469 research outputs found

    Efficient inversion methods in underwater acoustics

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    This dissertation describes efficient methods developed and implemented for source localization and sound speed and bottom depth estimation using sound propagation in the ocean. The proposed inversion techniques are based on the linearization of the generally non-linear inverse problem of parameter estimation in underwater acoustics. These techniques take into account properties of the ocean environment and are accurate in their estimation results without being prohibitively computationally intensive. For the inversion, select ray paths are taken into account: the direct, first surface bounce, and first bottom bounce. Ray travel time derivatives with respect to parameters that affect path arrival times are obtained analytically. These derivatives and a first order expansion are then used to find estimates of unknown parameters through replica and true paths; replica paths are generated using ray theory for underwater sound propagation and true paths are identified from measured time series. The linearization scheme works efficiently for the estimation of geometric parameters such as the source and receiver location coordinates and the depth of the water column. It is also successful in estimating the sound speed profile in the ocean using empirical orthogonal functions. In this work, the linearization inversion technique is applied to marine mammal tracking, and it is also used with real data collected during the Haro Strait experiment for source and receiver localization. For the Haro Strait data, inversion using linearization is also compared to matched-field processing, which estimates source location and geoacoustic parameters through a full field matching approach

    Application of the Method of Least Squares to a Solution of the Matched Field Localization Problem with a Single Hydrophone

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    The single hydrophone localization problem is considered. Single hydrophone localization is a special case of matched field localization where measurements from only one hydrophone are available. The time series of the pressure at the hydrophone is compared with predicted times series calculated using an ocean acoustic propagation model for many different source locations. The source location that gives the best match between the predicted time series and the measurement is assumed to be the correct source location. Single hydrophone localization algorithms from the literature are reviewed and a new algorithm is introduced. The new algorithm does not require knowledge of the source signal and does not assume the use of a particular ocean acoustic model, unlike some algorithms in the literature. Source location estimates calculated from the new algorithm are compared with ground truth using simulated ocean acoustic measurements and experimental measurements. Source location estimates calculated using other algorithms from the literature are shown for comparison. The simulated measurements use three source signals with bandwidths of 10 Hz, 100 Hz, and 200 Hz and the ocean is modeled as a Pekeris waveguide. The new algorithm estimates the source location accurately for all three source signals when several of the localization algorithms from the literature give inaccurate estimates. Gaussian white noise signals are added to the measured signals to test the impact of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) on the algorithm. Four signal-to-noise ratios of 60 dB, 40 dB, 20 dB, and 0 dB are used. The new algorithm gives accurate source location estimates down to an SNR of 20 dB for two of the source signal bandwidths. Source location estimates using other algorithms from the literature break down at either 20 dB or 0 dB. Source location estimates are calculated using two hydrophone measurements taken at different depths in an experiment conducted near the Bahamas. The new algorithm accurately estimates the source location in both cases. In one case, only two other localization algorithms from the literature locate the source accurately. In the other case, only one other localization algorithm succeeds

    Experimental results of underwater cooperative source localization using a single acoustic vector sensor

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    This paper aims at estimating the azimuth, range and depth of a cooperative broadband acoustic source with a single vector sensor in a multipath underwater environment, where the received signal is assumed to be a linear combination of echoes of the source emitted waveform. A vector sensor is a device that measures the scalar acoustic pressure field and the vectorial acoustic particle velocity field at a single location in space. The amplitudes of the echoes in the vector sensor components allow one to determine their azimuth and elevation. Assuming that the environmental conditions of the channel are known, source range and depth are obtained from the estimates of elevation and relative time delays of the different echoes using a ray-based backpropagation algorithm. The proposed method is tested using simulated data and is further applied to experimental data from the Makai’05 experiment, where 8–14 kHz chirp signals were acquired by a vector sensor array. It is shown that for short ranges, the position of the source is estimated in agreement with the geometry of the experiment. The method is low computational demanding, thus well-suited to be used in mobile and light platforms, where space and power requirements are limited

