9 research outputs found

    Multiresolution Subdivision Snakes

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    We present a new family of snakes that satisfy the property of multiresolution by exploiting subdivision schemes. We show in a generic way how to construct such snakes based on an admissible subdivision mask. We derive the necessary energy formulations and provide the formulas for their efficient computation. Depending on the choice of the mask, such models have the ability to reproduce trigonometric or polynomial curves. They can also be designed to be interpolating, a property that is useful in user-interactive applications. We provide explicit examples of subdivision snakes and illustrate their use for the segmentation of bioimages. We show that they are robust in the presence of noise and provide a multiresolution algorithm to enlarge their basin of attraction, which decreases their dependence on initialization compared to singleresolution snakes. We show the advantages of the proposed model in terms of computation and segmentation of structures with different sizes

    Spline-Based Deforming Ellipsoids for Interactive 3D Bioimage Segmentation

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    A machine learning approach to statistical shape models with applications to medical image analysis

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    Statistical shape models have become an indispensable tool for image analysis. The use of shape models is especially popular in computer vision and medical image analysis, where they were incorporated as a prior into a wide range of different algorithms. In spite of their big success, the study of statistical shape models has not received much attention in recent years. Shape models are often seen as an isolated technique, which merely consists of applying Principal Component Analysis to a set of example data sets. In this thesis we revisit statistical shape models and discuss their construction and applications from the perspective of machine learning and kernel methods. The shapes that belong to an object class are modeled as a Gaussian Process whose parameters are estimated from example data. This formulation puts statistical shape models in a much wider context and makes the powerful inference tools from learning theory applicable to shape modeling. Furthermore, the formulation is continuous and thus helps to avoid discretization issues, which often arise with discrete models. An important step in building statistical shape models is to establish surface correspondence. We discuss an approach which is based on kernel methods. This formulation allows us to integrate the statistical shape model as an additional prior. It thus unifies the methods of registration and shape model fitting. Using Gaussian Process regression we can integrate shape constraints in our model. These constraints can be used to enforce landmark matching in the fitting or correspondence problem. The same technique also leads directly to a new solution for shape reconstruction from partial data. In addition to experiments on synthetic 2D data sets, we show the applicability of our methods on real 3D medical data of the human head. In particular, we build a 3D model of the human skull, and present its applications for the planning of cranio-facial surgeries

    Pattern Recognition

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    Pattern recognition is a very wide research field. It involves factors as diverse as sensors, feature extraction, pattern classification, decision fusion, applications and others. The signals processed are commonly one, two or three dimensional, the processing is done in real- time or takes hours and days, some systems look for one narrow object class, others search huge databases for entries with at least a small amount of similarity. No single person can claim expertise across the whole field, which develops rapidly, updates its paradigms and comprehends several philosophical approaches. This book reflects this diversity by presenting a selection of recent developments within the area of pattern recognition and related fields. It covers theoretical advances in classification and feature extraction as well as application-oriented works. Authors of these 25 works present and advocate recent achievements of their research related to the field of pattern recognition

    Locally Refinable Parametric Snakes

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    Shape segmentation is an active field of research in biomedical imaging. In this context, we present a new parameterization of a snake that is locally refinable. We introduce the possibility of locally increasing the approximation power of the parametric model by inserting basis functions at a specific location. This is controlled by a user-interface that permits the refinement of an initial segmentation around an anchor position selected by a user. Our approach relies on scaling functions that satisfy the refinement relation and are related to wavelets. We also derive explicit formulas for the energy functions associated to our new parameterization. We demonstrate the accuracy of our snake and its robustness under noisy conditions on phantom data. We also present segmentation results on real cell images, which are our main target. The algorithm is made freely available as a plugin for the open source platform Icy