3,768 research outputs found

    Locally perceived hard global constraints in multi-agenty schedulling

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    We propose how to model enterprise facilities (like factories, warehouses, etc.) in a multi-product production/distribution network, capacity management at those facilities, and scheduling agents which act as enterprise managers, taking decisions that affect the available capacity. A coordination mechanism through which scheduling agents can locally perceive hard global temporal constraints is also proposed

    Conceptual multi-agent system design for distributed scheduling systems

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    With the progressive increase in the complexity of dynamic environments, systems require an evolutionary configuration and optimization to meet the increased demand. In this sense, any change in the conditions of systems or products may require distributed scheduling and resource allocation of more elementary services. Centralized approaches might fall into bottleneck issues, becoming complex to adapt, especially in case of unexpected events. Thus, Multi-agent systems (MAS) can extract their automatic and autonomous behaviour to enhance the task effort distribution and support the scheduling decision-making. On the other hand, MAS is able to obtain quick solutions, through cooperation and smart control by agents, empowered by their coordination and interoperability. By leveraging an architecture that benefits of a collaboration with distributed artificial intelligence, it is proposed an approach based on a conceptual MAS design that allows distributed and intelligent management to promote technological innovation in basic concepts of society for more sustainable in everyday applications for domains with emerging needs, such as, manufacturing and healthcare scheduling systems.This work has been supported by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia within the R&D Units Projects Scope: UIDB/00319/2020 and UIDB/05757/2020. Filipe Alves is supported by FCT Doctorate Grant Reference SFRH/BD/143745/2019.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A DAI approach to modeling the transportation domain

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    A central problem in the study of autonomous cooperating systems is that of how to establish mechanisms for controlling the interactions between different parts (which are called agents) of the system. One way to integrate such mechanisms into a multi-agent system is to exploit the technique of cooperation or negotiation protocols. In a protocol we distinguish to essential layers: the communication layer specifying the possible flow of messages between different agents, and the decision layer, which controls the selection of a message (speech-act) that the agent sends in a specific situation. In this report we first give a short introduction of our agent model InteRRap which provides the basis for the modeling of the different scenarios considered in the AKA-Mod project at the DFKI. The techniques we will discuss in the following are located in the plan based component and in the cooperation component of this model. The domain of application is the MARS scenario (Modeling a Multi-Agent Scenario for Shipping Companies) which implements a group of shipping companies whose goal it is to deliver a set of dynamically given orders, satisfying a set of given time and/or cost constraints. The complexity of the orders may exceed the capacities of a single company. Therefore, cooperation between companies is required in order to achieve the goal in a satisfactory way. This domain is of considerable interest for studies with economical background as well as for research projects. We give a short summary of results from economical studies that are concerned with the real-world situation in Germany in the transportation domain. They show the need for the development of new techniques from the field of computer science to tackle the problems therein. Then, an overview on related research is presented. Two approaches are discussed in more detail: the first one being based on OR-techniques and a second one being based on the concept of partial intelligent agents attempting to integrate techniques from OR and DAI. Both approaches are concerned with the situation in a single company. However, our purpose to handle the case of distributed shipping companies requires additional mechanisms, e.g. to cope with the problems of task allocation and task decomposition in multi-agent systems. Mechanisms for distributed task decomposition and task allocation processes in multi-agent systems belong to the core of our studies. Therefore, we will first discuss techniques for these problems in a general setting and then describe their implementations in the MARS system. In this description, particular emphasis is placed on the cooperation within a shipping company. Here, one company agent has to allocate a set of orders its truck agents. The truck agents support the company agents by giving cost estimations based on their route planning facility. Thus, this procedure provides the basis for the decisions of the company agents and is discussed in very detail. Finally, we present results from a series of benchmark tests. The test sets have also been run with OR-implementations and thus, give us the opportunity to compare our implementation against these approaches

    Holonic multi-agent systems

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    A holonic multi-agent paradigm is proposed, where agents give up parts of their autonomy and merge into a super-agent"(a holon), that acts - when seen from the outside - just as a single agent again. We explore the spectrum of this new paradigm, ranging from definitorial issues over classification of possible application domains, an algebraic characterization of the merge operation, to implementational aspects: We propose algorithms for holon formation and on-line re-configuration. Based on some general criteria for the distinction between holonic and non-holonic domains, we examine domains suitable for holonic agents and sketch the implementation of holonic agents in these scenarios. Finally, a case study of a holonic agent system is presented in detail: TELETRUCK system is a fleet management system in the transportation domain

    A Hybrid multi-agent architecture and heuristics generation for solving meeting scheduling problem