    Investigation of mode filtering as a preprocessing method for shallow-water acoustic communications

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    Author Posting. © IEEE, 2010. This article is posted here by permission of IEEE for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 35 (2010): 744-755, doi:10.1109/JOE.2010.2045444.Acoustical array data from the 2006 Shallow Water Experiment (SW06) was analyzed to show the feasibility of broadband mode decomposition as a preprocessing method to reduce the effective channel delay spread and concentrate received signal energy in a small number of independent channels. The data were collected by a vertical array, which spans the water column from 12-m depth to the bottom in shallow water 80 m in depth. Binary-sequence data were used to phase-shift-keyed (PSK) modulate signals with different carrier frequencies. No error correction coding was used. The received signals were processed by a system that does not use training or pilot signals. Signals received both during periods of ordinary internal wave activity and during a period with unusually strong internal wave solitons were processed and analyzed. Different broadband mode-filtering methods were analyzed and tested. Broadband mode filtering decomposed the received signal into a number of independent signals with a reduced delay spread. The analysis of signals from the output of mode filters shows that even a simple demodulator can achieve a low bit error rate (BER) at a distance 19.2 km.This work was supported by the U.S. Office of Naval Research (ONR)


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    The Arctic environment has undergone significant change in recent years. Multi-year ice is no longer prevalent in the Arctic. Instead, Arctic ice melts during summer months and re-freezes each winter. First-year ice, in comparison to multi-year ice, is different in terms of its acoustic properties. Therefore, acoustic propagation models of the Arctic may no longer be valid. The open water in the Arctic for longer time periods during the year invites anthropogenic traffic such as civilian tourism, industrial shipping, natural resource exploration, and military exercises. It is important to understand sound propagation in the first-year ice environment, especially in near-shore and shallow-water regions, where anthropogenic sources may be prevalent. It is also important to understand how to detect, identify, and track the anthropogenic sources in these environments in the absence of large acoustic sensory arrays. The goals of this dissertation are twofold: 1) Provide experimental transmission loss (TL) data for the Arctic environment as it now exists, that it may be used to validate new propagation models, and 2) Develop improved understanding of acoustic vector sensor (AVS) performance in real-world applications such as the first-year Arctic environment. Underwater and atmospheric acoustic TL have been measured in the Arctic environment. Ray tracing and parabolic equation simulations have been used for comparison to the TL data. Generally good agreement is observed between the experimental data and simulations, with some discrepancies. These discrepancies may be eliminated in the future with the development of improved models. Experiments have been conducted with underwater pa and atmospheric pp AVS to track mechanical noise sources in real-world environments with various frequency content and signal to noise ratio (SNR). A moving standard deviation (MSD) processing routine has been developed for use with AVS. The MSD processing routine is shown to be superior to direct integration or averaging of intensity spectra for direction of arrival (DOA) estimation. DOA error has been shown to be dependent on ground-reflected paths for pp AVS with analytical models. Underwater AVS have been shown to be feasible to track on-ice sources and atmospheric AVS have been shown feasible to track ground vehicle sources

    Low-frequency broadband sound source localization using an adaptive normal mode back-propagation approach in a shallow-water ocean

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    Author Posting. © Acoustical Society of America, 2012. This article is posted here by permission of Acoustical Society of America for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 131 (2012): 1798-1813, doi:10.1121/1.3672643.A variety of localization methods with normal mode theory have been established for localizing low frequency (below a few hundred Hz), broadband signals in a shallow water environment. Gauss-Markov inverse theory is employed in this paper to derive an adaptive normal mode back-propagation approach. Joining with the maximum a posteriori mode filter, this approach is capable of separating signals from noisy data so that the back-propagation will not have significant influence from the noise. Numerical simulations are presented to demonstrate the robustness and accuracy of the approach, along with comparisons to other methods. Applications to real data collected at the edge of the continental shelf off New Jersey, USA are presented, and the effects of water column fluctuations caused by nonlinear internal waves and shelfbreak front variability are discussed.The SW06 experiment was supported by the Office of Naval Research

