tailoring certain natural functionalities to known probabilistic proofs is inherent

    Vanishing of l^2-cohomology as a computational problem

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    We show that it is impossible to algorithmically decide if the l^2-cohomology of the universal cover of a finite CW complex is trivial, even if we only consider complexes whose fundamental group is equal to the elementary amenable group (Z_2 \wr Z)^3. A corollary of the proof is that there is no algorithm which decides if an element of the integral group ring of the group (\Z_2 \wr Z)^4 is a zero-divisor. On the other hand, we show, assuming some standard conjectures, that such an algorithm exists for the integral group ring of any group with a decidable word problem and a bound on the sizes of finite subgroups.Comment: 18 pages; rewritten following referee's reports; to appear in Bulletin of LM

    Parameterised Counting in Logspace

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    Logarithmic space-bounded complexity classes such as L and NL play a central role in space-bounded computation. The study of counting versions of these complexity classes have lead to several interesting insights into the structure of computational problems such as computing the determinant and counting paths in directed acyclic graphs. Though parameterised complexity theory was initiated roughly three decades ago by Downey and Fellows, a satisfactory study of parameterised logarithmic space-bounded computation was developed only in the last decade by Elberfeld, Stockhusen and Tantau (IPEC 2013, Algorithmica 2015). In this paper, we introduce a new framework for parameterised counting in logspace, inspired by the parameterised space-bounded models developed by Elberfeld, Stockhusen and Tantau. They defined the operators paraW and paraβ for parameterised space complexity classes by allowing bounded nondeterminism with multiple-read and read-once access, respectively. Using these operators, they characterised the parameterised complexity of natural problems on graphs. In the spirit of the operators paraW and paraβ by Stockhusen and Tantau, we introduce variants based on tail-nondeterminism, paraW[1] and paraβtail. Then, we consider counting versions of all four operators and apply them to the class L. We obtain several natural complete problems for the resulting classes: counting of paths in digraphs, counting first-order models for formulas, and counting graph homomorphisms. Furthermore, we show that the complexity of a parameterised variant of the determinant function for (0, 1)-matrices is # paraβtailL-hard and can be written as the difference of two functions in # paraβtailL. These problems exhibit the richness of the introduced counting classes. Our results further indicate interesting structural characteristics of these classes. For example, we show that the closure of # paraβtailL under parameterised logspace parsimonious reductions coincides with # paraβL. In other words, in the setting of read-once access to nondeterministic bits, tail-nondeterminism coincides with unbounded nondeterminism modulo parameterised reductions. Initiating the study of closure properties of these parameterised logspace counting classes, we show that all introduced classes are closed under addition and multiplication, and those without tail-nondeterminism are closed under parameterised logspace parsimonious reductions. Finally, we want to emphasise the significance of this topic by providing a promising outlook highlighting several open problems and directions for further research