175 research outputs found

    ContraSim -- A Similarity Measure Based on Contrastive Learning

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    Recent work has compared neural network representations via similarity-based analyses to improve model interpretation. The quality of a similarity measure is typically evaluated by its success in assigning a high score to representations that are expected to be matched. However, existing similarity measures perform mediocrely on standard benchmarks. In this work, we develop a new similarity measure, dubbed ContraSim, based on contrastive learning. In contrast to common closed-form similarity measures, ContraSim learns a parameterized measure by using both similar and dissimilar examples. We perform an extensive experimental evaluation of our method, with both language and vision models, on the standard layer prediction benchmark and two new benchmarks that we introduce: the multilingual benchmark and the image-caption benchmark. In all cases, ContraSim achieves much higher accuracy than previous similarity measures, even when presented with challenging examples. Finally, ContraSim is more suitable for the analysis of neural networks, revealing new insights not captured by previous measures

    Oesphageal Stenting for palliation of malignant mesothelioma

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    Dyspahgia in patients with malignant mesothelioma is usually due to direct infiltration of the eosophagus by the tumour. It can be distressing for the patient and challenging for the physician to treat. We describe three cases in which this condition has been successfully palliated with self expanding esophageal stents

    Circuit quantum acoustodynamics with surface acoustic waves

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    The experimental investigation of quantum devices incorporating mechanical resonators has opened up new frontiers in the study of quantum mechanics at a macroscopic level1,2^{1,2}. Superconducting microwave circuits have proven to be a powerful platform for the realisation of such quantum devices, both in cavity optomechanics3,4^{3,4}, and circuit quantum electro-dynamics (QED)5,6^{5,6}. While most experiments to date have involved localised nanomechanical resonators, it has recently been shown that propagating surface acoustic waves (SAWs) can be piezoelectrically coupled to superconducting qubits7,8^{7,8}, and confined in high-quality Fabry-Perot cavities up to microwave frequencies in the quantum regime9^{9}, indicating the possibility of realising coherent exchange of quantum information between the two systems. Here we present measurements of a device in which a superconducting qubit is embedded in, and interacts with, the acoustic field of a Fabry-Perot SAW cavity on quartz, realising a surface acoustic version of cavity quantum electrodynamics. This quantum acoustodynamics (QAD) architecture may be used to develop new quantum acoustic devices in which quantum information is stored in trapped on-chip surface acoustic wavepackets, and manipulated in ways that are impossible with purely electromagnetic signals, due to the 10510^{5} times slower speed of travel of the mechanical waves.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, 1 tabl

    Double-sided coaxial circuit QED with out-of-plane wiring

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    Superconducting circuits are well established as a strong candidate platform for the development of quantum computing. In order to advance to a practically useful level, architectures are needed which combine arrays of many qubits with selective qubit control and readout, without compromising on coherence. Here we present a coaxial circuit QED architecture in which qubit and resonator are fabricated on opposing sides of a single chip, and control and readout wiring are provided by coaxial wiring running perpendicular to the chip plane. We present characterisation measurements of a fabricated device in good agreement with simulated parameters and demonstrating energy relaxation and dephasing times of T1=4.1 μT_1 = 4.1\,\mus and T2=5.7 μT_2 = 5.7\,\mus respectively. The architecture allows for scaling to large arrays of selectively controlled and measured qubits with the advantage of all wiring being out of the plane.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Simultaneous bistability of qubit and resonator in circuit quantum electrodynamics

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    We explore the joint activated dynamics exhibited by two quantum degrees of freedom: a cavity mode oscillator which is strongly coupled to a superconducting qubit in the strongly coherently driven dispersive regime. Dynamical simulations and complementary measurements show a range of parameters where both the cavity and the qubit exhibit sudden simultaneous switching between two metastable states. This manifests in ensemble averaged amplitudes of both the cavity and qubit exhibiting a partial coherent cancellation. Transmission measurements of driven microwave cavities coupled to transmon qubits show detailed features which agree with the theory in the regime of simultaneous switching

    Investigation of the optimal load-bearing characteristics of patellar tendon bearing (PTB) prostheses

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    The long term goal of the research team is to automate the construction of the lower limb prostheses using Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) techniques

    Critical slowing down in circuit quantum electrodynamics

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    Critical slowing down of the time it takes a system to reach equilibrium is a key signature of bistability in dissipative first-order phase transitions. Understanding and characterizing this process can shed light on the underlying many-body dynamics that occur close to such a transition. Here, we explore the rich quantum activation dynamics and the appearance of critical slowing down in an engineered superconducting quantum circuit. Specifically, we investigate the intermediate bistable regime of the generalized Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian (GJC), realized by a circuit quantum electrodynamics (cQED) system consisting of a transmon qubit coupled to a microwave cavity. We find a previously unidentified regime of quantum activation in which the critical slowing down reaches saturation and, by comparing our experimental results with a range of models, we shed light on the fundamental role played by the qubit in this regime
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