    Low-frequency bottom backscattering data analysis using multiple constraints beamforming

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    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Ocean Engineer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution May 1995The data analysis of a deep-sea bottom backscattering experiment, carried out over a sediment pond on the western flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in July 1993 with a 250- 650 Hz chirp source and a vertical receiving array suspended near the fiat seafloor, is presented in this thesis. Reflected signals in the normal incidence direction as the output of endfire beamforming are used to determine the sediment structure. The sediment is found to be horizontally stratified, except for two irregular regions, each about 20 m t hick, located around 18 m and 60 m beneath the water-sediment interface. Multiple constraints beamforming is shown to be effective in removing coherent reflections from internal stratified layers, which is critical to the analysis of bottom backscattering. With backscattered signals obtained by beamforming, the above-mentioned two inhomogeneous regions are found to be the dominant factors on the bottom backscattered field, both in the normal incidence and oblique directions. The backscattering strength as a function of grazing angle is estimated for each of the two regions

    Low probability of detection underwater acoustic communications

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    Low probability of detection (LPD) underwater acoustic communications are an essential requirement for command and control of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) or submarines performing covert missions, avoiding their detection while communicating. Based on low power signals, these covert communications may also extend the autonomy of battery-operated AUVs, and contribute to reducing the impacts of the environmental noise level on marine life. The present thesis aims to develop LPD communications based on modeled and real data from three shallow water experiments. Thus, a superimposed training method has been proposed. A bitstream is created superimposing a long probe to the message before transmission. Computationally simple, the algorithm explores temporal diversity to increase the processing gain and uses a Wiener filter for equalization. Experimental results presented bit-error rates (BER) < 10−2 for signal-tonoise ratios (SNR) < −8 dB. To understand the effects of coastal upwelling phenomena over low SNR communications, a study compares the acoustic propagation for different sound speed profiles using a propagation model and analyzes data from the BioCom’19 experiment, performed off Cabo Frio Island (Brazil). Temporal and spatial coherence of low power signals propagating in this harsh environment are estimated, and both a criterion for multichannel combining and a double Wiener filter to improve equalization are presented. Passive time-reversal (pTR) techniques have been widely employed for communications. To address the pTR channel mismatch due to the environmental variability between the probe and the data transmissions, this work proposes a superimposed training pTR (STpTR) approach for single and multichannel systems. Despite the high noise levels, varying from -5 to +6 dB, the STpTR combined with a Wiener filter achieved BER < 10−2, for bit rates up to 220 bps. To improve covert communications for AUVs, this work also presents a study about vector sensor multichannel combining. Using the STpTR approach, results from an experiment on the coast of Algarve/Portugal indicate that combining the pressure and particle velocity channels of a vector sensor may provide an average SNR and mean squared-error gain of up to 9.4 and 3.1 dB, respectively, compared to the pressure channel. Therefore, a better understanding of the environment combined with the superimposed training pTR using a vector sensor may improve the LPD communication system’s performance and robustness while keeping covertness.No ´últimos anos, os trabalhos de investigação sobre comunicações acústicas submarinas com baixa probabilidade de deteção (BPD) tem sido incentivados pela indústria, pelos governos, e pela própria academia em razão de suas m´múltiplas aplicações. Na ´área militar, as comunicações BPD permitem que submarinos e veículos autónomos possam se comunicar sem serem detectados. Na ´área civil, permitem a economia de energia de sensores alimentados por baterias, aumentando o tempo de funcionamento, bem como