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    Agent-based computing has attracted much attention as a promising technique for application domains that are distributed, complex and heterogeneous. Current research on multi-agent systems (MAS) has become mature enough to be applied as a technology for solving problems in an increasingly wide range of complex applications. The main formal architectures used to describe the relationships between agents in MAS are centralised and distributed architectures. In computational complexity theory, researchers have classified the problems into the followings categories: (i) P problems, (ii) NP problems, (iii) NP-complete problems, and (iv) NP-hard problems. A method for computing the solution to NP-hard problems, using the algorithms and computational power available nowadays in reasonable time frame remains undiscovered. And unfortunately, many practical problems belong to this very class. On the other hand, it is essential that these problems are solved, and the only possibility of doing this is to use approximation techniques. Heuristic solution techniques are an alternative. A heuristic is a strategy that is powerful in general, but not absolutely guaranteed to provide the best (i.e. optimal) solutions or even find a solution. This demands adopting some optimisation techniques such as Evolutionary Algorithms (EA). This research has been undertaken to investigate the feasibility of running computationally intensive algorithms on multi-agent architectures while preserving the ability of small agents to run on small devices, including mobile devices. To achieve this, the present work proposes a new Hybrid Multi-Agent Architecture (HMAA) that generates new heuristics for solving NP-hard problems. This architecture is hybrid because it is "semi-distributed/semi-centralised" architecture where variables and constraints are distributed among small agents exactly as in distributed architectures, but when the small agents become stuck, a centralised control becomes active where the variables are transferred to a super agent, that has a central view of the whole system, and possesses much more computational power and intensive algorithms to generate new heuristics for the small agents, which find optimal solution for the specified problem. This research comes up with the followings: (1) Hybrid Multi-Agent Architecture (HMAA) that generates new heuristic for solving many NP-hard problems. (2) Two frameworks of HMAA have been implemented; search and optimisation frameworks. (3) New SMA meeting scheduling heuristic. (4) New SMA repair strategy for the scheduling process. (5) Small Agent (SMA) that is responsible for meeting scheduling has been developed. (6) “Local Search Programming” (LSP), a new concept for evolutionary approaches, has been introduced. (7) Two types of super-agent (LGP_SUA and LSP_SUA) have been implemented in the HMAA, and two SUAs (local and global optima) have been implemented for each type. (8) A prototype for HMAA has been implemented: this prototype employs the proposed meeting scheduling heuristic with the repair strategy on SMAs, and the four extensive algorithms on SUAs. The results reveal that this architecture is applicable to many different application domains because of its simplicity and efficiency. Its performance was better than many existing meeting scheduling architectures. HMAA can be modified and altered to other types of evolutionary approaches


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    In the past decade agent systems were considered to be as one of the major fields of study in Artificial Intelligence (AI) field. Many different definitions of agents were presented and several different approaches describing agency can be distinguished. While some authors have tried to define “what” an agent really is, others have tried to identify agents by means of properties which they should possess. Most authors agree on these properties (at least basic set of properties) which are intrinsic to agents. Since agent\u27s definitions are not consistent, we are going to give an overview and list the properties intrinsic to an agent. Many different adjectives were attached to the term agent as well and many different kinds of agents and different architectures emerged too. The aim of this paper it go give an overview of what was going on in the field while taking into consideration main streams and projects. We will also present some guidelines important when modelling agent systems and say something about security issues. Also, some existing problems which restrict the wider usage of agents will be mentioned too

    Towards efficient on-board deployment of DNNs on intelligent autonomous systems

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    With their unprecedented performance in major AI tasks, deep neural networks (DNNs) have emerged as a primary building block in modern autonomous systems. Intelligent systems such as drones, mobile robots and driverless cars largely base their perception, planning and application-specific tasks on DNN models. Nevertheless, due to the nature of these applications, such systems require on-board local processing in order to retain their autonomy and meet latency and throughput constraints. In this respect, the large computational and memory demands of DNN workloads pose a significant barrier on their deployment on the resource-and power-constrained compute platforms that are available on-board. This paper presents an overview of recent methods and hardware architectures that address the system-level challenges of modern DNN-enabled autonomous systems at both the algorithmic and hardware design level. Spanning from latency-driven approximate computing techniques to high-throughput mixed-precision cascaded classifiers, the presented set of works paves the way for the on-board deployment of sophisticated DNN models on robots and autonomous systems

    Cyber-Physical Systems for Smart Water Networks: A Review

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    There is a growing demand to equip Smart Water Networks (SWN) with advanced sensing and computation capabilities in order to detect anomalies and apply autonomous event-triggered control. Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) have emerged as an important research area capable of intelligently sensing the state of SWN and reacting autonomously in scenarios of unexpected crisis development. Through computational algorithms, CPSs can integrate physical components of SWN, such as sensors and actuators, and provide technological frameworks for data analytics, pertinent decision making, and control. The development of CPSs in SWN requires the collaboration of diverse scientific disciplines such as civil, hydraulics, electronics, environment, computer science, optimization, communication, and control theory. For efficient and successful deployment of CPS in SWN, there is a need for a common methodology in terms of design approaches that can involve various scientific disciplines. This paper reviews the state of the art, challenges, and opportunities for CPSs, that could be explored to design the intelligent sensing, communication, and control capabilities of CPS for SWN. In addition, we look at the challenges and solutions in developing a computational framework from the perspectives of machine learning, optimization, and control theory for SWN.acceptedVersio