6 research outputs found

    A two-stage method for the capacitated multi-facility location-allocation problem

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Inderscience via the DOI in this recordThis paper examines the capacitated planar multi-facility location-allocation problem, where the number of facilities to be located is specified and each of which has a capacity constraint. A two-stage method is put forward to deal with the problem where in the first stage a technique that discretises continuous space into discrete cells is used to generate a relatively good initial facility configurations. In stage 2, a variable neighbourhood search (VNS) is implemented to improve the quality of solution obtained by the previous stage. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated using benchmark datasets from the literature. The numerical experiments show that the proposed method yields competitive results when compared to the best known results from the literature. In addition, some future research avenues are also suggested

    A Cross Entropy-Based Heuristic for the Capacitated Multi-Source Weber Problem with Facility Fixed Cost: Cross entropy for continuous location problems

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    This paper investigates a capacitated planar location-allocation problem with facility fixed cost. A zone-based fixed cost which consists of production and installation costs is considered. A nonlinear and mixed integer formulation is first presented. A powerful three stage Cross Entropy meta-heuristic with novel density functions is proposed. In the first stage a covering location problem providing a multivariate normal density function for the associated stochastic problem is solved. The allocation values considering a multinomial density function are obtained in the second stage. In the third stage, single facility continuous location problems are solved. Several instances of various sizes are used to assess the performance of the proposed meta-heuristic. Our approach performs well when compared with the optimizer GAMS which is used to provide the optimal solution for small size instances and lower/upper bounds for some of the larger ones

    Enhanced cell-based algorithm with dynamic radius in solving capacitated multi-source weber problem

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    Capacitated Multi-source Weber Problem (CMSWP) is a type of Location Allocation Problem (LAP) which have been extensively researched because they can be applied in a variety of contexts. Random selection of facility location in a Cell-based approach may cause infeasible or worse solutions. This is due to the unprofitable cells are not excluded and maybe selected for locating facilities. As a result, the total transportation cost increases, and solution quality is not much improved. This research finds the location of facilities in a continuous space to meet the demand of customers which minimize the total cost using Enhanced Cell-based Algorithm (ECBA). This method was derived from previous study that divides the distribution of customers into smaller cells of promising locations. The methodology consists of three phases. First, the profitable cells were constructed by applying ECBA. Second, initial facility configuration was determined using fixed and dynamic radius. Third, Alternating Transportation Problem (ATL) was applied to find a new location. The algorithm was tested on a dataset of three sizes which are 50, 654 and 1060 customers. The computational results of the algorithm prove that the results are superior in terms of total distance compared to the result of previous studies. This study provides useful knowledge to other researchers to find strategic facilities locations by considering their capacities

    Hybrid Cell Selection-based Heuristic for capacitated multi-facility Weber problem with continuous fixed costs

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from EDP Sciences via the DOI in this recordLocation-allocation problem (LAP) has attracted much attention in facility location field. The LAP in continuous plane is well-known as Weber problem. This paper assessed this problem by considering capacity constraints and fixed costs as each facility has different setup cost and capacity limit to serve customers. Previous studies considered profitable areas by dividing continuous space into a discrete number of equal cells to identify optimal locations from a smaller set of promising locations. Unfortunately, it may lead to avoid choosing good locations because unprofitable areas are still considered while locating the facilities. Hence, this allows a significant increment in the transportation costs. Thus, this paper intelligently selected profitable area through a hybridization of enhanced Cell Selection-based Heuristic (CSBH) and Furthest Distance Rule (FDR) to minimize total transportation and fixed costs. The CSBH divides customer distribution into smaller set of promising locations and intelligently selected profitable area to increase possibility of finding better locations, while FDR aims to forbid the new locations of the facilities to be close to the previously selected locations. Numerical experiments tested on well-known benchmark datasets showed that the results of hybrid heuristic outperformed single CSBH and FDR, while producing competitive results when compared with previously published results, apart from significantly improving total transportation cost. The new hybrid heuristic is simple yet effective in solving LAP

    A new local search for . . .

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    This paper presents a new local search approach for solving continuous location problems. The main idea is to exploit the relation between the continuous model and its discrete counterpart. A local search is first conducted in the continuous space until a local optimum is reached. It then switches to a discrete space that represents a discretisation of the continuous model to find an improved solution from there. The process continues switching between the two problem formulations until no further improvement can be found in either. Thus, we may view the procedure as a new adaption of formulatio

    Location and allocation based branch and bound algorithms for the capacitated multi-facility Weber problem

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    \u3cp\u3eGiven the locations of J customers, their demands and I capacitated facilities, the Capacitated Multi-facility Weber Problem (CMWP) is concerned with locating I facilities in the plane to satisfy the demand of J customers with the minimum total transportation cost which is proportional to the distance between them. We propose two types of branch and bound algorithms for the ℓ\u3csub\u3er\u3c/sub\u3e distance CMWP with 1≤r<∞. One of them is an allocation space based branch and bound algorithm for which a new branching variable selection strategy and new lower bounding procedures have been proposed. The other one is new and partitions the location space. Based on extensive computational experiments we can say that the proposed algorithms are promising and perform better than the existing ones.\u3c/p\u3