contribui para reduzir os impactos sobre a vida marinha causados pelos altos n´ıveis de ru´ıdo submarino, entre outras aplica¸c˜oes. Neste contexto, esta tese pretende desenvolver comunica¸c˜oes BPD utilizando um modelo de propaga¸c˜ao ac´ustica e dados obtidos a partir de trˆes experimentos em ´aguas rasas. Este trabalho apresenta um m´etodo de treinamento superposto para comunica¸c˜oes submarinas em um ambiente com baixa rela¸c˜ao sinal/ru´ıdo, e demonstra sua aplica¸c˜ao para comunica¸c˜oes BPD. Computacionalmente simples, o m´etodo foi desenvolvido para funcionar com um ´único projetor acústico, transmitindo com baixa potência, e um hidrofone, sem o ganho de um arranjo de sensores distribuídos no espaço. Antes da transmissão, uma longa sequência de comprimento m´máximo ´e somada `a mensagem para efeitos de equalização e sincronismo. Os dois sinais são binários, modulados em fase e possuem 2047 bits. Porém, possuem amplitudes diferentes. Na realidade, a amplitude do sinal de treinamento ´e ligeiramente superior `a da mensagem. Em um ambiente com baixa rela¸c˜ao sinal ru´ıdo, um sinal de treinamento mais forte permite ocultar a mensagem a ser transmitida, bem como melhorar o ganho para a estima¸c˜ao da resposta impulsiva e para a sincroniza¸c˜ao do sistema. A mensagem ´e composta por 3 bits nulos e 4 sequˆencias de 511 bits. Delimitados por uma curta sequˆencia de comprimento m´aximo de 31 bits, para dupla sincroniza¸c˜ao, os pacotes de dados possuem 480 bits e transportam o seguinte pangrama: (The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over the Lazy Dog 0123456789!@#$). O m´etodo explora a diversidade temporal do canal, transmitindo a mesma sequˆencia diversas vezes para aumentar o ganho de processamento do sinal e implementar a corre¸c˜ao de erros atrav´es da soma coerente dos sinais. A resposta impulsiva do canal ´e estimada pela transformada r´apida de Hadamard, e a equaliza¸c˜ao do sinal ´e feita por um filtro de Wiener. A remo¸c˜ao da interferˆencia causada pelo sinal de treinamento ´e realizada pelo m´etodo “hyperslice cancellation by coordinate zeroing (HCC0)”, e a seguir a mensagem ´e decodificada. Resultados obtidos a partir de um experimento em ´aguas rasas, utilizando uma fonte e um ´único hidrofone, apresentaram taxas de erro de bit menores que 10−2, para relações sinal/ruído inferiores a −8 dB. A ressurgência costeira ´e um fenómeno oceanográfico dinâmico que modifica, profundamente, a estratificação de temperatura do oceano, influenciando diretamente na propagação acústica. Por outro lado, os crescentes n´níveis de ruído antropogénico não apenas reduzem o desempenho dos sistema de comunicação, corrompendo a informação transmitida, mas tamb´em afetam a vida marinha. Para compreender os efeitos da ressurgˆencia costeira sobre as comunica¸c˜oes com baixa rela¸c˜ao sinal/ru´ıdo, um estudo analisa os dados do experimento BioCom’19, realizado nas proximidades da Ilha do Cabo Frio, Rio de Janeiro (Brasil). As respostas impulsivas do canal e a propaga¸c˜ao ac´ustica, para diferentes perfis de velocidade do som, foram estimadas usando o modelo de propaga¸c˜ao ac´ustica “Monterey-Miami Parabolic Equation model (MMPE)”. Al´em disso, o desempenho do sistema de comunica¸c˜oes foi correlacionado com os perfis de temperatura durante o experimento. Os resultados obtidos indicam uma significativa redu¸c˜ao da energia ac´ustica nos receptores durante a ressurgˆencia, degradando o desempenho do sistema. A coerˆencia temporal e espacial dos sinais de baixa potˆencia transmitidos no experimento BioCom’19 foi estimada, e um crit´erio para combina¸c˜ao dos sinais, provenientes dos m´ultiplos hidrofones, foi proposto. Utilizando dados de um arranjo piramidal e um arranjo vertical linear, de 4 hidrofones cada, a coerˆencia foi estimada antes e depois do filtro de Wiener para mostrar o impacto do multicaminhamento sobre a taxa de erro de bit. Os resultados mostram que a coˆerencia temporal pode ser utilizada como crit´erio para combinar sinais consecutivos em um mesmo canal, enquanto a diversidade espacial permite a combina¸c˜ao de m´ultiplos canais do arranjo de sensores. Sequˆencias cuja coerˆencia temporal esteja acima de um limite pr´e-definido s˜ao somadas. A coerˆencia espacial entre canais foi estimada e comparada em termos da taxa de erro de bit. Para diferentes taxas de transmiss˜ao, as taxas de erro de bit est˜ao em concordˆancia com a evoluc˜ao da coerˆencia espacial. Quanto mais elevada a coerˆencia, melhor o desempenho e menor a taxa de erro de bit. Um duplo filtro de Wiener para melhorar a equaliza¸c˜ao dos sinais de baixa potˆencia, durante a ressurgˆencia, tambem foi proposto. Utilizando dados dos 4 hidrofones de um arranjo piramidal, as respostas impulsivas foram estimadas para observar a variabilidade das condi¸c˜oes de propaga¸c˜ao. Em uma condi¸c˜ao de perfil de temperatura isot´ermico, as respostas impulsivas apresentaram multicaminhamento curto, com chegadas mais fortes nos receptores. `A medida que a ressurgˆencia ocorria, foram observadas quedas abruptas de temperatura superiores a 10◦C, na posi¸c˜ao dos hidrofones, acarretando uma forte refra¸c˜ao da onda sonora para o fundo marinho. Em consequˆencia, sinais mais fracos foram observados nos hidrofones. Os resultados obtidos com dados do BioCom’19 mostram que, para uma rela¸c˜ao sinal/ru´ıdo variando entre −3.9 e 7.3 dB, o duplo filtro de Wiener forneceu um ganho do erro m´edio quadr´atico de at´e 2.8 dB, comparado com o filtro de Wiener simples. As t´ecnicas de tempo reverso passivo (TRP) tem sido amplamente empregadas nas comunica¸c˜oes submarinas. Por´em, as r´apidas altera¸c˜oes das condi¸c˜oes de propaga¸c˜ao em canais submarinos variantes no tempo, durante as transmiss˜oes da sequˆencia de treinamento e da mensagem, degradam o desempenho das t´ecnicas TRP de equaliza¸c˜ao. Assim, esse trabalho prop˜oe um m´etodo de TRP utilizando treinamento superposto, para sistemas com um ou m´ultiplos sensores. O m´etodo proposto utiliza uma sequˆencia de treinamento, com o efeito Doppler corrigido, para estimar o canal e realizar o TRP. O m´etodo compara 3 differentes estrat´egias para melhorar a performance do sistema de comunica¸c˜ao: a diversidade temporal devido aos sinais idˆenticos transmitidos continuamente, a diversidade espacial devido aos 2 arranjos de hidrofones, piramidal e linear, com 4 hidrofones cada um, al´em da combina¸c˜ao dos 2 arranjos (8 hidrofones). Neste m´etodo, a t´ecnica de TRP com treinamento superposto minimiza o multicaminhamento e realiza a corre¸c˜ao de erros atrav´es da soma coerente dos diferentes canais. A interferˆencia intersimb´olica residual ´e removida pelo filtro de Wiener. Resultados obtidos com dados do experimento BioCom’19 mostram que o m´etodo proposto pode fornecer um ganho do erro médio quadrático de até 1.62 dB para canais independentes, e 3.13 dB, para canais combinados, comparativamente ao m´etodo sem o TRP, usando apenas o filtro de Wiener. Neste contexto, o m´etodo de TRP utilizando treinamento superposto alcan¸cou taxas de erro de bit < 10−2 para uma rela¸c˜ao sinal ru´ıdo, na banda de transmiss˜ao, variando entre −5 a +6 dB. Focado em comunica¸c˜oes com baixa probabilidade de detec¸c˜ao para pequenos ve´ıculos submarinos, este trabalho tamb´em apresenta um estudo sobre a combina¸c˜ao dos canais de press˜ao e velocidade de part´ıcula dos sensores vetoriais. Os sensores vetoriais possuem pequenas dimens˜oes, adequadas `a utilizac˜ao em ve´ıculos autˆonomos, e permitem obter um ganho de diversidade para as comunica¸c˜oes BPD. Para testar o m´etodo de treinamento superposto com o tempo reverso passivo utilizando sensores vetoriais, um experimento foi realizado, em ´aguas rasas, na costa do Algarve/Portugal. Para reduzir a rela¸c˜ao sinal/ru´ıdo para uma faixa de 0 a −10 dB, foi adicionado ru´ıdo gravado no experimento. Os resultados experimentais indicam que a combina¸c˜ao dos canais podem fornecer um ganho da rela¸c˜ao sinal/ru´ıdo e do erro m´edio quadr´atico de at´e 9.4 e 3.1 dB, respectivamente, comparados com os resultados do sensor de press˜ao. Portanto, as principais contribui¸c˜oes dessa tese s˜ao (i) a proposta do m´etodo de treinamento superposto para comunica¸c˜oes com baixa probabilidade de detec¸c˜ao, (ii) a compreens ˜ao dos efeitos da ressurgˆencia costeira sobre as comunica¸c˜oes, e seus impactos sobre a coerˆencia temporal e espacial, (iii) o m´etodo de treinamento superposto em conjunto com o tempo reverso passivo para lidar com a varia¸c˜ao do canal entre o tempo de recep¸c˜ao do sinal de treinamento e da mensagem, e (iv) a combina¸c˜ao dos m´ultiplos canais dos sensores vetoriais para comunica¸c˜oes BPD. Dessa forma, uma melhor compreens˜ao do canal submarino e a utiliza¸c˜ao dos m´etodos propostos combinados com sensores do estado da arte, como os sensores vetoriais, se configura como um avan¸co neste campo do conhecimento, permitindo aumentar a robustez do sistema BPD, bem como reduzir a probabilidade de detec¸c˜ao, mantendo a ocultação das comunicações.I am also grateful for the sponsorship provided by the Brazilian Navy through the Postgraduate Study Abroad Program, Grant No. Port.227/MB/2019

    Quantifying the contribution of ship noise to the underwater sound field

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    Author Posting. © Acoustical Society of America, 2020. This article is posted here by permission of Acoustical Society of America for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 148(6), (2020): 3863-3872, https://doi.org/10.1121/10.0002922.The ambient sound field in the ocean can be decomposed into a linear combination of two independent fields attributable to wind-generated wave action at the surface and noise radiated by ships. The vertical coherence (the cross-spectrum normalized by the power spectra) and normalized directionality of wind-generated noise in the ocean are stationary in time, do not vary with source strength and spectral characteristics, and depend primarily on the local sound speed and the geoacoustic properties which define the propagation environment. The contribution to the noise coherence due to passing vessels depends on the range between the source and receiver, the propagation environment, and the effective bandwidth of the characteristic source spectrum. Using noise coherence models for both types of the sources, an inversion scheme is developed for the relative and absolute contribution of frequency dependent ship noise to the total sound field. A month-long continuous ambient sound recording collected on a pair of vertically aligned hydrophones near Alvin Canyon at the New England shelf break is decomposed into time-dependent ship noise and wind-driven noise power spectra. The processing technique can be used to quantify the impact of human activity on the sound field above the natural dynamic background noise, or to eliminate ship noise from a passive acoustic monitoring data set.The work was funded by Office of Naval Research, Code 32 (Grant No. N00014-17-1-2692 for Y.T. Lin), and the Canada Research Chair program and the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council Discovery program. N. S. would like to thank Transatlantic Ocean System Science and Technology (TOSST) for his graduate fellowship.2021-06-2